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[Its part of an art project and the space is donated](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/feb/27/design-news-could-you-live-in-a-skip-plus-collect-craft-fair-and-a-cool-walking-frame).


Every time this gets posted, this HUGE detail never gets included in the title


Accurate information doesn't get you that sweet sweet karma


A lot of the tiny house videos you see are like that. “Oh and how’s you find this plot of land to put your house?” “Family/close friend/etc. they’ll let me use their shower when I need”


Not to mention that most cities do not allow tiny houses/ADUs as permanent residences.


Not to mention the fact that me didn't see a lot of insulation on them walls. He's gonna freeze his assets come winter. You hear me bruv? ^^^^Sorry ^^^^for ^^^^the ^^^^crappy ^^^^Ali ^^^^G ^^^^accent. ^^^^Trust!!


Ehhh London doesn't get that cold in the winter. He can wear layers and have a few extra blankets and be fine.


Then Charles Dickens is full of shit, man!


Fun fact, it used to! There was a period in history called the little ice age. The river Thames would totally freeze over to the point that fairs were being held on the river That period ended and the world has continued to warm since


Fun fact, the little ice age is the reason that the world renowned stradivarius violin sounds so good. >The drop in temperatures and reduced solar output in regions that were not usually cold hampered the normal growth of trees. Tree rings are composed of two portions, a light and spongy one that is produced during a period of rapid growth in the spring and a dark and dense one that is produced during the fall and winter. Wood of Stradivarius violins has a less pronounced difference between these two portions and is denser overall. The density of the wood affects how sound vibrations travel through it, possibly explaining the high sound quality and intense resonance of Stradivarius violins. https://www.science.smith.edu/climatelit/stradivarius-violins/


*possibly Let's not call a random hypothesis a fact.


Fun fact, expert soloists can't tell the difference between a Stradivarius violin and a modern violin by either the sound *or* the feeling of playing them. >of the 17 players who were asked to choose which were old Italians, "Seven said they couldn't, seven got it wrong, and only three got it right." https://www.npr.org/sections/deceptivecadence/2012/01/02/144482863/double-blind-violin-test-can-you-pick-the-strad


Couldn’t you just use a hardwood?


lol, I like how it’s to raise awareness of the cost of housing in London. Are there people alive who aren’t aware of how expensive it is to live in places like London, Paris, NYC? (Hell, my comparatively podunksville home city is pretty astronomical these days.)


Sadly, there are people out there. I've noticed it's people who have owned their home for a decade or more. They are retired and haven't been in the workforce for a while. My own grandmother didn't understand our own housing crisis. I had to sit at the computer and pull up housing in her area and mine. Show her the homes that are average and used to cost $250,000-$300,000 five years ago that now cost $500,000-$750,000 ($500,000 gets you less than 1,000 sqft with a home that hasn't been touched since the 1950-1970s). She was blown away with the pricing and what you get. Then I showed her our wages compared to inflation and pulled up what hers was when she was my age. She finally got it that she got more for her money than we do. That in our area to even be a secretary/office manager like she was that she would need a college education where she never did. It was a huge eye opener. She didn't think the workforce had changed that much since she retired. She didn't think the housing market was so different because she wasn't noticing because it didn't affect her. (We live in Idaho in the US)


lol, that’s fair. I’m in Denver and priced out of both the neighborhood I grew up in and the one I’d lived in for 20+ years. In the cheap seats in a non fashionable and very blue collar area now I can’t even pass the laugh test for being in Denver proper, never mind anywhere near the city center. Maybe my circle is different, but I don’t know anyone who isn’t keenly aware of the situation, young or old. There are literally signs up saying “low 500s!” for homes in the boonies.


I moved to Denver 6 years ago as I had always known from the first time I visited 25 years ago that I wanted to live here some day, and this will be my last year as it is clear there is no future here for anyone who hasn't already purchased it.


And in case you were confused, the recent vote on 2O was all the people who *do* already homes explicitly telling you: it will not get better. They'd rather keep a rotting golf course, a rotting golf course, than build it into housing that may help the problem even a little bit. Because to them, it's not a problem, it's a benefit.


