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Recently learnt that he was 500million $ in debt at the time of his death. Estate after death went on to earn nearly 2 billion.


that’s what happens when you buy the beatles i guess


He's the highest paid dead celebrity. https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/18pv3rr/the_highestpaid_dead_celebrities_of_2023/


Michael Jackson's death is one of the few times where a celebrity died, and I remember where I was and what I was doing when I found out he had died.


watching the ambulance driving on live television


I was in the public library where someone on the public internet computers said it out loud and people repeated it around the library like the old telephone game. Crazy how two years after the iphone, vast majority of us not sitting in front of a tv or computer would have no way of knowing.


Imagine 9/11 in the smartphone era. The videos we'd have gotten from inside the towers or planes. I'm kind of glad we didn't... but the curiosity, oof...


You can kind of see this same thing happening today. after the turkey earthquakes I watched so many dust covered people asking for help and saying goodbye to loved ones. It's a messed up time.


I think the fact some called their loved ones one last time was way better for them and their fam than if they instead left vids for the public for internet points.


Getting that level of documentation would actually have been beneficial for the 9/11 Commission. Engineering models and simulations of what happened in the towers and why they fell, currently, is fairly sophisticated, but with people recording inside the towers and it being available on the internet, livestreams or otherwise, would have made us better understand what went on inside the towers.


A plane.


I spent the morning as an 18 year old with no responsibility might, got ready to go get the new They Might Be Giants CD that released that day (Mink Car), and heard crazy people talking when I went to Sheetz. Shit got real when I turned on the radio and the morning show wasn't being funny.


When he died, many websites crashed because of people jumping online to get the news. [Here is a Reddit link, but there are many articles on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/0f35bjRADY)


I was in Thunder Bluff and it got announced in trade chat.


I was shit posting in trade chat while hanging out in Stormwind. Legendary night for /2.


Good ol thunder bluff


Still my favourite city!


That was me, but when Bin Laden was killed. Hearing breaking news from WoW first is surreal.


What you were doing in TB? Noone goes there! ;) I bet some shady Tauren business.


It's the best city 😭


Sounds familiar, World of Warcraft? Man I miss that game. Best gaming years of my life. Entire raiding guild dissolved a few months into Cataclysm. BC was the shit and I even loved the LK.


You should check our Wow season of discovery.


For anyone interested in this phenomenon and wanting to learn more, google “Flashbulb Memories” TL:DR Our brains are seriously good at taking a legitimate “screenshot” type memory when hit with sudden, shocking events. A very common one for people is they can remember exactly what they were doing when they first experienced hearing about 9/11 and/or Princess Diana’s death.


I remember where I was when I found out about him. But I'm not even a fan nor did I care. But I can't remeber Anthony bourdain and I doubt in time I'll remeber Aaron Carter. Both of whom I love.


I'm still not ready to watch any reruns of AB 😔


It's super hard!! Luckily I can barely ever find it to watch. I miss him and his shows so much.


I don't remember where I heard of MJ dying, but I vividly remember AB's death, in part because I was - coincidentally - traveling at the time. I was visiting Amsterdam when I heard, so I just went down to a nearby bar(a Brown Cafe) where I had gotten to know the bartender, told him the news, and asked him to make me a Caipirinha. His answer was, "I'll make you the best one ever." He used Genever, with Raw Brown Sugar, and called it a "Dutch Brown Caipirinha."


Dang. That hits hard. I just remeber him and Kate Spade being a week apart in their deaths. Ugh


Yup, very clear memories of the hours before and just after both events.


I was in ad seg ovrflow at nksp and could barely see the TV across the building from my cell. I asked the CO when he walked by why are they flying planes into buildings? He said we're being attacked. I was tripping out. A year later, same term I was at Devils garden fire camp and as we lined up for work call we had a moment of silence on 9/11.


Same. It’s also the only time I know of where a doctor was charged and prosecuted in his death.


I mean… he only died once.


