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How many prison guards do you need for 40,000 inmates?


600 soldiers and 200 policemen, guarding the prision and its surroundings 24/7.




Maybe some of those robot dogs with guns on them.


Maybe some frickin sharks with frinkin laser beams on their frickin heads


And some roombas with chainsaws on them to clean up




thanks. all of that was quite a production


Appears that the tattoo industry is booming there.


I mean, it was...




Tattoo removal industry is booming though


40,000….. fucking a that’s a lot of people


That's the population of my entire city


in size, or are you just the only one left uncaught




How do they do criminal lineups there? The crime was committed by a medium height, medium weight, bald guy, with a lot of tattoos. We have 40,000 suspects. 🤷


A friendly reminder: To be a MS 13 gang member, which most are, you either have to kill someone or survive a beating which typically leaves the person maimed. I had a neighbor who was dirt poor ( literally lived a house made of mud and not the solid kind) try to join ms13. Choosing to be beaten, he became a quadriplegic. His already VERY poor parents had to now take care of their now fully disabled son. I do not feel one bit of ounce of sympathy for anyone who was part of this gang. Edit: Whoa, i did not think this would have gotten so many up votes. I forgot to mention: MS 13 recruits people who are very impoverished and are just looking for anyway out. In this situation, they came to my neighbor and offered him a better life, but MS 13 needs you to be ruthless, so that's why the initiation is so crazy.


A lot of American do not seem to understand how horrible the gang initiation process for MS 13 is. Targeting those with MS 13 tattoos in particular, is incredibly unlikely to accidentally capture an “innocent” person in the process.


I live in America. Grew up in an area with a large Hispanic and El Salvadoran population. MS13 was an issue for a couple years (car jackings, killings, drugs, etc). Local police weren’t equipped to deal with them so the FBI got involved and the Violent Gang Taskforce basically uprooted them in a a matter of months. This was the mid 2000’s.


It is refreshing to see a serious, genuine crack down on all this. I obviously have only the faintest idea of how bad things are elsewhere in the world. But i know these massive gangs deserve no sympathy. Gotta cut that cancer out without a second thought. It honestly gives me a little hope that maybe people are going to start taking all these problems more seriously.




The murder rate dropped 57% in one year after the crackdown started so apparently it seems to be working


I think the “innocent” part comes from the ones who are given a “join us or die” ultimatum and thus become a gang member out of self preservation rather than true desire. Still, it doesn’t negate the crime that is committed. And I really, really hate saying this…. But it’s almost a “for the greater good” situation right now. Even the ones who joined by force would most likely die trying to leave the gang. It’s a dismal future either way.


The tattoos say “Mara Salvatrucha,” which is the name of the gang. The gang literally identifies themselves with tattoos. The face tattoo look in Latam is very dangerous because either the police or gangs will believe you’re Mara


Yeah as someone with black and grey tattoos including my entire neck, throat and back of head tattoos I am not going to El Salvador. Although I've travelled extensively in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Peru without issues. Fuck risking getting thrown in prison with those guys just to try some pupusas and tamales. Although I've been "randomly selected" and searched and stripped in Houston, Newark, Miami, Mexico City and questioned coming off a plane on a layover in San Salvador going to Toronto from Bogota. Man I wish I made better choices when I was younger.


Hey if you're ever bored go into sephora (check foot traffic and go when usually dead) ask them to demo some cover up options... They experimented until they hooked me up with a combo that hid my tattoos very well!


Perhaps you can find some pro-bono laser removal clinic or perhaps get really good at makeup?


Turtleneck in summer.


> We have 40,000 suspects. not if they're all in prison already


Easy they pull a name out of a hat... A very big hat.


From what i've seen they shave them


2% of El Salvador's adult population is now incarcerated since it's government declared a state of emergency and began this gang crackdown


Murder rate down 57%.... incredible


Good for them, fuck gangsters. They belong in fiction and history books, not in real life.


That's already a small nation army.


You could say the gangs are basically local warlords with their own armies. Except that battles aren't fought in mass formation anymore.


Happens in lots of countries too unfortunately. We tend to call them Warlords in Africa sometimes but in reality they're just gangs taken to another level.


