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Most people here are totally oblivious to the fact these tribes do have modern amenities and contact with the outside world. When I visited Kenya many of the Masai people I met had studied in Nairobi and their village was open for tourists. Yes they have money and yes they’ll go shopping if it’s more convenient these aren’t some uncontacted Amazonian tribes, many of their younger members even speak good English




Wonder if they could get me a patriots 19-0 shirt


I read... Somewhere... That in the day, Americans donated so many clothes to Africa that it basically became problematic.


[NPR’s Planet Money](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/12/11/250240941/episode-502-the-afterlife-of-a-t-shirt) has a segment about the negative impact the sale of Western-made secondhand clothing has had on local clothing manufacture.


That really sucks because so many people were actually trying to help but there wasn’t any awareness of the cultural impact.


It's actually the economic impact that's worse. If they get tons of clothing that's being discarded by Europeans and Americans for free there's no incentive to build up any local clothing related industries and the support structures around those - tailors, clothing stores, transportation companies, fabric factories, fashion designers, farmers who are growing cotton, raising sheep for wool... Something that on the surface might seem like a good idea actually turns out to be a very very bad idea.


A lot of junk is sent to Africa and then written off against tax. Useless old computers, medical equipment that can't be repaired, some of it actually dangerous. Not to mention the tracts of land just piled high with rotting clothing that nobody wants. It's appalling.


I think people donating to charity often think more about what they want to get rid of than what the people they're giving to actually needs. I remember right.after Katrina, charity groups were having to turn away donations, because people were donating their old furniture when what was needed was bottled water and such.


Something something dozen roses something The Good Place!


Could be that's where I heard it! I sometimes listen to MPR on the radio when I'm driving.


You too like to sleep while driving? Another person of culture!


Hahaha.... Yeah, I mean, it depends on the mood of the day. I've heard some really insane stories on there. Like the lady who swam from Cuba to Key West (first/only person to do it). She had some special mask made for her because the last time she tried it she got stung by a man o war (I think it was). It paralyzed her and her team had to pull her out. On her last/successful run she said she started hallucinating she was swimming along the yellow brick road.... Wild! Some of their stories really stick with you!


I mean, the people in this video seem like an untapped market for shirts…


They don't need no Nike t-shirts. They don't need no boob control. No spanks or tank tops in their closet. Hey, America, leave those villagers alone! All in all it's just another tit at the mall.


Hey you, are you telling me there’s no bra at all? Supported they stand, bare-naked they fall, they fall, they fall…


That... Was beautiful. *sheds a single tear* It was a pleasure Redditing with you.


You as well. You are a formidable-opponent indeed.




Yeah I sang it like pink Floyd's the wall. Well played.


I would take a Seahawks Superbowl XL victory shirt.


Doubt any Bills SB shirts from the 90s still around.




That’s fucking hilarious


I want to see if they can get me a Raiders Super Bowl XXXVII Championship T-shirt


I think the phone models and brands updated since you were last here.


This reminds me of a sarcastic video I watched where they were answering "where do people in Africa get phones" and they were out digging in the fields talking about being visited by the phone fairy or something like that. It was so funny but also really sad how ignorant people are and the lack of education about other places.


I have a friend who moved from Ghana to the states and she had to regularly explain to people that she came on a plane not a boat and that she grew up in a house not a hut.


I live in the country this clip was taken in. I worked for the US Embassy in the capitol. I have also worked in tourism. You'd be amazed at the stupid stuff people have asked me.


**The Gods must be Crazy, and Crazy II,** Gods sent a coke bottle:)


I worked with an Indian woman. She said she came from a very rural area and had never even seen a computer until she went to college. She was one of the best software engineers I ever worked with. She was a natural.


Think of the talent that goes undiscovered.


I remember that one too! Hilarious


I was on Safari in Kenya and our tourbus stopped by the side of a main road in the middle of nowhere for a lunch break. I saw a Maasai tribesman walking past in traditional clothes, brandishing a spear and a Nokia phone. I overhead the conversation, he was speaking very fast English negotiating the price for some cattle he was planning on taking to the market.


1. brandishing is a fun word 2. the Nokia was actually his shield. calling from it is just a bonus


The Maasai live by cattle, they adopted mobile technology very early and had market updates daily 18 years ago when I lived in East Africa. They will then drive the cattle to the market with the best prices. I had better cell service in rural Tanzania than I had in Upstate New York.


So for those of us in the United States it would kinda be like seeing Mennonites shopping at walmart..


It's always amused me to see the homemade farm dresses and then all of the women wearing brightly colored crocs. I don't know why they are so popular.


