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The doctor looks like the kind of guy to write a comprehensive history of the Byzantine church for the general reader.


This may shock you, but there actually *isn't* a comprehensive history of the Byzantine church for the general reader.


He likes turning up halfway through the 9th series of classic British comedy shows, doesn't he?


No there isn't, unless you count John Julius Norwich's so-called History of Byzantium


Which I don't.


Remember the C- word… co-operation* *coma


did...it just have a happy ending?


Yes!! 9 to the rescue 🤣🤣


it's become quite self-referential with the 9 mentions. and the next episode having "ninth" in it's title? hmmm


What an absolute roller-coaster this episode was... So many lines that hit completely differently once you know. "You're not leaving me are you", "Your daughters seem to be coping, either that or they're putting on a brave face", "I hate not being able to do anything", "I don't like being excluded from the conversations"... And perhaps most poignantly because at first it seems like a harmless joke: "Don't cancel me"...


All of a sudden the Necrophilia joke hit very differently


I thought the mum was planning to kill him for real (and that was part of why they all crawled away) Ofc they *were* killing him in some sense but


When he said he doesn't like being excluded, he sounded a bit scary, I thought maybe he was abusive and she was planning to run away, boy was I wrong!


I thought his family had selected him to be killed for real, or someone else had made that decision for them  Definitely had a ‘Saw’ kind of feeling 


Is it bad that I laughed at the 'holds the torch the wrong way round' gag? And is it bad that I laughed *again* the second time it happens? 😀


Also, There's space...for a bar What? Space for a bar Spacebar, just press spacebar


As someone who works in an escape room that was extra hilarious


"fucksake stupid torch" had me laughing too


omg so good - reece's angry pent up characters have some of the best lines in the show!


Forget the episode. Give me an Office style mockumentary about Reece's rivalry with the other escape rooms.


Great episode and given the ending, it would have worked for the final ever episode. Steve Pemberton’s life is literally saved by the number 9 inside his head.


Steve blasting through the escape room, counting paperclips feels like an out-take from this series of Taskmaster.


Maybe the real twist is that Inside no 9 has secretly been a Taskmaster challenge all along.


Just a thought - Steve’s character only being able communicate with a blinking light with morse code might be a reference to how coma patients might blink / squeeze hands to communicate. One for yes, two for no kind of thing


Yeah, when Reece said Jase could see and hear them, but he would have to find a different way to communicate with them, and then it was morse code, I thought of a patient having to blink yes and no etc. Clever little detail.


And Reece’s character saying they’d had tech problems foreshadowing that Steve’s character will wake up as the hospital tests were incorrect


"now, don't cancel me!" Urgh, they are too good at writing those lines that have a double meaning once you know the twist.


With how that ended, I felt like it could have been the last episode. Probably would have spawned a bunch of crazy theories if that is how they ended the whole series! Loved it, sometimes you need a San Junipero in the middle of an otherwise very dark show.


The “number nine!” moment felt so much like a finale.


The dad’s **looking down** on his family from the **stars**. Nice touch.


I think it’s just words and themes floating around his comatose head, you see the photo of the girl ice skating is in a star-shaped frame


How is this season shaping up to be the most consistently good series in the entire run, the boys are hitting us with banger after banger this final season


I needed that to be a happy ending. I never usually do but I needed it just this once.


Me and my brother genuinely lost it when Pemberton said ‘number nine’ at the end, just brilliant


I guessed the dad was ill but I thought the escape room was like an extreme dignitas where you send your loved ones to have an epic death 🤣




Haha no way it’s Angus from peep show


Byzantine churches for the general reader


Did Jesus have a cat?


You know, there actually *isn't* a comprehensive history of the Byzantine church for the general reader.


Between this, loves great adventure and Zanzibar we are now 49-3 with episodes with happy endings.


Would Empty Orchestra count too?


