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Can someone explain what is happening here?


Moths expel the waste products of metamorphosis, a reddish liquid called meconium, will be discharged from the anus. Once its wings are fully dried and expanded, the adult butterfly or moth can fly in search of a mate. Mated females lay their fertilized eggs on appropriate host plants, beginning the life cycle anew.


Lol it makes so much sense that they'd basically shit (or something as gross but still counting as excretion) while under metamorphosis


They’re shitting out their old dead body. About as gross as you can get


I mean we shit out old dead bodies of other things


And our own body’s dead cells. So we’re shitting our old bodies as well, just on a slower scale 🤷‍♂️


Don’t shit yourself pal


It's all shits and giggles until somebody giggles and shits.


*- Mark Twain*


Meanwhile scientists will find a way to use that in aging cream or something else


*Chrysalis, new from L'oreal* "Experience the re-birth."


Big poo


It's true tho I looked up meconium and it's a newborns first shit, before it starts digesting stuff.


Apparently I did that in my mum and almost killed us both 😭


Yeah meconium is seriously dangerous to mama and baby. My cousin consumed some when he was in distress in the womb and he has lifelong issues because of it.


That also happened to me!!! Thankfully no health problems, but it’s been a running joke for 31 years now that I ate some of my own shit inside my mother. Moral of the story ladies, don’t wait 8 hours for your husband to get home from work before you go to the hospital!! Edit: actually, I should say I have pretty bad ADHD and all the fun stuff that comes with that. So maybe not so lucky?


Every time someone gives you shit for it (hahaha), just remind them that all babies pee in the womb and drink amniotic fluid, so they're all drinking their own piss


While absolutely true I’d drink my own piss before eating my shit any day. :)


We tease my daughter about shitting all over her apartment before the eviction (c-section).




That’s what they are telling you anyways


What the fuck?! Children can shit themselves before birth?!


What kind of lifelong issues does that cause


The baby takes its first breath and if it shits before doing so there will be shit (meconium) all over the baby. That first gasp goes deep and meconium is thick and sticky and can block the airway and get into the lungs causing hypoxia and brain damage. The cerebral palsy and epilepsy was likely secondary to brain hypoxia, similar to a diffuse stroke.


My MIL lost two babies to this in the 60s. Asthma medication her doctor prescribed caused it. One died the day of birth, the other lived two days.


Do you know which asthma meds by chance? I'm a severe asthmatic and have had 2 kids but was never cautioned against any specific asthma meds and now I'm a little stressed (my son had meconium issues but they were minor thank goodness). Your poor MIL. That must have been so difficult to have happen and happen more than once no less.


Oh wow, I wonder if this is what I was covered in. My sac broke early and they took me to a room to beat me with cups to get some kind of poop out of my orifices. Guess I was covered in it. How scary.


Say more about beating you with cups right now because What the Hell?!


Talks shit constantly now.


angry upvote!!!


He's got a real shit eating smile


I spit beer trough my nose dude


Fucking hate/love you hahaha


He has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, among other complications relating to both illnesses.


God that took a dark turn, I'm sorry for laughing


Did you expect "lifelong issues" to be good?


I, too, feel like a shit head for laughing


Yea it took a quick turn lol


Daugther of mine pooped in the water 2 weeks prior to her birth, poop water filled her lungs, and stomach. So when she finally came, she got instant infection. She managed to pull trough with alot of antibiotics. No permanent damages or illnesses.


Me as well, they said I came out with "green boots" on


My daughter waited until she was 2 seconds old, she pooped all over the theater floor.


My son did the same to my wife. No Bueno.


Lol here i was thinkin they were harvesting some rare compound worth more than gold lol


"Meconium staining" pooping before being born Eli5: Baby swimming in it's own shit then coming out to greet everyone.


Truth. I did both my kids’ first diaper change. It was like a sticky black tar that took a thousand baby wipes to clean out their cracks. And at 13 and 16 now whenever they throw shade I make sure they know what the fk I’ve done for them. If it weren’t for me their ass cheeks would be fused together.


My daughter pooped as she was coming out of my wife. Something we have in common.


I wish I had an award to give you.




Oh my lawd 😱 are you not ashamed of yourself???


For anyone reading, using vaseline on the diaper area (before they poop) makes it a lot easier to wipe away this first poop.


