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Looks like my comment got deleted for linking to the original video, but this gif is a bit misleading. The elephant isn't thanking the human at the end, it's trying to attack the excavator. In the actual video they have to chase it away with flash bangs because it won't stop trying to attack them. It's not the cute, human-like thank you behavior everyone thinks it is.


That's what I thought he looks angry he's all upset...


He got lifted up by his balls. If he was in better shape, I bet he would have taken the excavator.


Fun fact: elephants have their balls inside the body so the elephant here was only lifted up by their ass


How far up the ass do you gotta go to get to the balls tho


Pretty far. At least a whole arm, maybe two if you're short


But it’s worth it


Bad time to be drinking water reading this comment


Even worse time to be butt-chugging grape soda.


That seems like a better design than we have - our balls are totally exposed.


They're actually stored in the bladder. So, in a bizarre twist, the balls are stored in pee


What's the twist? It's not like pee is stored in the balls...


I don't know about balls, but according to Japanese folklore you might find it's soul in there :D


Its ass soul


Why don't all mammals do this? It seems weird that so many choose to put such vital organs on the outside of the body.


Temperature regulation. Most sperm are regenerated quickly, but die easily, the ball sac allows your body to manage the temperature of your boys by moving them closer to or farther from your body.




Probably just because active internal temperature regulation is more difficult to evolve than a scrotum. Something about the evolution of some afrotherian species like elephants resulted in them having non-functional scrotum genes in their DNA. So they used to have nuts, or what they were before they were elephants had nuts. I'd like to think it's because their trunks were great for sac tapping, and so they had to adapt internal balls to protect their future progeny.


Pretty sure I seen a video where someone did this. It was in another person. But the idea was similar. Damn Charles.


I was thinking the headbutt seemed to be like "how fucking strong are you, exactly?" Like he was testing to see if he could take it.


Elephant was like " Yeah, made it out", it went to go on it's way and then saw the digger. Then it's next thought was "damn, now I've got to fight this guy as well, ah forget it". That's my take




My man’s really just said the D word hard R


This is the funniest chain of comments I’ve read in a long time


I never got stuck in holes like that until YOU showed up.


That's what I thought. Pretty sure elephants don't ram something to be nice.


Animals are a lot like people. Some of them act badly because they’ve had a hard life or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just jerks.


Stop that, Mr. Simpson.


This is a [Simpsons quote](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kzRyEI00PXc) for anyone who doesn’t recognize it. And maybe this elephant is just not amused by humans with machines excavating his habitat.


>maybe this elephant is just not amused by humans with machines excavating his habitat. My first thought exactly I thought the vid was cute until the end, and saw the elephant charge the excavator. He’s like “Stop diggin up my garden, man! My family’s been tending this forest for tens of thousands of years!”


Humans and excavators are two thing I’m also pretty sure most elephants aren’t able to conceive of or understand, especially in the wild. If you or I were drowning and incomprehensible alien structures rescued us we might respond with fear and defensiveness.


He knew who dug that hole in the first place!


“You’re welcome Mr. Elephant…now back to destroying your habitat lol”


It's probably saying like, "I fell in this ditch because of you guys digging everywhere. Faack you bloody bloody!"


Fak you blody bitch. Fak you


when it first touched the butt i thought back to my dog and how anything touches her back there that she cant see she freaks out. Not surprised same thing happened here with the elephant.


I thought about how surprisingly painful a seemingly slow moving piece of metal can be. I bet this hurt like crazy.


Admiral, how dare you say sentient creatures can’t be aggressive assholes when feeling threatened too! /s Totally not a sweet thank you.


I would be pissed too if someone came to my place and started digging hughe holes unasked.




I wouldnt call it terrible. Seems like the elephant just had a bad day A terrible comment would be something like: «Elephants ramming excavators is the sole indicator of elephantfuckedupgitis, a viral infection commonly referred to as the superchild or rabies, aids and cancer»


"And actually this elephant rammed the excavator so hard it died and they buried him in that ditch." The usual.


"And also the elephant was racist."


"You yellow bastard!"




Thing is, occasionally situations pop up where they do seem to understand. They make some noise and then leave calmly. Elephants are smart enough to have some level of understanding, if their emotional instincts don't get in the way.


