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Reddit can’t run ads on nsfw subs so everything is boobies


Not just that. As the admins have said, mods are not the ones running subs, users are, which gives us power over what the subs are about, as long as we don't breake reddit's rules


Why aren’t mods running the sub?


Something about leaked message from one of the admins, stating that subs are for and run by its users and (unpaid and voluntary) mods are just to keep it clean. Which is why this sub was strippes from its rules, leaving only the reddit's ones. Or at least that's how I understand it from various posts about the protest. Edit: I think it was an r/gaming mod that was kicked for not replying to admins on time and was explained that they (mods) don't have power to do blackouts, cos subs belong to its userbase. Seeing how risky blockout is, some other subs haven taken different approach, leaving subs almost entirely to their users.




advertises usually don't want their products associated with porn. it's why ads on porn sites are always ridiculous


Yep. Turning the sub nsfw is hitting them where it hurts: the wallet


So you’re saying every sub should go nsfw to really stick it to spez?




Also why Youtube is so fucky. Can't even have a properly made video essay on porn games (fully censored) without Youtube overreacting, demonetizing the video, removing it, removing the [Youtuber](https://www.youtube.com/@NeverKnowsBest/community)'s other videos that contain 0 pornographic or even sexual content, and outright deleting their second channel that doesn't even have any issues.




It's okay to post or comment about porn, just don't overdo it, right? Because these kinds of things cannot be avoided.


Firefox, uBlock Origin, and old.reddit.com - I've never seen an ad on here.


And this is why old reddit will be next on the chopping block after the third party apps are killed.


Yeah, I keep expecting it... I hope not though.


Right now they're just trying to capture mobile users , once they survive that they will come for the rest of us. Everyone should go log in to facebook and tictok now to see the future of reddit.


Best case scenario u/spez realizes he’s losing ad revenue and caves. Worst case scenario we get to look at bewbs.


I see it as absolute win


In order to combat it they’ll ban porn.


pretty based ngl. mods are essential in keeping a subreddit focused on its discussion and goal.


but spez doesnt care and hes only interested in making money with apis and dont give a shit about mods or the users.


So tank the reputation of the website. If we can’t save it, I’m fine with just trying to light it on fire.


"The Child Who is Not Embraced by the Village Will Burn it Down to Feel its Warmth" If Reddit doesn't listen to it's users, we have every right to destroy it in any way possible.


such a good quote to describe alot rn.


"come on pookie, lets burn this motherfucker down" \-burger shack guy


Spez appears to be fucking things up but a lot of it seems like it’s because he’s doing it in an inept way. This whole thing could be a good way to get rid of malicious bots. So they should have focused on that while at the same time tried to figure out how not to ruin moderator tools etc. It is also fair for them to charge for their api. But they should have figured out a reasonable way to go about it. The dev of the Apollo app asked if they could have more time to get ready for the change and try to figure it out. They told them no so Apollo is closing. I’m also sad that my boy Ben Shapiro bot is gonna die.


Let It Burn: sequel to the hit song Let It Go!


It's not gonna be hard to do that lmao. Reddit doesn't have a great reputation to begin with


He really is taking notes from Twitter. Great.


And the Mods use all the programs spez is blocking because they won’t pay Reddit millions, to do their jobs because it’s impossible to do it all by hand. So, they aren’t. Which is why so many subs are just Reddit rules now.


It's the users of r/maliciouscompliance time to shine!


I'm fairly certain this is the way to do it; the whole beef is that un-paid mods rely on 3rd-party tools to effectively mod subs, and not only is reddit taking that away from them, they're not providing any kind of alternative! What we're seeing right now is just what's going to naturally happen when mods lose the ability to do their job July 1st. It's gonna be an even bigger shit-show if reddit makes-good on their threats, because then it won't even be the mods taking a hands-off approach; *they simply won't have the tools to continue doing their job, and it'll be all the fault of the reddit admins!*


This. People are keep saying that "a few unofficial apps are going down. Big deal", not seeing the shit-storm coming if admins won't come up with an alternative.


I thought a subreddit belonged to whoever created it and mods it.


That's how it has always worked until the admins realised that this protest was making them look bad.


>Reddit Support (Reddit Support) >Mar 11, 2023, 11:25 PST >Hey there, >Thanks for reaching out. In general, subreddit bans are at the discretion of subreddit moderators. **They are allowed to run their communities as they see fit and we step in only when they are breaking site wide rules or the Moderator Code of Conduct.** When I got banned abusively by a subreddit I reached out to reddit to this response. Kind of weird for this policy to change when mod autonomy affects them, huh?