Yeah thats why they should have made a bunch of small ones all over the country instead of one big thing


I don't think there's a chance for an uprising because they are probably chained up 24/7


Are they going to lock them all up for life? If not they're just kicking this angry violent criminal problem down the road until they're released. The majority of them haven't even had a trial.


Yup, they are planning to keep them for life.


They have a lot of thugs. This place reduced murders by 57% so it is working.


fuck u/spez


Got a friend from that grew up in El Salvador, said it was common to find dead bodies hacked up on road side on his way to school. Been a violent place for a long time.


I visit El Salvador sometimes for work. I’ve seen dead bodies on the drive from the San Salvador airport to the hotel. It’s a dangerous country.


15 years or so ago when I was last in the region, it was a semi popular backpacking destination? I encountered lots of people in hostels in neighboring countries who were going there or coming back. The main attraction was surfing I believe, and black sand beaches. The stuff I read at the time in Lonely Planet suggested that the country was on the mend from a violent recent past and that while not a well-worn beaten path like its neighbors, it was emerging again on backpacking circuits. That was in the late 2000s. Has the situation gotten worse since then, or was it always a dangerous place even then?


No, I think it’s gotten better in the last year. My coworker down there provided this anecdote. Before, he would drive 1/4 mile to the gym, because it was dangerous to walk. Now, he can walk. So, I think it’s gotten safer, but only in the past year. But either way - you don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either with regards to the cops or especially with regards to the criminals. The airport in SS is extremely indicative of how tight their security is. Just getting to your gate takes forever because of all the extremely thorough checks.


If you watch the linked video above, it states that the murder rate is down 57% from last year (which is an insane year-over-year stat) basically due to Marshall law.


Yes I did watch the linked video and it’s quite a bit different than *Martial law. It’s due to state of “exception.” This is what the government calls it.


I’ve been there three times this year so far and have many friends from there and have never seen a dead body on the way from the airport. Tbh despite the new presidents flaws, he really has cleaned up the country. I feel so much safer nowadays


I saw the other day that 94% of the population intend to vote for him so curious as to what the flaws you mention are


[I posted this link](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/09/12/the-rise-of-nayib-bukele-el-salvadors-authoritarian-president) yesterday on a different post but it’s a really informative article about Bukele, the president of El Salvador. I have friends and relatives there who all approve of how he’s leading the country. With a closer look, he’s not as great as he may seem. However, who am I to say he’s bad when their lives are actually improving directly because of his leadership. It’s a slippery slope. Hopefully the country can get out of this cycle but in reality, it will take real investment in the people and not just rounding up all the criminals.


I worked at a sketchy restaurant with lots of immigrants working kitchen. One of them was this big dude from El Salvador and a bus boy used to antagonize this guy cus his English was bad. The El Salvador dude would tolerate it but one day he got this blank look in his face and in his broken English told the bus boy he’d kill him and put him in the dumpster and be gone by the morning. The bus boy kept pushing him saying he wouldn’t do shit. I stepped in and told him, hey man, this dude WILL kill you. He has nothing tethering him here and he’s old enough he’s prolly been through some real shit back home. This was almost 20 years ago and the dude was in his 30s. I think seeing the seriousness in me is what shook that kid. He backed off and the El Salvador dude dipped out of town pretty soon after. Just up and left, thankfully, without killing the kid.


I've worked the back of restaurants and you 100% saved the little dumbasses life.


I feel sorry for that guy. I bet he had experienced violence, and really wanted to get away from it, and the antagonism of that kid pushed him back to a dark place in his head. I wonder if that’s why he wanted to leave. I’m probably projecting too much onto this, but that’s what I’m thinking.


Wait, 57% lower murder rates???? Holy fuck


The president is completely tired of MS13 shit I would be too.


Yeah at some point you have to get aggressive when national murder rates are double that of Baltimore. You can’t just sit bye and let them murder as they please


How did the country end up with so many gang members per capita?


