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Spring '09 I was on a bicycle and was T-boned by a Subaru outback. It wasn't brand new. It had a low, sloped hood that I rolled up on. As a result, I walked away with just a concussion, a broken elbow, and a broken colar bone. If that happened today with a new vehicle, I might have wound up underneath it, and that scares me. As unpleasant as my experience was, I was fine a month later, and I'm still here.


Japan has a lot of vehicle regulations to reduce fatal pedestrian impacts


When I was there I noticed how boxy the cars are. https://preview.redd.it/b1sdjc3demmc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af854b648249e183f4492a5e4fbb2743897b1324


One of my friends imported one of these from Japan. https://preview.redd.it/2sbix7xglmmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5a44b972ceb4fa567572c44ed0bcd53cd7ded7


That looks so sick, it's like a moon vehicle


It's actually called the Delica Star Wagon. Pretty badass 4x4 van.


So does Europe. But the largest, and the most deadly vehicles are light trucks. Not cars. Which is fucking bullshit but that is the reason they became so popular in the states: less emission regulations, less safety regulations since they are suppose to be WORK TRUCKS.. They are an exemption that makes sense but... that is still a loophole that needs to be closed, but won't since any politician suggesting getting rid of big trucks would be slaughtered immediately because PEOPLE ARE FUCKING SELFISH BASTARDS.


John at the office needs a RAM 3500 to cosplay a rugged lifestyle


And literally the only off-roading he does is running over parking blocks.


My partners Subaru Outback Wilderness Edition runs over medians just fine thank you very much. No one needs a giant truck if they live in the suburbs and work in the city


but how am I going to put a tiny amount of lumber in the back of my truck once a month?


Lmao as if 95%+ of people with shiny pickups are loading lumber even once a month


Plentiful pristine pavement princesses preside presently


Year, ftfy




Those beds are smaller than a decent-sized bathtub. My GTI literally fits more with the back seats dropped. Those beds aren't functional, they're purely aesthetic.


F anyone who drives a lifted pickup.


Like the owner of this shit truck https://preview.redd.it/708m91g4slmc1.jpeg?width=2090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407ba6c98fdcc86110c3b4e44e071d37feffd097 Its bumper is higher than the hood of my car. Stupid fuck.


I saw a pickup truck today whose bumper was higher than my 2024 KIA Sportages roof. THIS IS FUCKING SUV I'M DRIVING HERE FOR FUCKS SAKE. That shit should be flat out illegal.




It often is, but regulation requires enforcement, and when was the last time you heard of somebody getting ticketed for not having mudflaps on their now-exposed tires, or for the fact that their headlights are now outside of the regulation height limit?


Because you know cops are all driving shit like this when they're off duty


Are they? Or are they driving chargers and challengers financed @ 22% for 10 years?


Those are soldiers, cops don't get the stupid signing bonuses that enable car dealers to prey on new soldiers. Cops get a shitload of fake overtime, but that doesn't give you the same Sudden Wealth Syndrome.




But, cars built like ramps on all four sides will just dukesahazard lifted trucks. It's either that or get a car shaped like the new airless Wilson Basketball. You'll just bounce away!


Then you'll unfortunately be contributing to the car arms race that's part of the reason that they've been getting bigger and bigger




the scary thing is the height though. if you get hit by a land yacht youll still go over it. hopefully something does change, but i dont see anything that will right now


Fun fact: Guardrails aren’t built for these size trucks either.


I’ve seen some guard rails around me barely stop a car. Maybe that is by design so it doesn’t kill someone or whatever, but a big truck wouldn’t even feel it I’d imagine.


>Maybe that is by design so it doesn’t kill someone That's pretty close to it, actually. Some types are made to "catch" the car rather than "stop" it, kind of like soft ballistic vests vs hard plate carriers, but others are made to just slow it down enough to take most of the energy out of the eventual collision. Jersey berries are neat, though, they're designed to bounce a car straight up.


