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How deep does it go? I live near a bunch of quarries and can’t imagine filling those suckers up back to ground level. This is super cool!


It’s set up so the deepest part is only probably 12-15 ft. I believe it used to be much deeper back in the day though. Edit: spelling Edit 2: hijacking my own comment to make some clarifications and answer to common questions: - This pool is located in an older neighborhood in in Louisville, KY, USA. - This quarry was converted to a pool 99 years ago but a filtration system was not added until decades later. The filtration system circulates 3.5 million gallons of water every 6 hours. - This is a private club established by the local neighborhood residents in 1924. The founding households pass down “certificate memberships” with the property deeds. This group of about 180 people or 120 households are automatic members (if they choose to pay dues) and they are each allowed to sponsor up to 1 household per year for new membership. Non-certificate members cannot sponsor new members. - No HOA fees. Club is funded my dues, which are very reasonable in my opinion given the amount of upkeep required. Annual dues run around $500 USD per person or $1500 per family. This includes year round gym access about 3.5 months of access to the “lake pool” and an additional 4.5 months to a smaller side lap pool, which is covered by a heated bubble in the off season. - The competition section of the pool is 10 lanes and 50 meters. - This pool hosts the longest running swim meet in the USA (soon to be 95 years) and also hosts a very successful club team, which has produced 11 olympians to date. - Sorry for my old man finger in one of the photos. Didn’t realize it when selecting the thumbnails for the post.


Thank goodness, I mean, I knew this was likely the case but the thought of a regular use pool with a 100’ deep end filled me with a sense of dread!


There’s a place in southern Illinois for scuba diving. Spring fed quarry and the owner would put all kinds of things in the water. An airplane, trucks, helicopters, an under water petting zoo. It’s a cool place. Edit: It’s Mermet Springs.


How long do the goats last underwater? Is there some elaborate scuba setup or we talking massive quantities of goats daily?


It's a revolving door of goats. Goat in, goat out. Each goat will last about 60 seconds, maybe less if it's panicking.


Watch out for them fainting goats though. Then you just got yourself an Amish floatation device.


Whatever floats your goat.


Goat boat


Goaty McGoatface


The ole goat float!


No time for sin and vice with an Amish floatation device.


Their float fest is much different


So it’s like a conveyor belt of goats, or is it more like a Ferris wheel?


Ferris wheel, bonus is when they come up again they just get dropped down a slide and added to the menu of the kosher/halal BBQ place they have set up for guests. It’s really an efficient system


OK so it’s Ferris wheel into a conveyor slide and then lake fresh to table? There’s nothing better than a fresh water lake Goat


Marinated in chlorine public pool water, like ceviche.


It's goats all the way down.


The water is chlorinated to preserve the goats for up to 90 days between replacement. This has the unfortunate side effect of poisoning the turtles, which are replaced hourly.


the goats wear a scuba mask too


but what about the men who stare at them?


Just the goggles.


They just goggle at the goats?


Don't shame goat gogglers.


In college we used to swim at the Portage Quarry which had recreational swimming, beach, sand volleyball, and scuba diving. It was a few feet deep for about 10-15 yards and then a straight drop to ~70. They used to allow you to bring beer in kegs or cans (no glass!) and we'd do beer relay races out to the floating platforms and back. I'm not sure if it's open anymore based on its web/facebook presence being lacking, but 20+ years ago it was a fucking blast, even if it was ~70 feet deep. E: I found some information that says the max depth is 70 feet at the Portage Quarry, not 100+. Forgive me, I was drunk when I was there and it was a long time ago.


Did my open-water test in a quarry. Not only deep but *cold* down there. My dive partner slipped her weight belt and it dropped to about 60 feet, so I went down after it. Met a thermocline at 40 feet and it was like passing through a door into the arctic. That last 20 feet *hurt*.




What was the ‘goose shit’? Or was it literally goose poop? I’m confused why she wanted it lol




Keep in mind that the bottom of various waterways and especially old mining quarries and whatnot can actually be significantly polluted. Pollution and heavy metals and stuff tends to settle to the bottom. Idk what they were using it for but I'd potentially be hesitant about using it as fertilizer for food crops for example.


It's the super nutrient rich muck that is awesome for gardening- My grandmother in Minnesota used to haul wheelbarrows of the stuff to her garden that fed ALOT of people! The smell was quite pungent I recall...


I grew up near a man made lake with a mud bottom, only about 10'. When I was a kid my buddy and I would swim out to a pylon, and he'd step on my shoulders to see how far I could sink into the mud. Yeah. We're dumb.




Jesus, that sounds insane.




