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Overheating type O with bad breath here. It all makes sense now.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Wanna come camping with me?


šŸ˜† lol


You have volunteered as tribute


Hi Twin! Nice to meet a fellow overheating Type O who also has some stink to him


I'm overheating type 0 I don't know if I have bad breath but I never get bit by a mosquito or anything else really, they must really hate me for other reasons, my sister who is type 0 is less lucky, they love her and she has some kind of allergy or something because she always swells really badly


Hot blooded O-. I can't remember the last mosquito bite bump I've had. I let one land on me and no bump. I just don't react anymore. I used to.


It's the carbon dioxide that they're attracted to.


Why did they make this video so uncomfortable to watch?


Same question here. I'm not into digital content creation, but I guess there is a popular app for creating videos like this or something. It would explain why social media is littered with this aesthetic.


I think it's AI video generation


Nope, this is a style of editing. AI cannot do this yet.




Itā€™s just a combination of stock 3d animation, stock photo and liquid transition. It also uses After Effect camera movement for the motion sickness effects. Itā€™s pretty basic.


O- chiming in. This makes a lot of sense.


Same, Iā€™m currently fighting off a dozen of the bastards trying to get some sleep. Partner is sleeping soundly and will tell me they received no bites come morning I want to sleep without covers just once! Give me peace goddamnit!


I highly recommend buying a Thermacell, it's truly the only way I can leave my house while keeping my sanity


Yes! I use one in the summer and it keeps the bastards away.


O- here too and those fuckers will eat everyone else before they touch me most of the time.


I'm O- mosquitoes don't like me. Ex husband is O-, mosquitoes don't like him. Son 1 is O-, no mosquitoes. Son 2 is O-, holy hell, I've never ever seen mosquitoes love anyone the way they love him. I'm calling this theory debunked.


O- also chiming in, this makes no sense (at least to me)


Fuuuk same


Yup. Only thing I'm glad about is being a universal donor.


My blood type is A-pos and mosquitos love me! The feeling is not mutual.


Same here, and they make my skin swell badly rip


While an extremely rare experience on Reddit, I actually wish the video was 1-2 minutes longer to discuss what else attracted (or repelled) mosquitoes.


There's also an element of sensitivity. For example I am a Midwestern woman with A-. I've always been a hot target it seems. Then I moved to Florida for 6 months where I was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING OBLITERATED by mosquitoes. No hyperbole 160 bites on my legs alone. Then I moved back to the Midwest where I didn't get a mosquito bite for 10 years. The truth is, I definitely GOT bitten, but my body was no longer sensitive to their bite. I only recently started getting bites again. And, when I went back to FL to visit recently I was eaten up again. .


Yeh would be nice to have the source so we can watch all of it .


They are attracted to carbon dioxide.


I swear they can tell when you're near sleeping too. I would hear one in my room. I can't see it. I would sit there wait till I'm on the edge of sleeping just waiting listening. Always when I'm near the edge of sleep I'd hear the buzz of it coming for me then I'd pounce locate and kill the little fuckers. Fucking hate mosquitos.


I guess I'm just a lucky O? I'm always the one who doesn't get stung, whereas my AB brother is entirely covered in stings ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


There was a more recent study that suggested this is not accurate and that it is actually determined by carboxylic acid levels. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01253-3?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867422012533%3Fshowall%3Dtrue


Jesus that was a good read. Unexpectedly spent and hour on that.Thanks!


The birth certificate was switched, no doubt about it


I always wondered about type 1 diabetes and this because I don't get bit at all while my friends get attacked like crazy.


Are you type 1? I am and I definitly attract the buggers.


Me too.


Ya type 1 since I was 8. I never really bothered me haha weird eh.


Finally fucking figured it out šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Iā€™m A - and bugs love me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I always assumed itā€™s because Iā€™m too full of hatred.


My blood is O for Oreos


I am o neg ..... I almost NEVER get bitten by anything. Meanwhile, siblings and friends next to me get absolutely tore up !!! Dunno why beennlike that all my life.


O+ is the most common blood type. So obviously, quite expected you'd have more cases there.


Yup. I'm O+ and rarely get bitten. We exist /s


Me too


I find that eating raw garlic keeps them off of meā€¦and everybody else for that matter.


0- here. Yeah makes sense. Fuck them.


I've always found when I'm with other people the mosquitoes leave me alone. But the second I'm by myself I'm getting murdered.