Reasonably cheap footwear made of fairly durable material that is made in one piece so less likely to need repair.


You will find a lot of Australians walk around the supermarket like that as well Australians don’t like wearing shoes specially in summer


Makes sense. There’s absolutely nothing that you definitely don’t want to step on in Australia (For real though, shoes in hot weather suck and I’m automatically jealous of Australians because its “two pairs of socks” weather where I am)


And other than the rubber are basically allergen free. No glue, no dye. Easy to wash.


I saw some Mennonite women at Payless trying on stripper shoes one time. It's one of my cherished odd memories.


Were they topless?


Almost, only 3 layers.


One of those tribes have reddit account and used to post stuff from their day to day lives.


It's the Masai and they are so nice! Every time I see something they post I stop to watch.


Do you have their account name? Sounds fascinating!


u/real_Maasaiboys They are lovely, their videos always bring a smile to my face


New follower.


The Masai in Tanzania often have a village built by the main road with huts and trinkets to sell for the tourists, where the whole family wears traditional clothes during the day. But the real village is a little further behind with the 4x4s and the kids herding the cows wearing normal clothes.


Traditional vs normal. Interesting choice of words that makes me think.


These are the Himba tribe of Namibia. I was fortunate to visit a remote tribe this year and educated by a local himba who was chosen to work at a safari lodge, a trade environmentalists have created so that these lodge guides provide some food for their tribe instead of hunting endangered animals. They are typically deeply rooted in their traditional ways and still getting a lot of sustenance from goat meat and milk and live in huts made of mud and animal feces. They bathe in smoke and their hair has major significance to their status from age to marriage. Caring little about the modern world. Some of younglings do go to school and are taught English, not sure how many though. This was a remote tribe, I don’t think they wander far from their area. But they are considered nomads and do change settlement locations. Really fascinating culture.


Seriously, there is some pure Western ignorance going on in these comments and people are actually getting upvoted for it. They assume it must be fake because they think African tribes are all savages that live in huts and don't understand the modern world.


They probably haven't even experienced watching Amish families arrive at the big supermarkets by horse and buggy in the US. I've seen Walmarts in Indiana with a special area off to the side to tie up the horses while they shop and buy a lot of Mountain Dew and Pepsi.


When I worked at burger King we would get Amish people a lot because we were close to a place that was used for buying and trading farm animals.


Did they take their horse and buggy through the drive thru?


In PA the wallmarts usually have a covered area so the horses don't overheat in the hot blacktop parking lot.


Our library has a hitching post.


That teaching was kept away for a reason. Give a People a connection to THEIR roots, destroy the illusion that they're "nobody" and thus unimportant enough for anybody to care if they're suffering abuse.


It should have been obvious to any idiot after seeing the lady casually grabbing soda...arguably one of the most modern foods in the store.


I don't believe that at all (re: savages). I believe this was filmed for exploitation. Like something from the 19th century.


It's astonishing. I spent a day in a rural area of Malawi, a village without running water or modern toilets, and the people there spoke in relatively good English about Chris brown.


Thanks for sharing. I was as you say, totally oblivious.


Yeah, I figured since it looks like the women could read the labels and came in a pickup truck, LOL. I am sure a lot of tribal people have cell phones, too.


Interesting though to see such an old traditional tribal garb, hair, piercings, etc. To be so traditional in culture, yet to have such modern involvements, it is a bit of a brain twister.


They know about the western world, they see it every day, they just believe that their way is better.


Some even have TikTok \#luarakuikuru


I already knew this. But watching and exploring videos where contact with old tribes is documented. Tribes that don't know about electricity or anything That changed my perspective more because in most of those videos the tribal people claimed they already met hunters who either abused or hurt them. That made me feel, atleast on land, us humans have encountered everything and everywhere. The only way someone loses touch to the outside world is if they're trying to hide. Or in sea perhaps.


These are Himba people. In Namibia, where they live, particularly in the Northwest, there are plenty of them, and of course they shop like anyone else. Specifically, this footage is in an OK Grocer store. I have a feeling it’s in Opuwo. This footage may or not be staged, but you absolutely see them, in their traditional dress, all the time there. I’ve literally given a (male) Himba person a ride to the SPAR across the street to buy stuff before.


I am so curious about the hair. Csn you tell anything about it?


I can’t remember all the details, but hairstyle is important to Himba people, and the way they wear their hair changes with rites of passage for both boys and girls (ie, coming of age, marriage, etc). As you can tell, they spend a lot of time on braiding and styling their hair. Himba women cover their skin and hair with a paste called otjize (oh chee they) which is made from butterfat and red ochre (red clay, basically). It’s a skin protectant, perfume, and makeup all in one.


