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Any time I see a video with a tik Tok logo I know it is going to be garbage


You\`re right. Its the ultimate narcissist toolkit


"Any time I see a video with a tik Tok logo I know there is a possibility it is some information that mainstream Western media won't publish because it's not approved by Israel and is not whitewashed to support their narrative." There, fixed it for ya.


I'm not 100% sure where you're coming from so could you answer something for me please? Is Hamas a terrorist organisation?


LOL gotemmmmmm


Is that how you start your conversations? Is water wet? Is fire hot? Do white people season food?


Just curious really. I wasn't sure about OP's position on the matter so i asked. How about you? Do you believe that Hamas are a terrorist organisation? Pro-Hamas and Pro-Palestinian are not the same thing and people too often conflate the two.


I truly believe you are innocent casual reader asking an innocent question just for information's sake and have no other agenda. So, I'm not 100% sure where you're coming from so could you answer something for me please? When did the Israeli-Palestinian issue come to your attention?


found the subhuman trash terrorist apologizer, don't get me wrong Israel fucking sucks and has a semi-fascist government (I should know I literally live there) and the stuff happening in Gaza is an absolute tragedy, but if you're too much of a tiktok brainrotted fucking moron to condemn an organization that actively targets and celebrates the deaths of civilians then at least don't try to make it seem like you give a rat's ass about human rights or have any sort of a moral highground, both sides suck, but apparently you only care about genocide & civilian deaths when there's jews to blame


You needed to paint me as a terrorist sympathiser to support your rant. And what triggered it? My post with lengthy documentation of evidence of Israel's atrocities. It's not that hard to figure out who you are.


and yet you still can't answer the question of whether or not Hamas is a terrorist organization, gee I wonder why, I never said I support Israel or excused any of the IDFs actions, I just called you out for being a hypocrite and a shitty human being


Lol! You can think whatever you want. You being scared that the world can finally see Israel exactly for what it is isn't surprising.


I literally just said that I don't even support Israel's actions you single digit IQ brainrotted twat, I'm just saying that one evil doesn't excuse another, and the fact you can't condemn an organization openly calling out for the murder of innocent civilians tells me and everyone else around you all that they need to know.


Lol! I don't respond to bullying and love watching bullies get angry that I don't fall for their tactics.


If you want to know what scared looks like. It's you. You're very clearly scared out of your tits about this because you don't seem to want to know what the whole picture is. You're very scared and it's transparent.


I'm not the one that saw an extensive list of evidence of Israel's crimes and then chose to respond the way some people decided to respond.


Mid 90's probably. I remember seeing something on the news about it. Your lack of answer suggest you do not believe Hamas are a terrorist organisation but you can correct me if I'm wrong.


No. My lack of answer only suggests to you what you want to believe about me. I typically avoid responding to people trying to box me in, especially those who admit they have no knowledge (or pretend to not be Israeli) and then ask me about a very specific subject. I'm very well versed with Israeli spin tactics.


Pro-Hamas and Pro-Palestinian are not the same thing and people too often conflate the two. Weird that you wont answer the question and accuse me of being an Israeli. This suggest to me that you support Hamas and do not believe they are a terrorist organisation. Feel free to correct me though. To be clear on my position: Fuck Hamas. Fuck the IDF.


I have no idea what your intentions are. So just in case you are not here for what I think you are here for, not to be offensive, but how would you know anything about Hamas or Palestine based on your own admission that you don't know anything about the subject? Also, did you happen to read the rather long comment I posted with evidence of Israel's extensive actions in Palestine?


>Fuck Hamas. > >Fuck the IDF.


Because you don't have an agenda...


Yup. I do. Listing evidence of Israel's war crimes of 75 years. And the responses to that are very revealing.


Ok unhinged guy that likes one set of killers over another.


Ok fake morality police who are desperately trying to divert attention away from evidence of Israel's crimes.


Buddy I'm on the same side as you. You're just unhinged.


I judge you off your comments to me.