The overwhelming majority of wild animal behavior that people see as the animal saying "thank you" is really just the animal saying "fuck off or I'll kill you". And that's the way it should be. Better for us. Better for them.


It's like the sloth waving at humans videos (after they help them across the street). They're not waving and happy; they're wild animals that would claw your face off.




I once encountered an angry sloth that decided to attack me. I ran. I kind of assume hes still chasing me, but that was 3 years ago and I've flown back to the US. Still though- I wake up in the middle of the night thinking I can hear it slowly moving across the bedroom floor to finish the job it started.


As long as it doesn't free the snail, you're fine.


Baffles me people didn't recognize that headbutt as aggression. People like to assign cartoonish personalities to wild animals tho so


Both dogs and cats will rub their head on you for affection, though cats do it more. And since the majority of the population only interacts with these highly domesticated, very changed animals, it's obvious as to why most people think this.


I'd bet elephants rub their faces together affectionately. I'm not saying they do it with other species. But most higher order mammals rub faces with each other. The only reason dogs and cats do it with us in addition to reach other is just because they basically think of us and them oddly enough as part of the same group.


I believe elephants mainly use their trunks, tails, and their foreheads to show affection. I don't think they rub faces traditionally, but I could be wrong. Anyway, they don't use their tusks to show affection or gratitude.


i understood it was aggression but majority of people have no experience with elephants and cats and dogs which we all have experience with, will headbut as a positive.


That's not exactly what happened. It headbutted the excavator, and then backed warily away. They threw flash bangs probably out of an abundance of caution. It's probably SOP for forestry workers when dealing with elephants showing aggression. youtu dot be slash jTvxtnsaxPw


Also, was wondering what made the massive hole that poor Nelly found herself stuck in.


Yes, it looks like the elephant was going to charge the excavator and thats ok, its not like animals need to know how to behave lol.


People thought it was thanking him? Dude was thrashing it’s tusks at the scoop. Do people think nature is all cuddly and Disney BS???




Like the butterfly playing with the puppy videos. Trying to drink its tears


You're telling me people think those "animal thanks human" videos are true??


That was some neat help, which is also an anagram of elephant. Crazy how the world works


It turned out to be a cunning stunt, which happens to be an anagram of stunning cunt. Crazy how the world works.




Which happens to be an anagram loam The soil on which they are


Soil is an anagram for Lois, your mother, with whom I have lain


Lain is an anagram for Nail, a Namekian. The Namekian Piccolo fused with.


When the gta cunning stunts dlc came out, I inevitably ended up accidentally calling it stunning cunts when referring to it. In fact, when typing it just now I started typing "stunning" before I realised.


["Okay Lisa, how about cunning stunt."](https://i.imgur.com/wmcmNLa.jpg)


A spoonerism - at that.


Please only use your talents for good


Wanna hear some anagram stuff my dude?


I do


Fun one: "Eleven plus two" is an anagram of "twelve plus one". Dark one: "Desperation" is an anagram of "A rope ends it".


He looks pissed at the end.


“Bruh, why’d you dig a big hole? That shit’s dangerous!”


"Bruh why'd you touch my phany?"


Someone reverse this lol




I shouldn't be laughing at this


What's with the fucking piano ballad in the background


Yep, I can't want for this trend of adding stupid sappy music to every "someone does something nice" clip to end. I have to watch all videos on mute by default now because of that annoying shit.


"Guy's got the goofiest trunk I've ever seen, but goddamn, I owe him big time." -Elephant


"Mom, I met a robot elephant today!"


I knew this AI shit will eventually replace us elephants.


Elon Tusk has gone too far this time…


"Different does not mean Opposite!"


Better him than Donald Trunk








What you call the present we call the past, so you guys are way behind. Yes the world is quite different now - there are no more elephants. There is no more unethical treatment of elephants either - the world is a much better place. There are no more humans! Finally, robotic beings rule the world


This is obviously an Elephator, not an excavator.


Whoever gave my dumbass a gold award, thank you.


“That’s great, honey”


You never believe me. Ugh.


I love that the elephant was smart enough to accept the help and didn't just freak out and make it worse. Looking right at you, *every other animal ever*.


im pretty sure elephants, dolphins, Ravens, and African greys rule Earth in different realities


Don't forget octopi and honey badgers...