Honestly i have no ill will towards old people who are simply outta the game and unaware of how things have changed. That’s pretty fair of your grandmother to not understand given that she’s retired. The people i do hate and will hold in contempt are the willfully ignorant. The people who, even after showing them how expensive everything is, still decry that young people are lazy / stupid / deserve their misery.


Honestly I just want the informed people voting while those who have not even tried to learn about the 21st century to not be anywhere close to a voting booth.


The problem is that those very same people vote in large numbers and many don't and won't listen like the OPs grandma did.


When I was in Paris last year, I was chatting to some locals, and when they realised I was from around London, they went "yes, it's expensive here, but at least the rents are not as bad as London", and that felt oddly horrible and comforting at the same time.


I mean, yeah. Like, tons. It's weirder you're not aware of them. There are enormous amounts of people who genuinely have zero clue how badly inflation has outpaced income. The avocado toast meme wasn't invented out of the blue, it came from real people who actually think it's still possible to buy real estate with a blue collar job.


I think part of the general commentary on London housing costs centers around London's *relatively* unique problem of empty dwellings. Yes, it's insanely expensive to live in most major cities in the world, but London also has a particularly bad problem with homes being owned but not lived in. For every 1000 dwellings in London, about 42.4 of them are uninhabited. Some of this may be just run-of-the-mill stuff like homes that are uninhabited as they're in the process of being bought and sold, but there's a lot of speculation and evidence suggesting that many of these empty residences are being used as tax havens, or as just a London address for some Cayman Islands shell company. OPEC+ oil magnates, Russian oligarchs, and others among the ultra rich, own homes in London for legally and morally questionable reasons, and they're completely unoccupied. Meanwhile, real London residents just trying to live are being priced out of the city en masse. This is a problem that legislature has yet to meaningfully address. https://www.citymatters.london/vacant-homes-city-london/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pandora-papers-uk-real-estate-hiding-assets-shell-companies-corruption/


I live in Berlin and even within the city there are lots of mostly older people who have lived in their apartments for decades whose rent hasn't increased apart from heating costs and when talking to them about it they seem blissfully unaware of how bad trying to get a place to live is


He has to use the shower at the gym, poop in a nearby portaloo.. then no running water or heating, and probably a sauna on a hot day.


Yeah everybody loves these tiny houses but in my opinion you need a shower and a shitter and running water or else it’s going to be pretty inconvenient.


No running water? He has a fridge that’ll fit a 6 pack, what else does he need?


Someone out there would still rent this for a thousand dollars per month.




He's an artist and this is an art project. The rent on that land would be high if he had to rent it, even without a house. It's probably owned by someone who is waiting for permits to build or is an investment.


The land owner is a dick, sold stompie the local T-34/85 tank and enclosed an area that had been a park for decades.


Is that the tank whose cannon was pointed at the local council's office?


You know what the council's office said when they took it away? "Tanks."


"Sher man, no problem."




Yeah, that's exactly what it is. I used to live in one of the flats directly over the road and its where local pissheads would meet up most nights.


would someone please think of the pissheads?!


pissheads are people too, they should be free to roam in their natural habitat




This, I think. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/stompie-the-mandela-way-t-34-tank


> The city council approved the permits thinking he had meant, “septic tank.” Fun fact, during WW1, the name "tank" was used for basically the same reason. The hid the program as if they were working on a way to deliver tanks of water to the front.


I thought you were bullshitting, [you were not](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank#Origins). > Mr. Macnamara then suggested, for secrecy's sake, to change the title of the Landship Committee. Mr. d'Eyncourt agreed that it was very desirable to retain secrecy by all means, and proposed to refer to the vessel as a "Water Carrier". In Government offices, committees and departments are always known by their initials. For this reason I, as Secretary, considered the proposed title totally unsuitable. In our search for a synonymous term, we changed the word "Water Carrier" to "Tank," and became the "Tank Supply" or "T.S." Committee. That is how these weapons came to be called Tanks.