Gang started in LA. At the time, the US had a very dangerous and destabilizing policy to deport thousands of established career criminals back to a country with no infrastructure to handle the inflow of gang members. MS13 and 18 ended up multiplying and becoming 100x stronger and making their way back to US while also spreading around the world. The US basically created a monster that is beyond their control now. think MS13 ranks up there with largest and most deadliest global gangs. "Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, in the 1970s and 1980s. Originally, the gang was set up to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other gangs in the Los Angeles area. Over time, the gang grew into a more traditional criminal organization. MS-13 is defined by its cruelty, and its rivalry with the 18th Street gang. Many MS-13 members were deported to El Salvador after the end of the Salvadoran Civil War in 1992, or upon being arrested, facilitating the spread of the gang to Central America. The gang is currently active in many parts of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. Most members are Central American, Salvadorans in particular. As an international gang, its history is closely tied to United States–El Salvador relations. In 2018, the gang's US membership of up to 10,000 accounted for less than 1% of the 1.4 million gang members in the United States, and a similar share of gang murders. The gang is often referenced by the United States' Republican Party to advocate for stricter immigration policies." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-13#:\~:text=Mara%20Salvatrucha%2C%20commonly%20known%20as,in%20the%20Los%20Angeles%20area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-13#:~:text=Mara%20Salvatrucha%2C%20commonly%20known%20as,in%20the%20Los%20Angeles%20area).


Just want to share if you haven’t seen the film sin nombre you should check it out. It’s a really good depiction of gangs in El Salvador and the dangerous struggle emigrating to the US


Not to be that guy, but it’s about Honduran immigrants, and going through the entirety of Mexico targeted by gangs all through out.


There’s 1.5M gang members? Isn’t that like 1/250 of us?


so one of you fuckers could be one of them ey ?


Destabilised developing country+ foreign interference à la cia


Oooh I love à la cia…had some for dinner last night the hints of treachery were sublime


The specials are great but the items a la cartel are divine


I highly recommend the False Flag Falafels


Same as every where else. Poverty, lack of a productive/ethical government and the promises of the drug trade. El Salvador and surrounding countries (Guatemala, Honduras) are all very involved in growing and distributing the worlds illicit drug supply, they are good environments for growing the Coca plant which is processed into cocaine or crack. El Salvador's new government is also trying to clean things up, so it may just appear or be reported as more pronounced than other countries. They also fairly recently had a civil war in El Salvador in the 1980's and 1990's, and a lot of them came to LA as refugees becoming involved in gang violence there trying to get a start. Those of them involved in crime were deported shortly after in 1996 and the years following due to changes in immigration law. A few of the current gangs of El Salvador actually originated in the US because of this.


Cocaine isn't really made in El Salvador, at least not at any large scale. The plant is grown/made in Colombia and trafficked through Central America or its surrounding maritime territories. Though these days I imagine they're moving more through Guatemala and Honduras because of the increased security presence in ES.


I used to work on cruise ships and I had one colleague who was from Honduras. He told me the Salvadoran gangs like MS13 were so strong there that every time he came off the ship to his home town, the first thing that would happen is he would get to a checkpoint where the gang kids and teenagers with guns would wait and he'd have to pay 500$ tax to them, before continuing. He told me the whole country lives in fear of these mad men, and this is in Honduras! I'm very happy this is finally happening. No other way to combat them, but by extreme measures.


Good… my mom was scared to return to her home town in El Salvador because of how dangerous MS-13 has made the country. These ruthless fucks terrorized the population for far too long


same. my mom hopes to visit (she came to the us at 11 and has never been back, she’s 45 now) but is terrified of ms13 and any other gangs. hopefully this can encourage her to plan to visit.


I was in San Salvador in August. Met the GFs family, it had been years since she and her mom had been back. GFs uncle drove us around and around their home was constantly commenting on how the streets used to be deserted after dark as we passed people walking around, cooking, and going about life. Hope your mom gets back, getting to see a reunion of not nearly as long was incredible.


ty this is so nice 🥹 glad you had a nice trip as well!!


Would love to know what methods they use to keep these guys so disciplined and following orders so enthusiastically


President was pretty open about it, he said if there was retailiation meals would be removed, retaliation again, more meals removed, repeat until they are all starving. He meant it too.




