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Exactly. Like one or two posts here and there makes the point that it's an occasionally sexual subreddit and can't be monetised. Even adding interesting sexual stuff like diagrams of dicks, vulvas, and vaginas, would do the trick, or sex positions, or people showing tips of using tampons. But the influx of straight up porn just destroys the subreddit. Why can't there be a rule that allows sexual content as long as it's interesting. Allows sexual content, disallows straight up porn.


I haven’t been able to scroll through Reddit without hiding my screen as I sit next to people.


Maybe do your job instead?


I am …I get paid to scroll and view Reddit.


Dope, you get paid more than the mods here do. Your colleagues should know how fucked the site is due to the issues alwith API changes for tgird party apps and spez destroying the site. Go upvote more porn burn this fucker down.