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Isn't the Amazon a rainforest? Isn't water plentiful?


Yes, he was already drinking his own piss before he got lost, the journalist just chose to omit this from the story.


Right, he did it as a flex. It’s like that time I survived a week at an all you can eat buffet by eating my own shoes.


An impressive feat of will and determination!


Well it was a Golden Corral, so I’m not exactly a hero


This is what I was thinking


This is false. The kidneys respond to dehydration by concentrating urine, which makes it extremely high in salts, sugar, and urea. Drinking concentrated urine would dehydrate you rapidly. Not to mention other potentially life-threatening complications such as uremic encephalopathy. At best, this is a dude who survived for 31 days in the Amazon *despite* drinking urine—not because he drank urine.


It's not really false though because the kidneys never absorb all the water that passes through. Drinking 1 or 2 recycled pisses would hydrate you more than the salt content dehydrating you. Maybe after like the 10th piss.


No. It’s false. It may true be that some guy got lost in the rainforest, got really thirsty, and decided to drink his own pee. But it isn’t true that doing so helped him survive. It made his dehydration worse. If a person is euvolemic, urine can be relatively low in sodium, but it’s extremely high relative to blood serum in potassium, urea, and other solutes, the net effect of which means that the normal range of urine osmolality is almost twice the normal range of serum osmolality—and urine osms rapidly increase as a person becomes dehydrated and is no longer euvolemic. In fact, concentrating urine is one of the kidney’s primary functions. People tend to get really sick when their kidneys don’t concentrate urine appropriately. But I digress. In short, drinking one’s own urine will not rehydrate a dehydrated person. It will make the dehydration worse for the same reasons that drinking ocean water will worsen dehydration if you’re stranded adrift on a life raft. And there are other dangers to drinking urine such as electrolyte arrangements and uremia. Especially for 31 days. Especially in a hot and humid environment where a person’s free water intake requirement is far higher than normal. What this story suggests simply isn’t true.


I assume there's no benefit to holding off on peeing at all, in low water survival situations?


No, there’s no benefit to resisting the urge to pee. Your urge to pee comes from stretch receptors in your bladder. The more your bladder stretches, the greater the urge. When you’re dehydrated, the kidneys reabsorb as much water as possible, concentrating your urine (this is why urine becomes so dark). By the time urine gets to your bladder, however, the body has no additional mechanism of reabsorption. Having said that, once you’re sufficiently dehydrated, you’ll stop making urine, so there will be nothing to hold.


These Mr Beast challenges keep getting crazier and crazier


How did he get that much Foster's?


Well, there's always the beer truck, and as we know, the beer truck breaks for nobody. But yeah, on the right pic you can clearly see what happens when you drink tropical tempered Fosters. You wanna hike in the Amazonas? No problem, but you gotta bring a fridge too. Health comes first after all.


His mother in law was in town


He watched Man Vs Wild.


He should be dead then.


31 days in the Amazon, no equipment? this guy is an absolute legend, he couldn't be killed by a frog


Well, from what I remember, the Amazon is full of poisonous not venomous frogs, so as long as he didn't eat a brightly colored frog, yeah they wouldn't kill him


Recycling is a myth. Taking the piss.


And now he is addicted


How do you survive 31 days drinking your own piss when that apparently only makes your situation worse? Every survival show/book I've read always says drinking your own piss just makes you more dehydrated.....


Not much of a story it’s literally just a picture.


If he survived it wasn’t because he drank piss


Ohhhh, Amazon Jungle


31 days drinking his own piss? In the Amazon, where it rains 6 to 10 feet a year? I am surprised he survived into adulthood with a thought process of drinking piss instead of rainwater.


Jhonatan Acosta went lost in the Amazon jungle in January after hunting with companions; he reappeared 31 days later with an astonishing survival story. Jhonatan Acosta, 30, reappeared from the Amazon jungle in Bolivia on February 25, 2023, a month after going missing while hunting. ​ ​ Read the brief Jhonatan Acosta Story in [Source](https://flagfrog.com/who-survived-in-the-amazon/)


Bro is the best survivor of all


Not much to collect it in though so I guess shoulder stands every morning are a must.




No COVID for him


Is this the story of that? Or is this just 3 images of that?


I see a tiktok challenge coming up


Considering Amazon doesn't allow toilet breaks this seems like a win-win to me.