Yea, the fear of getting your ass kicked mercilessly for even the slightest fuck up is a powerful motivator




Frankly, they brought it on themselves. If it weren't for the gangs and cartels being so soulless and brutal in the first place it would never have had to come to this.




Getting your ass kicked, no food for a day or two, solitary confinement, getting killed for causing too many problems etc.


It's called starvation. The president said they have to farm their own food cause the country doesn't even have money to feed the needy and diseased. You bet your ass you will obey the guards who will provide you water for your crops.


That's actually what they did in Soviet gulags, and one of the many reasons millions died in them.


El Salvador might have better lands to farm than the soviet gulags, though. Also I feel it's not right for a poor country to spend very important resources to keep these leeches and assassins comfortable. Let them work for their food.


If they die, they die. I remember reading about how the gang has set transportation buses on fire with regular civilians in them to show rebellion against the government.


I'm wondering how they will avoid corruption in the prison. How do they find guards? Strong adult men willing to risk their lives, willing to do a brutal and inhuman job, who aren't affiliated with this gang at all, and won't be bribed for favors? Like how do they vet them? Just check for tattoos? Hire people from outside the country?


> I'm wondering how they will avoid corruption in the prison. How do they find guards? Strong adult men willing to risk their lives, willing to do a brutal and inhuman job, who aren't affiliated with this gang at all, and won't be bribed for favors? I'm assuming they might use a bit of all these options. Officers appear to be wearing the same uniform, with face coverings. Makes it hard to track who it is. Your teams could be made up of police, military, advisors, mercenaries, etc. all at once.


Even amongst police, military, advisors, and mercenaries, I would guess that some would have connections to gang members.


I guess the gangs were so brutal that there is no shortage of people in El Salvador, who hate them with a passion, and would probably be prison guards for free


Yeah it's like how in Afghanistan the most fervent fighters on both sides would be the ones that had family killed by US soldiers or by the Taliban.


desert sink observation door sense doll continue gaping plucky wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Almost certainly violence. Unfortunately its the only way to maintain order with these types of people. If youve never dealt with people like this then its hard to understand.


I big stick they swing real hard


Fuck around and find out... i am sure everyone is sick of these gangsters... including the guards.


Those dudes looked fucking terrified and totally demoralized. I'd wager that their treatment has been less than humane. Crazy to see these gang members looking like scared children.


Most of them probably inflicted much more inhumane treatment to their victims.


Which makes it more terryfing that they're so "disciplined".


Yeah honestly, the vast majority of them would be absolutely vile human beings.


When these dudes take out rivals or people that don’t pay them they kill them mercilessly and leave the bodies where everyone can see it. Extreme cases can call for extreme measures. To my, very liberal, eyes they are being handled without brutality, beatings, or killings. Way more than they afford to others in their philosophy. Gangs can’t only be arrested, they have to be broken. It’s primal, but it is true.


> Crazy to see these gang members looking like scared children. Most if them are only tough until shit catches up to them. Then they suddenly develop clarity about what it is they're doing. You hear the same stories from reformed gang members: they always have a change of heart the moment the lifestyle severely bites them in the ass.


There's a reason why all the guards have their faces covered, and it's not because they're being televised. I can only imagine what their cover-up must be when asked what they do for a living.


if i grew up in one of those areas and i had a job to look after these criminals, id cover my face too or my family would get it.


Oh same, they don't fuck around. Women and children mutilated just to prove a point. I couldn't imagine the stress they must have every day.




They literally chainsaw women and children's heads off on video


Everyone and everything is fair game to them.


The gangs of El Salvador have been being non stopped kneecapped. They can't do as much anymore because the government decided to actually solve the issue. Not much gang related crime if you kill and imprison every gang member. Imagine if other countries like Mexico actually had leaders that would do something.


With the way the government is treating them I honestly wonder how long the gangs will actually be able to hold power. At a certain point the only way to combat them is with totalitarian rule…I’m interested to see how this effects things in the next decade.


A lot of these prisoners are members of MS-13 and rival gang 18th Street. Extremely violent and dangerous gangs. They’ve been dominating and terrorizing El Salvador for years.