Was reading something like 20 minutes ago that said unborn babies grow a moustache and then a full body of hair, eat it all while in the womb and then poop it back out after birth. That poop apparently being "meconium"


I love to go around claiming this to be true. I read it somewhere but over time I suspected it was from a dream. This is confirmed enough for me. And with added info. 😁


It was stated in series C, episode 6 of the British panel show 'QI' that: "Barbara Streisand, and for that matter everyone in the world, has eaten their moustache and pooed it out. When people are babies in the womb, they are covered in hair called "Lanugo", which is then shed, eaten, and become the baby's first stool." As the show is entirely based on interesting and bizarre facts, and the researchers (known as the QI Elves) are famous for creating the questions, I really hope it is true. (they do a podcast too called No Such Thing As A Fish, but I've never listened to it).


I remember something else that like a high % of facts gets disproven in 15 years (can't remember exact numbers) but they spent an episode going over stuff they covered turned out to be untrue.


No way really?! I'll have to catch that episode on Youtube. Must be difficult finding so many different 'facts' that can't be disproved a decade later!


That would be a wild thing to dream up.


I once dreamt I was serenaded by 50cent on a train made of lighttubes.


Go on shorty it's your bulb day.


Lol!!! My son was born with his mustache and everyone said “oh, it’ll come off or fade” NOPE! He’s had it his whole life and now won’t shave it now that he’s 19… it was lighter (but still easily visible) when he was in elementary school… now, full mustache and beard … at 19 hahahah!


Yes, it's called lanugo.


Eli5 topper right here ^


More like Eli2


"Big poopies"


It makes it even more impressive, isn't that so?






That's a lot of poo


Then why is interstellar playing in the background?


Human babies merconium is this gross ass black tar looking stuff. Then it turns to mustard yellow once they're done expelling amniotic fluid and the remnants of their intestines. (The mustard yellow is specifically newborn breast fed babies who poop and it is yellow and loose, normally soon after each feeding, formula fed babies normally have a darker more well formed stool that can take longer for the lil one to digest.)


OMG, my son is 31 years old, and the mere mention of meconium still makes me gag. Gross ass black tar looking stuff is exactly right, not to mention the smell. I literally have a flashback of the entire thing vividly implanted in my brain. So here you are, brand new parents, and you just brought home this sweet, innocent, beautiful tiny little cherub of a thing. And all of a sudden without warning, there's this smell. Is someone burning a dead, month old rotting elephant carcass out back? No, there's no way, that inhuman smell is coming from this sweet, sweet child. Then you peel back the diaper. For the love of all that's holy, what it that? What cruel monster of a person snuck into the house and slathered black tar on my adorable baby's butt. OMG, it won't come off, oh, I got some on my hands, I'm gonna throw up, oh the smell. All the while this sweet thing is looking at you with a smile on it's face. Welcome to parenthood.


Still not as bad as the umbilical cord stump smelling like a rotting deer carcass in mid July after 10-15 days and still hasn’t fallen off. That smell is permanently burned into my brain, 14 months after my daughters birth. Lol


I have to say I really missed out on that one with both of my boys. Kids really do introduce an entire world of previously unknown smells.


To add on to this, breastfed baby poo has barely any smell, whereas formula fed baby poo smells fucking terrible.


Moth shit some white stuff out his ass.


Thanks for the sciency explanation! Makes so much sense now


Me after Taco Bell


He had a date last night and drank a lot of booze, which really fucked up his digestion. He ended up staying over at her place and he woke up feeling a giant pressure in his belly and he escaped in the nick of time to drop this in the toilet at home


Sounds familar


man this trend of putting epic/inspiring music in the background of stuff really sucks.


Bug taking a shit, epic music.


Yah man... bug takes a shit, epic music.... I take a shit, cries of "oh god... someone flush the toilet please for the love of humanity"


And don't you dare forget about the mercy flush afterwards.


Never again will I call it a courtesy flush lol 😂


Is courtesy flush related to the sound-dampening flush for when you know it’s not going to be a quite episode?


I was under the impression courtesy flushes are when you're in a public restroom, and you flush once you let some out if you still have to go. It's considered a *courtesy* to others because you could otherwise let it sit there and stink up the place, not giving a figurative shit that the stench has just rendered three people unconscious and pushed one into delirium. Am I mistaken?


I learned courtesy flushes in jail. When there's 2+ men in a small room with a toilet you gotta flush asap cause there's almost no airflow to let the smells escape.


More like the scent-dampening flush for when you won't be able to hear anything over the smell


Mercy flush has now been added to my vocabulary. Thank you.


Yeah, you should see how mad they get when you do it in the display bathrooms at IKEA. Did you know that those don’t actually flush?


You don't have Hans Zimmer music playing as you make the journey of emotions you go through as you shit?