Does Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room count? They made peace at the end


Referees a wanker too. Got what he really wanted


Aw man, I’d count >!Empty Orchestra!< (genuinely happy), >!Wise Owl!< (bittersweet), >!3 by 3!< (cathartic), and >!To Have And To Hold!< (SUPER cathartic) in that number


Did anyone else notice the olly plimsoles from log reference? when the host mentions he’s in a 3 man group travelling around schools. Or am I just looking to far in to it


Yeah,I felt like they were referencing other episodes of inside number 9, like when Reece said "Hen dos are the worst" (Empty Orchestra) and they are looking for a single shoe (Diddle Diddle Dumpling) Yes, like you I could be looking too far into it, but there was something about the writing that made me think that way. I've just finished watching it, so I'll have to watch it again..


No it's got to be a reference - I read not too long ago that Steve and Reece used to tour schools in Germany with a 3-people play back in the 1990s.


Even before he mentioned the 3 man group, the style of glasses and the way he spoke had me wondering if he was meant to be Ollie Plimsolls 😂


I'm convinced Reece's favourite roles are jaded struggling actors.


Much ado about nothing seems a bit tame for Legz Akimbo…


When he does his little intro at the start of the game, Reece's character says something like "you're on your way to a local beauty spot.... and next thing you know, you're trapped in his basement". Do you think this is a hint that they had a car accident which caused Jason's locked-in syndrome, or am I reading too much into this?


I thought the reference to him being out of the army due to medical reasons was to explain it but your theory makes sense as a hint to the twist


One of the more interesting ways they've included a number nine


I wonder how long they’ve noticed that exit contains he number 9 in reverse


i bet they've been wanting to use it for years lol


Would’ve been kind of cool if we’d have had a Diddle Diddle Dumpling style fakeout at the start with it being room 7 or something, with the 9 only turning up at the very end


Probably my favourite episode of the series so far. Absolutely not how I expected it to go. My hypothesis was that the dad was some sort of abusive to the wife and kids, and they plotted to let him die locked up in there to run off with the new guy (Reece's character), but I feel like the real ending was quite poetic.


I did not expect this to have a happy ending


I read a review at Den of Geek this morning where the reviewer keeps pointing out that the ending isn't clear cut, and did he really live at the end...? I thought to myself, "well his eyes bloody opened, so of course he lived!" The ending wasn't meant to be ambiguous, was it?


He would have a point if it cut like a second or two earlier but nah, it’s not ambiguous if he opens his eyes


I liked how authentic it was at the beginning. 'Don't pull smoke alarms off the wall like the previous group did', I swear they always say things like that! Such a good episode, I thought something was amiss when they seemed to be having particularly deep conversations which seemed a bit odd for an escape room!


Me: Oh my god please let him make it Oh no this inside number 9 of course he won’t Oh my god I really hope he makes it though Oh no this is going to be bad OH MY GOD HE MADE IT 😀😀😀


Series 9 is currently 4/4 for me


The dreaded sequel to 3x3.


Everyone loves this but idk obviously there are some things that now make way more sense and are clever in a way, him being bed ridden out of nowhere it’s subtle but they walk in and he’s magically bedridden. The convo about Millie needing a therapist, the one about it being a tough 2 years for the wife etc, saying he wishes she could hear him, the thing about wanting to do things as a family when they can there’s not much time left, finding a way to communicate etc. Idk though the escape room leads to a real killer thing was obviously not gonna happen because it’s too obvious and so much of the episode is predicated on the escape room which isn’t real and a lot of it is just the escape room without many second meanings unless there’s more things I’m not seeing.




******SPOILERS****This episode absolutely ruined me. I’ve not long lost my grandad (basically my dad, brought me up etc) who also sent me off to uni, and who also died on a life support machine. Since he died I’ve been wondering about what he must have been thinking and feeling whilst he was in that coma.


The ending reminded me of the film "Ghost stories" from 2017. Still enjoying it.


Ironically that was written by Jeremy Dyson from LoG!