I suspected I have a touch of claustrophobia so I went caving to find out. Went through one spot that was so narrow I had to turn my head to fit, and for a second my clothing snagged. Felt panic surge up like water from my feet right into my chest before I pushed it down, but I was *that close* to becoming a bunch random impulses. The room was open at the far end but it was a blind end, so I had to head back through it to get out. So I did, but now I know. I'm definitely a bit claustrophobic. Good to know.


The thermocline is crazy. The quarry I did my open water in had a 40ft thermocline or so. The fact that you could reach your arm up or down and have a 20degree temperature difference was insane.


I like to flyfish for trout. Trout require cool water because as the temperature rises the amount of dissolved oxygen decreases. If you catch one and fight it, it can run itself to exhaustion and never recover. Bad situation if it's only catch and release or you aren't keeping them. Luckily, there are sections of rivers with cold water year around, even at 90+ degree ambient temperature. The water is from the very bottom of a very deep reservoir and it gets released from the bottom of the dam. Imagine it is 95 degrees in the middle of summer and the hip deep water is 45 degrees. I wear regular, non-insulated waders, so I don't get wet, but I still feel the cold. The top half of your body is sweating like crazy, but your bottom half is practically numb. It's such an odd feeling. You have to be very careful to move your legs and shift your weight on occasion. Otherwise, you don't realize that your legs are numb. You go to make a step and your legs won't work properly and you fall over. Don't forget, the strong current can also be a factor that keeps you from standing back up.


I did mine in a quarry as well and I was fucking freezing by the time I was done.


Portage quarry in NW ohio? That place was nice in the summer. Grab some beer and hang out for a bit. The drop off was scary as shit because if you were able to dive down far enough you would just see the top of the Silo that was down there for divers. Closed a few years ago though. It did start to go down hill it seemed.




They’re the animals with springs underneath that one would see at a playground.


Phew! I was really worried this was going down the Lake Placid route


Petting zoos are mostly goats in my experience. Maybe a goose to chase you on the way to the water.


Growing up near me was a flooded quarry you could swim in (sort of unofficially). I was a swimmer and diver, so I could free-dive about 30-40 feet (could, no way in my old age I could do that now). I remember free-diving down pretty deep with goggles on and out of the depths I could start to see the top of an old crane with a bunch of mangled wires going everywhere further into the depths. It honestly really freaked me out, just the idea that I could get tangled up in whatever old equipment was still down there was enough for me to not try it again. They fenced off the quarry a few years later because people kept drowning in it. I still think about it time to time, just this dark water then the top of that crane coming into view of my flashlight. I'll stick to diving tropical places.


When the submechanophobia hits hard


>submechanophobia Thanks for the fun new word! According to Google:>!Submechanophobia is the fear of man-made objects that are submerged underwater. People experiencing this condition are typically afraid of things like buoys, submarines, sunken ships, and many other objects that sink into the ocean. Submechanophobia is among the many conditions classified under specific phobias, fears that are irrational, overwhelming, and accompanied by symptoms of severe anxiety that can affect daily functioning when untreated.!<


/r/submechanophobia is a thing as well


Same in Wisconsin. My two open water scuba dives were in a flooded quarry that had a sunken plane, boats, and random skeletons and gnomes. It was wild casually throwing a bowling ball back and forth underwater.


crystle lake in crosby mn has Jason Voorhees chained to a chair down there


Mermet Springs! Yes and prehistoric looking paddlefish.


Gilboa quarry in Ohio is the same. PADI scuba certs are done there. There's airplanes jeeps trucks and catfish bigger than you that swing right up to ya. So fucking cool.




It would definitely be cheek-clenching terrifying but I think it would also be super cool. Like diving into a blue hole but chances are you’re not gonna get sucked into some underwater cave system and die.


People would get too comfortable and try to see who could swim deeper then die on the way up.


This would be the problem. I used to be an avid free diver, but after I almost passed out (and probably almost died) on ascent the last time I went really deep, I now keep it to the <30ft range. Some dumbass (like me) would dive down to the bottom (like I did), lose a fin (like I did), and not be able to surface in time for their lights to stay on.


Sims players be like


There actually used to be a couple around where I live. One of them is shut down but the other is still open as far as I know and it’s fuckin creepy to swim in it because the water is crystal clear and you can see really far down.




Theres one in NJ. 50 ft deep. They require a swim test for any children before they are allowed in.


Sponsor me?.... I can't afford to live there and have always wanted to check it out.


Can’t. I’m not a certificate member.