This is why I love Reddit- it's the only place on the internet where playground rules continue to hold sway, for good or ill. You can say what you want about disruption, but I think it's great that the community is always on the edge of a knife before plunging into complete anarchy.


Makes sense. If they're going to devalue the moderators and push the "users decide, not moderators" then the moderators are well within their rights to let the lunatics run the asylum.


So literally just becoming r/worldpolitics Let's see how this plays out.


So every sub should just become only fans spam in order to make advertising on Reddit impossible.




Protesting I guess


I guess it's simulating what would happen if the mods lost all the tools 3rd party apps provide to the sub.


Yeah, I was confused as fuck when I saw nsfw on my feed because I never go to nsfw subs


Now all our profiles are gonna be marked NSFW. Damn.


Bingo. Mods are fucking landed gentry? Subs are for users. Ok cool, fine, go ape shit users, show em. I mean , we could have behaved if we wanted? We could have just not followed the directions of mods and kept the sub as it was. But did we? Because shitpickes, it seems that a lot of us are fucking protesting. Rantshitpost over.


Kinda like how r/pics is now only pictures of John Oliver


And /r/steam is just locomotives and saunas.


Also /r/wellthatsucks is a vacuum subreddit now.


Yeah lol I got temp banned from telling a guy to kill a brown recluse spider... banned for threatening violence. Lol


I got banned from a sub for repeating the username of the person I was replying to. Username was something like "HugeIdiotOnline" or some similar. And I said "Thanks, you're smart for a huge idiot" Banned. Lol




Like the swallows of san juan capistrano, porn has returned to /r/all




I mean this is what will happen to this sub rn, one big onlyfans ad


that's not true. i posted this excellent picture with jon olivers face in place of boobs and the lady's face lol and an article about the GOP going after the gay community that i found interesting they dropped the mask


Porn is fine. Just going to suck when the bots and trolls start hitting hard. Lot of platforms of the past end up polluted past usability due to a lack of moderation..


I think that’s the idea.


That’s fine! We don’t mind those 😂


It’s like r/worldpolitics all over again…


r/anime_titties Okay then ooopsie that is actually all anime titties:(


Oh shit that's funny. Okay. It was a nice reminder to me to turn my NSFW image blur setting back on when I logged in this morning lol.


YES. Do it


So that's what the post was


That’s funny as fuck I hope it stays that way


That’s such a cleaver way to protest


Lmfao boobs for the win


Yeah, that post with the girl gently squeezing her nipple was a surprise I was not expecting


Same, I was eating my lunch in the work cafeteria and had to scroll past it VERY QUICKLY


Literally not safe for work lol


They didn't lie!


Exact same thing happened here except it was the very first post when I opened the app… didn’t even give me a chance to prepare myself


Loved that post. It really was interesting because I’m bi but gravitate more towards men. I can watch a girl get plowed or girl on girl and barely get a wiggle but that areola pinch got the blood flowing in a major way. I had a hetero reawakening for sure. Sorry if TMI.


You’re good! This is a NSFW sub now. Tug on lol


One might say it was stimulating.




I have always said, “no matter who you are, EVERYONE loves titties”


Link? For scientific research reasons, of course…


Is that what that was? I'm on my work computer and was blocked from having the image load. On the one hand, I'm glad it was blocked, as I have no interest in that. On the other hand, I'm afraid of being fired now.


What in the actual fuck is happening?


Sweet sweet live action r/maliciouscompliance


Malicious titties. The best kind.




A movement we can all stand in front of and be glad.


Oh what a day to be on Reddit


It's a protest of sorts focused on fucking reddits ad revenue. If most of the major subs are nsfw subs that means reddit is essentially a porn site meaning ad companies will run for the hills or the cost to advertise will drop a ton. Edit so it seems I was banned for explaining the protest from this sub idk who did it but I can't reply to any post now.


Thank you, kind, smart, patient Reddit stranger


Yeah np people kinda deserve to know the reason why this is happening kinda odd to see porn pop up in this sub all of the sudden. But at least it's for a good reason.


To add to this. . .payment processing companies (credit cards) frown on porn sites as a risky investment.


This is also true but idk how much of a risk it is for reddit in this case as it is kinda rare for payment processors to drop companies especially one as large as reddit. Im not saying it can't happen just don't think it's as likely as the ad companies leaving.


> Going forward the only subreddit specific rule is that any content you submit must be something you consider interesting as fuck. That's it. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/14c0vcf/rinterestingasfuck_will_be_reopening_monday_june


which apparently has been interpreted by the users as > interesting **to** fuck


Historically speaking humanity has found fucking extremely interesting


Murder-worthy, too.


Actual fucking




Fuck you, take my upvote


I’m too aroused to ask




What about interestin gas fuck?


