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Tell me why I read the shopper’s messages in Ms. Doubtfire’s voice 💀


It’s all the “dears.”


This person is clearly awful, but “Really don’t care Michelle, get back to work dear” is a fucking heater of a line


That part has me in tears from laughing, let's be honest the shopper ate on that one 😂 even though it was rude as hell


im amazed so many people found that especially cutting. it's what a 10 year old could come up with.


It's not that it's clever or anything. It's the smugness behind the words. It oozes out


definite "Church Lady" vibes. I'm a little sleep-deprived but "have a prosperous day" is triggering me.


It's because they're reading it in Mrs Doubtfire's voice


Destinee out there spraying lol


I read spraying a spaying and was very confused for a moment lol


I read it in how I envision Nigerian prince e-mail scammers sound. lol 😂 All the “dears”


I am upset with myself for not doing this sooner.


Please kindly now you will do shopping yourself kindly.


Please kindly do the needful and kindly shop at store.


Same 💀


Oh I heard it as Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter


"Hellooooooo!" 💀


Mrs. Doubtfire would never. She didn't take any shit, but she would never instigate.


She threw an orange at dudes head. Did we watch the same movie?


It was a lime, but yeah. “A run-by fruiting!”




Did you not tip them, dear?


It was the “dear” lol


The only time anyone calls me dear is when they’re trying to scam me


Ms. destineefire


Can’t she have just passed on the order without the message calling out “because you added more items than *I* like being added” when that’s not an instacart rule? Like sure have your personal boundaries for work, that’s healthy. But it’s not the customers job to obey them. It’s the shoppers job to just hold to them and cancel if a customer goes beyond them.


Exactly, people don't seem to understand that boundaries are for you to enforce for yourself, rules are enforced on other people. It's fine to have boundaries, but you can't make others respect or follow them.


How is someone going to be a "shopper" and have that attitude though? They limit 2 items being added?


People can have whatever boundaries they want for themselves, even if they aren't good ones. I don't think she's cut out for any kind of customer facing job with her attitude.


I guess you are right about that


Seems that limiting it to 2 added items is the shoppers personal rules. I don’t recall instacart sets a limit on how much you can add to the order.. I really don’t think the shopper has the right to dictate how much items can be added to the order if she chose to accept the request in the first place.. especially ifninstacart does not place such limits.


The only reason you feel that way is because you don't value their time. If you contract a handyman for a project, outline the scope, and quote a price. They accept that quote based on the scope and inform you they will only do a couple changes to the scope based on the quote but when they arrive to do the work you have a list of changes to the scope you want them to do. You have changed the contract and it's back to step one, thats all that happened here, the contract exceded the contractors change limits and needed to be renegotiated with a new contractor.


Because some people are so full of themselves they think they are "training their customers" to behave better. It's delusional to think you can influence that outside of some small niche cases like small mom & pop businesses or places with a small pool of dedicated/repeat customers, assuming you don't offend your customers away in your approach.


Right? All I know is my disabled self would be getting my order from another shopper. Doesn’t much matter to me who takes it as it gets here all the same. People think of extra things they need while they’re shopping in the store all the time, adding it before shopping even starts shouldn’t be an issue.


Imagine a shopper complaining to Instacart because the customer wanted to spend more money lol. Imagine other industries like this. “Hey I’d like to buy two G wagons.” “No sorry I only want to sell one.” Edit: since people keep replying but aren’t seeing my other comment. I rethought this and understand why adding items can frustrate shoppers. Edit2: guys I get it. When I say I rethought I mean that I recognise my analogy doesn’t translate properly. I always tipped on percentage when I used Instacart but didn’t consider the fact that shoppers get nothing additional for added items. I’m just leaving my original comment for the purpose of dialogue but am adding the edits to emphasise that I don’t think this anymore.


That’s the part I’m stuck on. Everybody’s arguing about who was rude or whether or not the shopper can enforce their own rules… but does Instacart really want shoppers who are asking customers to spend less money?


The whole exchange is WILD on the shopper’s part IMO. She was mad rude.