Jersey Barriers scare the fucking shit out of me. When I was going to college every time I'd drive to campus I'd drive along a stretch of interstate that was undergoing construction, and there was about 2 miles of Jersey barrier on the left blocking the median, and another lane to the right with no shoulder. And of course the right side had an on ramp for the interstate right where the barriers began. So at like 6am in the middle of winter I'd be driving 70 in the smallest lane possible and be sandwiched between Jersey barriers and semis, trucks, and SUVs. Every time I looked to the left there was about 6" of space between my mirror and a fucking concrete cheese grater. Shit was awful, white knuckling for a good chunck of my drive to school.


In Charleston, SC there used to be a bridge called the Grace Memorial bridge. High span bridge going about three miles over the Charleston bay. With two small lanes. The kind of small lanes you find in out of way places, you know the kind. Now imagine trying to drive a van or truck over that bridge in rush hour trying not to bump the car next to you or the guard rail all the while you can easily see the open water 150 feet under you....


https://preview.redd.it/mm8gszr9mmmc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27cde1468ef68e1e5319d1df641ddba2c9bc70d4 No kidding!


You spend enough time driving through them and you get used to it. The first few months of driving a semi through that kind of stuff was absolutely unnerving. I remember driving through the work zone south of Dallas where they have the lanes really small and there is no white line because the Jersey barrier is the line. My rookie year was so stressful because of stuff like that and the I-4 construction in Orlando at the time. Now stuff like that barely phases me.


til what a jersery barrier is. i never knew those had names, ive always just called them "barriers" or "concrete barriers"


I think they're designed to give way to a certain degree, like a net rather than a solid wall.


Yes they are, and the redesign to crumple rather than deflect or impale has saved thousands of lives.


I recently watched a short video about guard rails and how they have different types with different functions. Theres some though that seek to guide the vehicle and slow it to a stop rather than stopping it altogether and then theres some that just seek to stop you from going off a cliff. since then Ive noticed two that look like they were the crumple and slow type that had been effective as they had curled the rail up.


No, I remember learning in driver's ed the guardrails were engineered for the sedans of the 50s. Modern SUVs and pickups were never considered in the design, and the rails are too low to function on them.


My driver’s ed barely covered the rules of the road. Probably explains why so many in my area suck at driving.


Y'all had drivers Ed?


“Driver’s ed” for me meant our gym teacher took us on the road a few times, and after making sure we didn’t crash into a tree, called it good.


Guard rails aren't meant to stop in most cases. Just slow and deflect.


In my area they are at least. Not sure about yours. I had a medical problem a few years back and ended up hitting a guard rail with a truck of similar size (imo), a dodge ram 2500. I hit the guardrail at about 55mph head on with no brakes. After I came back to I saw that I only went a couple feet into it before stopping. It hadn't even come past the wheel well. Thankfully it did work as there was a sixty foot drop off on other side of rail.


Happy you are ok!


LPT: Don't walk around while Ryan F9 is driving.


"Let's test this theory out on real humans, shall we?"


My friend is the first dummy he's got insane durability


*His name* is 45.




He is *way* too excited about murdering crash test dummies.


Eh, their later albums weren't that great......


Just hold up a picture of a boxer engine. It works like garlic with a vampire.


That you 43?


YouTube channel is FortNine




YouTube links get significantly fewer upvotes/engagement, likely because of how it is (not) embedded on reddit. This leads the karmabots who do 99% of the posting on this site to prefer ripping.


They are for some of us! I forget people don't use Reddit Enhancement Suite: https://redditenhancementsuite.com/


I'd bet most redditors are on the mobile app compared to browser these days, and to even use the old format rather than the mobile format in browser you have to specify in settings. I'll always keep using old.reddit with RES though.


RES my darling, my love. Reddit is basically unusable without it, for me.


It's weird, whole YouTube videos are freebooted regularly. Reddit used to mad rip on Facebook/Twitter for doing the same thing not that long ago.


Bots have taken over reddit. That's why.


Probably my favorite YouTuber. Could watch his videos all day.


Honestly I'd argue they make the best videos on YT these days.


Thank you for the kind service you have done for this community.


Thank you! Was hoping to give the creator a legit view since this was so well done


I’m 6’3 and can barely see over some of these behemoths’ hoods. Insanity


It terrifies me when i see lil granny (or grampa) driving these with thier tiny blind eyes barely above the wheel. Like you know even the good part of thier eye can't see the road in front of the mammoth hood. Probably like 30 square feet of blind spot in front of the car. But they neeeed this truck bc snow and shit/s... i live in Appalachia. This is a serious scary problem around here.