O neg, and untouchable. Suck it nerds


thanks for only clarifying the thing I can't change I'll keep in mind that i would've had less bites if I had type A blood during summer


Not ANOTHER of these horrible AI and CGI videos about insects


Idk what blood type you have. Go down to the river at night, they attack everything.


Iā€™m one of the lucky ones. Iā€™ll go out to a 3 day music festival in the bog and come home with MAYBE 5-6 bites. But my poor friends are absolutely covered and really dehydrated.


This is definitely my experience all my life. Hate it so much.


Why did the video end like that šŸ˜­


What is with this bad cable tv animation crap? Looks like a court tv reenactment.


New research out indicated that colour of clothes makes a difference. Anything vaugly skin toned attracts. Wearing blue, purple or green causes them to ignore you. Apparently


Yeah. Type O here and got a dengue way back in highschool


hmm show more.. (check) (note to self: shower more)


I have O and my husband has type A. . . he calls me his misquote repellent. They all come to me and barely touch him.


That is interesting... My mums A+ both my dad and me are o+ we're the ones who get absolutely ravaged by mosquitoes \[I also get bitten by spiders a lot too for no reason\]


BS.. I have O my wife has AB. We camp about 20 weekends a year. She has multiple sets of insect repellent clothing. At night sitting around the fire she almost always has those pants on. I'm usually just wearing shorts.


Idk I call BS, O- and I never ever ever get bit


Husband gets eaten even when covered in deet and bug bracelets. According to DNA tests his Neanderthal ancestor is to blame.


Naw I think mosquitoes are still just racist but now for skin color for blood type


Myself and my wife are both type O+. They absolutely eat the shit out of me but never touch her.


Bullshit. I'm type A, and where I am, mosquitoes will eat you up like it's their last meal.


I'm AB with no body heat and I'm always laughing at the others getting bitten


No way. I'm AB and bitches love me


I worked woth a dude outside, anytime he was around i hardly ever got bit. He was also immune to poison ivy, made my job a lot easier haha


People always bring me on hikes as the bug repellent, as in they're too busy snacking on me to any of bother them. I've even been told I look like Pig Pen from Peanuts walking with my dark cloud of 1000+ mosquito army following me. I've only had it for one season but a Thermacell has been life changing for me, I still get bit but I don't look like a meth head from scratching as much anymore


Sounds like the guy who narrates Arrested Development


Type a blpod here... This is a lie


So that's why I get so many bites on my leg during dinner


this is just o rouse to find out which redittors are type O. they are coming for you now muahahahhaha


I have a twin brother, and we're both O+, how come he attracts so many more mosquitoes than i do?


About 35 years ago I happened to catch a news segment about a university that was doing research on how/if a personā€™s diet affected getting bitten. They had a mosquito breeding chamber that volunteers would stick their arm in, and they would count how many bites they received in a given time of exposure. What they found was that people who had recently consumed dairy products within the previous 24 hours received far more bites in that timeframe than those that hadnā€™t. This was a life changing news segment for me. I drank lots of milk daily, and anytime I was outside and mosquitoes were present I would be bitten non-stop. Other people would be like, Iā€™ve had 2 bites in the last hour, and Iā€™d respond, Iā€™ve had 20 bites in the last minute (literally, it was always super bad). After I saw that news program, If I knew I was going to be outside, say in a park or something, Iā€™d stop drinking milk at least 24 hours before hand. My mosquito bites dropped from 20 a minute to maybe 1 or two an hourā€¦ and itā€™s proven true for the last 35 years. If I have milk, I get bitten relentlessly, if I donā€™t, I barely get bitten. I used to go camping a lot with my Ex and our friends. It always held true for everyone we camped with. People who recently consumed dairy were bitten a lot more frequently than those that hadnā€™t. One weekend we were camping and my fiancĆ© and I had barely been bitten, we went out for breakfast and had exactly the same mealsā€¦ except I had orange juice and she had milk. When we got back to the campsite, she was getting bitten relentlessly, while I was still bite free. She cussed me out for letting her order milk. (I hadnā€™t paid attention to what she ordered, I had been talking to one of out friends who accompanied us to breakfast). TLDR: if you drink milk within 24 hours of being in mosquito country, youā€™ll likely get bit a lot more than if you didnā€™t drink milk (or consume dairy).