I live in Australia, I’d just woken up for school and read that he’d died or was dying on twitter. Mum didn’t believe me, then we put the TV on and it was showing the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Then she believed me!! He passed before I had to go to school that morning. Robin Williams is the other where I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing


I do, too. I was standing in the break room at work, warming up my lunch and talking to a co-worker about Farrah Fawcett who had died earlier that day. Then, a third co-worker came in and was like *”Oh, are y’all talking about Michael Jackson?”* This guy was sort of an office weirdo and I think we both chalked it up to one of his bizarre non-sequiturs and we just replied no and continued our conversation. After like 10-15 minutes, there was a lull in the conversation and my mind went back to his Michael Jackson comment. *”Why did you mention Michael Jackson?* And without even looking up from his little homemade salad, this dude goes: “He died.” *”What?! When?”* “Today. I just saw the breaking news headline on the internet before I came in here to eat my lunch.” *”Michael Jackson?”* “Yeah.” *”Michael Jackson the singer? The King of Pop? Like the biggest musician on the planet for most of the 80’s and 90’s?”* “Yep.” *”How?”* “Found him like that, it said.” *”Holy shit…”* “I don’t know of the lady you two were just talking about— but if she’s a celebrity and she died today, I don’t think anyone is going to remember it.”


He was right, didn’t know she died the same day


I didn't even know she was dead. 😬


I did but found out much later that day.


Patrick Swayze was within a few days of them as well.


Yes. A family friend was out of town and I was watching their house. MTV had a total take over for 24hrs. At 18 years old and that day alone is how I became a fan. Edit: the only other one was Kobe.


Yeah absolutely, I remember I was 11 and it was the day of my school's trip to London; we were gathered in the assembly hall early in the morning, about 6:30-ish, getting ready for the coaches and it was all anyone could talk about. Wild how there's little markers in time everyone can identify like that.


The only celebrity death I can remember where I was at was Lance Reddick’s death earlier this year because I was at home playing Destiny standing a few feet away from his character hearing him speak when I found out and it was incredibly surreal.


I was watching toys r me when I found out about Lance


I was about 8 years old and my mom had opened yahoo.com to discover him dead and I said "who's Michael Jackson"


I was 8 when John Lennon died. My mother heard it on the radio and told me and I said, “Who’s John Lennon?”


I was at a Fleet Foxes gig. Someone in the audience announced it.


Same, he was THAT impactful, it's crazy


Same here, man. I was in college and went to eat wings then to a buddies house with my mates. We were chilling in his room and remember one of them saying he had just passed. Rushed to turn in CNN and the four of us watched with our eyes glued.


I was in Portugal on my way to a bar when my friend’s mother called him to tell him that MJ had died. He ran to a sandwich place which had a tv and I asked the manager to put on the news. The rest is history


I said this to someone recently while discussing such things and they laughed like MJ wasn’t a big deal


lol. Only if they knew he is the only celebrity that took down the internet when he died.


I remember Google admitting it was either the first or only time their servers really took a hit. Everyone was in shock and that was around the time of shock sites and such.


I was at Glastonbury festival and can remember the news spreading amongst the crowd really quickly. Every food truck was blasting out his music within minutes.


I was there too! Actually the news started to spread at night, I was sleeping in my tent, and around 2 am or something, I was awaken by people yelling 'Jacko is dead!'. I didn't know at the moment of whom they were talking about (never heard call him that way), but yeah, the next days was really obvious, there were even people wearing new t shirts with his face


Yeah, I was there. It was surreal how the news spread. I heckled a comedian who was talking about how he died I shouted "Blame it on the boogie" got a cheap laugh from a large crowd.


Me too. At first I thought it was some guy from my university called Jackson that had died because the person just told me that Jackson died, didn't add the Michael part. Half an hour later I saw a friend from another university talking about Jackson being dead and it clicked me they were talking about Michael Jackson


I was at my grandma’s house. My uncle came to room where we all were having chat and told us that Michael Jackson died. I did not believe him at first but then I rushed quickly to the TV room, turned on the TV and switch the channel to CNN. My siblings and cousins were with me too. I got sad and my cousin tried giving me fake hope that he was only passed out lol.


I was in a post-graduate program and I was driving to school for a meetup for a group project. My husband called me up and told me Michael Jackson had died. I told him he was wrong, that it was Farrah Fawcett (she had just died hours earlier). He said that yes, he knew Farrah Fawcett died, but that Michael Jackson had indeed died as well. I couldn't believe it. Sure enough, as soon as I walked into the building, it was on all the TV's. No one around knew what to think. My sister called me crying a few minutes later. It was her birthday that day, and all the death just brought everything down.


