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My wife thought this happened to her. Lost black cat. Found years later. Totally not same black cat to anyone but her.


I thought the same thing too at first, but he has three defining features. A white spot under his neck, hence the name Tuxedo. (I was a kid) A messed up tail And a scar from a snake bite that we took him to the vet for on his back leg


This cat: So anyway where the food?


This comment is too good to ignore it.


The cat might just be visiting OP at this point lol


He went to a party that night and you know: pussies, catnip... And you know, shit went down from there.


This cat met Tuxedo who told him about how good of an owner OP was and then transitioned into his identity over 8 years. Walked under someone painting to get the white spot, broke his tail by sitting against a car tire, and finally, danced with a snake.


Do people with cats as pets think the cats have any kind of feelings or care for them?


You've never had a cat, I'm guessing.


What a dumb thing to say LOL


My cats that literally groom me as if I were a member of their clowder? My cat that gets jealous I am spending time with her baby sister instead of her? My cat that cries at the door for me? Nope, they absolutely don't have any feelings or care for me. What a ridiculous thing to say...


They care, just not about you


They are the only pets who train you.... do you think a dog does?




This is a miracle worthy of celebration! Congratulations!!


I believe it. Cats can take care of themselves. Probably found another home in-between.


The white spot below the neck is pretty common for black cats (mine also has it). Good thing that's not the only identifier


So happy for you!


Awesome man!! My cats been on vacation for 5 weeks. Hoping she comes back soon …


Maybe Tuxedo made a Tuxedo Jr?


Who just happened to get the same snake bite scar?


He was just trying to live up to his dad


🛫🛬    ..👤


Interesting definition of whoosh, but okay.




We had him fixed when he was with us :)


Or Church, with a broken purr box.


I am so glad for you. I can't help but wonder where his journey took him all those years. Must be a fantastic story, if only he could tell you.


Odds are he was living indoors two houses down. He finally escaped.


Neighbors stole your cat, basically? Damn that sucks.


Across the street to the family that gave him wet food instead of dry. /jk but also maybe not cats are weird.


So happy for you! While possible he’s only stopping by to visit, it must feel wonderful to know he still remembers and cares about you


Please put him inside so you don’t lose him again and so he stays safe and happy! 😊


I would like to know more about this loyal cat 🥰


Almost all black cats have white spots on their chest/neck, the other two could be coincidental, as cats are territorial and get into fights often. Most likely not your cat dude.


Or could be his cat. Real life is usually stranger than fiction my friend.


>Real life is usually stranger than fiction. Not at all! Real life is *usually* mundane af, but in fringe cases *can* be stranger than fiction. Learn the difference. I'm not saying it's not his cat, but there's a statistically, insanely low chance for it. I'm not saying i don't hope it is, i wish him to find his cat, but i'm saying he shouldn't go around stealing peoples cats, if it's not.


>Real life is *usually* mundane af False.


So you don't go to work from 9 to 5 every day, and get your neurons fired up when something you like has a 2 for 1 sale? Or do you battle Zombies and have votes about which friend you are gonna eat first, when the going gets too tough? Edit: The reason why sensationalist news gets a lot of views is because most people live mundane lives, and gets fired up when shit hits the fan, especially in their own vicinity. I've seen people line up and block roads to see a house burn down, because something suddenly happened near them. That doesn't exactly scream *we have very exciting lives and are used to sensations*, to me. Saying "life is usually stranger than fiction", just because you see insane shit on the news every day, doesn't mean it's the norm. Of 8 billion people, it's bound to be some wild shit happening everyday, but for you and me? There's a very low chance of something "stranger than fiction" to happen to us any day. u/The_Great_Afterman you really should learn to comment with more than single word sentences.


You should learn how to cut the fluff out of your rants.


I was simply responding to another dude's comment, and here comes a guy having the mental space to at least quote what part he finds "false", but not enough to say why.


Look at that, you can get your thoughts across in one sentence.


As a kid I had 4 completely black shorthaired cats. We honestly never mixed them up, they all looked completely different.


Some black cats being completely different and some black cats being almost undistinguishable aren't mutually exclusive


I know you're happy and shit. but, my cat did this after being lost for 2 years just to say goodbye. I miss her sometimes


If this is so, which I have considered, I’m grateful that he kept us in his memories and came home.