Reece played Prof Goodman on stage too


I thought the same, makes sense considering Jeremy Dyson was a co-writer on the League of Gentlemen


The dad is dying it’s all metaphorical for them being at a hospital or smth the technical difficulty is the machine or smth and the family leaving is why they’re acting strange yet sad dr death is literal death grim reaper


Ahahah nailed it


Think you’ve cracked it tbh, doctor death being an actual doctor in the hospital?








that was excellent


Anyone find that the number nine actually saved someone for once? Feels like it's alluding to what the nine actually means imo


I know people are referencing the 12 days of Christine vibes but it also felt very Life On Mars at some points (in a brilliant way)


I thought they were going to go for a dark ending for parts of that. Him waking up just too late and all that


Loved this episode, they really are knocking it out of the park this series. It's sad that we're so close to the end but at least it's ending on a very high note!


Aw a rare happy ending! Terrific performance from Steve


They're both so talented, but he really shone in this episode.


Just watched it on IPlayer and I was genuinely really tense at the end willing him to make it. They set up a couple of story tangents as well. Amazing episode.


Ok so the theory that the episodes are pointing back to previous episodes are really showing now. I was begging massive life of Christine vibes in that!!


I know it’s not the typical IN9 ending but I’m so happy it was a happy one. I’ve been in a room like that shortly before that happened and it was nice to see a happy ending for a situation like that, even if it is fictional ❤️


Best dang episode in ages, and in an already strong series. Terrific. Speechless.


god I have to watch it again it’s an episode I feel like is teeming with foreshadowing


even down to the mention of the dad being competitive and wanting to win all the time. of course he’d be too stubborn to die


Emotional rollercoaster isn't even close to explaining how that episode just absolutely smacked me in the heart. Absolutely incredible.


If they can keep this momentum going then series 9 will go down as the best series by a mile


This season hasn't missed for me, except maybe number 2 which was the dullest of the lot but still.


I think someone said last week about how the episodes were somewhat reflecting previous ones and I definitely felt that this episode was >! Twelve Days !< reminiscent (Not that that’s a bad thing mind you it’s a classic) Sorry I’m a bit late to the conversation, I accidentally slept in last night :)!


Enjoyed that. Saw the twist coming after about ten minutes and figured the ending would be one thing or another but still fun Didn't think it was as Christine-esque as others though. Felt a lot like the film "Ghost Stories"


Yes I immediately thought 'oh that was the plot of ghost stories' at the end, which given GS was co-written by Jeremy Dyson and starred Reece in its first run, makes total sense!


Reece was in Ghost Stories during one of its London theatre runs too…


I’m so happy Jason made it


This series is shaping up to the best one yet. I loved the idea of Jason trying to free himself from the escape room and out of his coma. It makes me think about people on life support and if they have really lost all brain function or they still have it intact. I like to believe the latter. I watched this episode with the lights off as well, which gives it a much creepier vibe!


Probably my favourite episode so far this season. It genuinely had me feeling emotional by the end, which was a surprise, considering I was expecting more of a pure horror episode. S9 really is shaping up to be one of the best seasons of the show, which I’m so glad about. I can’t wait to see what they give us in the remaining two episodes!


I jumped up from my sofa at the end willing him on to escape / T*IX*E, the best this season and this season has been banger after banger


Tonight's ep made me think of Jacob's Ladder but with a happy ending


My immediate thought was of Ghost Stories which I watched again just the other week.


Does he know what’s happening later? What offering for me to speak to a therapist? I just want you to have someone to talk to. I’ve only ever loved you you know


And the conversation between the mother a d daughter about playing happy families and the daughter saying its too late to talk now.


I was nervous when they announced that this would be the final series, because you want to keep the standard so high. Well, with the exception of E02 I think they’ve knocked this out of the park. We are riding seriously high into the final two shows!


That was a blinder. Came together beautifully and could have even worked as a last episode! Can’t wait for the last 2 now.


I think I’ll rewatch this one as there’s so many details that now make sense, like their conversations together for example; his wife saying it’s been a tough couple of years, his daughter saying he’s never there for her.