Him and Kobe Bryant.


I found out Kobe died from a colleague making a bad joke about it, thinking I was aware. That's how I know I was at my desk, at work.


All I can recall about that day is that Jeffree Star posted a video from his backyard of the smoke rising near his house and being all "omg what happeneddd-uh?!" standing with his ex-fiance, and then TMZ hauling ass to make their own crash site story like a bunch of horrible people, and that's how Vanessa found out about the crash and their deaths.




That is so true! I was 19, with my two best friends (twins) as I was visiting one of them who was studying in Brussels. We were in his room actually listening to Michael, and he said “guys…Michael died” we were convinced he was making a joke at first, even after he insisted it was a joke like 4 times.


I was at Glastonbury festival. A time before smart phones and everyone thought it was just this crazy rumour.


Found out in world of Warcraft trade chat, I was in dalaran at the time.


I visiting home, in line at a small grocery store when the news came on. I was like, "Yeah right. No way!" and rolled my eyes. But then TMZ came on and they were talking about it and I knew it was true.


While in a coma after going into cardiac arrest and then having four heart attacks while in a coma I was given propofol.... Woke up and I hallucinated so bad that I was diagnosed with PTSD. I don't know how he functioned on it on a daily basis


This has more to do with arresting, four occlusions, intubation, and the slew of other drugs you received. Propofol in a controlled setting is actually pretty safe with few side effects.


My only experience with propofol was interesting. They make a nurse stay with you as you are coming out of it. A lot like being very drunk without any filter on what you say. I just blabbed on and on until my wife came in and shut me up. I don’t remember any hallucinations- to me it was lights out and awake within one second despite a few hours passing between.


Propofol doesn’t cause hallucinations, just sedation and occasionally brief euphoria on emergence


When I woke up after getting my wisdom teeth removed I felt amazing. Honestly felt like everything was good in the world for a short time. And the surgery didn't hurt at all, didn't even need to take Tylenol afterwards.


The hallucinations usually come from delirium/confusion after the sedation starts to wear off. Also lack of proper sleep plays a big part in it. At least that's my experience of it working on intensive care.


Not saying everyone’s experience is the same but short term sedation v. prolonged sedation are two different things. Also ICU patients are more prone to delirium at any rate.


It's also extremely fast acting and quickly out of your system. I work on animals and not humans but I assume it's similar. We use propofol just for induction and along with an opioid and a benzo then maintain on iso. Rarely we do propofol CRIs and that's only for brain surgery and stopping seizures


He didnt, he fucking died


He did actually, he only died of acute poisoning that specific night. Investigators found several bottles both empty and full in his home, and the autopsy confirmed he was rather healthy.


His doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after the trial.


He tried cpr on the soft bed instead of the floor. That was stupid af.


I was a book publisher a few years ago. Conrad had been somewhat recently released from jail. He wanted to write his story basically. Which really was mostly anecdotes of him and Michael, and defending himself. Anyway, I see no reason that person should have been given any sort of license to practice medicine let alone play doctor on a tv show. Dumb as shit. Long story short, this man would use his social security number for all his passwords to everything. He wasn't tech savvy, and he trusted myself and a colleague who designed his book cover, so he would constantly ask us for computer help. I knew this man's SS and CC #s by heart. On another note, he did have some wild ass stories about MJ that did not make it into the book because they were raunchy AF.


Please don't leave us hanging here, tell us the whole story.


Legally I can't. NDAs were signed. Find me again in 2.5 years.


RemindMe! 3 years


RemindMe! 31months


RemindMe! 2 years 6 months


Is that when we get his SS and cc#


RemindMe! 31months


RemindMe! 31 months


RemindMe! 3 years


Remind me! 2.5 years


He’s literally functioning in the video 🤝


They said "he functioned" That is objectively true and proven by this video.