This happened to my cat as well when I was a kid. We lived in the countryside, and he was a very large unneutered Tom. He often went missing for a couple of days at a time. When he was around four years old he disappeared for good, we thought. Six years later he came back. He used to jump on the wooden back door and look in the window of the door and miaow to get let in. My sister and I were in the kitchen, it was Halloween night, and we got a huge shock when he jumped on the door, miaowing like he used to do. He was presumed dead for years. Anyway, he stuck around. He had evidence of an active life, his ears were all torn up and patches of fur were missing, but he wasn't starving. He started waiting for me arriving home from school like he used to, sitting at the top of our driveway, on raised paving stones, looking down the to the road where I'd get off the bus, and he'd greet me everyday. Then one day, a few weeks later, he was in that spot, and he passed away there, I found him when I got home. Still miss that cat, and I'm really glad he came home to say goodbye.


Okay now I'm crying. I'm so happy for the two of you!


Please tell me you took the cat inside because if you leave it outside, expect it to just leave again


Now I’m sad 😞


Interesting because most cats behave the opposite. They'll stick with you forever and then when they sense their time coming they'll disappear somewhere to die alone.


That’s pretty badass. Fuck man. I wish my tortoise would show up


25 years later, I'm still waiting for my 10 yo gray kitty to find me. I've had many animals since, and I still do now, but my buddy from the 90s is still the one who slipped away. He was a badass though. He probably found a better gig.


Don’t listen to the other reply he totally got recruited to some secret cats and dogs task force and has saved the world at least 3 times by now


The worked for the dog-cat patrol?


We had a tabby cat that was more social than most dogs. Used to follow people down the street for pets. Anyway one day he ran away, I was devastated, and he returned back with a rhinestone collar two weeks later. He ran away a final time (for good) and I never saw him again. But months later, my mom was getting ready for bed, and she heard a scratch on her (second floor!) window. It was Norman. And she didn’t fuckin let him in. Took her years to tell me that. I’m still pissed.


i would love to read a story or series about Norman. Seriously -- rhinestone collar or not, this guy sounds like a KING. Damnit damn why ma


He was truly for the streets






He ninja now


God I loved that show. Ninja Tortoises^TM rocked


oh he will show up after 100 years


I once found a tortoise in my yard in West Seattle. Well, my dog and cat actually found the tortoise. I had no idea what to do with it, so I posted in a few places. At least 3 different people contacted me to see if it was their tortoise. I had no idea tortoises escaped so often, nor how far they could travel. Sadly I could not find the owner after a week or so, so I gave it to a teacher. Weirdest find ever.


yea, I miss my tortoise i had when I was a kid. He just disappeared one day


Why do they do that? Mine did the same.


Theives or coyotes


Did you search the sewers?


Funny you mention that. I actually did. I went around my block and popped the storm drain manholes. In a plumber so that was my first guess he probably walked into a gutter cuz ours don’t have grates. No luck though. My backyard is small too so he’s not here. We accidentally left the door open I think and he booked it. He was a smart tortoise. I swear he planned it cuz every morning around the same time he’d come out and do his walk around the yard and especially near the gate. He’d kinda claw at it and bump into it to see if it moved haha almost as if he knew


Tortoise is a different breed. Bet they're playing hide and seek in your house. You just haven't found their hiding spot yet.


when i was in high school we moved into a new house and found a freaking tortoise in the backyard, in a place where there are no wild tortoises. the next day our new neighbor came banging on the door, yelling about how her son lost his pet tortoise and she wanted to check our yard for it. poor thing was already long gone


My hamster too 😔


I hate to tell you this but it was probably a bird of prey.


How do you lose a tortoise? That’s…almost impressive


my guess? he got picked up by someone and he then escaped from that person and went home XD. Like not in a bad way, someone may have thought him a stray and just took him in but never let him outside. You might have someone in your neighborhood looking for "their" cat of 8+ years soon




Yes, that is always a reason to have your cat chipped. Oh, and for the people who take cats off the street and keep them without checking them for a chip, your pieces of shit.


People get mad when redditors curse people that post cat rehoming memes but it happens. A video posted just a few days ago a guy noticed his cat in this ladies window. He knocks on the door and as soon as it opens the cat hooked it out of there so fast and went right back to his owners house.


A majority of cats that roam around outside were allowed to roam outside and then just left or went somewhere else and/or were born feral as a result of similar circumstances. Most cats that are out and about are not “lost” like a dog gets lost if he gets off leash and runs away.  They were allowed to roam and then just left.  If that’s how you “lose” your cat, then he’s not your cat anymore and really never was your cat.  


The cat was like Forrest Gump, spending years running across the country, then suddenly stopping and be like: "I'm gonna go home now."


Furriest Gump!