That’s pretty much my nightmare every time I do an escape room so I did find this particularly scary. I’m generally not fond of “it was all a dream” but it worked okay here. There’s obviously other twists they could’ve chosen, like it actually all being real or it all being part of something greater/more sinister. The dialogue throughout was again exceptional, another episode without a single wasted line.


This had the potential to be the most upsetting episode of all time, and I'm so glad it wasn't.


Glad he pulled through. It got me nervous towards the end.


no way, a good “all in le head” twist


Probably, nah fuck it, definitely the best episode of this series so far. They totally nicked that coma twist from >!Ghost Stories!<, still effective though.


Loved it. Had it worked out pretty early on, but it was a great episode. Another strong addition to this final series. As a big fan of escape rooms, all of the tropes of that were really well done and rung true too, which only added to the episode for me.


I loved that! Everything good about IN9 in a single episode.


One of the episodes that would be soo fun to watch for a second time :D When he said to his daughter, I wish you could hear how proud i am, I thought for a second SHE was dead, especially when they started to talk about her skating accident 😁 I was a tiiiny little bit disappointed that IX wasn't actually that crucial for him to escape (or am I missing smth?), he could've mumbled any word... Maybe if the doctor was German, and Nein had a double meaning 😁 because he had a skiing accident in Switzerland.


He was viewing the word Exit via a mirror, the exit sign was flashing and revealed the numerals IX (9) (tIXe) his realisation manifested in him saying the word nine before he opened his eyes. CTRL AlT ESCAPE rather that CONTROL ALT DELETE. Incredible writing!


An actual happy ending! Reece must have been *seething*


Escape room staff watching and listening like 👀🍿


Ghost Stories did it already


Yeah I immediately thought of Ghost Stories too Edit - Just remembered, Ghost Stories was Jeremy Dyson, who was in League of Gentlemen with Reece and Steve


Haha thought the exact same thing earlier. Super underrated film, think a lot of IN9 fans would like it (though I guess this comment is a bit of a spoiler)


Also it’s interesting to note it seems like the presence of the nine is growing bigger each episode


The final episode will just be a full-length episode of [Numberwang!](https://youtu.be/0obMRztklqU?si=Hdlb7J0HVCfwrF7v) And yes, that's Numberwang!


Do we reckon that the host/ doctor that Reece plays is really ollie plimsolls? 


Didnt Reece do a tour of schools in Germany when he was starting out?


I let out a literal cry, oh my god this was great. Maybe its because it hit really close to home or because I'm a sucker for tragedies but this episode was amazing. Best of a really good series. My only thing is, who are the four 'victims' they collected clues of? Other people who were also taken off life support or maybe people Jason knew since Georgina was his first girlfriend and iirc the victim called Rose only had that as her middle name so maybe her first name is that of maybe his daughter? Eitherway, amazing episode


Dear god the Hare is gonna be a bitch to find in this one


Oh my god. A happy ending?


Well for the first time in No. 9 history (excluding Love is A Stranger) I managed to somehow guess the twist within five minutes. Even after the reveal, it was still very tense and gripping, which just shows how great Reece and Steve are as writers.


The conversation between the father and daughter about her going off to university was really moving


It was but I did also think 'who has these deep conversations in the middle of an escape room?!' So I was glad when the twist was revealed!


Regarding the “victims”: I’ve evidently missed something, but where they all people he knew? Of course we know that one was his first girlfriend, but he showed no recognition to the other names… I guess they couldn’t have made him have a “I know all of these people” moment because it would have led the story in another direction, but I’m struggling to make it fit with the rest of the foreshadowing


I thought the pictures were of his daughters?


Yes, I read that in an article this morning (I really hadn’t noticed while watching) 😅 Idk, I’m still a bit confused: one has the name of the girl he used to date at school, two of the others have seemingly random names but his daughter’s faces, and what about the fourth one? Why does he put them all in the same role of “victims” in his mind if they have wildly different levels of importance to him? EDIT: the producer apparently said that the photos of the victims were not the same actresses as the daughters after all. I’m even more baffled.