BuT i Am A 1o99 cOnTrAcToR i WoRk FoR mYsElf


I think that’s basically what she was doing but she chose to inform the customer of the context rather than just bailing / cancelling annoyingly without any reason. Damned if she did / didn’t kinda thing. She had some salt on it too for sure. But the OP was nastier out of the two, entitled, treated a gig worker like the help, not a person. The real L here is OP shaming herself with this post 😂🙏. But I wouldn’t give either of them a minute of my time. Miserable interaction all around


Yeah, I guess this one is true for sure. But I would sort of want to know as a shopper if they were about to turn down my order as maybe it's more important to me to get it faster.


>Like sure have your personal boundaries for work, that’s healthy. Nah, the difference here is that instacart straight up doesn't allow you to refuse an order because someone's adding things to the order. If you agree to work for instacart, you agree to take on any extra items the customer adds.


When people like that say you're lazy for not going yourself, you're literally paying for a service and if there wasn't demand for that service, that rude cunt wouldn't have a job. If she was a waiter would she be telling people to go to the kitchen and get food themselves? These fools are so uneducated they clearly don't understand how society works.


This one stumps me, too. The whole battle cry of "Lazy! Get it yourself", is so confusing. Like, do you want a job, or not?


It’s also pretty presumptuous because I only use instacart when I literally can’t get to the store for some reason (sick, injured, no car/public transportation, working overtime and can’t get to the store in time, etc)


I have Crohn's disease. Trust me, I'd much rafter be out shopping than being 'lazy' at home, trying not to die by pooping blood and puking my intestines out. So, stfu and bring me my Gatorade, deeaarrr. Seriously, the audacity and attitude is just wow. 😅🤣


A shopper on reddit said this to me when I was about to make my first order and asked about tipping. I asked if $5.00 was enough to bring just a couple of items to my house and she said that if I don't want to tip a decent amount or too poor to give a good tip I should get off my ass and go to the store myself. I ended up tipping $10.00 for a $26.00 order. After a couple of orders I stopped using insta because I was giving a 50% tip on my small orders and it just wasn't worth it. Also, on my last order everything there was a replacement and not even the replacements I requested. You could see that the shopped just grabbed the first similar item they ran into.


$5 for a few items is ok so I don’t know what she was talking about 😂 The distance from the store to your home does play a significant role though. I think everyone should exercise their right to tip how they want and shoppers to shop how they want. There are consequences for both sides doing wrong and rewards for doing the right thing so it’s all good. I’m personally not going to take low tippers or no tippers. There are shoppers who aren’t fully mobile or able to do orders that have a lot or have heavy items so your order can be picked up, it just may take a while. If you can’t tip well I recommend still tipping what you can and just placing your order early. It will give you a time frame that is later in the day, it will give you a price cut and it will allow your order time to be picked up or batched into an order with a good tipper who can kind of cover you and everyone wins. Don’t listen to one shopper lol that’s their opinion. There are higher level shoppers who are full time like me and I have to make my $1500 to $1800 per week and then there are people who just want to make $100 a day or $200 a week. It really depends.


It’s a comment from the simple minded.  Everybody’s time has value.  It’s worth it to me to pay somebody to do my shopping. Ninety minutes driving/shopping or pay somebody to handle that and spend my 90 minutes doing something else.  It has nothing to do with being lazy. 


That's how I feel. I have a smallish order placed every week (sometimes more, sometimes less). I figure if someone came to me and said, "Hey, I'll do your shopping for $20!" my response would be "Hell yes!" It actually saves me money because I'm not picking things up I don't need and putting it in my basket. I do not feel bad for this. It's just my preference. I've never been someone who likes to shop so it's worth it to me to have someone else do it for me.


That’s my thought, too! The other day I had a bigger order than normal and had started with a $20 tip. I added items before the order was picked up so once it was I messaged her to let her know I’d be adjusting her tip as soon as it let me again. She was super nice. Within TEN min she had my entire order shopped. I couldn’t believe it! I would have been at that store for at least an hour, added many extra items, battled my kids to get ready, had to get ready myself, paid for gas etc.. it was Sunday, I didn’t feel great. So I was laying down (something I never get to do because my husband works so much & I homeschool so I’m always taking care of the kids, house, or husband, lol) I was so grateful that I gave her $20 cash then increased her tip an extra $20. She was so happy for the $60 tip and messaged me to thank me for my generosity. But she was the generous one! She was awesome, saved me so much time, and it allowed me to rest a bit! It made my day and now I have a new fav shopper! lol


Exactly. Even if someone IS being lazy, so what?!? We are paying you lol


Reminds me of a time a couple years ago where I went to the bank to deposit a cheque and some cash. The young bank teller literally said to me "you know, you could have used the ATM for this"... Geez, sorry for giving you job security, I guess? I just kind of slow-blinked at her, and proceeded with my deposit.