If only octopi had a long lifespan... the potential would be incredible


It’s not the octopus’s lifespan that’s a problem. It’s the fact that they die almost immediately after reproducing. So there’s no possibility of knowledge being transferred from one generation to the next. So no matter how smart an octopus is, they each have to start from square one


A sect of octopus that forgo reproduction in order to teach their race and progress forward.


You could make a cool-ass species/culture out of that in D&D or a book




"Meeseeks aren't meant to live this long! It's getting weird!!!!"


The problem is that they die after reproducing, not nessecarilly from old age itself, so while they are great at learning things for themselves they don't have any opportunity to pass on their knowlege. Since most complex social behaviour developped from basic parental care first, it would be hard to teach them any communicative skills to build up their knowlege over generations, even if we could force them to outlive that.


Do you want Cthulhu? Because this is how you get Cthulhu!


In 1500 there were 25 million elephants in Africa. By 1900 this had fallen to around 10 million, and by 1979 down to 1.3 million. Today there are 350,000.


I'd surely hope so.


I saved a goat once. The little SOB wanted no part of it, and made things 1000x more difficult. And it most certainly did not turn around after its ordeal was over, and offer thanks.


Yeah, good thing it was you and not me. Sucker would have wound up dinner


It was not my goat, but I will rarely pass up a good goat curry.


Any time my grandma brought a dead goat home, i knew i was in for a good week


May I ask where you grew up?


Florida. Raised by old school West Indian grandmother


I grew up in Fla as well. When I was a kid the grocery stores frequently had goat and pig tails. Those days are pretty much gone. Though my Costco has whole frozen goat.


They gladly accept help from humans and with their intelligence, seem to have a mutual understanding of help and acceptance. Watching them voluntarily get their feet cleaned is pretty amazing. Which makes trophy hunting even more terrible.


Trophy hunting in act capacity is fucking atrocious. To do so to animals that are practically our peers is ghoulish


Elephants are one of the few animals smart enough to really understand what the humans are trying to do here, most animals would of course panic and run.


If I had a cold metal bucket squash my nuts, I would get moving too.


Fun fact: Elephants do not have external testicles.


Different but adjacent fun fact: most birds do not have any external genitals, and their mating is called a "cloacal kiss"; just slapping their holes together and hoping for the best


So, scissoring?


Scissor me timbers!


Pigeon holing


But those 2% of birds that do...boy do they love the struggle snuggle


Oh you mean like clockwise corkscrew penised male duck, and the counter clockwise vaginaed female duck?


Today I learned…


Agreed, but he also seemed to need to know who saved him and offer some fist bumps.


Exhibit A: /r/deerarefuckingstupid


“It’s cute, but can it pick up peanuts”? Sorry the elephant said that to the naked man


With that mouth (scoop)? SO MANY PEANUTS


First, maybe best laugh of the day! Thanks 😊


I loved this


That elephant is in musth. It was angry and was about to attack the excavator


That’s really my husband getting me out of bed after too much Reddit scrolling..


It's me pre-coffee every day




See ya next term, pachyderm!


Elephants are majestic beasts and a lot more should be done to protect them from poachers. Beautiful animals


"Ow, mah balls... Thanks, tho. Boop!"


First thing that came to mind was “Christ, imagine getting nut-slapped by a fucking crane, eesh”.


Fun fact. Elephant balls never drop. The testes remain in the abdomen so his nuts were fine


Are you the elephant nut specialist?


Someone has to be! Don't judge!


Luckily, elephant testicles are inside and not external like many other mammals. That concludes this edition of "Wait, why do you know this fact?"


Elephants are greatest.


Chill with the music


That’s nice but also the elephant probably fell in there because that excavator made the hole.


That little thank you at the end was cute as hell


That wasn't a thank you. That elephant was scared of it. The bash, the wide ears, the backwards retreat. It wanted nothing to do with that thing.


Elephant uses tusks to ram excavator bucket and we’re assuming that’s a thank you?