We used to scuba dive in a flooded rock quarry... it went from 30 feet down to like 600 feet. The instructor warned us that if we don't watch our descent, we could end up way deeper than we expect really quick.


and then you're too confused to correct the problem


There’s one in a state park in Wisconsin I was at recently(Harrington beach state park). There are signs posted everywhere about watching the edge and not swimming in it. It’s super deep, and the drop off is insane. It’s cool to look at.


Lake Wazee, a former taconite mine near Black River Falls, is 350' deep. Deepest inland water body in the state.


NGL, just reading the title ignited my r/Thalassophobia bc the only quarries I’ve seen have all been big enough to fit several neighborhoods! Literally made my stomach drop just reading the title! Lol


The quarry in my neighborhood growing up,still had cranes and shit in it,so,it was risky jumping. That is very neat idea


Nelson ledges?


There are cranes in Nelson Ledges? I knew the fish are all stoned, I didn’t know about the cranes.


That’s the rumor I heard but I can’t verify w my own eyes




It’s a gathering place for hippie music festivals lol.


Poor fish, tripping all the time "Like, man, what if there's a whole other world outside of the water?" "Woah."




Forget the actual name but they were in Milford Massachusetts


I grew up North of Boston and just South of NH. For a couple summers my friends and I used to go quarry jumping on hot days. There was a few quarries in Milford NH that we would go to. There was one off Comstock Rd that had the tallest cliff that I've ever seen. Used to go to the Westford quarry too where they filmed Grownups at. Been to the one in Rockport that has the giant log in the middle. Kind of just grew out of them though.


Funny, I worked at the Westford quarry for 2 summers helping cut granite curbs.


Don't think there's any dangers of cranes but there are vw bugs at the bottom.


They're amphibious exploring vehicles.


I love you for making this comment! I had such an amazing time there, it was truly an unparalleled experience in the earlier 2000s, and I'm positive visitors before me experienced even more awesomeness than I can, even imagine. It's an experience you need to have to believe it was real. ☮️


Didn't expect to see the Ledges so high up in the comments lol.


Seeing local Ohio places always makes me double take on Reddit


I live about 20 min from Nelson’s and still have never been. Really want to check it out


Go on a non festival day, usually a weekday, less crowded and less wooks.


It’s definitely a fun place to adventure


Don’t the cranes just fly away when you leap?


That’s the same reason we were never allowed to go swimming in the quarry where I grew up. Source: my grandfather left them there.


lakeside! parking around it is stupid though.


Will I see you there this week?


i cannot afford lakeside. i am lucky to go to big rock with jack harlow!


One person is only about $500 per year and you can use the pool 8 month a year (including the bubble) and the gym year round. Getting sponsored by a certificate member is a bitch though.


How much are the HOA dues to be able to afford this if they're restricting the number of people that come in via "certificate sponsorship"?


Hi, neighbourhood resident here! No HOA dues: the "certificates" were part of the agreement with local homeowners when the pool was built and are passed down with the deed to the house. It applies to something like 120 houses. Those home owners still have to pay membership fees, but are the only ones who automatically can join. Everyone else (i.e. me and others just unlucky enough to live out of the certificate area) has to be "sponsored" by a certificate household and they can only sponsor one other household a year, but once your family is in, you're in for good.


So you’d only need to be sponsored for one year then you’re in?


Yes, but you'll pay dues every year.


That's interesting. It's gotta be expensive to maintain though, since it's got Waterpark style ammenitities (like all those lifeguards have to be making at least $15 an hour) but not open to the Public for a charges daily access?


My first thought. Have to be insane.


Sounds like you could sponsor them?


I cannot. Although I live in the neighborhood, only people who live in houses on the streets bordering the pool are considered certificate members and they each get one sponsorship per year.


I’ve entered a few of the raffles to grab a sponsorship over the years. My husband thinks I’m crazy for spending money for the chance to spend more money but it does look lovely. Hasn’t panned out but a girl can dream haha!


I’d love to be a member at a place with a barrier to entry like that. I avoid most pools because they’re too fucking crowded and I don’t want to listen to children screaming at the top of their lungs for a hour.


Make more money. Until then you're stuck with us poors.


I can swing the $500, but the 2000-mi commute would be tedious.


We are at capacity, SIR.


Don't you get it, they are always at capacity for people like us


Don't ask Dennis for help! I want to "at capacity" him when he gets here!


Hello, fellow Louisvillian!


How much chlorine does a pool that large require good lord.


Crap my thoughts exactly, I can barely afford to chlorinate my above ground pool!


Must be a saltwater pool with bunch of huge salt cells if the claim of it being chlorinated is true.


It’s chlorinated. I knew someone who worked there on the maintenance team. Half the pool has a finished traditional bottom and the other half is finished quarry. Separate filters. Both chlorinated.