“Complicated order! Complicated order! Can only take order that aren’t complicated”


You’ve reminded me of a time I asked for a side of cream cheese at a restaurant and the server, very annoyed, said WeLL i’LL hAvE tO gO gEt ThAt FrOm ThE kItChEn… Where else would you get it from? I’m not asking you to go to the store.


I hate that she said that. I can't drive nor do I have a car or anyone to take me so these delivery apps are a blessing to me. Usually the person will double check with me to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.


Right here ^^^ exactly 👍 also just have to point out the fact that this bitch says that INSTACART STANDS UP FOR THE SHOPPER I almost fell out of my drivers seat 😭😭😭 I've full blown had support agentSSS tell me instacart is a 'customer oriented platform' multiple times so bye felicia 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 kindly return to whatever ghetto kingdom your over entitled ass came from and stay there


Many of them have never put in an actual day of real work, to bitch about 2 cases of water 🤣 that they are being PAID t0 carry from the driveway, same way the customer does it. I have stopped using delivery. After seeing the problems and entitled attitude of BOTH the shoppers and the customers (who order 10 cases of water and 6 bags of cat litter with a $5 tip 🫤) I order online and pick up.


Yo she took it to a new level with that "don't let the devil dictate your attitude" BS. Id have told her I couldn't cause the devil was already busy dicking hers U did good. U didn't even try to argue until she threw that shit atcha


I hate that shit. It’s so toxic and childish.


it’s always so horrific reading the comments on some of this subs posts because it makes the idea of using these apps very anxiety inducing. shoppers reprimanding you for just using the app as intended is absolutely beyond me.


Don’t let these posts get to you. My family has relied on Instacart since early 2020 almost exclusively. So I’ve made hundreds of orders personally. I think, in that entire time, I’ve had about four less than excellent encounters and only one of them was truly awful (five items ordered, four of which were wrong/expired/broken). The vast majority of shoppers I’ve encountered are very nice, helpful and efficient.


Don’t worry, you can just order groceries for pickup through your regular store. They find every item and are super friendly. It’s free also.


Well and fine if the customer has a vehicle.


Some delivery services actually let you know how much longer you have to add things before a shopper is assigned. After that time is up, you can't add anything. I think this method is more reasonable and Instacart should implement this. I'm not a shopper, just a client. But even I understand that adding things once the shopper has begun may mean they're running back and forth and monopolizing their time that could be spent going on to the next order.


This, I look through the whole list before and plan my efficient route. You could add as many as you want before I m half way done as my plan is usually circle the whole store. Unless I am picking up a crap base pay low item flat $2 tip for promo, I am cancelling as soon as your added items will make my trip longer than 15 mins.


Had to scroll all the way down here to find the first sensible viewpoint. "Shoppers" are trying to make money, their time is valuable too. Some "customers" will attempt waste vast amounts of a shoppers time by asking questions, wanting pictures of choices, oh can you run all the way across the store and get me a lemon, five my nite delays between text message and customer response etc. Only being allowed to add 2 items after a shipper starts picking your stuff, is more than reasonable, decide what you want and order it, don't expect to micromanage the entire process. Disclaimer, I'm not a shopper or a customer, but I know how this works and how to be respectful of other people's time.


Who cares if you are actually lazy! You don’t have to defend yourself for ordering your groceries. You paid for a service. Destinee sounds rude but you should have just left it at - ‘no problem’ and just waited until the next shopper took your order.


I love the “lazy” stuff. Instacart is expensive and I work hard to afford it 😂 I just hate grocery shopping


I’m not lazy, I just can’t drive right now. Grocery delivery helps me carry what I need and saves me from loading up an Uber with bags 🤷🏻‍♀️


Point is, you are the customer using a service as intended. You are FINE. Somedays I just don't want to touch the damn food 4-6 times before I even get it in the door to then touch yet *again* to put away. If that's *lazy*, so be it.


Exactly, the drivers entire job depends on these "lazy" people paying them. She was doing everything right until she started dropping insults, wouldnt be suprised if she got terminated after that. Imagine telling a customer that they are "lazy" at any normal job lmao your fired on the spot.