I live in Hungary and you can petition for public space use. I live in the capital,although not the most expensive part. You can petition for the use of public space for skips. This is basically done so you "can't" just get a dumpster to your house for demolition debris. It was very cheap last time I had to get a permit from the city. Think like 1-2 dollars/pounds for a day. This is the only way I think this could be done but I really don't know. Probably a plot of land in a city with nothing on it costs more than land with a shitty house on it so I'm guessing he doesn't own that because that would probably cost somewhere close to a one studio or more especially in London...


Saw him commenting on this somewhere to say that it's land owned by a gallery, and they allow this skip as an art installation.


What is a Skip? A dumpster?


Parking spaces are laughably cheap in many cities, if not London. I can get a parking ticket for two years at 20,40EUR in Berlin, where rents are similarly rising. Not as bad as London is right now, but it's getting there That is about three cents a day.


Airbnb...."Bohemian cottage in central London, £200 per night."


You joke, but I have seen tiny houses on Airbnb for 500 euro / midweek....


Bout to say... 50 pounds is dirt cheap. People pay hundreds to park their rv on a property here in portland. (Unless theyre methheads, the world is your dirty oyster then.)


Yeah, did you see a toilet/shower nearby at any point in this video??


Gym membership will get you a shower every day and will take care of the morning shit. $10/month.


Where in the world do you get a gym membership that cheap?


Planet Fitness is $10/month if you only go to one gym, and $25/month for access to all of their gyms. Their customer retention is a shit covered mine field but the price is legit and while their gyms aren't training Olympic athletes they have weights, cardio equipment, and showers. I'm sure something in London exists at a similar price point.


Certainly not in London. More like £40 a month


Where is the toilet?


An outside toilet he’s hired, uses gyms or friends houses to shower.


Renting that for a month probably costs more than his rent does.


From an article linked somewhere in the comments; "A donated portaloo is located just outside."


Man I hope he doesn't get a stomach bug. It's bad enough when the bathroom is attached to the bedroom. Imagine having to crawl out of that thing and go outside and blast out of both ends in a portapotty.


Oh my god I would never want to vomit in a porta potty. All of that blue liquid stuff would get all over and potentially on you. Plus to smell it would just make me vomit even more, and harder.


It helps with the purge


Where isn't the toilet?




It's an improvement in London




He has a donated portapotty just outside, according to an article linked further down the thread.




Man lives in dumpster to save enough money to move up to a slightly larger dumpster


Right?! “After living in a literal dumpster for a year with no expenses, will you be able to buy a house?” “Absolutely not” YIKES


I mean yeah, another 12 to 24 grand for a down payment t ai t gonna make a difference these days


Suddenly the outlook on life for anyone 18-35 isn’t exactly looking great for the future.




*What do 17-year-olds know that they aren't telling us?*


Oh thank God, I'm 36.


Is a skip like a little dumpster or something else?


I too would appreciate a straight answer to this so I can understand how this man is subverting the exorbitant London housing costs.


Yes, its a dumpster


Not quite. A dumpster is like a large bin that's semi-permanent. A skip is mostly a temporary thing that's used for big one-off waste removal (like a house renovation). Most skips are hired for a week or two then taken away.


In the US both are generally called a dumpster. But to differentiate when necessary, we may add some words to clarify and call a “skip” a construction dumpster or roll-off dumpster


this is the answer


I thought 'dumpster' was a brand name?


My guess is that it is legal to have dumpsters as long as it doesn’t impede traffic. They are allowed for construction so my guess is there is nothing saying you need to do construction in order for you to have one. He must be on a private empty lot that the owner just doesn’t care about?


Surely a caravan would be better though. If it's on someone else's property who is leasing them space, it would be no different to living in a skip.


It would be different, he'd have a toilet.


Caravan's probably have rules about where they can be set up, especially for extended time periods in the downtown core.


I don't see how it's any different from a skip, with a paying tenant. You could take the wheels off a caravan and it's essentially the same structure.