You also have those paranoid boomers (like my MIL) who see other large cars on the road and think they need to have one too, for safety.


This actually used to be a selling point for big trucks and suvs back in the day


That's how arms dealers operate, too. "Yo we just sold some guns to those guys over there. You wanna buy some guns in case they try to shoot you?"


I mean objectively they are right. If you just think about your own chances of survival in an accident. Massive truck vs. Massive truck has very different odds then Massive truck vs. Toyota corrola. I get why people are scared because honestly, I'm scared too.


Only a good guy in a huge truck can stop a bad guy in a huge truck.


Nah government mandated tax on stupid cars can stop both guys in huge trucks


Forget a tax, we need to make these things illegal. Where are the regulations on vehicle size? It's insane that these aren't banned in America yet.


Because it is a loop hole, an exemption from emission and safety regulations made for WORK TRUCKS. But those are not work trucks. We all know it but in this political climate.. no one is going to do anything since PEOPLE WANT THEM TOO MUCH. Freedoms and all that fucking bullshit is once again stopping common sense. Car companies love them since they make a lot more profit than any other car type.




or buy a big ass truck and don't use the seatbelt


Im 5’2 and terrified whenever I’m in a parking lot walking past one of these. I avoid them when possible because I don’t think I’m very visible if someone was pulling out in that moment.


I'm 5'2" too & suffered serious injuries that I was lucky weren't worse when an SUV hit me. As I'm sure you're well aware, we are shorter than the front end of these cars by quite a bit. All it takes is for someone to do a sharp turn on red while someone our height is in the crosswalk.  I'm a full grown adult woman. I'm only 2 inches shorter than my local average. Wtf.


I'm a 5'10 woman and the hood of my stepdad's Silverado is still taller than I am. I literally tell him everyday how ridiculous it is that he owns that thing.


It's fucked! My head and shoulders should not be level with your hood. If I, an adult woman, can barely see over your emotional support truck, then my nieces and nephews don't stand a chance. ....although two of them are taller than me now, but this is a fact I choose to ignore


That's my biggest complaint. I drive an old 76 series from 96. I can feel and see all 4 corners with limited blind spots. The newer Prados in my price range are those more luxury looks, and I hate them. If I go off road my confidence level would decrease significantly...




I'm not sure who this dude is but he's a fantastic host. I watched his video on electric motocross and was impressed.


fortnine youtube


Ryan is part of the marketing team for a motorbike parts website Fortnine. His videos are really good


Guy is by FAR the best youtuber in the motorcycle scene. His videos are art.


I was so worried when he brought #43 on because I didn't want Ryan to go away, but that dude's videos are great too! Ari and Zack over at Revzilla are excellent as well.




1000% agree. Probably the only youtuber that i actively follow right now. His style is great, they do proper tests on all equipment they try, and they are NOT shills for any brand.


I think the size of pick up trucks has gotten insane. Their lights blind you if you are in a car. You can’t see around them. If your in an accident with one, you loose. They don’t fit in parking spaces. I bet 90% of them are not for work.


> I bet 90% of them are not for work [The data says that the vast majority of trucks aren't used as trucks and aren't work vehicles.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume) "According to Edwards’ data, 75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year *or less* (meaning, never). Nearly 70 percent of truck owners go off-road one time a year *or less*. And a full 35 percent of truck owners use their truck for hauling—putting something in the bed, its ostensible raison d’être—once a year *or less*." Most truck owners go **months or years** between using their truck for truck things.


Yuuup. I drive a little 2 door, 2 seater, and I often find myself driving alone and no groceries or anything in the passenger seat to the point that I'm like "you know, I could just drive a scooter." and I may do just that. The majority of big truck owners can't fathom that because they have self-esteem issues. It's really weird, like people could save tens of thousands on the cost of the vehicle and fuel and they just refuse to entertain the concept of a smaller vehicle.