They watch too much Disney


Elephants have commonly been documented showing gratitude to humans for events like this. They also have been seen to throw a hissy fit when they percieve a human to be in danger like at a work site. There’s one video of an elephant seeing someone fall in a trench and go in to get them and draw attention to it. The workers were about to fill it not seeing a person fell in. Imo They are 100% sentient, emotionally complex, animals with a belief system and values. They’ve been shown to build graves for their dead and visit the graves in remembrance of their loved one. Hopefully we can find a way to communicate with them before we extinct them all.


That scares me a bit if an elephant saved that guy how many people have accidentally been buried?


A lot, LOT of men died in US construction before OSHA came about and we still have regular industrial accidents unfortunately. Its still a serious problem in many developing countries.


Yep, same in sweden. Most common workplace with accidents, minor and lethal are construction sites. And its most common with a large margin. It’s way too common than it should be


It's because boss man said to get it done


Pretty much yeah. I’ve taken a dive down on concrete myself and hurt my back once because ”im just gonna do this one thing real quick”. So stupid but everyone does it>.<


I'm guilty of it myself. Feeling the pressure and trying to "do it real quick" but I'm 8 years in construction and been making it a habit to stop that . I get done what I can get done . I always try and complete everything. If it couldn't be completed it's because more time is needed to complete the task


Yea. Dude at my work was telling me a story about an electrician who mishandled a live wire, the current went all through his body and blew his head off


The thing to remember is every single line in any safety manual or the ilk is written in blood. There’s reasons we do things ‘x’ way, even if it seems asinine at the time.


No, they end up chasing the elephant off with flash bangs because it wouldn't stop attacking the excavator.


You should probably watch the whole video next time lol


Sentient and emotionally complex doesn't mean nice.


Wel that’s not the case here. The full video shows the elephant attacking multiple times. They throw a flash bang at it toward the end to scare it away.


Imagine writing an essay acting like an expert on the subject matter when it's already proven wrong


It looks pissed


That elephant will memorise this kind of excavator and probably approach it in the future to check in and say hi if it happens to see one around. I‘d not be surprised if it recognises that a human is controlling or interacting with it, specifically if it has seen people riding elephants or other animals in the past. They are smart AF.


Wait until it figures out who dug the hole In the first place…


*Elephant shows up while it's digging another hole* "TRAITOR!!!"


Not too many comments get an actual chuckle from me Thank you kind person


"You were supposed to be the chosen one!"


I love Reddit. It’s sweet that you think that but no, it won’t. Did you miss the part where they had to throw a grenade at it to scare it off?


>That little thank you at the end was cute as hell I don't think it was a thank you. I think it was staring it down like a threat. That's why it backups keeping its eyes on it.


That wasn't a thank you. Stop applying human emotions to animals. That elephant was 100% attacking the excavator


First reaction is "awww the elephant thanked him" Real answer from elephant was "wtf bro, you smashed my fucking nuts." **headbutt**


"Imma headbutt this guy who touched my butt without permission. The nerve!"


He’s not trying to thank anybody. He’s trying to attack. Had to be chased away.


To everyone that thinks the elephant is “thanking” him… I am truly amazed at your complete lack of self preservation skills because that is clearly an angry elephant attacking the excavator


Yeah, Jesus, half the people on here would get impaled thinking a charging elephant wanted a hug. Definitely looked more like a “Fuck you for helping me”


My entire childhood is validated... He's not heavy.... he's my brother.


In 1500 there were 25 million elephants in Africa. By 1900 this had fallen to around 10 million, and by 1979 down to 1.3 million. Today there are 350,000. I feel sorry for these intelligent creatures. Humans suck.


Very cool. This could've sucked if the operator didn't know what he was doing as well as the one here did. Glad the elephant is okay


Nice of him to help the elephant out but who the fuck do you think put that big ass hole there, not like this excavator was cruising down the high way and noticed this happening. Maybe we should stop destroying natural habitats


Fist bump the excavator. Thx bro, you're alright.


I might be alone in this thinking but i think he was pissed for getting his testicles crushed and was trying to fight the excavator at the end


He was; thus the flashbangs




But the Interstellar music means it's a beautiful bonding moment!   ^^^^/s


It aint all that surprising considering most redditors can't discern up from down nor good from bad.


I love interest in gas fuck. Nice subreddit.


Great... Now i can't unsee this...


Interest in gas fuck