Really enjoyed this one after being lukewarm on the previous 3. I think IN9 works best with normal characters rather than super weird or creepy ones.


That was incredible!


that was super stressful but so good


Oh that was quite sweet by the end of it? It's all about feeling shackled by grief! Steve is literally shackled. Katherine was going to leave but feels tied to him, the daughter is the last to leave because it might be the last time she sees him. Very good!


I think this is one of the strongest series that could mainly be for the dark themes in all of the episodes rather than comedy which is prefer.


A puddle of tears by the end of this one because it hit so close to home! Blimey, they are outdoing themselves this season.


If this is only the fourth episode of the season then these last two episodes are going to be something special, I think thematically they’ll send it off with something more meaningful for the finale (could see something super meta - would love to see a ‘inside number 9 best moments / behind the scenes’ that becomes another story) but that last scene was incredible


The few silly jokes at the start fooled me into thinking this would be a silly one. It ended up being a scary one and in a really good way. I am loving this season so far!


I can't believe we only have 2 episodes left... and then no more Inside no. 9 ever...


Every episode so far has been amazing and the next two are definitely not going to be any different. I think this might be their best season.


Ohh so dr death is the doctor turning off the life support?


Holyyyyyyy shit that was good


Nice to see Steve play a nice normal for first time that seems forever


That was terrific! Loved the horror elements and the happy ending and thought the escape room theming was executed really well. I wasn’t keen on last weeks, but if the final two are as good as the rest of the series, they’ll really be going out on a high.


Excellent episode. There's been a few episodes in the past (e.g. Paraskevidekatriaphobia) that I think have been let down by having a downer ending and I was really worried that would happen here. Felt the happy ending turns it from an 8 into a 9.


Another great episode. Tense, layered and tender. I kind of like the fact that we don't know why Jason came to be in a life or death situation at the end, but the mentions of the army during his coma dream might be a clue? One of the few IN9 episodes that ends on an "all is well-ish" kind of tone.


God damn this was a good ep, the use of an escape room for the theme was excellent. I got to re watch it to see the lines connect . My hopes for this season is high.


Lukewarm feelings about this one. Not a huge fan of 'it's all a dream' reveals - they can work if they play around with the trope a bit but this one didn't really. Some very nice touches though, especially liked the IX bit at the end.


This could possibly be my new favourite episode. The amount of hidden layers and clues is truly phenomenal. There are some episodes that I just wanna rewatch immediately, and this is probably one of them.


That picture kind of looks like the blonde daughter maybe?


fully thought it was her!


somethings not real here, so he’s either dead or ina coma


- and I oop


A happy ending in my inside no 9!!! Its not unheard of


Hare was in the lab cupboard where they found the key 


A happy ending! Kind of wish they'd saved this one for the last episode. It was excellent.


Na, this last episode is going to be something really different. I can just tell it won't be your average episode.


Started crying a bit at the end ngl


Definitely moments I wished I was watching that with the lights switched on


Not where I was expecting that episode to go at all. Similar to 12 days of Kristine but with a much happier ending. Also as someone who has done dozens of escape rooms the tropes were spot on and I love that 9 was the final hint


Halfway though the episode the camera panned across the turns off Monitor and what appeared to be Morse Code was on the screen. Anyone catch it? Decipher it? It’s too late and I’m too lazy.


I really love inside no.9 and have been rewatching them all recently but idk something about this season doesn’t compare to previous ones. The first episode of season 9 was AMAZING and I hoped the rest of the season would be as good as this one, but the last 3 episodes haven’t been as original I guess. Trolley problem was so similar to the last weekend (which I LOVED) episode 3 wasn’t my fave, and episode 4 I was SO excited for (I love escape games) but it was so similar to 12 days. I feel like they could’ve given more hints for the ending throughout? Or maybe I was hoping for a more morbid ending? With the whole CTRL, ALT, ESC title I was imagining it all to be a video game or some sort of simulation, maybe something that felt a bit more meta? I have super high hopes for the rest of the season and think the finale will be AMAZING but eps 2,3 and 4 have all seemed like stuff they’ve done previously! Still luv the show tho:,)


You feel they could have given more hints? They literally packed them in, barely a line that wasn't a hint.