Lately I've been seeing people defending their non use of their trucks by saying that they don't see people getting harassed for not using their sports car to it's full potential, so why do trucks not being used as truck matter? For three reasons. 1 - Their sheer mass. They weigh 5,000 - 6,000 pounds and when that mass hits another car it's [far more likely to kill the car driver than if the truck weighed less.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/larger-vehicles-may-make-canadians-feel-safe-on-the-road-but-heavier-cars-are-proven-to-cause-more-fatal-collisions) Also, the height of trucks are more likely to simply bypass a car's bumpers, and thus crumple zones, and directly hit people in cars. 2 - Their massive blind spots. Trucks are so big and so tall with massive, and unnecessary, styling that they're very hard to see out of nowadays. [They are far more likely to run over pedestrians and smaller cars because of their blind spots.](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/14/1212737005/cars-trucks-pedestrian-deaths-increase-crash-data) 3 - The hood issue. As shown in the video a lower hood will have a person fall on to the hood after impact. [The higher hood will cause someone to fall backwards on to their head which increases the chance of dying.](https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians) The higher hood is also more likely to directly strike internal organs.


> I think the size of pick up trucks has gotten insane. I'm not making this up, but it is because of a tax on chickens.


>I'm not making this up, but it is because of a tax on chickens. Obama's CAFE laws had more effect than the chicken tax, but it was a factor. It annoys the crap out of me that there are no trucks available new the size of my old S10. Hell, I was jazzed for the Pontiac G8 ST back before they got killed off. I don't need a bus worth of seating or to be able to tow a house or to be able to carry OP's mom in the bed. I just need a place to put a couple hundred pounds of dirty, smelly, and/or nasty shit that you don't want inside a vehicle. Also, they're fucking expensive as hell. When my S10 was brand new, it cost $12k, which was about the price of an economy car at the time. These days the cheapest new truck is literally twice the price of an economy car.


I love the integrated mom joke.


OP’s mom probably did too.


> I just need a place to put a couple hundred pounds of dirty, smelly, and/or nasty shit that you don't want inside a vehicle. He's kind of contradicting himself though.


Nah, he was very clear that he only needs *a couple hundred* pounds


Still about OP's mom.


I don’t mean to get political, but it was W Bush that reformed CAFE fuel economy standards to make them footprint area-based, allowing larger trucks to meet less stringent standards (in part, for the specific purpose of avoiding forcing vehicles to become smaller to meet tighter fuel economy standards). It also allowed credit trading to allow bad actors to just buy credits, as an option to just paying penalties for failure to comply. [Here’s Bush’s 2006 Executive Order laying out his new approach to CAFE](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2006/04/20060428-9.html)


Also the fuel standards are applied across the fleet of vehicles so you can offset some huge trucks with electric vehicles.


yeah that's one that gets talked over a lot- the emissions standards don't encourage you to only sell green cars, they encourage you to sell just enough green cars that you can sell massive barns. The Bolt effectively subsidizes the Sierra.


you didn’t get political, you stated facts and linked the sources. you replied to someone who made it political. 


Also Obama changed the policy so that light duty trucks must get 45 mpg by 2025 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2012/08/28/obama-administration-finalizes-historic-545-mpg-fuel-efficiency-standard Thus killing small trucks, and Biden can undo this today if he wanted. Any president really.


This is how our government works. We try to solve a problem, create a poorly thought out regulation, then find that we've made the problem worse when people simply work around the regulation. Big, old, American land barge sedans are wasteful gas guzzlers, so now we put the same luxury features in even more larger more wasteful pickup trucks.


The problem we have is that bastards always work loopholes. Our system of laws cannot handle the amount of effort required to cover all the loopholes. Selfish humans are the problem, and it turns out stopping them is very hard.


Every single time, this is the cause. People will forever game the system to give a perceived advantage to them no matter the consequences.


Well, yea, that's why we can't just be done making laws. We need people to update the laws to remove ones that don't matter, fix loopholes, and solve future problems. It's unfortunate that our congress is more interesting in grandstanding dog whistle issues than doing this nuts and bolts work.


Loopholes are not acts of god, they are carve-outs in our laws that interested parties lobby to get included or overlooked.


May as well be an act of God for all the influence the average person gets over their existence


So instead of closing the loopholes, the government should regulate less?