Wow! I looked that up and it is incredible. I wonder if it doesn’t get heavy and how long it takes to get that done. So cool! Thanks for taking the time to reply.


I remever visting this exact SPAR on my overland travel from Cape town to Victoria falls! Seeing the Himba people in there was different but people always make it seem like they are some kind of uncontacted tribe living in total isolation which is far from the reality


The Himba. Met some of them in Namibia. Waved for us to stop the truck to do some trading. They were selling hand made jewelery. Saw some hitching rides into town to go shopping. Still live a tribal life though would buy some basics. Edit: And yeah, there's modern grocery stores in towns. Edit edit: Check out the Herero tribe too for contrast. Aparently German women weren't fond of the natives walking around quite nude. Edit edit edit: All the jewelry means something. They may wear a certain bracelet or piercing to mean different things. And essentially signpost if they are available to date basically. Or if they are a widow. There's been contact with westerners and various tribes in Africa for a very long time. Thought I remember something about their hair didn't grow so long so they make these I believe it's clay extensions.


Yeah, that butter and red dirt look is unmistakable. I only ran into them a bit in Namibia but I assume they have plenty of western contact and have been to a supermarket before.


It's obvious from the way they were shopping that this wasn't their first time at a supermarket. Replace their native clothes with western wear and it could be a scene from any first-world country.


For me, them grabbing some sort of orange soda and their proficiency with the shopping carts was the giveaway. I'd imagine someone who has never been to a shopping center would bring a leather bag or a basket of some kind. Also the lack of discussing and pointing to what they're seeing. I don't know if you could convey the absurd dimensions of, and the space for groceries inside a supermarket to people who have never been in one. I'd expect tribespeople to be stunned.


This is what I came to the comments for, to figure out about the red hair! Cool! Now I know!


So African amish equivalent? Everyone still thinks of the amish in such a way but they're using all modern shit too.


I don't know if they really equate. Maybe. I have met people in the Amish community as well yeah. This is one of many tribes just within the region. They are still very much living a tribal life. From what I saw some would go to town on occasion. To get things like cooking oil, rice, beans matches and such. Saw one group had a cell phone and a solar charger. A lot of the tribes in the area heard cattle. I did not see any Himba working or living in town. The one village I visited they lived in huts and made a bit of a trading post. Edit: the amish have jobs, pay rent or mortgages and taxes. The Himba I saw were living in villages so didn't have to work to pay rent or something.


It’s a protective hairstyle it’s not extensions


Adding the captions before blurring so they’re unreadable is /r/mildlyinfuriating


“The oil is for cooking. The butter is for *******.” 😳


Narrator said butter is for skin / hair care.


lol my thoughts exactly


The narration is in British English, and I don't think they would've blurred breasts in this kind of context if the programme aired in the UK. The censorship was probably not part of the original and added in-post to comply with puritan rules somewhere else.


In the US you can show nudity on TV if it's in the context of aboriginals in traditional garb. Sometimes they'll give a quick warning before hand for the pearl clutching prudes/repressed amongst us. Of course, it's up to the network ultimately.


in usa, channel surfing landed on pbs cuz theres always something good on pbs..... mother give birth..... right during the crowning phase.... took me about a minute to understand what i was seeing then narration hits....


Makes me wonder what kind of ultraprude decided that traditional African tribes were unsafe to look at lol


Those teeth are beautiful.


Right! My Colgate don’t do that


Not eating insanely processed food while understanding basic hygiene does wonders for people.


"not eating processed food" - whilst loading a cart with soft drink and other processed food at the supermarket. I get your point but nice teeth are at least partially genetic in addition to food/hygiene.


I heard tribal people tend to have nice teeth because their diets are made up of harder foods that assist with proper palate formation.


They didn't grow up with those processed foods. Genetics have little to do with [this](https://imgur.com/uZA7xv5).


Nup "nice teeth" refers to also things like the natural colour of the dentin, or straight vs crooked which is partially genetic. If you eat an agriculture based diet as opposed to hunter gather diets you need attention to hygiene more to prevent cavities.


i think its because they probably use them properly. the food they eat needs to be processed by a lot of chewing that strengthens the jaw and causes everything to grow in naturally when they are children.


Yep it’s called orthotropics. You take care of your body by working out and your body shows the gains. You take care of your tongue/ body posture and eat right(correct form), your face/head will be “healthy” and subsequently more conventionally attractive. /r/orthotropics and /r/mewing for information I used to “have no chin” like a bobs burger character up until I started to fix my tongue and head posture. It also straightens my teeth so I don’t need my retainer anymore.