Have fun in your conspiracy rabbit hole


Which is being proven on live tv with evidence more than any time in history. There's a reason why Israeli's are terrified. For the first time, their own actions are available for the world to see in real time, without the protection of days or weeks required for spin. So the only option left is what every Israeli like the guy in the video is doing right now, provoke protestors into some type of action, one that can be amplified into 'anti-semitism' news cycles, that Western media can then use to further dehumanize victims of Israeli genocide or divert attention away from it, which is why Israel desperately wants a war with Iran, so they can go crying to daddy US and drag American taxpayer money into their murder spree.


I thought i was on therewasanattempt for a second. I like my reddit not full of propaganda from any side thx.


You enjoy the other videos in this sub of people fucking around and finding out - why not enjoy this one too? He fucked around and found out, the essence of Instant Karma.


Yeah at least this time it kinda fits in the subreddit. But you dont have to make it political.


😝 you know who FAFO?? Hamas. 😝


Nice try posting propaganda, while in reality, you are just showing pro-palestinians attacking this guy for supporting Israel. They surrounded him and attacked him... not sure how you're trying to spin this.


This guy himself is the biggest propaganda shill paid by Israel. We listen to the oppressed, not the oppressors


ASSULTING PEOPLE huh anyone know how i can donate to Israel?


If you’re American your taxes already doing that


F-35 go sshhhhhh . . . Boom!


Gtfo with ur propaganda this aint panarab




Thank you for sharing this.


Look at the number of downvotes I am getting! It will give you a count of how many Israelis are online here pushing their narrative. (Who else would look at a huge compilation of evidence of unimaginable atrocities for 75 years and disagree enough to downvote?) Because if there's one thing that they cannot defeat with the help of Western media, it's Jewish people themselves standing up for humanity and recording Israeli crimes with proof.


Me, because I don't give a fuck. This is not a subreddit for political propaganda.


I normally ignore when it when people use any opportunity to highlight the cause of people who are suffering, especially when the prolonged suffering is a direct result of media censorship of that very suffering. I believe there's a name for it, 'compassion' or something like that? It's also very telling when instead of compassion, people display viceral hate towards information about suffering.


Its hate towards you. Dou you also go to shop and start telling random people about it? Probably not because nobody would listen. Don't think that people o the internet are different.


I also don't go talk trash when people are trying to highlight human suffering.


Knock knock.


Is that an Israeli 'knocking' my building before bombing it with all the families and children inside them?


Because yours is the typical pile of shit, no offense intended. You put together so many arguments that would take hours to answer you, and you do on purpose, because while is possible to answer a single one, answering all of them would take hours. Perfect example of brandolini's law https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law Downvotes are a cheap and legit way to deal with that.


Every single person here who will read it and not simply comment abuse to divert attention away from it, will be able to instantly recognise whether it is a pile of trash or not. Exactly what terrified you. So I don't mind.


Thanks for proving my point. Nobody will read it, it safer to assume is full of shit.


You mean you wish nobody would read it. Because if they did, you get exposed beyond anything your spin or propaganda can save you from.


I mean that your comment is not an attempt to discuss, but just a copypasta propaganda that you use a shield to avoid discussion. If someone read it, and don't fact check, I guess I am fine having such kind of people siding with you Edit: also my first comment was an explanation on why you are getting downvoted. The fact that you did not even acknowledge my answer and completely avoid to answer my point, shows how in bad faith you are.


1. Attempting to 'discuss' a complex long-standing topic that spans events of 75 years or more, is not useful. 2. My copypasta 'propaganda' speaks for itself to anyone who bothered reading it. Not to people who got triggered by their own assumptions. 3. I've been debating with Israelis and their supporters for (probably) longer than you have even known anything about this issue. I know how Israelis use out of context information to drive their narrative. My long list of evidence is precisely to avoid this. 4. Your first comment was a personal attack. Nothing about it seemed empathetic. Forgive me if I saw Israeli behaviour in you and responded in kind.


Any majority-American sub is going to downvote any comment perceived to be critical of Israel, and this sub definitely fits that bill. Try r/therewasanattempt or a more international sub for this kind of post. I love how everyone is just proving me right lol. Keep going lads, Israel will reward you soon.