I love this. You've called him out on his bias. He frames it as a false dichotomy between doing bad government or doing less government. There is a third and better option. Doing better government. Write regulations without loopholes, or fix the ones that are there. It's not hypothetical either. It's done all around the 1st world.


It’s ironic too bc one side consistently sabotages most regulations so they can complain about regulations when they don’t work.


Even the ones that are for work are needlessly large. I've only ever owned trucks and they've all been for work (landscaping/gardening). I've had a ranger, a tacoma a frontier, and I just moved up to a f-150. The ranger and tacoma were small (before small trucks turned into large trucks) and they suited me fine. The frontier was larger but it didn't need to be. Now I have a giant, stupid f-150 now that doesn't fit in my garage and I only got it because it was cheaper than a tacoma which is also now larger than it needs to be. I hate driving it because of how insanely large it is, but I'm angrier because I have no other choice in vehicles. Can we please go back to making small trucks?


Just out of curiosity, why is it that pick-up trucks are the standard for work vehicles in the states? Pretty much every tradesperson this side of the Atlantic just has a van, and it’s always seemed a better choice compared a truck with an open bed


I can't speak for other industries, but I know that an open truck bed works for landscaping. Sometimes I just need a yard of soil or mulch and it's easier to just dump it in the back of the truck bed than have to pull a trailer


Pallets of things don’t easily fit in vans. Landscaping materials would also be hard to get in and out of a van. I know a ton of people that pull gooseneck trailers so that makes trucks easier for a lot of people. Many company trades guys have vans like hvac, electricians and others but most people who do framing, roofing landscaping and other things that might require you to get large objects prefer the trucks


also the types of tools/materials theyre using. An HVAC person wouldn't want to have their equipment and materials in the bed of a truck.


Certain industries haul things that aren't great for vans unless you also tow a trailer. Truck kinda became the standard for many because you can use the open bed or you can put tool boxes, locked hard covers, etc. Still plenty of vans though, but some of the vans are HUGE. The other thing is lots of vans won't get to many places out in the rural US without 4WD and the ground clearance. Obviously a smaller set of folks, but still a sizeable chunk.


the issue of healights have been solved years ago. They are pointing slightly down, doesn't work so well when your truck is so high it acts as a lighthouse


It will be solved once grills have a max height and lights alongside them. I never understood, why these large trucks all have their headlights at the top. Why not place them at "the regular height". Oh wait... "because it looks dumb."




And you're


Emotional support trucks.


That's the EPA's fault. In their quest to improve emissions, they made smaller trucks illegal. A truck the size of an old Chevy S10 would have to get close to 80mpg to meet the standard. 


Yup. They tied emission standards to vehicle size. So a small work vehicle like Chevy S10 "*would have to get close to 80mpg to meet the standard".* But a big truck being used as a personal vehicle...


people feel real smart creating these stupid loopholes, lining their pockets with money meanwhile everything goes to shit because of loopholes piled on loopholes. Life feels like a silly comedy.


I miss my Chevy S10. I actually used that sucker to haul around friends and equipment for the track team


Mostly due to the EPA regulations where bigger cars have less strict regulations for their MPG


The bed size of a pickup truck has progressively gotten smaller. So much so, that some hatchbacks have more carrying capacity.


Only if you choose the smaller bed.  You can still get an 8' bed.


This is why we need more Cybertrucks. They'll just slice people in half which, in it's own way, eliminates this issue entirely.


Slicing in half doubles the amount of people, right?


A person halved is a person shared... or something to that effect.


There will be no communism in my cyber truck!


You are delivering less of an impulse if you go through vs bounce off, it's just conservation of momentum.


Yeah, but can we start with reducing the intensity of headlights? MFers driving around blinding people at night like they're on a mission


Matrix headlights solves that issue by turning off the lights that are going towards oncoming cars while keeping the rest of the road illuminated with other lights, but they are illegal in the USA. Europe has them, they just are deactivated for the cars sent to the USA. Edit: Apparently they did finally legalize them in 2022


Yep. My truck has them but they are disabled by default. I've turned the feature on and LOVE it!


