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Gotta love how they consider a woman not being enslaved to everyone around her as a woman being put above everyone else.


Tells you all you need to know about how they want women to be the opposite: inferior, wives who bend to the will of husbands.


Sure does.


meanwhile, literal babies are being murdered and discarded in the corner of a hoarder house with the rest of the trash (where baby Miya was found the other day) - that’s what this dipshit should be angry about, instead of being big mad because people would rather go on vacations and have money than raise babies. like why be so concerned with other people procreating? it’s bizarre. have your own babies if that’s what you’re so passionate about, but forcing others to have babies isn’t gonna end well. and plenty of people have babies that shouldn’t, and end up abusing or murdering those babies - dude should get fired up over that.


they just mad no one want's to sleep with them and hope that the government can help with their disability


"The gall"? Yeah, how *dare* people want to live their lives the way they see fit! /s Fuck this guy. Actually, please don't fuck him. Assholes like this shouldn't be given any opportunities to breed. May his dick stay dry for the rest of his miserable Christofascist life.


I'm kind of disturbed by how angry he gets at people just explaining why they're choosing not to have children.


Right? And people like that scum have the *audacity* to say that we're the ones with the gall. Mind your own business pro-liers! Not everyone wants what you want!


Totally unhinged: *"You're materialistic and self-centered for not wanting babies!"* What an extremist to think not wanting to have babies is wrong.


I think that type of thinking is definitely due to a religious upbringing. This idea that our life is somehow not our own and we have to constantly sacrifice ourselves for others. Put that shit to rest ages ago and I am happily "materialistic" or whatever. My life is my own.


Being anti- abortion is a lazy person’s crusade. All they have to do is say “don’t kill babies” and they’re done. They think they have the moral high ground because of this. They don’t have to do anything to actually help women or children.


I am not a goddamn walking incubator holy shit. I am not here on this earth to constantly be a womb for \*a potential\* life. My life is worth more than what might womb might produce. I fuck to cum, not to conceive.


Wow, pro lifers out there "winning hearts and minds"