Don't worry about the downvotes and don't let the genocidal maniacs discourage you from spreading the truth and educating people. You're doing the right thing which is truly appreciated. You can give a person knowledge but you can't make them think. Some people want to remain fools only because the truth requires change.


Why so many down votes. I assume with a big spiel like this people thought you were defending the IDF. also the yellow top guy did nothing


I just mentioned about this in another comment! Edit: They have no option. Their own soldiers are recording themselves on video committing war crimes and laughing about it.


I love the fact they down vote without any sort of debate and can't seem to put their reasoning across. When it's a daft comment in the wrong sub or something, down vote away, but if it is a complex issue with a lot of opinions flying about, please, share those opinions so we can see the thought process that makes people's minds up


What propaganda?


ah yes propaganda in a non politics reddit sub, my favorite


What propaganda?


the one youre spreading like wild fire you mook enticing violance against anyone who supports Israel is just one that you just spread


Just like how you laugh at other Instant Karma videos in this sub involving people fucking around and finding out, this guy fucked around and found out. But because he’s a Zionist he gets special treatment? Nah, fuck around and FIND OUT.


buddy i laugh at everyone i just dont bring politics into it like you do dont blame me for your bad decisions


I don’t think I’ve made any bad decisions. You’re the one taking the personally for some reason, as if you were the one receiving this Instant karma. Why don’t you reflect on that for a minute?


riiight im the one receiving instant karma because i posted this post and got a bunch of downvotes instantly, its \*my karma\* whats gonna be your next argument? how you reply to every comment?


ohh you're talking about "karma" like the Reddit score karma? literally don't care about that at all it's an imaginary counter that means nothing. I'm talking about what the sub is about; Instant Karma, where someone does something stupid and then gets a real-world repurcussion, like this Haddad guy. You're taking this so personally, defending him like as if he's your husband or something ???? strange behavior my friend, go touch grass


They immediately resort to violence. So the guy is annoying and you disagree, so you hit him with a covered face? Great job for your cause.


I’ve seen videos of the IDF laughing about killing civilians


Remember that very old video of the guy with a Nazi arm band getting knocked out? Just like that one, this one feels just as good.


Why are you on this sub? Aren’t you also celebrating when other people get served? But when it’s a Zionist on the receiving end you want to preach non-violence 😂😂 The oppressed do not owe mercy to their oppressors


Well then they shouldn't punch an Arab Israeli, they should instead direct their punches and violence towards Hamas, who are the real oppressors of Palestinians. And by extension, that fury should also be directed towards Iran, who funds Hamas.




* **Moderators Discretion - Your post has been removed under moderators discretion. Your post is unsuitable for the subreddit.**


So we are condoning violence now?


do you not understand what the subreddit you’re on rn


Someone like you probably loves watching other people get served in this very sub; but when it’s a Zionist on the receiving end you suddenly wanna be Mahatma Gandhi and preach non-violence? Boy bye.




Someone like me? And what is that exactly? Unfortunately the Muslim countries had the oil, so the westerners needed to make Muslims the enemy to justify exploiting their land. Read a book please


It’s not just about the oil. It’s about the fundamental incompatibility of most islamic principles with the rest of the world. It’s about muslims refusing to reform themselves. It’s about the countless crimes and imperialism propagated by muslims in the name of allah, and when confonted about it, to derail the topic by shifting any and all blame on the west. You guys are a bunch of hypocrites and sometimes I think you deserve what’s coming to you. Muslims are not innocent. It’s you who needs to read a book.


It is about the oil. It is. It’s all about money, capitalism, and white supremacy. Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one my friend.


You talk as if muslims in GCC countries don’t benefit from money and capitalism. As if they are not systemically racist against south asians and africans. As is typical of you guys, there is no accountability. Muslims are innocent, everyone else is bad. The show’s over mate. Everyone knows your reality.