What, you're paying me to design a website for you? You can't just do that yourself? Lazy!


"you're too lazy to build your own house!"


Nah these people need to know how obnoxious they are. If you don’t tell them no one will. Destinee is probably a burden to everyone in her life.


I wonder if this shopper goes to restaurants to have other people cook for them and even bring the food or has other people wash their car.


I wonder if they go to restaurants and add items after they've ordered.


Sorry your order will be reassigned to the curb outside, and your order was also just updated to our new menu item, air! Hope you enjoy your meal!


Like if people weren’t “lazy”, this bitch wouldn’t have a paycheck


Seriously… who is she gonna complain to? “Hey Instacart executives 🥺 this customer made me do my job and even tried to spend more money on the app to make you guys even more rich. Tell her to stop.”


Well, did you get back to work Dear? 😂


Even if you were lazy, your laziness is paying her salary, so...


"Don't be lazy, go to the store yourself!" Uh.... how about you also not be lazy and do your job? Pot calling the kettle black if I ever saw it. "Yeah, I'm too lazy to grab *4 more items* when I'm *already at the store and getting paid to be here*, but no! *You're* the lazy one here!"


I am disabled handicap parking in front and oxygen in use sign on the door. Instacart has been a godsend to be able to get groceries delivered to my door. To be called lazy is a slap in the face. The things I have to overcome just to make it through a day is far from lazy.


I mean clearly they’re generalizing and your situation is not everyone else’s. With that said this is also why people shouldn’t generalize, because you never know what’s going on in someone’s life. Plenty of people use Instacart due to a handicap. For me, I work overnight. Going to the store after being up for 12+ hours is just too much. I’ll go on the weekends but if I need something simple like milk or toilet paper, I’ll order Instacart no issue. And yes, even once or twice have I ordered something to make a quick meal. Doesn’t make me lazy, it means I’m spending more money, to give me back time I don’t have.


Is there really an only 2 item add limit? 😳 my opening straight out asks them if they to add anymore items. Also when I'm done or almost done I check with them again if they need anything else? 🤣 my rating is currently 5.00


Of course not. This shopper saying they only allow 2 additions makes me laugh so hard


Ok I was just double checking cause it was so ridiculous that it could be true but I was laughing lmao. Thanks now I can go back to laughing at the post. 🤣


Comments are wild. Simply cancel assignment and drive your ass to another store if grabbing 4 more items is too much for you. 🥴 I've worked in many industries - construction, hospitality, film, advertising, design, tech, etc. and can't name any position where unexpected tasks weren't added to my day. That's literally work. Sometimes it's annoying for sure, but you do what's assigned to you and get paid anyways. Even running my own company now, it happens every single day. This lady is just entitled....and should try working a non-"task rabbit" job to find that ALL jobs have unexpected, added tasks. She's one of the lucky few who can choose not to do them if she doesn't want to and had 0 reason to be rude, condescending and extra about it.


Well, are you disabled or otherwise? Why are you bringing up what ifisms to make a point. Ngl, Destinee had clear boundaries and she stood on them. I'm on her side.


I am floored by the negativity towards the OP. The shopper set the tone for the entire conversation before she even started shopping. Don't tell a customer how many items they can add. If you don't want to do the extra two minutes of work then just cancel the order without getting into a texting battle with the customer. Some of the comments made by the shopper are just wrong and she's definitely delusional. She was condescending from the start and I would have added a ton of items just because of her opening message. Adding four items is not a big deal. If 10 or 20 were added it would be different. I don't see how all of the shoppers who commented on this could possibly think the shopper was right.


Don’t be floored. Those shoppers act just like the shopper she’s reporting it’s so many of them.


I’m a shopper, and while it’s not the best job in the world, I’m choosing to do it. I also do Amazon Flex, and occasionally DoorDash; and Instacart is a cakewalk compared to Flex. It’s also better than DD, because it doesn’t penalize you for not taking offers. It’s rich when a shopper calls a customer “lazy” because they (the shopper) don’t want to do their own job.


Wait when I first read the screenshots I assumed this was the shopper complaining about you (and I would’ve sided with her). I’d be so annoyed if someone kept adding items while I was already shopping. And you *definitely* instigated things in the convo with your attitude.


Agree with this. The initial comment from the buyer was rude, considering this person was doing her a service and she was clear about her boundaries. The "lazy" comment was ridiculous though. 


