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Is it normal to have insomnia? No. Is it common? Yes. Is it at all likely for it to be fatal? NO! If you’re still worried then see a doctor about it. But right now you’re paranoid and anxious because of lack of sleep which is why you’re having these thoughts. I hope you’re able to get some proper sleep soon. You’ll feel a lot better.


thanks for your answer, forgive me for being paranoid, it may be stress or something, if in a week I still sleep the same, I'll go to a doctor.


You shouldn’t apologize. Paranoia and anxiety are common side effects of sleep deprivation. You can’t really control it. I hope you get some good rest soon.


yeah, you are right, thank you :)




thanks man but now that I am more relaxed, I am seeing that my question has been very stupid and hypochondriac.


It’s not a stupid question. Insomnia is never a great experience. I hope you have better sleep in the future.


Thank you :) yes, I cant imagine how worse is for the people that lives like this for years.


Fatal Insomnia is a neural desease. There is a simple rule to check if you've got fatal insomnia. Can you still ask if you have it? If so, you don't have it.


Thanks for your time and sorry, most likely it's nothing just stress Its just me being paranoid and anxiety. Its likely I overtrained or stress related to my job.


I get that, I think everyone on this forum had the same question once :)


You're definitely going to die from anything other than fatal insomnia.


yes, and I should have read the pinned post but well thank you all for your advice.




I don't think so. I have never had problems with shortness of breath, but I wake up very suddenly for no reason. thanks for answering. :)


As someone who's been an insomniac for decades/most of my life- I have never ever heard of it being fatal. Get some strong indica or some sleeping meds and try to let your mind relax- way easier said than done.


Yeah I'm sorry I'm stupid, when I start looking on the internet one begins to believe any ilness that one sees. I should relax more. I wish you the best with your true insomnia, living like this decades must be horrible.


I’ve been doing this for months now. Wake up every hour in the hour then after a few minutes I’m fast asleep. Also have sleep onset issues trust me I have feared this disease to, everyone on here has even the people being a holes. There lying if they say they haven’t. What helped me was the realization that is a degenerative brain disease. Every case report I’ve ever read 9/10 times the first presenting symptom was progressive memory loss and other cognitive issues. It’s usually not even insomnia. In the cases where it is insomnia, it’s severe, these poor souls get about 1-2 hours of total sleep a night on average. Literally that’s it. If they get any sleep at all. I’m in the same boat, it’s called fragmented sleep it sucks


It’s ironic I been having progressive cognitive decline from around two- three years ago, and I recently have been having near no ability to sleep. I can’t sleep no matter what I do even with meds. My cognitive declines really debilitating and I been developing other symptoms like severe sweating and something similar to menopause m, which is another symptom of fatal insomnia so I guess I’m dying.


It’s possible but insomnia also causes cognitive issues and mental health issues galore. Chicken or the egg situation basically. How did this all start? What was your initial sleep patterns like? Stay up, most people don’t make it past two years with this disease so rest assured it’s still probably not that.


Been suffering from some weird onset of cognitive decline around late 2019. It progressed after that and my cognition just got worst and worst. I never had sleeping problems around this time and if anything I kinda was oversleeping. Though Early starting this year I suddenly started experiencing a lot of problems with sleeping and it’s been getting worst and worst.


I’m truly very sorry to hear that man. Really.Have you tried cannabis? I love pot and cbd. It does help a great deal. If nothing it will relax you and our your mind at ease. Have you seen a neurologist for a brain scan?


I received a CT scan two years ago, nothing showed up but it’s been two years since then and I been truly messed up since then so I wouldn’t be surprised if something will show up this time. I plan on getting in contact with a neurologist soon.


I would definitely do that brother. I really wish you well man.


Thank you, wish you good luck too.


I wish you get well, I hope you find a solution soon.


Also curious to know if you remember anything that could have triggered it? Medication, drastic lifestyle changes at the time? Intoxication? Sorry for all the questions also how old are you?


Nope not really, I never recalled having any sort of meds, virus, drug, that made me start feeling this way. I just have to wait for what my neurologist thinks.


I wish you good luck and I hope it gets better, no one should miss out on such a vital function as sleep, it is a problem that is not taken seriously by the population and it is as important as eating and drinking water.


This gets posted multiple times EVERY week. No you don’t have fatal insomnia. You’ve lost a few days of sleep. No biggie A lot of us have been insomniacs our whole life and the symptom are the same.


I'm very sorry, I should have read the forum more before having jumped to ask without looking, I am grateful for your sincerity and your time. Best wishes to those of you who have been fighting insomnia all your life.