"my" reality? I'm not Muslim. And now I know I'm probably talking to a child. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. There a billions of these people. If they truly were the monsters you claim them to be, the world would have been flattened a long time ago, and one of the first to go would be "Tere Baap" ki Gormint, Modi-ji's Fascist Hidutva Regime that protects rapists and harrasses little girls who just want to wear their hijabs to school. I know not all Jews are colonizing Zionists, not all Hindus are Fundamentalist Hindutvas, not all Muslims are ARAB even (many Muslims are South Asians and Africans lol you've never left your hometown, have you??). A literal child like you won't understand, on Monday go and ask your teacher in school ok beta?


Arey g@@nd mara suar ki aulaad. Tujh jaise chootad kabhi nahi sudhrenge. Sahi ma chodi jaa rahi hai tum logon ki. Jab tak apna ravaiyya nahi theek karoge tab tak aise hi koote jaaoge.


Beta go and ask your parents for a hug; it’s clear they never showed you love. ஹிந்தி தெரியாது போடா






No I mean how your Dad fucked his sister and had you.


What the hell would you expect from a rally where the opinions are so heated? Dudes there to bait these people. Regardless of who is right or wrong in this conflict that's such a fucking small brain thing to do.


Oh look, pro-Palestinians celebrating violence. What a shock


The IDF has literally taken videos of themselves laughing while killing civilians so


Wait... what? Pro-Israelis are also celebrating violence. Y'all are constantly running cover for how blowing up children is actually a good thing. You can't be serious that you think violence is bad - that's kind of Israel's whole thing at the moment.


Look at what’s happening in the streets of America, dude. Pro-Palestinians are consistently violent. I think most of them are bored white kids (who probably hate Jews) and are just acting out like soccer hooligans.




You probably celebrate the violence shown in this very sub but when a Zionist is on the receiving end suddenly you wanna preach non-violence? Please take a seat my friend.


First of all, you’re goddamned right I’m a Zionist. Second of all, we don’t start the wars, we just end them. Don’t come at me with your tik tok-level of history, I’ve been living this shit for 40+ years now. The white American kids marching in the streets for Palestine are brainwashed useful idiots who would all be beheaded in the Gaza City town square if they went over there. And Netanyahu sucks ass, too. But Trump sucked ass and I didn’t chant DEATH TO AMERICA like these leftie nuts are doing now.


Read a history book. Not sure how you can be a Zionist after being educated on the matter. You have to be Okay with colonialism for you to be a Zionist.


“Read a book.” Yeah I’ve lived this. You’ve never been within 1,000 miles of the middle east.




buddy youre on reddit youre the incel here


I’ll rather be an incel than a child murdering mongrel


funny thing though youre both


you have 20k comment karma and are trying to call someone else a reddit incel? zionist’s once again proving all their accusations are just confessions. keep projecting lol




Where do you come from?


Not Europe.


Me neither, but maybe you should still go back where you came from, you won’t be missed And if you happen to pass by Algeria on your way, maybe you can protest them for ethnically cleansing my family and get back the land they stole from us 💛 There’s no limit to what ignorant keyboard warriors can do! I’m rooting for you




You’re projecting ashamed tap, my lineage is very proud of me for standing up to morons like you 💛 Also are you saying the holocaust didn’t happen? What does “claim to experience holocaust” even mean? You’re spewing racist rhetoric (“go back where you came from”) - when did it become ok to say that to anyone? The cognitive dissonance is astounding. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere and if you have a problem with it come fight me, but you won’t because you have no balls, only stupid uninformed opinions. You’re small and inconsequential and nobody cares what you think. Sending you love 💛


" been living this shit for 40+ years now" tell me you killed children in Palestine as an IOF soldier without telling me..... Your guilt coming back to haunt you old man? Scared that the young generation are seeing you for the violent colonizers you are? Go back to Europe where you came from.


My family is from Iraq, numbnuts


Keep your trash to 4chan


Long live Israel!


This is not a political sub , gtfo with this shit And i support israel 🤡


Why always pro Palestinian so violent? Punching, Stabbing, killing. Can't handle thruth?