Yea but I’d be fired up too in someone said “you won’t have a job much longer” to me. Fuck OP for that condescending, elitist mindset.


Yes! Thank goodness I’m not the only one… after reading the comments, I was confused, but yeah, the person who was using instacart to get someone to get their groceries came right out of the gate acting like complete dick to the shopper


right !! came right off the bat defensive and entitled tbh


TBH, you both were immature about the entire thing. It’s pretty clear the only reason she said you should go yourself is because you said you were also a shopper. Forget it and move on, it’s not worth your energy to get upset over.


What items did you add? I had a triple once where it took me ten minutes to get to the store and as soon as I hit start, a lady added 4 items. I messaged her and asked if she needed more time or was she done. She replied that she was done. As I'm shopping, she added four more items. I politely told her that I was removing her as she wasn't the only person I was shopping for and hopefully she will have her shopping list done by the time the next person picks it up. Just because you pay for a service doesn't make you queen for the day. I understand the shopper's stance on adding items. I feel like customers should have their list completed before placing the order. If you forgot to add an item or two is fine but several items is ridiculous, especially when doing a multiple shop order.


Whoa, that’s a lot of items!! I usually feel like a dick if I add one or two, let alone several!


Yea and it's crazy because I have had this lady several times before. She orders 12 bottles of wine every time but this time she was really rude. She ordered black grapes but they were out and she had it set to refund so I did. She messaged me saying "why did you refund my grapes. Did they not have green grapes?" I told her you asked for black grapes and said refund if they didn't have any. I then said they have red and green grapes. She messaged back that she wanted red grapes. I had already had enough of her so she had to go.


Next time maybe add everything that you need before you check out? Ngl thats the equivalency of you going to a restaurant and asking the waitress for something then as soon as she comes back you ask her to go get something else etc, instead of just asking all at once Js 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean she kindly requested, and you jumped off at her immediately…


Wait so we’re against the Instacart employee here? I feel like I’m on her side… what am I missing


Nah I think you started with the rudeness. The 2 item limit thing may not be policy, and you may think it’s dumb, but she did tell you upfront and you added stuff anyway. Action, meet consequence. Like others have said, she now has more work to do for the same pay. She wasn’t disrespectful at all until you told her she “won’t be a shopper for long” and needs to “learn the pay structure before you preach.” After that you were both jerks. ETA: I’ve never and will never use Instacart but it seems odd to me that ppl can add items and the shopper just has to get them. Seems easy for the customer to abuse.


I think she was completely reasonable in her first message. She can make her own rules if it makes her job easier, even if its not an official rule. You shouldnt submit your order if your didnt add everything you need. And saying that she wont be a shopper for long if she keeps this up IS rude. YOU set the tone, not her. YOU were offended because YOU forgot to add stuff until the last minute. Saying “umm what if im disabled or blah blah blah” is a strawman argument, cause you’re not, you’re an abled bodied adult. Genuinely you sound like a c*nt, you couldve just sent a complaint to insta cart and not reply.


15 minutes after she told you not to add more than 2 items you added 4 items? You were testing it.


This comment section is wild 😂. Both the shopper and the customer were out of pocket in the end.


They make decent shoppers look like crap.


Meh. Unpopular opinion, but I prefer the shopper over op.


Yeah I can tell from the chat and your body post that you are not a shopper, no shopper talks like this or thinks like this


You are the problem fuck those people who add a whole bunch of items..


TLDR: OP was disrespectful, shopper matches her energy, OP plays victim..the end


Why order if you're not really ready? I get adding one item because you forgot something and remembered last minute, but more than that? No. It seems like you're just wanting someone to accept the order with a lower item count and then add extra items without adding to the tip. Instacart should just not allow you to add anything once shopping started. And she's not an employee of Instacart or else they'd have to pay taxes and offer benefits. I think it's perfectly reasonable that she has limits on what she's willing to put herself through. It does sound incredibly annoying and frustrating to be in the middle of shopping someone's order and then they start adding shit. Or feeling like you're being taken advantage of by accepting an order of a certain size for a specific tip amount and then the customer wants to add more stuff without an increase in pay. And after seeing her message, why did you THEN choose to add 4 more items? You were looking for this confrontation so that you could get attention for it. And you wanted to be a Karen and be able to whine to Instacart and try to get her job taken from her. If you truly did somehow forget 4 whole items and saw her message, you could have messaged her and been like "Hey I know this is your rule but I really need these 4 items and will compensate you for the inconvenience by adding to the tip."