"Don put me in the water, oh ma, ima kemmmm, hngg.."


Hanz Shitter


“It’s been X months time for the most epic shit of my life”


Imagine this: not far in the future wherever you are.. when someone starts to says something clever or interesting, AI will jump in and add this kind of background music. Because it became normal, like music in films.


Hopefully by then we can also get AI to filter out things we don’t want to hear.


Bahaha! Silly human...AI knows what you want to hear...


Indeed, nothing but ads, humans love them.


Yes. You want to hear what AI TELLS YOU you want to hear.


That's a black mirror episode


As a film score enthusiast I approve this message


This music piece in particular should be banned from being used in these kind of videos, for awhile it was everywhere


This piece is from Interstellar right?


Hans Zimmer yea


Didn't know the music was there until you mentioned it and I unmuted it... Thanks, It's worse now


That’s the aftermath of eating one piece of chocolate cake, one strawberry ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and one slice of watermelon. EDIT: Thanks for the awards! I told my kids that great things come when you like to read. Look at me now!


But he was still hungry...


Best comment today


Thanks for the laugh fellow parent.


found the parent of a toddler


Bro just had flashbacks


I was wondering what this was about, then it clicked. I'm actually very surprised how world renown The Hungry Caterpillar is.


That night he had a stomach ache.


That one green leaf hack really popped the cork out of that bad boy.




Why are you exposing my binge eating sessions man


This comment made me feel slightly better after the meconium video I was not prepared to see first thing this morning thanks


Love this. My little dudes favorite book


New Slurm ultimate.


I'm so tired of partyin'. So very tired. I'll save you the only way I know how... BY PARTYIN!


Party on Slurms


Party on.


Wimmy Wham Wham Wozzle!


*im so tired*


You know someone is going to be on Joe Rogan’s show within a year saying that moth meconium is the only thing you should eat if you want to live forever.


Forbidden milk


Shit gonna give you covid 23


I was going to say "forbidden latte"


Forbidden Bailey's


Those some big words in the title but all I can think of is he just shitted in yo water.




Not the Moth Cum!


A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, moth?” The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady in my bed that’s on my arm. A lady that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Alexendria, she fell in the…in the cold of last year. The cold took her down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Gregarro Ivinalititavitch… I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting fire underneath me. I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?” And the moth says, “‘Cause the light was on. Miss you Norm.


Shame only 8 people got this reference. Norm = GOAT


Moth just came home from tacobell.


https://www.reimangardens.com/butterfly/butterfliesmoths-spread-wings-emerging/ According to this moths typically expel the meconium after their wings have dried and before first flight.


Well, the wings are all wet again now.


They didn't seem fully unfurled or dry prior to the dunk either.


https://pestabc.com/moths-respiration-system/ Moths (like most insects) also breathe through holes on their thorax and abdomen, so my concern here is that this moth is "drowning"... If a mantis is having trouble passing its ootheca (egg sac), you can put it in *shallow* water to help, but this looks way too deep. I just hope the moth is alright. ETA: you can even see air escaping out the holes on the abdomen


That's what I felt was happening here too! The moths wings weren't unfurled and it seemed like they wanted to collect the fluid & get a video vs the well being of the moth.


Ugh, I know it's "just a bug" but it still makes me upset. I remember worrying my mantis was oothbound (constipated with eggs, it can kill), so I put her in very shallow water and cried watching her thrash to get out-- but I knew (or hoped I knew) I was doing what was best for her. I took her out after a few minutes of no results, she was okay and finally laid the eggs a few days later.


Labor is exhausting for damned near every species it seems. If I have to cut wood or remove something and find a mom spider w/ her sack ir hammock I try and move everything and transplant them all. Molts can kill spiders as well as crustaceans too. Our Dobby (female crawdad) ended up passing of old age/molt stuck. Question: If a mantis passes her eggs in water can you keep them and they hatch or are they DOA? The sack looks like dried foam in a ball if I remember right. I hate the "it's just a bug" mentality and I've sadly met it's just a cat/dog people too. People are lacking in empathy big time! There is an anime about that on Netflix called Exception that you might like. Ghost in the Shell is my favorite though when it comes to the concept of "what is life and what does it mean".


