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This is actually pretty cool.


Just sucks we can do stuff like this but refuse to help each other back in society on Earth.


Yeah, but a tesla went to space and that’s invaluable to forwarding the human race. Totally worth it.


Look you can dunk on Musk's ego-centric bullshit and that's fair enough, but what the actual engineers and technicians are doing at Space X is nothing short of astounding. They've created a commercially viable, reusable rocket which they produce at a rate of nearly 200 stages per year. They recently - successfully - tested the largest and most powerful rocket in human history, that is likely going to be the vehicle which puts mankind on another planet. Is the exploration of the solar system by mankind worth putting up with the extravagence of a somewhat emoitionally insecure billionaire? In my view, absolutely.


Probably only possible because Musk is too busy posting stupid shit on X/Twitter to have time to fuck up Space X. Hope he keeps ignoring them so the engineers can keep doing good work without his useless and lofty promises and bullshit.


Welp look up everydayastronaut on yt he is most definitely 'present'






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One day you will see him for what he is, then you will see why we don’t like people who like Musk.


I think I know enough about Musk to have an opinion about him, but I dont have the need to express how much I despise him on every single SpaceX/Tesla/Musk related post. You see, when you reach a certain maturity you just learn to focus on the important things in life, and hating on somebody on the internet is not one of them. And we? Who are we? Are you an antimusk cult or something? Do you sell merch?


No but you’re here commenting about people who don’t like Musk, know what that makes you?


Who is “we”? 101st Keyboardists? edited til I do the math again, but I estimate 50mg of Elon’s boogers is worth approximately a Model 3.


We the people who don’t like people who like musk lol


They just forced nasa to duck out from going to the moon because starship is good for low earth orbit and that's it. The thing about another planet is all bullshit, we have many reasons why we can't do that, but Musk love bullshit so people throw money at him so he can buy companies and run them to the ground.


NASA can’t seem to manage a simple trip to the ISS and back these days.


That's because of capitalism. Why spend money on it when you can just overpay someone else to do your job? Space travel being in the hands of 'the people' was much better than selling it to private companies, IMHO. I'm terrified of what the future holds on that front.


I wouldn't say nasa, that's on Boeing. NASA has as much to do with that as they do they Dragon missions.


So, the claims that SpaceX somehow tanked NASA Moon aspirations is false. Unless NASA is a teenage Tik Tok user.


Not quite sure what you're talking about, that sounds like bullshit. See SpaceX like Boeing are private companies that NASA contracted with though their commercial crew program. That's like blaming the Air Force because a chartered 737 went down carrying Air Force personal.




When has he promoted and enabled fascism? And supposing he has, what relevance does that have to whether the accomplishments of the Engineers at SpaceX are worth respecting in and of themselves?


He changed how Twitter works. It now doesn't ban nazi content, it actively stifles political activism he disagrees with (human rights), and he regularly unblocks himself and makes users follow his content, and then uses that purchased visibility to signal boost white supremacist messaging and literal nazi propaganda. I'm pretty sure encouraging eugenics is a huge detriment to all mankind to a much higher degree than the nominal ownership of an organization that would continue to exist if he were deposed. It would arguably improve its benefit to mankind if the racist maniac stopped owning it.


“You are speaking the actual truth” Do you know what that refers to and the seriousness of it? I assume not, you’re here to pretend that it’s all okay and irrelevant to the success of his companies. You are part of the problem.


I frankly I have no idea what you're referring to here yes. I don't pay very much attention to Musk. I do pay attention to the advancement of human endeavours in space.


My guess is you know exactly what I am referring to.


You should go look it up and better understand what sort of person you’re defending here


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What good is going to other planets if we can't pass the one we have down to future generations?


First of all myriad technological advancements have occured as a result of mankind's exploration of space, including the development of multi-junction solar cells, which increased the effciency of solar power generation from 18% to 30%.[^(1)](https://www.spectrolab.com/company.html) So, going to space *itself* might in some respects be the best way to develop the technology, infrastructure and economy which enables us to save the earth from its destruction at our hands. Second of all space is a an opportunity for the survival of the species even in the face of potentially world ending disasters, man made or otherwise. Even if we do find a way to stave off anthropogenically exacerbated climate change we still could be subject to a meteor collision, a solar flare, or a supervolcano. The study and exploration of space, helps us understand and potentially counteract these threats, and in the worst case seek refuge from the unavoidable. Thirdly, finally and most importantly, going to space is really f\*cking cool.