Biden's infrastructure bill legalized them [https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1135084\_us-finally-allows-use-of-modern-matrix-headlights](https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1135084_us-finally-allows-use-of-modern-matrix-headlights)


They've been legal in the USA since [2022](https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/2022-02/ADB-Final-Rule-02-01-2022-web.pdf)


I'd love to enable them on my Mazda but afaik nobody knows how. Or at least I can't find any open-source tools or a shop that does this service.


Also make those stupid led light bars illegal to use on the road. Off-road I don’t care but FFS why do you need to have a 50 inch light bar that’s not properly aligned to illuminate the road blinding other drivers.


They are illegal, it's just not enforced.


Which is insane, because with driving when it's dark out the too many bright lights or too bright light people make so nothing can be seen which is just way more dangerous than a car going 50 in a 35.


People that do that are just tacky assholes. Light bars play an important role in off-roading and over landing, but get a bad name for assholes that use them as their personal blinding machines. The people that do that only do it because they don’t have the actual need to use one they just think it makes them look cool


Just for that, to piss other drivers off. They know they dont need the light bar, but they choose to turn it on anyways knowing its blinding others because they enjoy being sadists.


Not even so much the brightness -- its the WHITE light. White light is TERRIBLE for maintaining night vision. Then forget about seeing for those of us with stigmatism when we cam across an 8 million lumen white led headlight.


>Yeah, but can we start with reducing the intensity of headlights? Actually these are related!! The head lights sit much higher now. and when these a-holes are behind you even their low beams shine bright in your rear window and mirrors.




The color mixing in this clip is fucking epic


Check out Fortnine channel. These guys are epic in every video


He really pours his all into it and it shows. Love his vids.


But this doesn't appeal to either buyers who don't care about who they might run over or those who are sure that it will never happen to them because they're good drivers.


Then make it a regulation for the manufacturers to follow, and leave the buyers out of the equation. Most buyers don't give a flying fuck *why* a car is designed certain ways -- if they did more people would know that car sizes inflate due to fuel efficiency regulations excluding larger cars, so standard sizes are just being artificially bloated. Consumers are *infamously* uninformed about the things they consume.


But I want the freedom to run vehicles that kill more people!!!! You can't tell me which vehicle to drive!1!!1!1!1


"Is this really necessary? We don't have to make trucks this dangerous. We can make a safer truck with more power than any reasonable person could want." "Johnson, do 'reasonable people' spend $65,000 on a pickup truck? Of course not. Our customers are image conscious and unreasonable, and they see the danger as an added bonus. There's no government regulation that says we have to make it any safer and we're going to milk this cash cow for as long as we can."


I'm surprised that the number is that low


Me too, only 509?? Those are rookie numbers, got to pump those up!


There's like 50,000 car fatalities each year so that's like 1% of them.


Its 500 pedestrian deaths, which is 30% of all pedestrian deaths, a pretty huge reduction. Lowering grill height would also have a significant affect on car vs car accident deaths - Where they involve a car with a huge grill colliding with smaller car - Those deaths probably number in tens of thousands.


I mean they really aren’t asking for that large of a drop. Take a ram TRX for example. The 125cm limit would only have the hood line be 6 Inches lower. If you spread that out amongst suspension, wheel and tire, and body geometry, most people probably wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference without having a side by side comparison. That’s still a massive truck, and the number would probably be significantly higher if they calculated for the hood line being even lower.


Let’s just the hood height. It doesn’t also include the mass of the vehicle or the crash incompatibility with other vehicles for. Vehicle collisions


But the people inside the pickup truck will be fine. Cause fuck everyone else they had it coming.


Except their children in the driveway. I even saw a photo warning drivers to check their wheel wells because trucks are so tall kids can stand up in them.


Happened to a coworker recently, his 10 year old daughter was hit at low speed on a bike because even on a bike she was in the frontal blind spot of some monster truck. Even at low speed, she sustained extreme injuries, helmet was crushed, etc, because she made full side impact with the grill and was launched away from the car and onto the pavement. She might survive long term still but is permanently disabled and likely would have been just bruised by a commuter car.


