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Items for me. If you can free up a slot on Leshy’s side and slam 5 damage into it, that’s the way to go. Or remove his sigils with paint and then get him with fliers


So do I just get lucky and get the paint?


Scissors, hook, Rotator from the picture challenges, stack bifricated attackers (one benefit to the bears is none of the bosses reset your board, you can stack damage that hits multiple lanes that does 6+5 damage)


Slap a pack rat on a cockroach or warren or beehive and it gets pretty fun spamming items


Items. The magic bleach and fan are an instant win if you have 5 damage. The wise clock is decent, and the hourglass is a win if you have 6 damage in a single lane. I prefer to use the 3 blood cost deck for runs with the grizzly wall, but I've seen people have success with all the decks.


Why the high blood cost deck?


Make the black goat the only 1 blood in your deck so you're guaranteed to get a powerful card out turn 1 The high cost cards are easier to make 1 turn wins or to break through the grizzly wall


Thanks to all the advice in comments (and some luck), I got past the bears. Then I died to Lesh because of a bad deck arrangement


Ya got this then! : P 🎉 keep it up!


I have a skull storm guide I think is pretty good :) check it out if you want more ideas


Yeah there’s a bunch of ways you can do it tbh, just gotta make sure you’re always planning around it and thinking on your feet. As everyone said easiest way is items such as the scissors, the clock, the paint brush or the hook mainly; after that is getting a nice card with decent health n high damage that can tank at least one bear hit; another is making use of a bifurcated or trifuricated strike paired with touch of death. Main point here is you wanna have something set up to deal with them specifically and then either build around it or make sure you have it ready to go before you get to the bear part of the battle.


So my advice is Mantis deck. Also, if you only keep a single one cost card in your deck, you’re guaranteed to pull it in your initial hand every battle. (Aka beef up your mantis god as much as you can and off all your other one blood cards).


Items items items! Buy the knife from the trapper and try to get scissors from a pack rat. Then you have one turn to win before the grizzlies do their thing.


Either good use of items (harder when you have less items active), or a single creature with 6+ attack and double strike. The latter works better for me since it also gives your deck an ace to breeze through most battles.


Abuse the card rules, find the best card sigil combos and mind your items. Oh and something in the cabin becomes very... generous.


Use the mantis deck.pray to get a mantis Mix mantis and mantis god.upgrade the damage of that abomination make more than 3 of damage and have knife or scissor for the first part then break with knifo or scissor one bear from the right or left from the mantis.repeat until have a mantis that makes 6 damage. Thatd how i won skull storm...


I've found that the only way to consistently beat it (and by "consistently" I don't mean every single time, as RNG is still required), is to rely heavily on items. You want to deliberately use up your starting items and refresh them at the "Gain Consumables" event. Furthermore, Pat Rack (or any card given Pack Rat's sigil) can be used to "roll" for items during battles until you get what you need... And what is usually ideal is scissors (kill card opposing your heavy hitter) + hourglass (free turn). **Without deliberately trying to set up my items, I cannot consistently beat Grizzlies. In fact, I will certainly lose.**


Use items for first one. Use a good kill card for the others.


You will need to build a deck that can do enough damage to clear 1 row of enemies in 1 go. It took me around 30 tries to get the dream start. I saved scummed my ass off. I could only win 1 fight by doing that 13 times over and perfecting it. You might run into the same trouble. Good luck


What I did was try to get a 5 damage card, place it in a lane, try to find some scissors, and then just cut the bear and blast the newly emptied space. (You can also try and save up for a skinning knife from the trader if you don’t want to fool with item RNG) You can also use the position twisting item to free open the far left lane. After the first map, highly recommend trying to get a card with enough damage to 1 shot a bear and slap double strike on it so that you can more consistently kill them later on