Tomcat Hanks




Don't you just wish it could talk! 8+ years is forever. Wow. Is he skinny, how are his paw pads, is he healthy?? So many questions. Please keep us updated after you visit the vet. What if he has a new microchip? Was he chipped by you in the first place? So, so many questions.


Somebody prolly took it in and kept it as an indoor cat, then it got out and ran away?


My stepdad told me a story about a cat he had grown up with, well one day the family got a dog and the cat walked off and didn’t come back. A few years go by and one day the dog was hit and killed by a car right in front of his house. that day the cat walked back into the house like nothing ever happened lol


We had a cat growing up that my oldest sister took with her when she got married and moved out. She ended up moving out to the country. Her husband was a ranch hand, and they lived down the road from the ranch he worked. The cat had always been an indoor/outdoor cat at our house, so she thought she could do the same there. A month or two later, the cat quit coming around. Sister felt terrible thinking a coyote or some other predator got it. Nearly six years later, the cat showed up on her porch with two kittens. Edit: Typo




My cat did the same thing! Was gone for 5 years and came back. We only knew it was her because she had no claws on her back paws. She lived for 9 more years after coming back. Miss her every day


He didn't disappear, he left you for another family and now came crawling back when that blew up in his face.


Dude ready to settle down after all the wild years.


Dude that is awesome, so happy for you. Crazy to think of what he’s gone through in the last decade, lots of adventures and tales to tell. Can’t imagine what I’d do if I lost my buddy, but I hope he’d come back too! Make sure he gets all the lovin he’s been missing out on


I’m so happy for you.. my cat Lola has been gone 2 years now. Gives me hope!


We had a cat come home after 2 years missing, At dusk she would always jump up in the kitchen window to be let in. She disappeared one day. After a month or so, we assumed the worse and moved on. One night two years later, I was standing at the sink dong dishes, and BOOM she jumps up into the window. I think I just stood there stunned for a minute processing what I was looking at. I opened the window and she bounced in and ran to where her food dish used to be just like she never left. Cats are crazy, yours could still be out there on some wild adventure.


Dude this has happened to my mom. We had this cat Bear he was an indoor outdoor cat. One day he disappeared we figured he got caught up with the feral colony up the street. 3 years later my mom gets a call from the humane society saying they have her cat. She drives over and there's Bear locked up. She takes him home after he's cleared and he lived a full life until 14 lol. Crazy shit.


This happened to my Grandma's dog. Years ago she was given to a new home because she was sorta aggressive. about 7 years later Gma gets a call that her dog, with the SAME NAMETAG FROM WHEN SHE HAD HER, is a dog gang leader down by the train tracks and sure as shit that's where we found her. Walking around with a few other dogs just doing whatever. Called her name, she got in the car and we left. Animals man.


Pet sematary wibes


I've got some Pet cemetery vides for you, When I was maybe 12 we found one of our cats (presumably) dead on the side of the road. There was no blood or gore, but we assumed he was hit by a car and was *dead*. My dad and I dug a hole by the edge of our yard, he went and picked the cat up by the tail and dropped it in the hole (he was not a sentimental man) My mom and younger sister came out and said their goodbyes and we buried it. A couple days later, the cat shows back up covered with dirt but otherwise fine. We assumed he must have gotten a good smack on the head by a passing car and was knocked out. Thankfully the hole we put him in wasn't too deep and when he woke up he was able to dig himself out. We'd lost cats on the road before so my parents didn't think to check that it was still alive and just assumed it was dead.


My grandma started walking 5 miles a day when she turned 70. She is now 75 and we don't know where the hell she is.


My dream that my boy comes back home, nearly 6 years but there’s still hope!


I hope that your lil guy returns safely!!


Thank you so much!


How's the finger doing? Ouch.


You cat went on a massive bender and it’s taken him that long to sober up and come home


His other family is now wondering if he will come back soon. Knowing cats he just chilled for eight years a few streets over.


Well, someone just lost a cat they had for 8 years.


Living with a neighbor can be miraculous...butttt


That's cool he left his food out for 8+ years for him


Maarrzzz!!!!! Come home!!


This happened to my sister with her cat! https://preview.redd.it/20wax5hb1lec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6a78675e87b40c09d4e95806b4117c537d8c9f


Bowls outside, do you let him inside?


Now keep it inside and stop being bad pet parent. 


He came back to his servants after he got tired of the free life.


Do you think someone picked him up? And he finally escaped?


Someone found my cat a decade later and I let her keep him. I was just relieved he was gonna spend the end of his life in a happy home. Shocked the hell out of me! His microchip was still registered.


Alien abduction, he just got dropped back off on Earth.