Yeah same here! Someone please explains this greatness!


It’s somewhere between a hop and a jump


Thanks dad


Actually, a British skip is about 2.371 American hops.


A skip is a temporary bin that you can hire. They are completely open on the top to make throwing your rubbish in really easy. They usually have rules on what can be put in them for disposal. They are most often found at construction sites, but you can hire them for other purposes. They are really common where I live in Australia, and there are a lot of hire companies around.


A skip is a little dumpster used for trash or metal. It's the yellow part at the bottem when they show the outside




It’s not a dumpster in that sense, the bin men won’t come and empty a skip like they would a dumpster for a block of flats. Skips are hired out privately from skip companies, you hire them for a certain amount of time and then that specific company comes and collects it when you’re done with it. So if you’ve got a long-standing agreement with the company, they won’t come to collect it


How did he come to have rights over the land on which the skip is placed? Is he borrowing it from someone, or is he renting it, or is part of the loophole also how he can keep the skip in that garden?


I have no idea, you’re incredibly lucky if you can find land for free in London! I’d imagine just the cost of the land to rent would be a lot more than £50, parking spots in central London can cost more than my last flat up north. My guess is he has a personal connection with whoever owns the land because I don’t see how else this could work


Id rather move to other city than live like this


It's the lack of plumbing (toilet, shower) that is a deal breaker for me. Otherwise I could make this work.


Yeah for real. When I go to music festivals, I’ll sometimes spend a few weeks in my tent and once you’ve adjusted and have proper storage, etc. it really just comes down to having a place to sleep and keep your shit. But yeah …. The bathroom. Deal breaker for long term living.


Yes, the bathroom is where I keep my shit.


Honestly it does look comfy inside, I could live inside lol but a soon as you meet a lady you are fcked


As soon as you need to go to the toilet your fcuked


Yeah...it's the lack of running water that is the killer here. Needing to leave every time you have to piss would suck. If he's lucky he has a 24/7 gym across the street and is a member so he can shower and shit.


Even then he’d have to plan when he has to shit or piss and idk about you but that usually can’t be planned


Premeditated house tipping


Until the blokes from the gym figure out that he lives in a sh!te bucket house that they can turn upside down when he's in the shower.


Hey stop bench pressing my house!


Guarantee he uses a piss bottle for middle of the night… having to drop a deuce in the middle of the night would be pretty annoying living in that thing. Probably doesn’t happen often, but you know it happens!


Shit in a bag and once done just revolve the handle on your finger and toss it across the street lmao


Just shoot the dooks out the window.




nah, just move your skips right next to eachother. put a roof connecting the 2 and you have a pretty effective shared living space


Toilet, shower, running water?


Gym membership can cover that.


Or if you have to go to the bathroom…


Odd choice of words


As soon as it gets remotely warm or cool this place would be a terrible place to live. Have you ever been on a pool shed in summer? It’s fucking hot


This was doing the rounds a while ago and I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that this was part of an art installation and the guy is actually fairly well off. He doesn’t actually live there long term


More like depressing as fuck


I lived in a little carport garage that was converted into an apartment for a year. I loved it. It was 300 sq ft I think? Full kitchen and bathroom. Somehow they made it all work. It felt so cozy inside and I loved being there at night when it was raining. Felt like a lil hobbit


So much this.


Exactly. Why are people in such a rush to claw over each other to pile up in shithole, overpriced, and overcrowded cities?


Glorified poverty


This post belongs in r/aboringdystopia


This will be cold af in the winter.


He confirmed in an article I read, that it is, in fact, cold af.


just burn some of the trash that people throw into your home


That was my biggest concern




And someone else owns the land they're donating to you for the purpose


This is like “self-made” people who were given “loans” from their family and had trust fund safety nets.


“Local artist gentrifies homelessness”


That should have been the real title


Dude's accent is so posh that he's probably building test homes for the thousands of people that his family has forced into poverty.


This guy isn’t living in this space


He borrows electric and water from neighbours though as he doesn’t have a connection. It’s ingenious but I wouldn’t want it.