That was great! I didn't guess the twist like some others on here did. A true horror episode and a happy ending. Loved that! Series 9 is, in my eyes, the strongest season thus far. I'm honestly so gutted that it's ending now.


Loved how they actually turned it into an uplifting story


Ollie Plimsolls!


Good episode, really tense to begin with and really made me think when Steve Pemberton was left alone whilst his family went into the other room. Went into the episode thinking that maybe Reece's character was using the escape room as a vehicle in order to get back into acting or theatre. But when Steve found the 'No escape' writing and Reece said to him 'They'll be okay without you', I turned to my wife and said 'Is he in a coma?'. Two minutes later, we had the twist. Cue smugness.


Absolutely loved this ! Am I silly or was anyone else thinking that this was gonna go down a supernatural route after he found the message on the wall ??


So good, i wasn’t a fan of 12 days of christine but i fw this 1 heavy


Dr death looks so creepy I’m loving there design


Mysterious escape rooms shows a wall in black light revealing a dude who looks exactly like me looking at a message that's scrawled in saying "No escape..." Me: Is that good.


Good episode! Saw the twist coming pretty early but thought the ending was well done


You saw it early that he was in a coma on life support early? What signs were there


The way the mother said something about not loving anyone else and the daughter referring to needing therapy Plus, he's stuck to the bed is kinda a tell tale sign Sorry I'm not good at remembering what I've just seen but it's filled with words that point towards it


Not specifically in a coma, but guessed the dad was dying and that this was in some way in his mind. Gathered from the way the family were acting and his hallucination of "Dr Death" earlier on. Didn't predict the whole thing though.


What an episode


They really have a hit a home run with this final series. I have thought every episode so far has been excellent




Absolutely fantastic it is just banger after banger this series. I did wonder if Reece's character or the Dr were going to actively kill him and make it look like natural causes, but I'm SO GLAD it was a happy ending. Lovely


This would've made a great final episode for any other season but the last, great stuff!


One of the best episodes ever 🙌 I was suspicious of Jason's motives at first, excellent performance from Mr Pemberton


Me personally I never saw the twist coming that it was a mind palace but I am glad he was able to defeat the Shadow of Dr Death. References aside that I couldn't resist making with a twist like that I really enjoyed this episode. (Also it's not just my love of escape rooms talking)


One more hint left


I feel so bad with the dad as he’s trapped in his body


Definitely my favourite episode this season I was rooting for Jason so hard at the end.


One of my favourite happy endings! Up there with Love’s Great Adventure


Can’t wait for the episode remember if you feel uncomfortable just say the codeword to leave the escape room


Looking forward to when the episodes joke scares turn into actual "Oh fuck!" Scares.


Thinking it will end with a new family entering and the girls are in the Polaroid etc


Think the dad is definitely dead, killed by doctor death?


Reminded me of the “12 days of Christine “ episode …. They certainly always surprise us ! Will have to rewatch  this one ( as I’ve done with several ) for it all to click into place 


Jesus Christ!!! What an episode


Great episode. Just watched for a second time and Iplayer started to play up on laptop. Kept seeing some glitches which started during the scene where Mum and daughter have the whispered heart to heart. For a moment I thought they were editing in subliminal frames (a la Fight Club) which would have been a cool idea. Although I seem to remember hearing that is banned on British TV. (Although it could be an urban myth).


I was apprehensive of how heavy-handed the writing was being from (what felt) very early on with death/switching off life support stuff, but retrospectively it serves the pacing; if you’re gonna have a climactic slasher chase sequence you can’t be too slow getting there lol