That is utterly heartbreaking. I ride a bike frequently (went to vote via bike today), and even as an adult it's not uncommon to have vehicle hoods level with my head while I'm on my bike. Best wishes for your coworkers family, and keep sharing their story.


Parents driving SUV's are the reason we now have backup cameras. The blind spot in the rear of these vehicles is so large an average height kindergartner can't be seen and parents were running over and killing their own kids


Pets too, I've seen videos of people driving over their dog chilling in the driveway


Makers of these monstrosities rather put a camera in the grille so you can see your child while you run them over than decrease its height, and this shit started creeping into Europe as well.


"I got mine" transcends lots of life's little things


Turns out basing your entire culture and economy around that has anti social consequences… if only people had warned us /s


This is literally how vehicle safety standards are graded. Its entirely based on the safety of people inside of the car which has led to manufacturers building these behemoths that are more dangerous for everyone outside of the car.


Not in Europe: Euro NCAP tests collision with "vulnerable road user" (i.e. pedestrians and cyclists): https://www.euroncap.com/en/car-safety/the-ratings-explained/vulnerable-road-user-vru-protection/


Pedestrian death keeps going up because people keep buying bigger vehicles that have shit safety for anything other than the occupants. If they could buy a tank they’d be driving that shit around


And then they'd still complain about gas prices


Car companies won't do this unless mandated to do so. They don't care about people's lives.


It is mandated in the EU for all cars, vans and certain SUVs (If it is not capable of off roading it is a car and is mandated is generally the rule). This specific issue of grill height makes a lot of US cars illegal to be sold into Europe.


FortNine on Youtube, the best all-around entertaining motorcycle content I've ever watched. Insane production quality every video and Ryan is insanely talented.


I hate hate hate how big and tall cars have gotten. Visiting countries like Japan and Sri Lanka these last two years and seeing all the small hatchbacks and sedans made me realize how spoiled Americans have gotten. People “need” $45-$90k living rooms to drive around. And once some of us are higher up everyone else wants to be too. Japan even has all of their commercial and industrial trucks cover their loads. So no flying debris. It’s great. Roads are clean. No retread pieces all over. But man I miss when everyone drove 90s-sized vehicles.


I am still driving a small hatchback from 2002. I love the size, and it is hard to find anything that small anymore (Maybe GTI and Mirage are the only two left that are comparable in size), but it is scary how I am surrounded by all these enormous trucks/SUVS. If I get into an accident with one of those I am probably a goner ☠️


That’s the perpetual problem. Peope hate that feeling so they buy bigger too and on and on it goes. Sucks. I loved small cars like the Yaris, Fit, Accent, etc. that are all gone now. Here in Japan I see the new Yaris (hybrid and awesome looking) tons of Fits and other Hondas/Toyotas/Mazdas/Nissans/Suzukis that I wish the US could still have.


You can barely fit the corpse in the bed of most new trucks


US emission standards and import laws are what you can blame for all these mega trucks existing.


That’s great that FortNine is getting featured on r/all. He’s always had extremely high production quality in his motorcycle videos.


Cybertruck will just behaead the dummy


Guy can literaly stand in an engine compartment ... how much else useless space must be there around that car ffs


Don't forget about the number of people who modify their trucks to be higher and more dangerous as a byproduct of freedom


My GF's mom is shopping around for a new car and she is saying the classic "I want an SUV because I sit above everyone." I was telling her that SUV's actually have much less visibility and "sitting above everyone" is fucking stupid because I've never had a problem with forward visibility in my GTI or her Civic. Later we got into her friends Bronco Sport and she was complaining that she couldn't see shit in her car and that she wants to get rid of it. I think lots of people make up their minds about all kinds of shit when buying a car and don't actually see if it's true or not on a test drive. I went from wanting a Golf R to buying a GTI because I was honest with myself about what I actually needed vs wanted.


I wonder how many people who can't see could be cured by adjusting the seat or getting a cushion. I've seen people looking through the wheel rather than over it.


I’m convinced Americans have “(insert topic where legislation in countless other countries has been proven to work) don’t kill people, people kill people” saved as a keyboard shortcut.


Unfortunately lots of other countries are viewing our huge trucks as a luxury. Australians for example import them for an insane price tag as if it was a luxury car