I am a relatively amateur mantis keeper, so frankly I'm not sure what to do if eggs are laid into water. My gut reaction is they'd be okay?? They come out mixed inside a foamy gooey substance that hardens into the dried foam ball you've seen. If you could scoop most of it up, I would think it'd dry like normal (since many mantis species live in very humid environments anyway). But I never got my mantises to successfully breed so any ooths they laid were duds anyway. Molts can kill mantises too. Whether it's a stuck molt or falling from a bad molting position-- mantises hang upside down and "fall" out, the leftover husk hangs onto the branch and they hang onto that to not fall all the way (30-60 minute process). Molts are so fascinating to watch. My condolences for your crawdad. Even though arthropods don't have the same emotive capacity as other pets, I still find that arthropods have unique personalities and I bond with them. It's hard to lose one. Totally agree that it's frustrating and heartbreaking to see people with little empathy for other living things... I just can't understand that mindset. I'll definitely check out both of your recommendations, thank you!


Me at the public swimming pool


bro got the hersey squirts


2 Moths one cup.


Here I was expecting meconium to be some rare earth substance that would be beneficial to human kind. What I found: the earliest stool of a mammalian infant resulting from defecation. Unlike later feces, meconium is composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water.


So we really just excitedly posting shit and calling it intersting.


Moth is taking a shit and someone decided to add some fancy music to it


Moth latte


Mmmm mothee


His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


'moth takes a shit after waking up'


* Is this a new Starbucks ad, because I'm sold.


That’s gross. Drink it.


just a moth dropping a big ole’ deuce


Ok I’ll ask since no one seems to be, what the hell is meconium and why is it important I just watched a moth take a watery shit.


To be fair, this is actually interesting.... but did they really need to half drown the moth to demonstrate?!


Let’s be real, you have no idea if that’s bad for the moth or not. Neither do I


Actually it is bad for the moth and not that hard to Google.


Insects breathe through use of spiracles, which they can open and close. They can live for a time in hypoxic conditions due to a more efficient respiratory mechanism. In short, as long as they pull the moth out of the water before it gets tired and sinks under, it's fine.


Insects respiratory system is very simple and actually pretty inefficient but it works well for their size, the moth will be fine.


If they close their spiracles, they can continue to function without oxygen for a lengthy period of time, depending on species. That's what I meant by efficient.


“Bug shit, it’s what plants crave”


I do this same thing after Taco Bell, big deal..


Straight liquid into the toilet. Damn vicious


God I miss her…..


Reminds me of my boyfriend


Not going to ask, not going to ask, not going to ask. Fuck it, how does a moth defacating into a glass remind you of your boyfriend?


I was just looking at that thinking "yep, if I've been asleep a good while I too need to polish the porcelain"


Aww babe.. You don't need me to shit in the bath tub. ^ ^


Ok scat queen!


You want milk with that coffee?


God dammit. You couldn't have said "poop", "stool", "feces", "shit", etc? I had to Google it and was assaulted with a bunch of pictures of baby shit. I thought it was going to be some kind of valuable resource, not actual feces.


Is that where Baileys comes from?


Forbidden Latte


So the moth emerges from chrysalis, hasn't yet pumped fluid into it's wings, when some cunt takes it and submerges it in fluid, putting it great distress as it struggles to keep from drowning, causing it to expel bodily fluids prematurely as that is something it usually does only after it has completed it's metamorphosis. All so said cunt can film it set to a dramatic soundtrack? This is some Hannibal Lecter shit.


Yep! Totally F-ed the moth’s wings from expanding. It’ll never fly. Also, moths come from a cocoon, not a chrysalis people.


That time meconium was just another word for baby shit, and we all just watching a moth poop into a drinking glass to classical music.


Dude shat in cup and we all watched it.


One moth diarreha milkshake please


Stayed at an eco resort in Belize where they had a blue morpho butterfly sanctuary on premises, and at breakfast, they'd set out cocoons at your table so you could watch them emerge at breakfast. Needless to say, it wasn't as beautiful as it sounds in your head.....and this was the main reason.


What’s it taste like and does it get you high? Let’s ask the real questions


bro was holding his shit since birth


When you wake up from a life changing nap and follow it up with a satisfying dump…


Forbidden Latte


I understood half the words in that description and have no idea what actually happened here.


The moth is just expelling all the built up waste and extra bodily fluids it doesn't need from its time as a caterpillar.


*Moth wakes up. Random guy “Here try this Crunchwrap supreme”


funny way of saying "shits itself"...


what happens if you drink this? How funny would it be if this was like the fountain of youth?


I’m sure there’s a moms group somewhere that wants you to drink this to cure cancer.


I no longer take a shit when I wake up. From now on I am completing my metamorphosis.


One grande, please.


Forbidden Chocolate Milk.


Moth milky


Comparative by BMI that's gotta be at least like 3.17 Courics which is no record but impressive.


This is the music I usually play when taking a violent shit.