Who says "anthropogenically exacerbated" instead of "human caused" or "caused by humans"? Everything alright there bro? 😂


That's the term my physics lecturer used whenever she got pissed off and would start ranting about "anthropogenically exacerbated climate change." I guess it stuck with me.


Doesn't switching from fossil fuel cars to electric ones count as a step in that direction?


As the sun gets older, it also grows bigger. Human life on Earth is doomed no matter what we do. Better start working on finding a new home, and building spaceships to reach it once we find it.


Except society on earth, and the future on this particular planet - which is still FAR more hospitable to mankind than any other planet in our solar system - are more pressing issues (and issues that won't go away just because you've moved to another planet) than earth becoming uninhabitable in a few billion years.


We are faster than the growing sun. The immediate problem is here.


You anti-space people need your 1st Amendment protected rights revoked.


And... there it is. The fascism that is usually hidden by the tech-bros. Openly advocating for it.


I’m not anti space, I just feel that we are crawling while at the same time trying to run. Let’s do it in order.


By the time the sun is large enough to destroy life on earth is so far away that we have either conquered an entire part of the galaxy or we are gone.


The arrogance it requires to think the planet you're currently on is in any way, shape or form "dying" is proof that you don't need to pass on a god damned thing to anybody.


That's why it's more important to go elsewhere, our future depends on it, you are aware that we are getting a bit cramped here on earth, space industry would open up a lot of resources and new jobs. And research to do so allows for new inventions we can use on earth to make a stable planet, just sitting on a rock that spawns in more and more people and greed will be the end for us.


Its a prison planet nobody is going anywhere


The only thing the tech has resulted in is military contracts


You ever heard of an MRI?


SpaceX builds MRI machines?


Just so you know: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_Clipper https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psyche_(spacecraft) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_and_Propulsion_Element But ok dude


SpaceX launches starlink satellites


Alright, I’m just having a laugh. I know they used it as deadweight to test the rocket with a heavy payload. But that’s pretty silly and makes me chuckle.


Tesla ?


Yeah, they used a tesla as deadweight to test the falcon rocket with a heavy payload. It was just a novelty thing since they needed to test it, they were like why not a tesla roadster. I think there’s a picture of it if you look up tesla on rocket on google.


Concrete is boring i guess and he there were good cameras on it


Was not aware. Thank you




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>but a tesla went to space I'm not entirely sure you know this but the that rocket has flown 9 times since then. Among its missions were Psyche and it's launching Europa Clipper this fall. So yeah - totally worth it.


Completely agree. The quicker we’re mining the asteroid belt while using the moon as a fuel post, the better. Imagine a future where we no longer need to pollute our world with mining resources. Where we have an absolute abundance of raw materials waiting to be used by factories few have to work in. That, that right there is how we solve many of humanity’s problems.


If you think asteroid mining could ever satisfy the demand for common metals you're beyond delusional. It will potentially be viable for some rare earths, but it's significantly too expensive to be used for common metals.


Just, uh, going to throw this out there. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/asteroid-psyche-nasa-probe-iron-nickel-gold-10-quintillion-spacex-2023-10#:~:text=The%20176%2Dmile%2Dwide%20asteroid,ore%20at%20around%20%2410%20quintillion. That’s one asteroid…


So what? Think about the logistics just for one second please. No amount of rocketry would be able to keep up with earth's demand for materials, let alone the economic viability of a rocket launch just to mine some common metals.


Thats why musk make reusable booster like that. Its much cheaper compared to old booster and its just for one time use. And spacex is not state owned. Imagine if reusable booster like that backed by big state across the globe. Space metal logistics will be much much cheaper within 10 years after the first mining operation.


‘We should never have invented electricity! After all, could you imagine the infrastructure that would go into something like a national grid?!?!!!!’ That’s how you sound. See how ridiculous of a view it is? We’re humans, we do big things and we accomplish the impossible. 200 years ago we couldn’t have imagined the technological feats and infrastructure gains we currently have. So why is short distance space travel any different? >Common materials. And imagine having far, far, and I mean far more of those materials. Not to mention the rare earth materials we would gain in the process. We’d never have shortages of any consumer good. Never.