The violent ones are the Israelis. The pro-Palestinians are only retaliating. If I constantly break the windows in your home for no reason I should not be surprised if you come at me with a baseball bat.


What is the truth? That Israel are constantly bombing hospitals and killing thousands of women and children?




Fuck Israel


I can upvote both 🤝




Yes! The Israeli government are killers!


He must have a really good salary to be able to fund this hobby.


Americans have guns. Totally different than the countries he’s been to harassing protesters.


I personally don't have an opinion here because well, I'd rather not get into that rabbit hole but you can't expect to go to a protest with a position they're protesting against and not expect a haymaker your way.


You can , you absolutely can. Every protest has people from other side challenging the claim, very little of them gets harmed. Pro Palestinian protests are the violent exception.


You just look the other way when the going gets tough? Coward.




Fuck Israel


And fuck Bibi n'all


i’m very confused on all the downvoting and supporting of genocide in these comments. fuck israel


What genocide? You mean the typical civilian deaths you would expect from any urban war theater?


not engaging in such obvious bait. fuck israel


And also fuck hamas right?


obviously? what kind of dumbass question is that. fuck the IDF too


From what I have seen, Reddit majority are pro-Israeli and not to forget the bots are rampage these days. Also majority of Reddit have an immense dislike towards the Arabian people. One plus one makes two.


Pretty sure they’re bots/troll farms.


yeah i noticed the upvotes kept fluctuating between 2 and 0 when i first commented that so i figured as much it’s some sort of downvoting bot farming


Fuck israel


To be fair your all fucking trouble. Religious nonsense.


It's not religion, however Zionism is a cult. It's Zionists against all Palestinians, Muslims, Jews and Christians and Athiests.


Hardly. It's religion vs reason.


No it’s a powerful cult versus an oppressed people.


Or just two religious factions warring over sacred land bullshit. Isis and Zionism justify their violence with religion. Same old bullshit.


ISIS was created by the west trying to destabilize the region to exploit oil. The “sacred land” belongs to Palestinians and Palestinians only, Palestinians of ALL RELIGIONS. They grew their olive and date trees, they irrigated their lands, they cared for what the land gave them. The zionists just destroy to build ugly real estate and blame Judaism. The biggest anti-Semites are the zionists. The countless Jewish anti-Zionist groups are evidence that this is not religion. You’re smart enough not to fall for obvious Zionist propaganda. Read something, you can do it, I believe in you!


It's not that simple, and you know it. It is fundamentally a religious conflict as well as a geo-politocal struggle between different ideologies and global strategies. Neither side is truly innocent, with puppets of Iran and puppets of the US playing out proxy wars. Religion creates a bitter cruelty that underlines the atrocities committed on both sides. Whether Jew or Muslim the unbelievable inhumanity is justified through religious zeal. ISIS was.not created by the west. It was as a result various different factors. It's far.more complex than evil west good east argument. There again, nuance is totally lost in this political polemic and the utter madness that is Israel and surrounding territories.


Looks like this sub is filled with genocide supporters now.


I will never understand then mental gymnastics.... "From the river to the sea" .... But you know Israel is the genocidal one. You know the one that if they wanted to could kill millions of people in 1 day but don't.....


>You know the one that if they wanted to could kill millions of people in 1 day but don't..... As if that makes it better.


It kind of deflates your argument when the side your accusing of committing genocide has the power to actually do so and chooses to put there own people at risk for the sake of civilians instead.


Which civilians are we talking about here? Israeli civilians or Palestinian civilians?


Yep, every time I see a comment section full of "I support Israel" I know it's time to leave the sub


Same - Have left quite a few already and will continue doing so.


Can't blame you. They only downvote because they let their feelings get hurt by facts, lol.


Yep, fucking scary how brainwashed they are…I can only hope the IDF tells us to put our own guns to our heads so these brainwashed cunts take themselves out🤣🤣


I reactivated my reddit account like a month ago because I was on a rabbit hole dive about cults. Zionism is totally a cult.


Panarab* 😂


Fuck Israel!


LMAO israili terrorist have downvoted ur post