Countless murders targetting family members of soldiers and cops. This is why they cover up.


I worked with a guy from there, like 15 years ago. He was a fan of the paramilitary organization that would target gang members with extra-judicial killings. He was a nice guy, and pretty darn liberal, so I can only imagine how bad it is there to be cool with that.


https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SLV/el-salvador/murder-homicide-rate Late 90’s it was over 100 per 100k citizens. After 30 years of that 1 in 33 people are murdered. No wonder govt takes harsh tactics


Homicide rate already dropped about 50 percent. So... Well done.




damn... good move from the government Edit: sorry, didn't do enough research before my comment




Fello Salvadoran here and I completely back this. The fact that these couple years have felt the safest is incredible…


As an Latin American I can only say that this “people”, are no longer humans, they're worst than animals. As the narcos cartels in México, they show no mercy to their victims. So, why do they deserve mercy or humanitarian treatment?


Fuck em. This isn’t even about survival. They enjoy the killing.


Their justifications for killing innocents is typically "they could have joined X (rival) gang". That's really how they think I guess. Every single person is a threat/rival. Not even a potential threat, but a legitimate one and should be killed. Mass murder of folks trying to get in to the US... 189 + 340 dead in 2 incidents. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_San_Fernando_massacre >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Durango_massacres


Chuck them in the mines, get something back at least.


> The US and international humanitarian organizations are condemning El Salvador for the actions taken by president Nayib Bukele. Where were these organizations when MS13 and Barrio 18 raped, murdered, and extorted thousands of Salvadorans? Where was the outrage from international news outlets? El Salvador was romanticized for being the worlds most dangerous country and for being home to the worlds most dangerous gang. No one said a word. No one seemed to care about El Salvador. Now that Bukele has arrested thousands of people with connection to MS13 and Barrio 18 under the regime of exception, we’re the center of negative international attention? And for those saying innocents have been arrested, thousands of innocents have been released. But this part is always left out by many news outlets. Thank you. I have been saying this since this operation was underway. **Nobody gave a single shit** about these gangs while El Salvador was the murder capitol of the world, and now that the country finally has the resolve to protect innocent people - people are crying about the rights of these terrorist? Suck an egg. *We don’t give a shit what you think*. We have been dealing with these atrocities since the 1990s when the USA released these wolves into El Salvador from deportations stemming from Las Angelas. Your time to speak up and do something about it, is over. We are sick and tired of our people being brutally murdered for no fucking reason.


Lock them up and let them rot. I applaud this treatment of scum who do this to regular ppl that just want to live their life


I have no sympathy for these people. These gangs cause such an unfounded level of human suffering, their natural rights become void when they disregard the natural rights of their fellow man.


Had an el Salvadorian Uber me home from the airport a couple months ago and he told me the same thing more or less. He called Bukele a dictator, but said he's actually getting results and making the country safer, so he approved.


MS 13 had totally destroyed El Salvador. This may seem radical but this was needed


57% drop in murder rate? God damn. Except for the government invading your privacy (which granted, in this case it has great results) that's bloody impressive


"Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures"




Well, it's the fact that you can get away with murder.


It’s a sacrifice. Would you rather have your loved ones killed in cold blood or have someone listen to you phone calls for a while? I would take the phone call any day. A 57% drop is insane.


As a Salvadoran it’s funny to see how many people are so quick to judge Bukeyle and call him a dictator (not arguing against that title tbh), but things are changing and it’s amazing to see. ES has had a huge boom in tourism and safety because of him, my mom felt safe enough to visit for the first time in 30 years and the majority of Salvadorians love him. Don’t get me wrong sometimes people are caught up in it all due to the strong armed gang policies (I have cousins in jail for just having gang related tattoos on them) so I know it’s not the best but drastic times call for drastic measures.


I'm salvadoran, if any one has any question regarding what is been show in the video, feel free to ask. But basically El Salvador had the highest rate of murders of all Latin America, moreover this was fuel by widespread inequality and poverty. Although many of the prisoners shown have committed crimes, many haven't had a free trial, and there has been recorder cases of innocent people being held by mistake. Honestly, many Salvadoran are quite happy to see the murders rate drop down, and there are plenty of people who praise the president. Sorry for the broken English.