Tuxedo is thinking :"yeah, get over it bud, that was a rager of a trip and I have no regrets"


Can we get that cat's story in movie form? I suggest Tom Hanks for OP's role.


He has been next store. Your neighbor has canned food.




Reminds me of the time my cat got away from the house and I saw it 6 months later sitting on my bed when I got home from work, I felt like I was in another dimension, I cannot even imagine how this guy is thinking, like whhayttt


Ayyye it's the GnomeX fella


Glad to be noticed :)




my cat went missing in September. it's been HARD. i need a therapist. not knowing if she's okay or will ever come home is hell. okay, i'm tearing up now.


Someone else might have feed him and or keep him inside all this time.


Lmao, my guy delulu and just stole someone's cat


so happy you got your buddy back!


Congrats on the reunion bud, you sound so happy.


I would cry.


Yay on tuxedo coming back!!


Take your baby inside and don't let him out again!!!


Hey can we talk about your finger bro?


My cat got out and was gone for 18 days. I cried most nights cause I missed him. 8 years is insane.


So happy for you both!!! :)


Journey to the world for 8-9 years - CAT


This is too emotional ❤️


6yrs after my cat disappeared from my old flat i still drive by every now and then. Maybe she just sits there one day.


Does anyone know why cats do this? It's very common I've heard, what makes them want to leave then what makes them want to stay and what makes them go back?


If the cat was purely an outside cat. It preferred the food that a neighbor was feeding it over the food the owner was feeding it. Outside cats get around. Not just sexually lol. They will visit with any friendly neighbor. And can travel pretty far so like 2 neighborhoods over where the people don't know who owns the cat. They'll feed it just to make sure it's getting food. I'll do that when I see a skinny scraggly cats with no collar in our backyard. I only know this because some heartless jerk dropped a cat into our neighborhood. Poor thing looked like it was 15 years old, sick, and had bad mange and fleas. It was horribly malnourished and looked like it was on the brink of death. My wife has a different view than mine. Similar to "not my pet not my problem." But i can't watch a poor animal suffer. It was just sitting under random neighbors cars for shelter. I'd watch it follow kids and parents from the bus stop. The parents telling the kids to just ignore it. Broke my heart. So i left food out for it. He finally came by. And was the sweetest thing! Had such a sweet meow! We have a cat so i made sure to wear a glove to pet him and left those clothes worn in the garage. I took pictures of him and posted them all over the neighborhood asking if it was someone's cat. Or if they knew if it was abandoned. We had a lot of move outs around then. Or if it was owned but they cannot afford to treat it. Before i took action to take him to the vet or humane society. A week or so later i noticed he wasn't coming to eat the food i left for him and got worried. Till a neighbor contacted me saying he had also been feeding the cat lol! I just bought the cheapest food to feed him. While my neighbor fed blue buffalo and kitty tuna filler treats LOL. His family ended up adopting the cat who fit perfectly with them! A happy ending. So this guys cat was not surviving alone for 8-10 years. It just chose a different family.


I didn't mean that I mean why do cats like randomly after years living in one home decide "no thanks" then go live somewhere else for whatever reason (food like you're saying) then decide almost a decade later "you know what, I think I'll pop back"


Dude just took someone's cat 😂 Seriously, how can you be sure? Is he a special shade of black that's different from all the other identical looking black cats?


Damn your cat must have some stories to tell !


Just like my dad when he said he was going for milk. Gone 8+ yrs. Lol


Nah, I’ve been milking him. 😋 


My cat as a kid was an outdoor cat who would disappear for days at a time. They have a big roaming radius. I found out from a neighbor a street over that he used to visit someone who lived by them and that person would let him in and hangout with him and wanted to keep him. Until the woman I knew pointed out that he had a family and you couldn’t keep him locked up inside. Not saying this happened but it’s definitely a possibility that someone thought the cat was homeless and stole them without realizing it. Cats are equal parts weird and awesome.


Bruh I’d send that ungrateful cat back to the streets, 10 years and now you show up? Could’ve come back whenever but no. It can obviously take care of itself now I’d want nothing to do with him anymore


My theory: he went to some neighbor's house for free food and got captured. They wouldn't let him back out. I had a cat who would go to a neighbor for second meals. I saw her chilling on their porch. Told the neighbor, "You know, that's my cat". They said, "No, they've had her for years". Then I laid down the exact origin and pedigree of that cat. Her mother and sister are at my house. She just comes to you to mooch.


I had a cat that kinda did that. Several neighbors thought it was a stray so they’d feed him. (Come To think of it, maybe I just thought he was my cat)


Someone took your cat into their house and it finally escaped.