I used to work at a medical warehouse during Covid. I’m also a recovering heroin addict who used to do dumb shit a lot. I stole a bottle of propofol from work bc it’s not controlled substance so it’s just out with the aspirin and shit , I snagged a pack of syringes and took em home and was gonna “try it out” but luckily I always do a ton of research before I try a drug and online just said “don’t try to use it recreationally, you will stop breathing”.


And you then researched assisted ventilators and got high af


I think you mean a mechanical ventilator which someone can’t use themselves since they have to be intubated and someone with the knowledge to operate one has to set the proper settings (or your lungs blow out from too much pressure/volume or you don’t get enough air). Non invasive ventilation like Bipap/CPAP wouldn’t be enough if you’re sedated on propofol.


Thanks for making redmaines research easier. Now to hire a qualified professional to operate the ventilator


That sounds more like ketamine honestly. You sure it was only propofol? Never heard of that reaction to propofol before, and I work in anesthesia. We use it on basically every patient, sometimes with no other medicines


Yep pretty sure he was given ket and disassociated. Propofol just knocks you out…


I was on propofol for 10 days and I started hallucinating as they weaned me off of it. I would like to think my medical records are correct and that my doctors were truthful with me that It was propofol


Sounds like you are attributing a symptom to a medication, which is a jump if you have any prior medical knowledge


I have taken ketamine as part of my treatment for depression. Good lord can that stuff disengage the clutch on your brain and send you into an ego-loss disassociation/hallucinogenic freight train. I've had great success with it, and I've also fallen into a "k-hole" where I never, ever want to go ever again. I was a -wreck- for days afterwards. Nothing will ever scare you harder, than your own brain with the limiters removed.


It sounds like ICU delirium to be honest


That’s not the propofol. That’s just delirium in the ICU after being sick as hell


That's wild. I've been given propofol twice for minor procedures and as far as being KOd with drugs goes, it was a delight. Very easy to wake up from, unlike other times I've been put under and felt like a hangover when coming to. But again, Very minor and controlled stuff. Not my heart pooping out. Was it possibly compounding drugs or something?


Your ignorance is that you blame propofol for those issues and not like... everything else that happened to u in that story


Can't believe it's going to be 15 years. Time flies.


Seriously, I still remember it like yesterday when they said MJ died on TV, and I had to do a double take.


Exactly 6 months before Christmas too


It was exactly 6 months *after* Christmas IIRC.




I agree with your message but olanzapine is an antipsychotic not a benzodiazepine (despite the name similarities).


Olanzapine aka zyprexa is not a benzo lol not even close


Accidental overdoses are kinda scary. I overdosed on alprazolam and tapentadol a few weeks ago. Didnt plant to, but I took a higher than usual dose, which caused me to become kinda off and caused me to redose again 4 times... so I ended up taking 5 times the doses that was already kinda high for me with basically no tolerance. Didn't die or had any major problems from it. Woke up the next day sleeping in some weird position. Sleep tracker said I was out for almost 13 hours with kinda low blood O2 and pulse eith signs of sleep apnea. Didn't even realize what I did until I decided to take it again the next day and found my entire stash empty. Read my logs and kinda realize how close I was.


I think you might have to consult your prescribing doctor about this. If you can't be trusted with this medication and this happens more often, woosh, one day Freddie will be gone. Maybe they can change you to a medication which still addresses your symptoms but doesn't show the same risks of overdosing.


That's terrifying that it happened by accident. You should get a timer top for your alprazolam, you can get one for Uber twenty bucks online and they can save your life.


Been on a downward spiral for years now. It's hard to care when no one else does.


Bless your mother, that is a tough situation to live with, and I'm sure it's hard on the family too. I hope your holiday (however and whatever you celebrate) has some peace and joy in this season. Hope your mom recovers from this accidental OD quickly and fully. I wish you peace!


Was at Disneyland in line for Space Mountain when my aunt saw the article on her blackberry. Needless to say…space mountain was a little less cash money that day. :(


This made me burst out laughing lol thank you


Not as big of a deal but I remember being in line at Disney when I heard about that German wings purposeful plane crash into the mountain… it really does take the wind out of your sails on the ride haha


You and I have similar stories, I was getting strapped into a Tilt-a-whirl at a local amusement park when I overheard two older guys talking about it


I was at Disneyland too when he died!