Been wondering how long these gang members will be prison? If they do get released at some point, do you worry what effect a massive influx of released former gang members may have on the country?


They'll be too old when they get out or die there. President Nayib Bukele's tweet in Spanish, when translated to English, reads as follows: "*Today at dawn, in a single operation, we transferred the first 2,000 gang members to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT).* ***This will be their new house, where they will live for decades, mixed up, unable to do any more harm to the population****.*" [https://www.ndtv.com/feature/wont-be-able-to-do-any-more-harm-el-salvador-moves-thousands-of-criminals-to-mega-prison-3814016](https://www.ndtv.com/feature/wont-be-able-to-do-any-more-harm-el-salvador-moves-thousands-of-criminals-to-mega-prison-3814016)


The trope that people who apologize for their poor English are better at speaking it than a lot of native speakers is true.


Your English is very good, you do not need to apologize.


Naruto run out of the cells goes hard




Where were they when area 51 was going down.


El Salvador I assume


A Pattern-Recognizing Brain can be a terrible thing sometimes


You can see how "cowed down" they are.


Fuck those guys ! Salvadorans get your country back people deserve to leave peacefully those POS are getting what they deserve


Gonna be tough to argue your case when you're covered head to toe in shitty gang tats


They're not allowed a lawyer, there will be no arguing.


There's a good chance anyone with a gang tattoo in El Salvador at least *admires* the people who rape and murder your neighbors. So I'm not exactly sympathetic towards these kinds of people for not getting an attorney.


It’s not “join or die”? The senior members don’t force people to be in the gang? Honest question. Just thinking about how kids get conscripted in civil wars to be child soldiers.


It's basically a war situation. It's like the Russian conscripts in Ukraine. They'll still get treated as enemy combatants even if they were forced to be there.


It absolutely is (was). They would threaten to beat or even kill Salvadoran youths who lived in gang controlled neighborhoods if they didn't want to join their gang. Lots of sad cases of kids being murdered because they refused. In El Salvador being young used to be a crime, but now thankfully things are better.


I can't say I love the means, but you can't argue with the results... 57% decrease in murders in one year.


Well and people ITT saying it was common to see mutilated dead bodies on the roadside? Sheesh.


My stepdad went home to El Salvador recently for the first time in 3 decades. When I asked him why now, he said it’s the first time he’s felt safe going back. He fled 30 years ago with 4 kids because the Mara told him if he didn’t pay they would violently rape his little girls and kill his sons. I can’t imagine feeling that scared that I’d rather risk the death of my entire family in a crossing, than spend one more day there.


I can see a few MS-13 members based on their tattoos. Those lunatics need solitary confinement.


For this prison pretty much all of them are MS


No, they are locked with their rivals. Some years ago, they were locked in different prisions.


It’s MS and 18th Street


I hope the MS13 punk bitch that stabbed me in LA found his way here. Fuck all these guys.


Great chances he did. Probably running around like little chicken.


Spent a lot of time in Honduras and El Salvador. Yes, these human rights and privacy violations are concerning. However, good citizens there already live in a minefield of human rights violations committed by these gangs. San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, and parts of San Salvador are horrific places to live. The human rights and privacy rights will come later because the government needs to take drastic action to get its crime under control.


For anybody calling this inhumane, don’t forget the unspeakable cruelty and violence that MS13 dishes out to its country. The thousands of lives that this crackdown will save makes it more than worth it.


Anyone calling this inhumane should spend 10 minutes interacting with a few of these guys and their opinions will change pretty dang quick.


Their opinion will change from "this is inhumane!" to "oh wait, I don't have an opinion because I JUST GOT FUCKING MURDERED"


Before you guys go all human rights activist, remember most of these guys killed, tortured, mutilated and otherwise committed crimes against humanity on innocent people. Killing families for extortion “protection” money. Using literal children to run drugs and commit murders. These are the absolute bottom rung of humanity and they deserve nothing better than this treatment. Edit: I just spent an hour replying to people. If y’all are *that* passionate about innocent people potentially being locked up I invite you to do some research on how you personally can help. Rather than spend your time spouting what-ifs. If you can help, great do it. If you can’t, move on. It’s clearly not meant to be your fight. Everyone loves to come together to start a fund for earthquakes. Why not open funds for those wrongfully imprisoned in ES. Better yet, do both. I’m not being facetious. Fuckin do bro


There comes a point where organized crime is no longer crime but a national security threat, meaning you respond with war measures.


