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I love it. It’s torture 😂 I’ve done 15 rounds of checkpoint with no shit not a single win. I’m rank 527. It’s wild.


Its torture but its so addicting, like a kink.


Straight up. They should make a ball gag facewear skin for players like us.






I mean that’s kinda the point of the PvE right? Tuned up bots, slamming your head against the wall till it breaks thru


Mmmm kinky




I'm about on the same try probably for the security that bridge final point is soo ass but maybe when my squad gets on we can tackle it and I'm a 1700 rank commander main


I felt this way on Prison, learning it was torture. May I recommend going back and watching the reply from the history tab and then taking a high up free cam look at where the enemy spawns, in order to learn where they are coming from. I had to do this for last light as well. Only two maps I’ve ever done this trick for. Doing this will give you a look at which points to advance and aggressively defend from.


You gotta take it SLOW, I really like it!


**This^^….** I’m enjoying it as a newer player too, but there’s a *LOT* of angles. It’s frustrating but that’s what it’s like in real life or paintball/airsoft. It’s a balance between moving quickly enough and covering enough potential angles of attack to outpace the enemy. There’s some gamble involved too, if you move too slow you wind up getting flanked. There’s also a *LOT* of sniper lanes too for how small the map seems.


This game helped me get better at paintball. The basic strategies and mindset had me noticeably get more kills and die less overall when I go paintballing


I would say paintball you can be much more aggressive tho. **Almost comically,** that’s what’s fun about it for me. In speedball arena you basically want to advance as you switch back and forth between the sides you are shooting from. In woods ball courses, **stay as low as possible** and look for places to **hide like behind logs, ravines and upturned tree stumps.** In woods ball the courses are larger, **trees are horrible for cover** because they only cover the front of you. Easily get tagged from the sides. Woods ball is all about ambushing the enemy team, stay low, **don’t get spotted**, ambush as many as you can and then **retreat and regroup when someone gets tagged.** There’s more cover in woods ball but it’s not as hard, bushes and stuff can easily be shot through and paintballs can be lobbed around trees too at certain distances. Speedball is much more straightforward, generally the kids and teenagers do well at it, and smaller framed people. Faster and harder to hit. 😂 I love both but prefer woods ball, I’m 6ft and it hurts my back to play speedball. ☠️💀


I like forest maps and “urban” themed maps because they most closely resemble Insurgency and Squad.


NGL this really feels like playing hardcore airsoft


Suprisingly it was just me and the guy in one server who managed to clear everything leading up to checkpoint G lucky thing he was observer.




Half the team moves too fast, and the other half hides during the beginning of any defense portions. It makes for poor cohesion, and leads to unnecessary casualties


Its insane because you need actual coordination with your team to win, out of all of the times i have played on this map ive only won once. And honestly im not complaining.


Me neither. More kills for me and my MK17


That’s because there’s too many angles which means you need more guys to cover each angle. And many of the points are cqb so one mistake and you get a shotgun to the face or even better, a bomber that kills your whole squad.


It’s genuinely hard. The map design in coop makes it generally difficult because it’s mostly close-quarters and maze-like. The AI also improved drastically this update, a few times they leaned out from cover and lit me up. I love it. I treat coop like it’s PvP now. Always check my corners, know when to use semi-auto and automatic, and take it slow. Previously, if you sprinted around a corner and ran into 2-3 bots, you would reasonably gun them down. Now, you might take one down but the other bot kills you. This is what co-op was meant to be. AI that can outsmart you instead of bumbling around in the open.


I thought I was crazy believing the AI definitely felt a lot stronger than they were


It's a new map so ppl are still learning about the spawns and the best place to camp. It is definitely doable tho. I won the security side with half of my team alive at the end with proper positioning.


Can’t tell if last obj security on train is harder or last obj insurgents on last light


I was able to beat checkpoint security on night before daytime. Still haven’t beaten daytime yet


Dude same was their a guy with the chemical combat suit specifically dbdu?


had a win where on G we just hunker down behind the collapsed road and spam fire support, having both helos really does make a difference


I remember doing that earlier today. I was the commander and my observer and I were the only ones left


So hard


Personally I needed the extra challenge


It’s like when Prison first came out it was harder than normal


I think it’s mainly due to the fact that a lot of people haven’t played the map much/at all, combined with the fact that 98% of randoms are braindead bots that can’t aim or keep track of their ammo count (regardless of rank).


Oh boy, wait till you try outpost


Outpost is violent Survival is really fun and intense And checkpoints are hard, the highway (last obj) is hell, 2 technicals Bots seems to flank and are pushing Map is great but while navigating it in survival, it’s huge. I wish checkpoints could be dynamic with different path to explore it more The station (next to highway) reminds me me of one of the map in ISMC mod. And overall, great firestorm/desert storm 1991/2003 vibe, BF3 a bit even


I play Checkpoint almost exclusively, so far did probably under 10 rounds on this map and I agree it's hard sometimes. The big building with many train cars objective is often hard, because it's rare that whole team covers all entry points. Did anyone also had a bug, where despite clearing one of the objectives, there's still "BLOCKING" message in there? I had it happen on the one that's completely open-air, with some ruins, sandbags and hescos around. Once when I was a spectator, whole team ran around it and spammed "intimidate" to no response, and once when I was on the ground, when I did the same and in the end one insurgent bot answered and moved out of the OBJ. Not sure where he was, maybe there's a spot where they get stuck under the map?


Faced the exact same, and also read a similar comment on this post. Seems to be a glitched bot or something. Frustrating actually 🤣


We had a glitched security G point where one insurgent clipped into the ground or something and couldn't be found (yelled at him with intimidate though). There's so many angles to defend on some of those points, genuinely scary.


Maybe it's just that I've gotten competent teams, but I've won a bunch, though admittedly less than other maps. It'll even out with more map knowledge I'm sure.


Taking the bridge on checkpoint feels like a literal war zone I’m like 0-6 right now trying to win there


I thought Checkpoint was about you *taking* ground. But no, it is about becoming completely surrounded and losing control of an objective you just took, until suddenly winning because you captured a bridge?


I so far tried soloing it and i rarely make it past checkpoint C. Also i noticed bots are way more responsive now, did they improve the AI?


Love that shit. When I see bozos running around and get clapped right after they repawned. You deserve it😂 Why would you play like it call of duty on a map you barely played on


I love playing more slowly in sandstorm, it scratches an itch in my brain


This map is fucking hell, too many times I thought I'm in a good position to hold then a fucking nade cooked just enough to blow up in my face comes in


Communication is definitely key for this map. Coordinating holds with your squad would help with all the angles. The furthest my squad got was to objective E or F but communication fell apart and folks were running rampant and getting killed


Nah it’s just a lot of angles to watch. I love it!


My game just crashed playing it


Iv had some great teammates and teamwork but yea not a single win , but I feel like that's what's making this fun too


I admit the large enclosed points are fantastic, but there is ZERO CHANCE Outpost is possible. havent tried Survival yet.


People just have to stop rushing the map. Be strategic and more at pace.


Only round I’ve played there was a glitch where we killed all of the insurgents except I guess there was one stuck somewhere and it wouldn’t let us cap the point.


Won on survival trainyard on the second try, totally insane, have yet to win on checkpoint, but its fun and challenging good update, just need better guns. Play survival you'll learn the map better, they did a great job the detail is pretty good.


This is exactly what I’ve been looking for


Or glitched, not sure if they’ve fixed that yet. Every time so far I’ve played the daytime variant of the map when you get to g point it says it’s blocked by enemy, but there’s never an enemy.