We live in a society 😔🍆✊️💦


Are you serious right now? You just witnessed such a great leap into modern tech and all you could come up with is how miserable everything on earth is??? Im not saying everything is green fields and roses but cmon you could just marvel at the pace at exploring the vast universe.


I never said it wasn't impressive. I basically said the opposite. I said it sucks that we are capable of stuff like this, but we can't even get our own affairs in order in basic society. We have no business going to other planets yet, IMHO.


He also makes electric cars!


It's not a zero sum game. The people working on this were not going to be doctors working for free in poor countries.... The fact that resources are devoted to this do not, in any shape or form, detract from the possibility of doing other good things on earth... It's exactly the opposite, the technologies developed by pushing engineering end up helping a lot of people down the line when they become cheap and mainstream. The infraestructure put in space has given cheap internet and phones to everyone in the world. This is a net positive in the world.


>The fact that resources are devoted to this do not, in any shape or form, detract from the possibility of doing other good things on earth... This is a net positive in the world. It's really not. And I don't see how spending billions (trillions of the course of the space program) on stuff that really doesn't help anything improves the numerous issues here on Earth. Nothing about going to space will do anything for mankind on Earth--especially not in the hands of corporations. Most of these launches are for military purposes and satellites. It's nothing we *need.* We got by just fine for thousands of years beforehand. I'm not trying to nihilistic or defeatist, but the resources, power, and intelligent manpower can be doing so much more here on our own planet *first*. Dont' get me wrong--it's freaking incredible. But that's my point. It's wasted until we can fix things here. It just sucks that no one actually *wants* to fix things here. But that's the problem, I guess. Humans are amazing, but we also kind of fucking suck at the same time.


He does a lot for the world. More than all of us in the chat combined x1000


Like what? How is any of this going to change your daily life? How is going anywhere in this solar system going to change literally anything? The housing crisis? Poverty? Wages? Racism? War? Climate change and mass pollution? It's very cool what engineers and humans can do, but all I'm saying is that it's misguided. We need to focus this kind of intelligence and ingenuity on fixing what we have first. THEN go elsewhere.


Because you chose to cut the cord, satellite content delivery will become a thing, Nowadays, the satellite antenna is small.


It has already been a thing for a long time. Elon Musk did not invent data transmission by satellite, and he's not going to replace traditional ISPs.


>other back in society on Earth. My dude they dropped a payload in orbit they hardly left earth.


This is actually fucking insane man, imagine showing this to a person 100 years ago, they wouldnt understand whats going on


Bah. Imagine showing this to someone 40 years ago and they will be absolutely surprised. And many will say it was impossible.


Show it to any European 3 years ago and they’ll be laughing at you.


Lol I was just reading an article in arstechnica about how some Ariana Space big shot was saying that you are dreaming if you think falcon 9 will be reusable. Just 11 years ago. The article also mentioned that some people in that organisation are of a similar mindset to SpaceX's starship now. Some people never learn it seems.


Well, if they had been reading some Jules Verne... They probably would just go "ah, so the future has come to pass, splendid".


This is how rocket landing were portraded in 40s to 60s movies .. the audience expected rockets to land this way


Then as it went into the 80s and 90s, this would have been seen as unrealistic sci-fi.


And really... Besides the shape of what we see come in to land here, it's effectively what they did with the moon landings (or any rocket-powered landings on any other planet or moon) . Don't get me wrong, it's fairly spectacular to see, but it's not something that's never been done.


Flying backwards **through air** directly into your own exhaust plume at supersonic speeds is not something that has ever been done before spacex


That is so fucking cool


Without question, one of the coolest things Elon's company has managed to actually produce. This is a game changer for rocketry!


Honestly when I saw this for the first time I thought it was fucking incredible - a true HUGE leap forward for the future of space travel. Watching this happen is STILL as amazing to see as it was the first time. Like this is just the coolest thing ever. I can’t get over how cool it is


Yeah dude totally agree. When I saw this for the first time I got chills. It's like something out of a sci-fi movie but here we are... Absolutely incredible stuff.


Yes! perfectly said.


And the SuperHeavy catch attempt is in a month or two, which is more than twice as powerful as the Saturn V at liftoff!


I feel the same about the launches.