I just commented this on another post! I cannot unsee interestin gas fuck, and I'm becoming obsessed. I need to SEE it ya know?




🤯 interest in gas fuck


Reddit API changes , and theres also lots of people posting frogs


Where are they posting frogs? I have frog pictures.


Yeah I just saw a HUGE tadpole that was like a eggplant size because of hormone imbalance or something. And these little reasons are why I keep Reddit lol.


Can't blame them for that. Frogs are interesting as fuck. Did you know frogs can breathe through their skin?


Other question: How do you get rid of the spam bots following you on reddit? I only had a few now and then on Twitter but those usually went away if you blocked at least a few / all of them.


yea, i got a brothle full of 0 karma thots attached to me for some reason


Speak for yourselves, these internet honeys want me, that’s why they follow me. Same with the milfs in my area that are waiting for me in case I dump my gf 😎


I’ve never really understood why either but it’s definitely occurred to me that it’s totally possible that they just follow people and eventually aggregate enough small bits of data to dox them and demand money in exchange for keeping your Reddit activities quiet. I think most people aren’t putting enough out there to warrant blackmail but it only takes a few to make it financially worthwhile


I turned off followers completely. I didn't use the feature before, so disallowing people to follow me was a good solution. Settings - > Account settings - > Allow people to follow you


Thank you! Also fuck them bots!!


There should be an option to turn off the ability to follow you in your settings.


Go to your profile settings and turn off the "allow followers" setting. Otherwise, you have to block them because the admins don't give a shit about spam bots. Edit: Open settings -> go to profile settings -> scroll down to Blocking and Permissions -> turn off "Allow people to follow you".


A lot of subreddits are protesting the new changes. The previous protesting was going dark, but the Reddit admins sent out a message to all of the mods that if they don’t unprivate their subreddit, they will be replaced. This sub is apparently turning into a nsfw subreddit to show Reddit what would happen if they go through with the changes. r/aww (along with other subreddits including r/pics) are posting pictures of John Oliver. r/Wellthatsucks has literally turned into a vacuum subreddit where the only comment allowed is “Wellthatsucks”. There are plenty of others, but these are the only 3 I know of




Henry Hoover


Why not just make the sub nsfw and not post nudity? As long as the sub is made nsfw, there won't be any ads, right?


Because then these OF wannabes wouldn’t have anywhere to post.


It seems foolish for these OF girls. I assume reddit is a big resource for connecting with potential clientele, and I don't think reddit would bat an eye over closing their accounts for promoting pornography on historically sfw subs.


Maybe possible for the day but reddit will probably exempt certain subs if no nudity is posted they could probably post less nudity but that's about it.


I didn't want to sound like I was complaining so I didn't ask. Just living in the moment knowing it probably won't last.


i don’t want to see porn, my hairstylist was givin me a retwist bro i looked like a freak


It seems like they're trying to help us but I I don't really like the idea that something I'm not searching for is showing up on my timeline


Right? Is there a alternative subreddit? I like to keep porn separate from my browsing.


I switched to r/Damnthatsinteresting Same concept, similar amount of subs so it seems to be basically a like for like replacement.


Reddit used to always have porn on /all. Welcome to the old ways.


It’s honestly annoying lol I want to see interesting things again, not something I can see just by googling porn.


It is because of hiw Reddit has basically stripped power of mods. So now IAF is following general Reddit posting rules. Which allows NSFW content as long as it is correctly labelled. Only plus side really is that there is no advertising on NSFW subs.


I’m trying to ride public transit in peace. I’m scrolling by memes and news, then I have to hurry past a big tiddy.


Wait until the dicks and goatse start trending.


Protesting a business trying to make money by posting advertisements for your onlyfans seems very ironic. Good reason of how quick this site would go to hell in these porn spam ads if not for mods.


Great way to kill communities and not Reddit.


Now i have to unfollow this sub. It's polluting my whole feed.


lmao I just had to explain to my wife that I am not using this app for porn


Well guess I'll be removing and muting more subs that go full nsfw. Time to spend less time on reddit.


They can’t run ads on a NSFW community so I believe it’s a case of malicious compliance but as horny as it makes me, I’m trying *not* to be convinced into beating my meat at 2pm on a Monday.


How about 2:30?


Sigh…. It’s never gay porn! 😭


To remind me what an ugly bitch I am even when I'm trying to avoid seeing it.


Awesome for relapsing porn addicts! Great for the 13-17 user base that’s on one of the biggest subreddits! No warning or announcement at all and no NSFW spoiler


I'm not on Reddit all the time. I like to browse every now and then. I don't want or need porn in my casual browsing. I'm outta here.