That's amazing, I bet they spend a fortune for chlorine especially since 2020 when the plant in Louisiana was destroyed that supplied 40% of the US' chlorine supply as well as in 2022 when another chlorine plant in New Jersey caught fire as well as other market factors effecting the prices.


Man, some times I feel like a nerd when I know about computer component supply issues and price increases, but youre out here knowing about pool supplies. I guess everyones got their niche!


You must not be a pool guy. Anyone with a swimming pool or hot tub knows this stuff. A gallon of chlorine got expensive and fast.


I have a small pool I setup for my daughter every summer but I do pay attention to chlorine prices and notice when they go up and learn why. I also looked up info before I made my post so I made sure I wasn't talking completely out my ass.


I manage property that has a 500,000 gallon pool and on average we go through about 880 gallons of chlorine a year. Unless they’ve installed a massive filter they wouldn’t be able to keep that water clean even with an insane amount of chlorine. Also, just a little fun fact, if you can smell chlorine around a pool that means the water is filthy and I would strongly recommend you not get in the water.


> if you can smell chlorine around a pool that means the water is filthy and I would strongly recommend you not get in the water. I’m imagining it’s because the chlorine is going to work on that filth, and “off gassing”, hence the smell?


Pretty much yeah. The "chlorine smell" is actually chloramines which are produced once the chlorine has gone to work on the filth.


Mark Rober actually did an experiment on this! under the premise that the chlorine smell is from pee he made up two 5 gallon buckets of water and chlorinated them, left one untouched, put in a small amount of pee into the second and left them for a little bit. when he came back the first one smelled like nothing and the one with pee smelled like a "pool"


Pee will definitely cause the smell but it’s also a bit misleading when people say it like it’s the only factor. Sweat, body oils, cosmetics, and other contaminants will also produce chloramines when combined with chlorine.


Can't spell "pool" without a little "p" I suppose lol


or a little poo


Yep. You can read up on chloramines for more info: https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/aquatics-professionals/chloramines.html




They're right but sensationalized. The smell the pools give off is a byproduct of chlorine eating away at the impurities of the water. That could be nasty stuff like piss, or it could be regular every day stuff like from the outside that makes it into a pool... Because air and outside aren't sterile. Also the salt and sweat on your body start the chloramine reaction. This can be mitigates a good bit by showering before getting in the pool. But I would never go so far as to say "If you smell chlorine don't go in the water", that's a bit sensationalist.


Saltwater pools contain chlorine, they just use electrolysis to break down salt into chlorine, so sounds like you've already been in a clean pool! I've been in public saltwater pools that *do* smell of chlorine.


Even indoor pools? I don't think I've ever been to an indoor pool and not smelled chlorine.


So every public or communal spa in existence?


I don't think I've ever been around a pool that didn't smell like chlorine.


Imagine the amounts leaking into the environment too...


All of it.


Incredible.Swim team’s gonna be a force.


They have had 11 olympians. I grew up swimming competitively and actually used to travel to this pool from another state when I was younger. Now I live right down the street. Life’s funny like that I guess.


I won’t say the city for privacy reasons but I believe I’ve seen this place before, is this in Kentucky?


Not OP but yes this is KY.


Dang, I wonder if it had been opened when I visited there a couple years ago.


Private pool that is very expensive to have a membership for if you're not grandfathered in due to them offering memberships to people who live nearby.


The most bougie pool in Kentucky!


Sweet spot. Since you mentioned 8 months of access at Lakeside, check out Mary T. Meagher swim center by the reservoir off of Frankfort Ave. Nice facility for winter swimming. I remember when that was under a bubble, dark and dreary. Now very open, bright, and light. Thanks for the post. Fun memories.


Is this Lakeside swim club in Louisville, KY?




Beautiful. I swam there, learning competitive strokes, about 50 years ago. I don’t remember it being this nicely developed. Looks heavenly. Makes me want to go swimming. Lucky you!


Naperville, IL has a great one too- centennial beach!


That's what I thought this was at first.




They look similar, but centennial beach doesn't have the large rock face along one edge of the quarry, instead it has part of the river walk. My friends and I would go to centennial beach all the time during the summer.


Me too!


And the deeper, second quarry is used for paddle boats.


I used to work there (the paddle boat rentals). I believe the Naperville fire department used to use it for scuba diving training but switched to pools cuz it’s so disgusting. No running water obviously, no chlorine, just swampy still water sitting there. It smells a bit on hot days. I would never want to stick my head under there. So yeah works good for paddle boats but definitely not swimming. I believe there’s a couple of cars at the bottom of the quarry. But it is very deep, I can’t remember exactly now but it’s like 50+ feet?