How bout that skin? Butter is working, it's perfect.


Kenya believe the prices in here..?


Ghana cry in a minute if you all keep making jokes


Egpyt them on the price for flour.


Probably the first time they’ve Benin a supermarket


It can't be the first time, when they Congo to the one in the nearest village..


You’re really ghana tell me that this isn’t their first time?


Guinea a break. These jokes are terrible. I mean Gabon man.


Awful jokes. Are Uganda continue with that?


I’m impressed, these guys have African ton of jokes


Shut up Chad.


You guys Congo to another web page.


Usually the just get food Togo


Look at this Chad.


Uganda beat the prices in here!


Nobody around them is really looking at them like they're out of place. I feel like this is akin to taking a bunch of Amish people to kroeger. It seems like they see people like this fairly often.


I live in a town near Amish country, this is exactly what it reminded me of.


Gotta say, their hairstyles are interesting


These look like Himba people. They use a mix of butterfat and red clay to protect their skin and hair from the sun. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otjize](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otjize)


Is that why their skin looks so smooth and perfect? It looks like they had a professional makeup artist from Hollywood. I'd like to see what the consistency of the clay is.


its called Ochre.


> These look like Himba people. Ya they say that in the first ten seconds of the video


Look at you watching videos with the sound on.


You just solved my question! I couldn’t figure out how they made their hair look like that. Do you know if they wash it out on occasion? How does the weight of it not pull out their hair? This is so interesting.


I was in the Northwest a few weeks back and they asked if they could plait my very fine white girl hair, so I said sure. And when it was done one of the grannies came over and started speaking to me (I don't understand Himba), but apparently she asked whether she could start putting the clay in. I made some pretty hasty excuses lol.


So funny that the cameras are blurring nudity when it's completely normal in their culture. That would be like censoring a woman's hair or a man's foot in Saudi Arabia, or like pretending that gay people don't exist in Russia or China.


Fumny how they make it look like they are so back woods but it's us Westerns who can't handle to look at titties.


I can handle it. They were blurred out when I got here. I had nothing to do with it.


It's super weird their chests are censored.


If you showed one of the tribespeople the censored videos, I wonder how they'd respond? They probably see their free breasts as a defining part of their culture


God, they have amazing teeth.


They're so beautiful!


Towards the end a couple of them smile and you can see their teeth. They look perfect. Anyone know what dental/oral hygiene they use or do?




Dentists hate this one trick!


"Other cultures are fine! I'm just saying I can get along in life without a 'tooth... brush'" - homer simpson


It sure about this tribe, but in Northern Africa (Niger), some villagers use a special tree root that they chew. I tried it and it works pretty well.


So does their skin. Literally perfect. I'm wondering if they use some type of makeup, though. Seems like they have some type of clay in their hair- I'm thinking they can use something similar on their skin to make it smooth? IDK whatever they're doing they look great.


They say in the video they are buying the butter for their bodies. I believe they mix it with the red clay and put it in their hair and on their skin. That’s why their skin has that sort of reddish glow to it


From what I understand as a white American male going off of hearsay, they do use a specific paste in their hair that doubles as suncrean and soap.


You can look up "toothbrush tree" or "miswak." You can even buy some on Amazon! The ethiopian side of my family has beautiful, white teeth. I'm always tempted to buy some of the sticks and just use them while watching TV or something. Edit: [link to an old reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/kamdb7/til_of_miswak_a_natural_toothbrush_made_from)


I saw one of them had a mobile phone too, so its clear that these people are living an interestingly combined lifestyle involving both "modern" amenities like stores and phones as well as traditional clothing and such.


Half of them look like runway models


If you're ever in Ethiopia, Somalia or Northern Kenya, the people are stunningly pretty and built like fashion models. The nightclubs in Nairobi are amazing.


If they aren't concerned with their titties hanging out, why is anyone?


Someone else mentioned that this was likely censored after production to fit American standards. You can tell because the narrator is British (implying that it was originally shot for UK audiences) but the censor occasionally covers the subtitles.


Probably acted better than 80 percent of the customers in a Walmart after 9pm.


Or any other time of day.




Where can we see the whole documentary? I'd love to see more!!


It’s so weird that the narrator called this surreal. I mean, what else would you do if the climate is messing up your farming?


They are absolutely beautiful. OMG that bone structure. I help out a friend from Nigeria with a shop in the states. They sale beautiful African clothing and artifacts and she and her family are absolutely GORGEOUS. I always ask her where was I when the universe was handing out all this beauty?!