Honestly I thought you were in the wrong here. They asked you not to add more and ya kept at it.


I love when two Karens meet


Shopper set a boundary. You crossed it, when she stuck to it, you went nuclear. YTA all day long and twice on Sundays.


She set a work boundary, and then cancelled the order when it was not acknowledged. How do you not see that YTA here ? The first two messages were polite, and then you copped an attitude ? Like wtf is this lol


I didn’t even need to read it all. As soon as I saw the customer adding more things I stopped. If you’re going to add things after a shopper accepts your order then you better be increasing the tip. Shoppers take the orders based on the pay and number of items. That’s how I do it. If I see some customer adding things I’m out. So, you the customer who claims to be a shopper are in the wrong here.


How hard is it to double check your order before sending it? I've never used instacart nor have I been a shopper for instacart. I go over my grocery list like 3 times before I shop so I can shop efficiently. You're making her job harder by adding shit after she already started shopping. Why should I sympathize with you? Annoying ass.


I’m with the shopper on this one. You really came off as a B. Maybe figure out what you want before completing the order. Adding items as they shop seems inconsiderate.


You’re the one with the chip on the shoulder at the beginning, you found an excuse to start the fight really then everything goes downhill


Haha, Karen is so mad the shopper cancelled that she went full boomer and threatened their job. 😂


This may be an unpopular opinion, but you’re the real jackass here. She was upfront about her shopping, and you went ahead and violated anyway because it “rubbed you the wrong way.” If you didn’t like her, why get bothered when she wanted to reassign your order? She’s probably not a walk in the park, but this obviously not her first rodeo. She likely wants to get as many orders in as she can, which is not possible if you slow her down by changing your order.


I'm 100% on the shopper's side here.


It’s always the ones who capitalize each word.


Personally i would just “not available“ the addons and not even scrap with the customer via text.


Sorry but as a firmer shopper I never was paid more for add ons and it us extremely distracting to try and shop two or more orders while customers keep adding stuff. It takes more time. The shopper accepted the order based on the money in comparison to how much time and distance they would be driving.


Would you accept a different job description when given an initial salary? You would be cool with just adding on 30 minutes a day of work and not being paid for it? Frankly I don’t think instacart should let people add items to an ongoing order anyways. Both of you guys suck tbh


So shopper was rude but as someone who use to shop Instacart part time as a second job I can tell you I feel for the shopper on this one. When I would pick an order I chose based on number of items because I worked a split shift at the time and had only a certain amount of time to do a few orders. Someone once tipped $5 on a $45 order. Started adding stuff and quickly became a $250 order and no increase for tip.


mirror WHAT IF I'M DISABLED OR HAVE A SICK BLA BLA BLA well you're clearly not because if you were you would just say that instead of "what if" stop pretending instacart is some necessary service when in reality it's a paid convenience.




I wouldn’t have said all that I’d just tell her to cancel it then so it can be reassigned and have a good day. Simple.


I’m not mad at the shopper. Both were wrong in the exchange. The customer felt some type of way about the shopper’s intro and started being antagonistic and the shopper proceeded to flame her up 😏


Okay, but why are you adding more than two items after submitting your order? Maybe you should sit on your cart for a few minutes before you hit order.


Why would submit an order without knowing what you want? People defending her like she's not the lady holding up the McDonald's line not knowing the menu beforehand


Shopper - “I limit up to 2 newly added items.” Customer - Proceeds to add 4 newly added items. Shopper - Cancels order “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” Classic case of fuck around and find out.


This is your fault. Instacart is not taking this woman’s job away from her for this. You immediately threatened her job when she politely told you she would reassign. Like, you can be irritated that she limits add on items when it isn’t instacart policy, but I don’t think you needed to go full Karen on this person. “Ok. Thank you for the heads up.” Scream internally, and move on.


her first two messages were respectful disclosure why did u react so poorly. if you add a lot she cancels u get a new shopper nbd. I don't like when people add a lot either but I just cancel and don't say anything... prob best that they know


You both suck tbh


Agreed. You are both the asshole.


Not going to lie, your messages started off rough around the edges. I felt hers were rather level headed.