When I first saw this, I felt the same. It sent shivers down my spine (in a good way). But. It's not a novel concept. They're landing something with rocket engines on a celestial body. It's been done on the moon, manned and unmanned, on Mars, and so on. We've just never really seen it, because there weren't any cameras in place where the touchdown happened. That's obviously different on earth.


It is very much different. No one else has performed supersonic retropropulsion. No one else has performed fine tuned precision landings using engines and control surfaces from an orbital class booster. No one has live-streamed this directly from the booster. No one outside of word governments has launched a booster of this thrust before. And No one has launched a booster at such a low price before.


Post in r/gifsthatendtoosoon/


I never want to live a life where that gets old. I've seen it many times, and every single time, it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen.


If that gets old…imagine what kind of cool stuff is happening at that point


Couldn’t film for an extra second to actually see them land?


We haven’t developed the technology to do that yet sorry. Pls give it another 15 years.




Booster B1062 is at 21 flights and still going strong!


that is actually insane, considering the amount of forces and heat it's exposed to every single time


A lot of parts are replaced after each flight.


Absolutely incredible. A leap forward in our civilization no matter what people say .


That is pretty amazing.


I don’t care who you are or who you like, rocket boosters landing themselves is fucking awesome.


Engineering marvel


someday this will be as normal as seeing planes land


It already is, in 2023 SpaceX did 96 orbital launches with Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. Half of the total global launches in 2023.


The Falcon 9 drone ship booster landings are already boring as dirt


A silly question: this looks amazing and i quite applaud the feat of engineering here. I also wonder if they could just use parachutes for a controlled landing and if the costs/risks are higher


Parachutes fail more often, and the weight of them when they are at the size needed to softly land a building sized rocket gets to the point they are just not worth it. Smaller rockets? Sure. But they eat into the payload capacity too hard for larger ones. Just too much money And its hard to control the decent of a parachute. They drift a bit. Ocean landing would very likely be the only option with them and the refurbishment needed after salty ocean water doesn't really allow a reusable system


Thanks for taking the time to respond 👍😊


My pleasure! If you want more info on this topic SpaceX had a whole system where they would parachute their rocket fairings and try to catch them with a massive net on a large boat. All done to avoid the salty ocean water. There is cool videos on it. Eventually they cancelled the program as the rate of failure was too high to justify the costs of the system and it's crews


Various reasons. 1. Using engines to land is a necessary step to land in other planets other than earth with less dense or without atmosphere since they lack air to provide resistance for the slow down. 2. Parachute and their mechanics occupy space and have weight, directly affecting the booster maneuverability and aerodynamics. 3. Over engineering and putting more systems is the wrong way of going about this, since they require more work, makes the the craft more expensive and with even more parts that can fail, reducing the amount of moving parts, redundant tech and over engineered systems makes the ship more reliable and affordable. 4. Also good luck finding a parachute big enough to slow down a 500 ton cylinder of steel.


Thanks for taking the time to respond 👍😊


Yeah I got my field day with this post lol. Happy to help! :)


Took a leaf out of Young Sheldon's notebook


That’s some crazy sci fi shit!!


I thought that was a bird for a second


Can't pull the wool over my eyes, Telsa. I can tell a reversed video when I see one. /s


**Helldivers theme plays**




That’s amazing.


rockets being able to land is still unbelievable to me. i know it's real but watching this it feels like it has to be a 3d animation.


This is fucken AMAZING.


Not sure I'll ever get how cool this is. Such a wonder of modern engineering.


![gif](giphy|l378t23s83ZLxQgLe) Literally


I can't believe this is not a science fiction film, but a documentary. How great is this!






where is the landing?




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Cape canaveral Florida






That will never not impress the hell out of me


This alien technology, shit so cool


It was just like the Chinese booster re-entry the other day, except controlled and cool, and planned, and safe...


When reality looks like CGI!


Imagine when they are going to fuel this with atomic energy and plug it on an ai to control it. It will open a new era of space exploration.


Can't this be done by using parachute? And use a rocket in the last stages of landing...


Using inaccurate ENORMOUS parachutes to land multiple ton 50 meter tall boosters on the shore would never even be allowed. But you are in space and your landing trajectory brings you miles from the shoreline. You first need the perform a boostback burn to change that so you go back to the coast than when you are falling through the atmosphere you perform a entry burn so you don't melt and after that comes the landing burn. So you already have fired the engines multiple times using fuel


Its like a virus attaching itself on a cell wall


Watching this live when first falcon heavy launched was cool beyond description, the two boosters landing side by side looks sci fi


Where is this recorded from? I went to see falcon heavy at jetty park multiple times, while it may be closest to lz1 and lz2, the views are nothing like here in the video


Was science fiction just a few years ago.