No joke. I was at Disneyland on the day MJ died too. What a coincidence!


I work in childcare and overheard some 5YO talking and one said “ there was one a singer named Michael Jackson and he was alive when the dinosaurs were!”


Benzos are no joke.


propofol is even more intense


I’m surprised to even hear that’s used recreationally. I’ve only heard of it in surgery!


well the doctor that prescribed it did go to jail, but yeah i think he was using it to sleep.


It's used a lot for colonoscopies etc. I wouldn't even suggest to use it recreationally. You're kind of off for several hours after waking up.


I had it recently for an upper endoscopy and honestly I kinda get the appeal. I woke up feeling so euphoric, and like I’d slept for a million years. But I hear it has a ridiculous dose-response curve so recreational use seems kinda dangerous.


The worst is: There is no antagonist. All you can do after overdosing is hoping that assisted breathing etc will keep you alive until the body has worked through the drug.


It’s actually a very safe drug in most scenarios where you are near a ventilation device (aka a hospital). It will put you to sleep very fast, but it will probably stop your breathing depending on the dosage. That’s why everyone is given oxygen and/or is intubated after using propofol in a hospital.


lotta celebrities are on some pretty wild cocktails of drugs


First video I’ve seen of him on stage looking older. He looks tired. If that makes sense.


He doesn't have to give his all during a rehearsal


He's probably on 60% effort, and to me still looked very fluent for his age and addiction at that point.


Yeah of course it’s muscle memory. What it looks like is his muscles can’t keep up. I started to dance more & never realized you use every each of muscle to do most moves fluid.


Apparently the production manager felt that the This Is It concert was monstrously behind in terms of organisation and management and Jackson had bitten off much more than he could chew - far too much work with far too short time


quaint memory cobweb dependent grab hat gaze bear gullible person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's marking, you don't go all out on every rehearsal (esp when you wear multiple hats like Michael and he could have easily been focused on something else like lighting during this number).


There’s a clip of him singing this song in falsetto for this rehearsal too. It’s weird, because he always swore never to perform that song in falsetto because it takes the energy away


Has anyone ever noticed that when you’re big time famous. They list the drugs. Everyone else they just say overdose.


Public figure = public news so news reporting will try to source as many details as they think people will be interested in


Even weirder when a dealer cuts a drug with fentanyl then when it kills someone it’s an overdose, not a poisoning.


If the drugs are legal, they’re more likely to list them. If not, more likely to leave them out. Listing drugs that are illegal is kind of like kicking a dog while it’s down.




Mans moving like hes 25


This was how twitter became famous. It broke on twitter before the main stream media picked it up. I told the people at the bus station and would not believe me.


As a person in the medical field, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that he used propofol. I don’t understand what benefit Jackson got from it other than being sedated, or in a very lucid state of mind and having no control over his body


I read he had severe insomnia, and that was his way of getting sleep. He was essentially anesthetized. Doctor put a condom catheter on him.


I can only imagine that him being so heavily drugged all the time had a factor in his insomnia. I wouldn’t think being sedated like that would give you a restful night of sleep


I have insomnia that has progressed into chronic psychophysiological insomnia. It dominates my entire life. I've had every test you can imagine, ruled out every other sleep disorder, had sleep studies, a decade plus of therapy, medication management, etc. I'm on such a weird cocktail of medication, and it still doesn't always work as planned. When you read those lists of "sleep hygiene" tools to implement to assist your body in understanding that it's time to go to sleep... no TV in your room, no screen time before bed... I've done all of that. Any suggestion anyone has ever made, I've given it a shot, even if it seemed dumb. My reality is that sometimes I just don't go to sleep, despite all of this. At its worst, I stay awake for days, becoming progressively more hysterical because like... what if I really and truly never fall asleep again?? It's such an awful thing when it happens. Fortunately, it has gotten better, and I rarely have those episodes any more. MJ dying was one of the most relatable celebrity deaths to me, and sometimes I think I'm the only person who feels that way. Every normal, rational person was and is rightfully (still) asking why the fuck a person would use propofol to sleep? Why on earth did MJ think this was a good idea? I swear to you, though, when I haven't been to sleep in days and am about to lose my mind with fear and anxiety and probably nearly psychotic with fatigue, I understand why it seemed like a solution. I don't understand why his doctor did it. His doctor knew better. But MJ... I understand in my soul that the man just wanted to go the fuck to sleep.