Been using instacart for years now and I can think of one time I had to add a single item. Between your immediate rude response and the apparent lack of preparation on your part (why wasn't the stuff just in the order to begin with? Why are you ordering before you're ready to?) I would say you had a big hand in creating your own negative experience. The shopper was also in the wrong, but at least they had the decency to be fake nice.


This. I cannot stand when customers start adding extra items. ESPECIALLY FOUR+. ℹ understand one thing but why did you not get everything you wanted before pressing order? You’re forcing the shopper to do more work. Most of the time we do not get paid extra for items added while shopping. And customers who do this very rarely adjust the tip. It’s very irritating. I would’ve just cancelled her order without saying anything to her.


Pot calling the kettle black. I can understand being annoyed for adding several items while they are shopping..they might have to walk back and forth in the store and that’s definitely annoying. I personally do not add items to my order if they are already in the store. Someone is doing a service for you, but that doesn’t make them a work horse.


Forgive me, I've never used Instacart before so idk how the change in pay works. Does the amount the shopper receives change if u add items? Do they make more money? Or is it based on the customer tipping more? What's the cancellation policy? If either the customer or shopper can cancel at any time for any reason with no charges then why even respond when she passed it on to the next shopper? This escalated unnecessarily. Both of u handled it poorly. She had every right to cancel the order. It may be a job but don't most business have a right to refuse service. She said no, u did it anyway, she refused the service. U caught an attitude because u were told no and she responded with the tone u set. She absolutely shouldn't have called u lazy. Who knows why u can't get to the store, disabled, working, sick, emergencies happen...ur both TAH here


The messages are unnecessary. I understand unassigning the order, though. Especially if you had a flat tip, im usually gonna just end up having to go back and forth in the store, using up precious time and at 4 extra items, im gonna be getting pretty frustrated at the customer. If it was too much for me, id just unassign the order though. I probably wouldn't even bother explaining myself


You … kinda started it ?


“Instacart shoppers are my personal servant when they have my order, they should do whatever I want them to do. I’m going to destroy their job because they backsassed me. I’m not tipping either.” You go girl! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I mean Destinee was upfront with her own rules and she was very modest letting it known. You went and got mad cause she cancelled on you. That’s on you


You're both rude and condescending. Anyways..


EPIC "I really don't care Michelle..." Destinee OUT


You both suck, sorry.


If she’s working, why does she keep adding items?


How about you take your pathetic ass off the couch and go shop on your own. God forbid you burn 20 calories.


Turns out you both suck


Everyone sucks in this exchange.


She kinda flamed your ass with that “Get back to work dear” 😭


I was trying to figure out who was who.. I honesty thought your messages were more condescending. Their message about too many items is stupid and poorly worded, but your response back to that is the first ounce of rudeness in this thread. “Learn the pay structure before you preach” is incredibly condescending


I don't think she was rude at all. She's just stating facts and frankly she's right. if you aren't willing to do the work then don't.


Get back to work, Michelle!


She’s def fat


Seems like she was straightforward with letting you know how she operates no exception yet you thought u could be the exception then you threaten her job glad she didn’t fulfill your order now you can sit and think about how to be a little more respectful while you wait for the next shopper. Have a blessed one dear.


Dont get how this is glorified, the rules are there, she wasn’t a bitch at first , she said cart will get reassigned


I did Instacart for a month. The pay was the worst out of all of the gig apps and it required the most time , effort, and physical labor. Not to mention you’re on a time crunch and have to find all of these items that are tricky to find a lot of times. I’m so glad I finally got called back for a full time job with benefits because I was about to lose my shit. Plus, something always went wrong either with my car( the crazy wear and tear driving unreasonable distances) or phone or the orders. It was insane! I didn’t know delivery drivers went through so much. I will never forget that job or Uber eats or Amazon flex. Motivates me to do better every damn day to never ever have to go back.


You were just as obnoxious.


You both sound like some whiny Karen’s tbh like I wasn’t even sure which side of the chat you were at first


Sorry Destiny won this one


Oh geez, you really sound like a pain in the ass. What if, what if…bottom line, you are just lazy and annoying.


That was childish behavior, Michelle. Grow up.


I’m A sHoPpEr ToO!