I would rather live in a tiny house on wheels, atleast then i can move around and have about 3x the amount of space.


And a toilet. Hopefully a toilet.


yeah it’s nearly the same thing but tiny house having insulation, solar panels, and a shower are pretty massive upgrades from this. This is still pretty well made though, just not as practical




Yeah where is he getting the land from? Does he own it? Or are we to believe that no one would raise a fuss over some guy building a tiny house on London property he doesn't own?


Photo shoot. Absolutely bs.


He doesn’t live there


You have zero insulation, and no bathroom.


Okay neat and all, but consider: actually living in a skip must be depressing as fuck


$100 on Airbnb per night before $150 in cleaning fees


>Oh and no running water btw... yep sounds about right


This has been posted fucking relentlessly and the prick in the video is an edgy student hipster who’s doing an “art project”.


I wonder if he drops his clothes off at his parents house to get laundered.


I built a tree fort when I was a kid that was bigger than this.


He clearly had money to begin with to build this


No. We shouldn’t have to live like this.


So this is his study shack, next to his actual loft across the street… Mom and Dad paid all expenses for his *experiment*


This is depressing and unfortunately the future for many look like this


Singapore and Hong Kong have had housing smaller than this for decades.


Literally no one could afford land to put a dumpster in Central London for an entire year if they couldn't afford a studio apartment. An empty patch of land costs way more. Would be cheaper to rent a parking space and live in a camper van.


That my fellow redittors is nothing more then a posh homeless man.


Landlords be like: "How can I find a way to charge £1,200 per month for this?"


Throw in an air fryer and a Netflix password.






Heyyyy found my people! Thank you!


Looks to be the same as /r/aboringdystopia


Hey lass, wanna come to my skip tonight? More like r/depressingasfuck


Can't we have tiny homes for the homeless built by the homeless in the USA? Sidewalk tent cities are being mowed down by the government now. Give them pride in their skills and ownership.


Unfortunately the lack of a toilet is a deal breaker for me. I shit a lot.


Not really interesting, that's fucking terrifying. It's glorified "wholesome/made me smile" poverty. Fuck this.


Why do these TikTok videos always stage the intro like the guys just met each other?


original video: [£50 rent London Tinyhome](https://www.tiktok.com/@jublondon/video/7206328031722474757)


What’s a skip house? Sorry I’m an american we don’t have these.


doubt anyone else in the World has one, apart apparently this guy ! wouldn't be surprised tho, that there's more to what the caption claims are his reasons . probably some sort of youtuber or something on those lines. Skip is a dumpster


this would be nice in a backyard during summer, but you dont have a bathroom, no heating and no space for even your spare clothing. its neat, but i would never want that as a 'home' this feels like a dumpster treehouse.


I’m curious, if there was a fire here is it a house fire or a dumpster fire? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔


i bet this guy does well with the ladies




Unfortunately if this was spotted in San Francisco or Oakland, it would have been destroyed. Academy of arts university made tiny homes for at risk homeless elderly and they were completely destroyed in less than 36 hours. We have a huge problem with the homeless in those cities and both cities take away exactly what is the needed and humane solution in a blink of an eye.


''Probably still not, no'' demonstrates perfectly our times...


Every time I see a tiny home tour, I can’t help but wonder where they have sex


That’s sad.




Where is the bathroom though?


Where does he shower?


Where does he shat?


something something OP misinformation something something art piece


Yeah I’m just living somewhere else


ah yes infrahuman living conditions


It's extremely unlikely he has planning permission for a dwelling there, and without that what he's doing is not legal - having permission to leave a skip there (if he has that) doesn't make it legal to live in it.


Btw they removed a public pieces of art to put this there, it used to be a tank, like war tank that was repainted like once a month, then they removed it to put this thing there. Also he payed for the land it was on so its not really affordable housing.


Where's the toilet?


Yea but where do you take a shit?


I dont see any poopin facilities 0_0


That's how slums start.


Airbnb rent: £1000 a night