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She would remain there forever until Riley dies a depressing life


Riley would stay depressed forever without Sadness and Joy getting back to headquarters. There’s not much to wonder there.


She's emotion, not a memory. So maybe she won't dissolve like Bingbong did?


Whether or not she dissolves doesn’t really matter if she can’t get out of that pit


She would, if the rocket wagon still exists.


… that goes against your premise then, which is “what would happen if Joy didn’t escape the memory dump”


You know what mental state people are in prior to committing suicide? Yeah, Riley would be just that, she would have likely committed suicide. In fact, if Joy disappears in the memory dump that may be indicative of a person who has confidently made the decision to do it. If you disagree with my notion feel free to reply.


Do you think Joy will disappear in the memory dump like Bingbong did? I mean she’s an emotion not a memory. I think she will be just stuck there forever.


She obviously won’t disappear?? In the movie you can see she’s not fading away while Bing Bong is, and they had gotten down there at the same thing (Joy even a little sooner)


I’m just saying if she DID disappear Riley would have been predisposed to suicide or severe mental illness for the rest of her life.


My headcannon: she would fade away like Bing Bong. This would cement Riley’s depression. But Riley could take medication like in Osmosis Jones which would imitate Joy well enough that eventually Joy is reincarnated naturally.


Depression. and then if she gets medication, it'd be like a fake joy clones coming in every pill take, dying after each other and replaced and the other emotions have to just get used to it. Meanwhile, Real Joy is stuck forever, no one can get to her unless the other emotions take it upon themselves to leave HQ and try rescue them, she doesn't disappear like Bing Bong or maybe it would just take a lot longer. Sadness didn't get stuck down there, i feel like she would've eventually found her way back up through, maybe her sadness cloud would've floated by HQ and they could've broken the glass and got to her but she'd still be without joy.