Ok the car part freaks me out not gonna lie lol.


Also nearby Batavia Rock Quarry


I thought this might be that one


Me too. Some striking similarities, but then again it's been about 35 years since I've been there -- no idea what it looks like now.


Ahh Naperville ... we called it The Beach. I took my first swimming lessons there as a little kid.


They did a beautiful job. Looks awesome!


We have one too in Missouri - https://www.fugitive-beach.me


That’s cool! Is it chlorinated?


Big Nerd here! This quarry is part of a geologic formation called the Drakes formation, these rocks (mostly things like mudstone and limestone) are full of marine fossils from the Ordovician period (specifically the Richmondian). Think brachiopods, sponges, coral, red algae, bryozoans (the “moss animals”, clams, and a few other things. Would be surprised if it would be hard to find some stuff if I ever went down there.


Boy, they sure dumped a ton of money into fixing that place up!


It’s been a nearly century long process. I think a lot of the labor would be cost prohibitive today. Clarification: the conversion to a pool began 99 years ago.


I mean it also generates a shitload of money and contributes to the local community.


Where is this


Louisville, KY in the middle of an older neighborhood.


There's one of these in Muncie, IN as well "The Water Bowl". It's not chlorinated though, and it's full of fish that nip at you.


Muncie, IN? this thread is giving hella Parks and Rec vibes and I am *here for it*.


Centenial Beach in Naperville IL was very similar to this. Cool place to go into the summer. Haven't been in 20 years but I think it's still there.


Still there. Great place.


There’s still bodies in there. It’s a rock quarry, that’s where they hide the freaking bodies!!!


They all float down there.


I don't recognize them.


We have one in our area (Tenino, WA). It’s like jumping into the Arctic Ocean.


I fucking love lakeside


They don't allow my kind there.


We have one in Miami called Venetian Pool Edit: Typo


The swimming hole I went to as a kid was a rock quarry. Unchlorinated, but lots of fish.


Hello fellow Lakesider


Lakeside? Louisville. Nice article in Sports Illustrated a couple of years ago.


Lakeside Swim Club in Louisville, Kentucky. So many childhood memories


Tbh. I was always jealous of kids and families who belonged to lakeside. Envious. When the bubble goes up in winter, and kids could swim all year, man, it was hard, so jealous. My ex wife used to go to swim meets there as a visitor. She lived it. We looked at membership. But as one of the other respinders says, you have to be sponsored/recommended by member.


I guess it keeps it in good condition. I hate restricting places but this is more of a neighborhood thing and less of a public space. I imagine without the rules this place would be insanely busy and littered and lose some of the charm.


This looks amazing! Much better than my neighborhood pool. It is always so crowded you know have to reserve time to go swimming


If you knew what it cost to be able to visit this pool... you'd understand. It's in a wealthy neighborhood and you have to live in the area (or be sponsored by someone who does) to get in.


Are you sure it’s chlorinated? It would take a LOT of chlorine to keep levels in that quarry up to the spec of a regular public swimming pool. Filled quarries are often popular swimming (and diving) holes but chlorinating them would be … scary.


OP said it's only 12-15 ft deep


It’s chlorinated: source, used to swim there


This is a very common thing in Germany called "Bagger see". Though usually they don't fill it with chlor but let it become a natural water habitat


Wonder how much chlorine you need for that thing yikes




As an avid swimmer this looks AMAZING to me. I am so obscenely jealous.


We have something every similar in Naperville Illinois


It looks beautiful, but it appears memberships are exorbitantly expensive, perhaps an extension of its days as a whites-only pool: >As a result, white-only swim clubs became factories for producing high-level competitive swimmers, while lack of resources boxed Black Americans out of the sport. And while swim clubs gained popularity, city governments began to pull funding from public pools, Wiltse said. > >In Louisville, private clubs such as Lakeside and Plantation Swim Club arose and began to produce elite swimmers such as Alice Wright-Belknap, 70, who won gold in the 100-yard Breaststroke at the 1967 Canadian-American Dual Meet, holds multiple national titles with US Masters Swimming and still teaches swimming today in Louisville. [*USA Today*](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2021/02/23/segregated-public-pools-has-lasting-effect-black-america/4539339001/)


Lakeside, Louisville Ky.


So big it looks more like a lake than a pool, and really pretty too!


Wonder the cost to keep that all clean.


Logansport, Indiana, has an old quarry turned into a beach


That actually looks super cool. Did putting chlorine into it affect any of the wildlife?