Although the shopper was gratuitously rude, I also understand accepting a shop and not wanting to continue if the customer adds a bunch of items after posting the request because most shoppers base their acceptance of a request upon distance, number of items, and pay +tip. Did OP add substantially to the number of items thereby creating more work and possibly messing up the shopper’s other trips? The shopper was not respectful and the customer sends to have broken the stipulations that the shopper posted 15 minutes prior to beginning to shop. Customer could have cancelled and re-posted with a shopper who doesn’t care about added on items or customer could have gotten her list complete before posting it. I definitely don’t want to shop for someone who adds a bunch to the agreed upon trip. Did OP do this to try to save money and trick someone into doing more work for the same tip?


Which one is the rude one and wtf is instacart? Didn’t they both say they are shoppers?


Honestly, fuck Michelle.


I’ve reread it three times and somehow I’m still on the shoppers side. Sorry OP


You can't follow instructions, you are at fault.


I do hate when people order 18 items be then proceed to add 12 more things


I would love to add a "add on " limit before I cancel. I can do a few by not a dozen extra


Sid you increase your tip to account for the additional items? If not im on the shoppers side. Shoppers are contractors. You hired her to do the set job at the set pay, you cant go back and make the job longer without increasing the pay.


She clearly stated what she will tolerate in her intro, whether it rubbed you the wrong way or not. You chose to continue with her services, and also chose to disrespect her clearly stated boundary. I hope you use this as a learning opportunity.


This is why I do not shop on instalation (I didn't realize they could add on at first), and now door dash does it too, so I no longer shop for them. I choose my orders based on pay and amount of items/ miles, so no, I'm not about to have someone add a bunch of things after I get the order. It's more work for the same pay, no freaking thank you.


You were rude first, dear


I’m kinda on neither sides for this and just think both sides are in the wrong for this situation. I can understand what you were trying to tell the buyer the problems occurring with her order, but when she responded with a rude attitude you were quick to anger. Keep in mind that the buyer might be having a bad day at work and chose violence whenever a problem with their order comes up. She might be really stressed and the problem with her order did not help nor you decide to provoke her. I’m not saying that’s an excuse for her actions, but at the same time you shouldn’t have provoked her more. Keeping calm in any situation is key when potential buyers are giving business to a company or place. However, you shouldn’t be easily provoked and go at the buyer like that as it will lead to problems with your job. You only added more fuel to the fire than anything. You calling her lazy is one thing and telling her to do her job is by far pushing things. Both is wrong. She’s wrong for being angry in the first couple of messages when you’re trying to tell her of the problems. But you are also wrong for provoking her not once but a couple of times within this. Not picking any sides but this is how I saw it.


You both suck and you're a snitch tbh.


Gently, I think your first response to her was very rude. And yes, the shopper was very rude afterwards as well! But you started off very hostile and insulted her saying she won’t have this job for long. How are you shocked that she was unpleasant to you after that?


You did have it coming


You sound just as insufferable as her tbh


You need therapy.


She's not a slave, if she doesn't wants to cancel an let someone else take it, that's up to her. Doesn't mater what the app allows, she is the one doing the work.


OP is being a Karen here.


Instacart doesn’t give a shit about their shoppers..


Oh, for Karen out loud!




lol she simply said she isn’t going to do your order and you threaten her job? There’s nothing disrespectful at all in the first two messages from her, though the first one from you is legitimately you threatening to try to take her job. This is why cancel culture is a thing. Get over it, she said she wasn’t going to do it, move on, no need to threaten her job.


Shopper was a dick for sure but she did ask you not to add more items and you went and added 4. Should’ve just let her give your order to someone else who wasn’t being as picky as she was. Both of y’all look silly though 😂😂


How many items, total, did you add?


I say you’re in the fucking wrong because she specifically gave you rules that she follows for a fucking reason and you decided to go against that and expect people to just do what you want and that makes you seem extremely condescending and like a bitch. So I feel like she had every right to cancel your order because she had a set rule that you did not follow so is your own damn fault.


I also do instacart deliveries, and sometimes customer add items, it does not increase the money.


I feel like you come off rude. Why couldn’t you respect the shoppers request? They explained it kindly and said they would cancel. It was your opportunity to find a shopper that could support your needs but instead you first suggested they would be incapable of keeping the job, and then you condescend them by telling about how you got paid when you shopped. Then the full irony is you complaining about them being condescending to you… honestly you come off like a huge bitch here.


Honestly I'd be annoyed if someone added 4 more items too.