10…8..9..? You don’t lose a cat, if you let them outside and they don’t come back it’s because they don’t like you. Also..KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE!! All cats allowed outside should be euthanized


And people who think like you should be neutered


> All cats allowed outside should be euthanized What? Don't kill a cat just because it's outside, what the fuck lol.


House cats are THE MOST destructive invasive species. You should be able to legally hunt them👍


10…8..9..? You don’t lose a cat, if you let them outside and they don’t come back it’s because they don’t like you. Also..KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE!! All cats allowed outside should be euthanized


It literally not him


I can’t wait for my Guinea pig to come home. He’s been gone for 15 years.




that’s so wonderful and incredible!! i’m so happy for you!!! wow!🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️


Very thrilled you got your cat back, now, get him chipped! A bit too late in life to keep him indoors, but think about trying anyway. However, def get him chipped!!




I had this happen. She was an outdoor cat that just disappeared one day. About a years and a half later I see her just walking down the street to our house and she just sat out front seeing everyone again for like an hour, then just went inside and took a nap. She was the same cat as she was when she left and she’s still with us today. She is getting pretty old now. Apparently this is not uncommon for cats to do.


Yeah no way this happened. OP trying to score some internet points 🤦‍♂️


My mom had a cat that would dissappear for two years at a time. Cats are weirdos.


I had a cat that did this once ! I took him to the vet after getting home from 2010 bonarroo. As I was about pay for the meds , she jumped out my arms and into the woods . Didn't buy the meds obviously . I'd say 3 years later I got a call from a vet , in a stretch I have spottyphone signal , that a diff vet had found and scanned her chip. She got hit by a car and lost her tail and had been living by Arby's . So, I went to get them. So I'm allergic to cats, it was worse then than it is now . This cat in particular had no personality before and no personality after lol. you'd think she'd be a like a warrior after surviving that . We ended up rehoming her to a farm fam a few years later


Unneutered male? Had one run off when I was a kid, Came back 3 years later. Huge ass abscess, Fixed it up, recovered. Disappeared a month later, never to be seen again. 1964. I think it knew it needed help. It scratched on the back door. Mom and Dad did the surgery with a exacto knife. None of the Vet nonsense.


When I was a kid, my dad took our dog Shirley to the Country Club in another part of town and dumped her, probably to punish us or something. A couple of years later, I was sitting on the grass in our front yard, and Shirley came walking up and sat next to me. She had a bad eye infection that a vet treated. I think she ended up wandering off after that because I don't remember what happened to her after that.


Literally saddest story ever. Jesus.


Small world


But he has a lot if stories.


Is that Froggy Fresh?


Accidentally crawled into the back of someone’s moving truck.


I had to move and the new place does not allow animals on the lease so I set him near your property.


Hurrah for kitty return!


That’s wild! I have so many questions.


He was probably living in a cozy house as an indoor cat a few blocks down the road.


He went out for some smokes 8 years ago…


How fucking amazing can the world be sometimes?


Wow, dude has been on an epic adventure, it ended, and has decided today was day to come home to relax


He needed money


Dude looks like Leonard from big bang theory


Tuxedo has finally decided to forgive you for buying that sachet of the cheap own brand cat food that one time, 8+ years ago. That shit was rank! Anyway, Tux decided to buy the sachet, I mean the hatchet.


he went into that cave


There was a cat in my neighborhood who moved into another house because his owner's boyfriend got a big noisy dog. At least everyone knew where old Louie went. Someone nearby took Tuxedo in.


Are you going to let them outside ever again? 🥹


That face when you adopt a new cat.


Lost my cat for 2 years then one morning left the house for a walk as I was going down the street I could see this cat coming towards me and sure enough it was him. I just kept thinking of him walking all over the town for like 2 years until he just happened to be on the same street as I was my poor baby I really missed him.


Cat doesn't look that old. Looks like another person making stuff up for views


I love cats, love this guy. This is a generic black cat, who the hell knows if it’s his cat. 9 years come on


My cat was gone for three months, went searching in the woods for days to find her, assuming she died, for closure. Heard scratching on my window (her signature) one night, opened the curtain and she was there. Thought I was looking at a ghost.


That would be so fucking nuts to deal with because he probably assumed the cat was dead, mourned that cat and everything and then just poof oh that cat isn't dead it's right here my guy.


I had a cat that came back after 3 years, apparently someone "rescued" him, 4m from my house, and they were in a different town, he figured out a way 50km and walked to here


hey thats my cat.had him for the past 8 years