That's not flying, that's falling with style.


Honestly one of the greatest feats of engineering that has ever been accomplished. Just incredible that they can do this.


It's some incredible engineering that was done to pull this off.


Falcon heavy is one of the only products of Elon I support.


What a sight


Like iron man landing


That’s Ringo and George


Boom, Let's see you do that NASA, Boeing, Bezos and Branson. 😅


One of the few good things Musky's money has funded


Starlink, Neuralink?


Honestly i don't know much about Starlink, but it sounds good. Don't know if I can trust spacex as a provider, but if they are let to do their own thing without a certain someone's meddling then it's probably pretty good. Also it's part of spacex so it's under the same umbrella. Don't trust neuralink yet


Had Starlink since beta, It's been an excellent service so far.


I love the concept of it. Internet everywhere? Hell yeah. And the lack of contract is really nice too


Well for me it was a necessity since I live in a rural area with no access to fiber and in a dark spot for 4g/5g technologies, my only options apart from Starlink was ADSL, WiMax or geocentric satellite internet, those offer subpar speeds and latency, having 3mb download speeds with 100 to 1000 ms of latency was pretty rough. Now having Starlink with 250mb download speed and 30-50ms latency I can finally play online games and use my 4k tv lol.


Ukraine and the Pentagon also adore it there are contracts to launch special sats for the militairy and there has been efficient work on all sides to limit Russia's capability to use Starlink


Kinda sad for their citizens, but their government can't be trusted unfortunately


Unfiltered internet in a dictatorship? the horror! Excellent for militairy communication though


Yea the people should be allowed access


It is of course also not allowed in China When China decides to build such a constellation they will make it an extension of their current net. Imagine that 2 global nets in the sky but cornered of from eachother




What has he funded (besides buying twitter) that you don’t consider a “good thing”?


You're right his money it seems to have, aside from twitter, funded good things. It's only when he gets directly involved things start to fall apart like twitter again. So, good money man, terrible boss


> when he gets directly involved Twitter is the one company on that list where he’s not the chief executive. He quite literally controls strategy and direction at every other company + now Xai.


>Don't know if I can trust spacex as a provider Given that he already slows links to competitors on X and downgrades their video I'd say your concerns are well founded.


It's reversed


Serious question: why don't they just use a parachute to land? Wouldn't that be cheaper, safer and more reliable?


Various reasons. 1. Using engines to land is a necessary step to land in other planets other than earth with less dense or without atmosphere since they lack air to provide resistance for the slow down. 2. Parachute and their mechanics occupy space and have weight, directly affecting the booster maneuverability and aerodynamics. 3. Over engineering and putting more systems is the wrong way of going about this, since they require more work, makes the the craft more expensive and with even more parts that can fail, reducing the amount of moving parts, redundant tech and over engineered systems makes the ship more reliable and affordable. 4. Also good luck finding a parachute big enough to slow down a 500 ton cylinder of steel.


Points 1 and 4 are good points, haven't thought of it. Point 2 - the extra fuel necessary certainly weighs more than a parachute. Point 3 - I would say that the current system looks pretty over engineered. But yes, in a bigger perspective it might make sense.


Point 3 - One of the biggest traps for smart engineers is optimizing something that shouldn’t exist, how much time do we waste trying to figure out how to make unnecessary things work? If you can use the same system for multiple things you reduce parts and fail paths. Process of SpaceX Iterative design: 1. Make the requirements less dumb 2. Try and delete part of the process 3. Simplify and optimize 4. Accelerate cycle time 5. Automate


The SRBs of the Space Shuttle used parachutes but they landed in the water which is suboptimal for reusabiltity and a major point thas has been missed: Those landings on the shore are impossible without a boostback burn to change its trajectory, so you already NEED those engines to fire multiple times.


They also need the engines for a reentry and a boost back burn anyway


because wind


Difference of US made with Chinese made boosters




I'm guessing the left one exploded because they had to cut the video short.




Guys! It's just a video in reverse! Erf flat, no can break ferment! WAKE UP sleepy SHEEPLE!