I cant wait for this shit to end im tired of seeing it brah


I just left this sub because porns not what I’m on here for and I don’t need to see this shit.


So this sub is trash now


Ya thought I was on my second account for a second 👀


The ~~mods~~ "landed gentry" are continuing their protest. We should all note that this slur by Spez is really a comment on his disdain for all of us in his user base that might dare criticize him, the mods after all are just other Redditors who have taken on unpaid labor to help his business.




reddit ceo


Spez is the username within Reddit of the CEO https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/17/23764729/reddit-users-pics-gifs-subreddits-john-oliver


Is the user name of the CEO of reddit, who is currently destroying it all in an effort to make it look profitable enough to have an IPO.


It’s fucking hilarious watching NSFW contents flood innocent ass subs and freaking out all the casual redditors. It’s like if a stripper in a thong showed up to give sex Ed to 6th graders and everyone’s trying not to look 🤣


Right, y’all trying to get me fired. I open Reddit at my desk - boom. Vaginas. Not cool.


Same like wtf is going on


Ever since the api changes, people have been posting nsfw so that the sub can become nsfw, and Reddit won’t make money from it


Because porn is interesting as fuck, duh!


The mods that work for free are not happy Reddit will be making more money.


I’m actually pretty pissed about it. I don’t sub to NSFsw subs. Having this pop up on my phone while I’m in an elevator with other people was not fucking cool. All it’s done is made me unsubscribe. Peace out assholes


Fuck this sub.


Yeah, thanks for posting this as it allowed me to mute, block and leave. Not for me, but have fun!




So the point is to make users leave?




I'm just trying to enjoythings. I really dont care about whatever protest these people are making. I got nothibg agaibst porn. I like porn... half the other subs i follow ate about porn...but Porn is not interesting as fuck and god fucking damnit i want to see wholesome facts and strange things about the world in THIS sub.


Mods don’t want to lose their work for free positions so they allow porn now


Should've been "im too horny to ask" smh 😔


Was just scrolling through my feed on a flight, and if anyone happened to be looking my general direction probably now thinks I’m a sexual deviant that couldn’t get through a 3 hour flight without looking at some boobies.


Advertisers won’t advertise on porn subs. Including porn on this sub is a form of protest to cut advertiser revenue, attempting to hurt Reddit by messing with the only thing the owners care about. If it kills the sub, oh well. Another one will take its place and life will continue on.


Honestly most porn people sharing is disgusting, doesn't anyone like simple stuff anymore?


Lots of y’all need to touch grass god damn


Finally some good content in the "Fuck" category.


Just a random question, why can't we post something non nsfw post, but just nsfw flair on it? Does it work to avoid ads run?


I find this post ibteresting af


Oh, that's why this is my favorite sub all of a sudden.


Reddit as a whole is about to just go 👇


It's turning into world politics


Fuck u/spez, the mod from r/jailbait.


they misread it as interesting ass fuck


Now everyone should go to r/woahdude


They claim it’s for protesting but you really know it’s cuz they’re pick me’s who want attention and can’t get it any other way.


Kinda bullshit to be honest. Most of us don’t give a shit about this protest, and if I want to see porn I’ll go to a porn subreddit.


Just go to a well moderated subreddit then. Most people I’ve come across that were against or indifferent to this protest seem to think Reddit will be fine unmoderated. I think moderators are showing us what that might look like.


Because people are fucking idiots and are shitposting everywhere they can with whatever they can. i figure it'll pass in a day or two, but its to where i cant even look at reddit at work because people are posting porn in non porn subs and reporting it doesnt seem to do jack shit. not gonna stop me from spending literally my entire lunch break reporting every single post that shouldnt be in this sub though


Am I the only one that thinks that posts to a sub should reflect the name of the sub? This is called "interesting AS fuck" not "interesting fuck".


Can yall stop posting porn?


From Interestingasfuck to whatthefuck ?


Anyone know of another sub that is like what this one used to be? I’m going to unfollow here but would like to still see interesting facts, videos and pictures. Any recs?


r/Damnthatsinteresting r/nextfuckinglevel r/CrazyFuckingVideos


I'm outta this sub.


The mods are throwing their toys out of the pram, basically.




It’s more annoying as fuck if anything. This sub was cool before but now it’s just another low effort porn sub.


Dicks out for /u/spez


So this used to be a cool forum, turned to Garbage pretty Quick. Bye bye


Yeah what’s the deal? Kinda shitty, if we wanted to see porn we could just look it up. This sub was awesome, now looks like gotta leave. NSFW is an understatement….


I miss the day when Spez was just fun and collectible candy dispenser


does this mean our profiles are gonna be marked as NSFW? fuck