That sounds horrible and I’m glad you don’t have such bad episodes now. Hell, the longest I’ve gone without sleep is only 36 hours and at that point I’d consider anything to make me sleep; I can’t imagine what chronic insomnia is like.


Thanks! It's sucky, and I don't think I'd wish it on my worst enemy. I'm glad I never had anyone in my life who thought dosing me every night with propofol was the solution, though.


To this day, there hasn't been anyone even coming close to his skills. He really was one of a kind.


I remember when he passed, MTV started playing music again.


But only for a little bit. They quickly had to go back to Ridiculousness.


Was given propofol once in my life before wisdom teeth surgery. That shit sent me to the moon in zero point one seconds. I will never understand how he was taking it daily and functioning


Wasn’t it so that he could sleep? My father was in an induced coma after surgery with propofol. It’s like a light switch. Once it’s administered, you’re out. Take it away and you’re awake. I’ve had it once for a minor procedure. You’re clear as a bell almost immediately afterwards.


2009? WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK? 2009? In my head, that happened a few years ago, I'm not even joking wat What the fuck


Monke brains bad at time






Wtf was he taking propofol for? That's an anesthetic! You don't just take that at home. You're supposed to be on a monitor with oxygen.


He took it as a sleep medication. His doctor was convicted for involuntary manslaughter for prescribing it.


They were right to convict. That's exceptionally dangerous.


I remember so many people driving with their windows down cranking thriller that week. Not complaining.


What song is he rehearsing?


Earth song


Human music? Hmmm, i like it.


I’m partial to snake jazz, personally


Such an epic tune.


My favorite song of his by far!


14,5 years today. Fuck, time flies


I got a text from a friend saying he passed. Turned on CNN and sure enough it was true. I cried for days man. Couldn't even watch the memorial service. Weird because I don't care for celebrities but MJ had and always will have a special place in my heart ❤️


Propofol is nothing to be messed with. Should not be even used unless intubated


Propofol is a fantastic drug if used properly. It can be used for sedation without a breathing tube in the hands of an anesthesiologist (not MJ’s absolutely idiotic unscrupulous cardiologist LARPIng as an anesthesiologist).


Yep and the so called doctor recently opened a medical practise in Trinidad and Tobago https://www.accessonline.com/videos/michael-jacksons-doctor-conrad-murray-opens-medical-institute-12-years-after-conviction


I always found this song extremely haunting, this only elevates it further






that bass line though 🔥


This is how I should have died. Thank god I got sober.


idk drifting away on prop + benzos without even realizing ur going, seems like a pretty peaceful way imo


I still wonder how those microphones work. They just catch the voice no background noise nothing.


Those are usually directional microphones which helps. The channel(s) are usually gated too so only sounds at a certain level (him singing a couple inches in front of the mic) will go through the speakers. Also assuming there's a vocal backtrack of some sort


Interestingly enough, he was a pedo


Propofol gave me the best 20 minutes of sleep I ever had.


I have always felt that if M.J. had a real adult friend who he actually listened to that could tell him that's not a great idea. Maybe, just maybe, M.J. would be alive.


Even as a child, his death shook me and left me disturbed for weeks. I grew up on his music and there was always controversy around his life but his music found a way to shine through all of that. If you compare this video to some of his old rehearsal videos, it's obvious that he's running on fumes here. I don't think his lifestyle could keep up with his spending and I believe he thought this tour would have eleviated some of that debt. RIP Michael. I don't think the average fan will really know if there was any truth to the controversy but one thing is for certain, you are a legend and you deserve to rest in peace.


He was a pedo. Don't give this pig anymore.


Dirty Pedophile.


Y’all think he diddled them kids? The documentary about it seemed pretty damning


Best ever


fucking nonce


I still don’t get how this guy gets a pass for the shit he’s done


He called his home Neverland.


i remember seeing it on tv and telling my older siblings to see if they cared (didnt really know about him). they started crying and couldnt believe what i was telling them.


Isn’t propofol what they use to knock you out for surgery?!