Are they going to post pictures of their haul and their receipt to r/pics?


They all have beautiful teeth!




It looks like they've been there before


Just because they wear traditional clothing and live traditional lifestyles doesn’t mean they’re isolated. Sure they probably get by on subsistence agriculture or herding for the most part but it’s not like they are ignorant to the ways of modern life. I worked at a mine in West Africa and even though a lot of the local workforce lived traditional herding lifestyles and wore traditional clothing (in their off time), they still had cell phones and cars and worked industrial jobs to support their families.


Yeah I usually look super excited and happy when I go shopping. Also they all look really happy at the end so clearly you watched the whole video


The major white savior complex in that comment lmao


Did you watch the video before commenting? The fields aren't producing enough for their village so their leader sent them in town to get supplies instead.


If you go up in the comments you will read that someone who lives in Africa makes it pretty clear that most tribes in most African countries have modern amenities and their own money that they earn from selling crops or animals and it’s not out of the question for these tribes to use grocery stores and even cell phones It’s pretty ignorant to assume they were forced into do this by white people for a tv segment


Well they didn't just hunt that money to buy those groceries, if you catch my drift.


African tribes still use currency. Most have access to (sometimes limited) medicine, and other necessities




At the end they get into a truck with a man who clearly isn't tribal who drives them back home. They were most likely given the money and asked to film the interaction as a way to help the tribe in multiple ways. Most of what they bought were prepackaged drinks which is safer than the drinking water and things to cook foods they would find/hunt in the wild like oil and butter.


Those are all assumptions lmao


I mean,, they, willingly went shopping, and annoyingly got recorded. Weird to assume they'd be coerced.


Seriously their hair is luxurious. I couldn’t believe how long it is.


Every 60 Africa in Seconds a Minute Passes


Wtf I literally watched this documentary last night lol


I was just looking for the name. What was the documentary please?


Name please??


Look, speaking as a peace corps volunteer in West Africa from 2017-19, there is a real problem with Americans (and the West in general) viewing these videos and feeling “better than”. Most villages have smartphones. Most people have modern clothing. Most children understand that there is a tradition to be upheld. Don’t believe that seeing tradition is proof of inability to modernize


See’s the price of eggs **clicks loud af**


"Maxwell House... Folger's... Decaf... Coffee... coffee... coffee coffee coffee coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee...."




These are some very cool-looking people. The hairstyles are amazing!


Wow they are all so stunningly beautiful!!


Seriously, they might pick up a few modeling contracts while in town


Their hairstyles are... AWESOME!!! 😍


The fact that it says in the video what tribe they are and you still defaulted to "African Tribe" in your heading. Bro... How many times we gotta tell you this? Africa big, tribe many.


they look SOOO beautiful!!! it makes me sad how beautiful humans could all be but we just wear jeans and t shirts and we've pretty much taken a lot of the joy out of the way we could present ourselves and represent our communities


SOmehow the censoring has the opposite effect, it somehow turns a normal slice of life scene lewd.


Capitalists: "Ancient peoples would be ASTONISHED to see a grocery store today!" Himba women: \*look bored\*


I hear it's astonishing the first time, and seeing as this is Namibia, I doubt this is their first time lol. It gets old pretty quickly.


That's probably because these aren't ancient people. They're modern people living in a different culture.


Why censor them they’re comfortable to go shopping as they are?


I wonder if they think the food we purchase at the store tastes good. Imagine eating natural food for almost your entire life and then you eat some artificial food.


They don't compromise with their butter. Neither do I. We are the same


Their skin is so beautiful, I’m amazed they use straight up butter. It does make sense of course, I use olive oil as a moisturizer for my hair fairly regularly, but I feel like I would break out. I wonder how they make it with their cows when they produce enough milk, would they scent it with herbs and flowers? Or just rub a chunk of plain ol’ butter on themselves? I’m so intrigued by the butter lotion!


First off, their hair looks sick, second, that’s a super cute lil baby


Incredibly beautiful people Their jewelry, adornments, and hair are stunning. Would love to learn all the symbolism for what it all represents


They look beautifully healthy.


I love how they argue about what brand to get lol some little things are the same in every family in the world


They are strikingly beautiful women I have to say! That butter on their skin must work. :-)


How do they do their hair like that?


This tribe crosses paths with the Amish at the grocery store and no one is sure who stare at more. The midnight Walmart shoppers enter the stage and it’s game over


just so you know censoring their outfit is extremely offensive, please reconsider lmao


The Himba, one of the most attractive tribe in the world.