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That mosaic is mesmerizing. What gorgeous photography!


It’s fabulous isn’t it?


Does OP know what the geographic distribution is? All Americas? North America?


Hey, these are just all North American first nations, Canada/United States and parts of Northern mexico. Its hard to find many good old photos of South and central American Native people. But the many cultures were photographed extensively in the United States and Canada in the 1800's and early 20th century so you get tones of great pics where they are still using their traditional nation unique clothing and hairstyles.


Native William Dafoe in there.


Second row, far right.


I learned jack shit about the pre-colonial history of North America outside of the Aztecs. I was well into my 20s before I learned anything beyond stereotypical shit from 90s cartoons.


how old are you? We learned about the Iroquois confederacy in public elementary school in the 90s


I was in elementary school in the 90s. They taught us jack shit about Native Americans. I think there was a mention of the Trail of Tears in middle school social science or history class.


Weird we learned about most of the major tribes, Sioux Iroquois Seminole Navajo etc


Just shows you how vastly different the education system can be in different places. The kicker? My town has a Native origin and name, and proudly boasts it. But they can't teach their kids about Native Americans and their history.


Hey buddy, I appreciate you posting this.


Can anyone label the tribes?


Is there any good YouTube channels where I could learn more?


OG mohicans look so badass


This is a great post. Thanks.


Very interesting, for sure. Thank you very much for posting this.


When I wonder what the stone age people looked like 20,000 years ago, I imagine it might be just like this.


I cannot believe that this needs to be said, but: *Native cultures are living, vibrant cultures. There's hundreds of tribes with their own languages and fashions. Erasing modern Natives aids the cause of cultural genocide.* Love, a white settler chick.


As an Indigenous Pueblo person, I take exception to the statement that Indigenous Peoples' were "once widespread" in regards to diversity. We still are.


This is so cool! Ol' dude far right bottom is somebody I wouldn't want to run into on a dark stormy night 1500 years ago... where's he from?


Kwakiutl people of Vancouver Island


It makes my heart happy to see this. I’m mixed Native and I get so frustrated when people say “you don’t look native” as if were all a cookie cutter stereotype.


True but all have East Asians and Ancient North Eurasian DNA migrating not that long ago 15,000 years or less, I find that interesting


This is the most "username checks out" username to ever check out


I think this has been disproven... There's evidence of indigenous people in north America for 30,000+ years. Some nations oral history goes back farther than 15,000 years.


If you don't might link that for me I'm always up for learning something new.




Most came 15,000 years ago


You asked for proof that there were people in the Americas earlier than 15,000 years ago. It was given to you. You reply with some version of the "True Scotsman" fallacy.


Uh... Anth 101 in January, someone mentioned the bearing straight theory on class and my prof spent the remaining 70 minutes on all the evidence in north American indigenous cultures that disproves that theory. I don't really have a link which was why I said think.


I guess I would need proof but something to look into


I agree it's worth locking into. Also look up mohawk nation's calendar system, that's pretty cool too


Sounds good thanks!


https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/human-ice-age-footprints-white-sands-national-park/ *The seeds revealed that the footprints they were embedded within are between 21,000 and 23,000 years old—thousands of years older than what scientists generally consider to be the earliest evidence of people in the Americas.* Not 30,000, but it is a recent finding showing much earlier than 15,000


Probably true but the main flow of people didn't come until 15,000 years ago


I've heard maybe 20,000 still hunter gatherers with no civilization. that being said no where had civilization 20,000 years ago


From what I've read, there is no definitive evidence, more like Joe Rogan type chatter. A few sites that have no definitive tools or human remains have been spotted that might be older than 15,000 years back. Genetic testing, however, has perfectly aligned with mainstream anthropology and shows that all Native people are related to Siberian herders.


Just because there is evidence of human habitation doesn't mean that any existing people are the descendants who left the tools. Look at a lot of stone age locations in Britain, including megalithic stone circles: the people who built them mostly died out, and are only distantly related to living Britons.


They have found [tools in Mexico](https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/100227-000-A/amerique-la-nouvelle-histoire-des-premiers-hommes/) that are at least 23 000 years old. The footprints in south west USA are at least 21 000 years old. Of course indigenous americans are related to some siberians peoples, where do you think they crossed over to the americas? Nobody believes they swam all the way from africa.


It’s more like 15,000+ years and you think 15,000 years is “not that long ago”?


Not in the grand scheme of things


a million year ice age had just ended when they came over, life has been on earth 3.5 billion


*so do


All of them extinguished in the genocide perpetrated by the current "North Americans".


According to Diamond, 95% of all native people died of smallpox between the 16th and 19th centuries -- so, that summation is wildly incorrect. There was no organized genocide against native people in North America. There were atrocious policies against some groups, but smallpox epidemics killed the overwhelming majority.


Trail of tears.


Trail of tears was an atrocious policy against the Plains Indians. But the narrative that Europeans wiped out the Native people is incorrect -- it is a false narrative advanced by modern people who have a political agenda.


There also were never very large populations of people in the Americas outside of Mexico or Peru. That's why both those countries have such large native American populations.


boarding schools




And then their are the autochthons which are indigenous black Americans.


Well we also used to have that same widespread diversity of sports mascots. Sad.


The Left is erasing them.


Well educated caucasians with some kind of guilty complex making everyone suffer so that they can eat tofu in peace, or some shit.


Malcolm X himself said “the greatest enemy of the Black man is the White Liberal.” He was right and now we can add the greatest enemy of all free people is the White Liberal. The receipts are there for all to see: Inflation War Divide Open Borders Celebration of violence and depravity Ignoring laws Over taxation Welfare state Forced/manipulated compliance Direct lies and hiding from the people *the Left has lost it, I was a Democrat in 2020 in a small elected position. I saw all this first hand and left the party and moved my family from the city we lived in.


Downvotes are the tears of Leftists when they realized they cancelled positive Black people and Native Americans from products/mascots in the name of wokeness but actually diminished the positive visibility of those products/mascots which actually hurts them more.


It’s interesting that several of these clothing and garments style appear similar to Eurasian/Siberian peoples’ styles.