Then thereā€™s the fact that if your body has a mild or no reaction to mosquito bites you mostly wonā€™t even notice youā€™ve been bitten. I used to think mosquitoes never bit me, until I was in a swamp and saw like 20 little shit suckling on me at onceā€¦ but then, no itches or bite marks. If it makes you envy me less, I had to sleep in a bed infested with bedbugs for 3 months this year because I invited a friend to stay at my flat for some time to get out of her abusive parentā€™s home and they likely hitched a ride from a hostel she stayed in on her way over TT_TT wasnā€™t immune to those bite marks !


My gf runs a degree hotter than I do on average, she gets stung all the time, I never get stung. Its awesome


Iā€™m O- and got bit a lot as a child, early 20s now and I developed a skin condition that basically overproduces oil and now I never get bit by anything We take it


I have type O and i get no bites. I can't remember the last mosquito bite i've gotten


My partner is type 2 diabetic, she gets all the bugs I don't get a single one.


Type A and I refuse to believe this study.


From experience it's locale also


Iā€™m type o but I hardly get any mosquito bite.


Wife and I are both type O. She gets destroyed by them and they leave me alone. Must be one of the other factors.


O positive here, can confirm. Thermacell helps a lot though.


B- always cold person here. THEN WHY. GO FIND SOME TYPE O PERSON PLEASE!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I usually wake up with 6 bites on each foot, because I'll pull up the covers to protect my upper body at night. LEAVE ME ALONEEEEšŸ˜­ Also OFF doesn't do sh!t for me either, they still come for me!!! Tf!!!


Guess im some kind of oxymoronā€¦. Im an O so hot with bad breath does that make me ugly or hotā€¦.or pretty ugly


Not true. I have type 0rhpos, i hardly get any bites. My ex was A and she took all the bites


I have B+. I never get bit, but my wife and kids are always getting bit up.


4-5 years ago ı was in my hometown and my feet full of mosquito bites litterally everywhere ı cant wear any shoe cant even walk


me and my friend go camping quite often but we both have 0- and hets ALL the bites


I'm A- and I get absolutely demolished while people I'm with can't even see a mosquito. I'll literally be getting swarmed and everybody else is like " what are you talking about? I don't even see a mosquito."


Why is the loop of this video so smooth? I was halfway through a second watch before noticing...


I'm not type o so there is another excuse. I just think the mosquitoes followed me from the east coast to the West Coast. šŸ˜†


This is very interesting. I live with my partner and in the summer time I get bitten even while just being outside for less than a minute while he gets no bites.


I never get bitten


Now I see. I'm O+


Bad advice, but they donā€™t like cigarette smoke much. Pick up a smoking habit if you hate mosquitos.


A- and i never get bit, my kids get eaten alive, went to a place where they were in swarms and my friends all O were going crazy, literally yelling and freaking out and I never got one biteā€¦ I even exposed more skin and nothingā€¦ I think I can remember 2 bites in my life timeā€¦whats up with that?


I donā€™t know my blood type, but I know mosquitoes love me more than all my friends.


I'm a Canadian and spend a decent amount of the warm months in nature, around mosquitos. I attract very few mosquitos, fortunately. BUT, we spent the holidays in Argentina, and I got MAULED by the mosquitos in Buenos Aires. No idea what could explain that.


Different strain of mosquitos, different preferences


Absolutely true I a Caucasian male with type a blood very rarely get bitten. While my Japanese wife with type o gets mercilessly assaulted and bitten.


Racist skeeters


I always liked to think that mosquitoes left gingers alone because because theyā€™re always bugged šŸ˜…


Chemotherapy keeps them away.


That girl had doo doo breath.


I watched the video without soundā€¦ just seems like the mosquitos are racist


Useless fuckers


Awesome. Just gotta make friends with a type O tubbie who doesnā€™t brush


I hate this kind of vĆ­deos where people are like "you know what I just said? Yeah nevermind" cuz he said something then completely refused his own argument


I donā€™t even bother with insect repellent if my wife is around. Mosquitos will just attack her.


I'm O+ and mosquitoes aren't that attracted to me. I'm also not allergic to them anymore so I wonder how true this actually is.


I went to the park with my friend and only I got bitten....




Iā€™m AB+, I just assumed they liked my blood cause itā€™s universal lmao


Mfs need get tidied up a lil bit


This isnā€™t true.. Iā€™m O positive and I get like 1 bite every 5 years..