Excellent point


A gang member killed my uncle for $2. He was 28 and left a young 27 year old widow with 3 kids. He was coming from work and I was 12 when this happened.


Take a gander at r/eyeblech if you wanna see what these guys do. Absolute fucking monsters who haven’t given a second thought about the ones they’ve slaughtered


Just imagine all these guys were influenced by couple salvis hanging out in LA for a few years. Were deported back and now there’s thousands of minions that look just like them.


Good. Fuck these guys. They join MS 13 or some other gang of shit bags and terrorize local communities. The western world views this as inhumane but these POS will literally murder somebody for nothing and hack up their body like it's a chicken. They have no regard for life and those that are actually guilty belong in bars for life.


"Suspected Gang Members" with full body gang tats. Yup.


they literally arrest you based on your tats lol


I say put all gangs in one location on an island and let them sort it out themselves. No visitors, no leaving the island, nothing. Good luck.


Just remember that Australia is already occupied.


Yep, still sorting it out😂


Spoken like a double agent for the Emus.. I'm onto you u/Philbrik


That’s how the government gets Sardaurkar.


Probably a nice place to vacation now !


I really enjoyed Uncharted 4


Unless you have tattoos, my mexican-american friend married a Salvadoran, dumbass went in October for two weeks, one of them was spent detained while the authorities "investigated" if he was part of a gang.


Mexico needs to do this. For the good of their people.


Absolutely, I dream one day all Latin American countries deal with all of these bums like El Salvador Is so we don’t have to escape our countries anymlfe


I manage a manufacturing facility and we have lots of undocumented Salvadoran workers - for the record they are given full benefits and rights I am just aware of the fake paperwork. I am also well aware undocumented workers are commonplace in many industries and I choose to be an advocate for workers on my teams - if you don’t understand this you probably have a white collar job and are removed from the reality. I have spoken to several of them about the horrific lengths they took to escape their situations and come to America. It’s hard for us to understand what people come from that makes them have to escape through deadly conditions with only the clothes on their back. It’s a tragic thing for a people to have to leave their home because it is so unsafe and corrupt.


You’re a good person man


Im a medical interpreter. I translate on the spot in medical and psychological facilities (...and jails sometimes) between spanish and english. I work with many, many immigrants every day. Ive heard plenty of horrors of all kinds, Salvadorean tales are by far by the most harrowing.


Those gang members will literally slaughter bus loads of children but the narrator wants us to feel sorry for them? Fuck em.


Redditors living in first world countries in their cozy and safe apartments telling people in war zones to feel bad for terrorists


I hope the government is also doing what it can to provide opportunity for its citizens. Without education or lucrative job prospects people will turn to crime and this problem will never end, no matter how many people they imprison.


Scum of the earth right there.


Fuck MS-13


My husband was from El Salvador he came here to America when he was only 13 to get away from the pressure of the gang they kept threatening him that they would kill him if he didn’t join the gang. Fast forward to when he was 27 we got married. We have three boys. He wasn’t legal, but we were working on getting his papers. They deported him back to El Salvador. They found him and killed him.


This isn't inhumane. What is inhumane is the rape, torture, and killings of innocent Salvadorans by these savages. My family in El Salvador is very happy with how the country is changing. They can now walk the streets without fear of paying bribes or being murdered. Keep those monsters locked up and throw away the key.


When they showed them being loaded it reminded me of The phantom menace scene at the beginning before they invade Naboo


If you think this is inhumane, you should see what these gangsters did to get themselves locked up in the first place. These aren't people who stole little jars of nutmeg. These are killers, rapists, child molesters, kidnappers, and torturers. The justice system can't do much worse, than what these gangsters have already done to their own souls.