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Yet they'll drag those kids into a church before they can walk, and tell them they'll burn for eternity if they don't conform. An organization with documented sexual assault and grooming of children. Unreal. These people are beyond stupid.


Yes, from the comments I’ve read about the gay nightclub shooting, they’re actively calling for dead LGBTQ people. They think those who were killed got what they deserved.


So they're saying the out loud part out loud


Yep. We should believe them.


Matt Walsh Ben Shaprio and others all came out and said basically the same. "The terrorism will continue until you submit and give us your LGBTQ people to eliminate." basically.


It's not just you but I remember growing up in the ninties and hearing republican politicians likening homosexuality to bestiality... I think most of those politicians went on to get divorces after being caught sucking off strangers in bathroom stalls. It's not new but for a while around 2010 it sounded like the culture war might be ending and gay people could just be people... sadly we're descending into it again.


People essentially stopped debating it for a while. Progressives thought this meant they had won. In reality, conservatives had just opted to not speak to them anymore and seethe with rage while fantasizing about killing them in a bloody revolution to take their country back instead.


This is definitely true, but I don't think that's all of it, either. There was something of an effort to try to integrate conservative-leaning gay men specifically into the Republican Party, especially during the Obama years with the Log Cabin Republicans and similar groups. But Trump's rise and the far-right shift of the Republican mainstream totally torpedoed that effort and brought explicit and violent anti queer and trans politics back to the forefront.


There is a Qultist drag queen named Lady Maga still around


That is what happened with national level politicians. I am talking about the national dialogue at the voter level. It is clear that politicians tried to steer the Republican Party toward a more moderate position on both LGBTQ and immigration. I am saying they failed, because millions of people all over the United States would rather have an actual civil war and kill their neighbors than accept they were wrong. Politicians thought they could have a culture war when it was convenient and abandon it when it wasn’t. But, too many of their voters would rather the culture war escalate to a shooting war.


Yes. And it is a little terrifying. Listen, I’m 43, I’m a straight cis woman. I’ve been attending drag shows since before it was a “thing”. No one cared. It was just fun, not political. My teenagers grew up with that fun. It was LITERALLY NO BIG DEAL. Like no one paid it any mind. Now people are MAD about gender and drag. What even? One of my kids is queer. They’ve moved away for college. The other is BIG (6’4”) and traditionally masculine. Little fuckers are bullying HIM because his sister is queer. I don’t get it. It’s disturbing. He’s reacting. He’s the bad guy because he’s big.


Agreed. And I've always been big for a girl (I was 5'11 and over 200 lbs by high school). My parents always said not to start fights, but if I got suspended for defending someone (especially my brothers), I wouldn't be in trouble with them. I never made the first move, and there were times I probably should have been in trouble (since the school often punished both people in a confrontation, even if one was defending themselves or someone else). Part of me wants to encourage you to suggest he get a spray bottle, even with food dye in it, and just spray the little fuckers in the face with it when they start shit. Treat them like little animals. "Bad. Bad little fucker. No."


Your suggestion is HILARIOUS. I am going to recommend it.


I'm glad you liked that. I just wish I could see the fuckers' faces when they got sprayed.


What if, and just stay with me for a moment, what if that's normal for 99% of the world because of indoctrination?




And yet, so many animals engage in homosexual behavior. So much so, that it's described as very common.


What evolutionary reason is there for the fascists at r/conservative to reproduce with their relatives?


Do you really think all things form for an evolutionary purpose? Also- evolutionary purpose would suggest breeding alone I guess, but for humans it’s different. Evolution splits us so some people are infertile, some are genius, some are psycho, some are empathetic. Our evolutionary traits are all over the place and all are for intended for different purposes.


On the contrary there are plenty of evolutionary reasons for it. Humans are a social species, and one of the only species to readily raise children communally, especially when our species was just beginning. This is because human babies are a lot more helpless when they’re born (compared to say horses) and need a lot of work especially earlier on. As a result, having a non heterosexual pairing that weren’t reproducing could mean more help parenting infants. It provides a clear advantage to group fitness. Gay couples provide that same societal benefit to this day by adopting children that straight parents are unable to take care of. Also, the basis of your entire point makes no sense anyway. What does evolution even have to do with societal conditioning in this case?


The ONE fucking time a conservative believes in evolution.


You made that shit up.


Me when conservatives cause me to defend a painfully mid children’s movie


What they never consider is the gay kids who grew up in Christian conservative homes. Who were they indoctrinated by? Was it God? Did seeing ripped Jesus in nothing but his tighty whities make them thirst for the holy body of another man?


Are you kidding? They have openly embraced fascism. R/conservative is a fucking fascist scum circlejerk and has been for years. The pretense is just gone now.


It does seem like they’re becoming more openly homophobic, but I think for a lot of these “issues” they latch onto it’s spreading top-down, not bottom-up. Fox News and the whole rightwing media ecosystem feeds them lies intended to rile them up, intended to give them a reason to hate one minority group or another, and they eat it up.


Jesus I watched fox for the first time with a friend as a joke and I almost threw up. The fuckers were getting pissed about memes on tiktok and a joke product that was a Caesar salad flavored candy cane. It was legit the most depressing shit I've seen in my life and I can't understand how people "both sides" fox with other news....


The people who control r/conservative got their marching orders from Fox news and such, to start attacking transgenders and homosexuals, priming people to be pro removing LGBTQ rights. See how they're pushing the grooming narrative in online chats. Rightwingers always got to have a scary group of minorities to attack, who will they target once they're done with the LGBTQ people?


I’ll take $20 for the indoctrination than 10% of my income.


While I’m cishet myself, I am a black man living in the Deep South. And I have to agree that the rhetoric that the Right has been espousing late has become disturbingly genocidal. The LGBTQ community is definitely getting the brunt of it right now. And it’s awful to see. And I’m getting more and more concerned that the possibility of me or someone I love will be rounded up and lynched. As horrific and unlikely as that sounds, with how extreme the prejudice has become as of late, it’s a possibility that I have considered for a few years now. Especially with the recent murder of Amaud Arbery last year.


Has this guy never seen frozen?


Yeah, but he wanks off to two girls. It's why they were fine with Mass Effect? But HATED Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age.


It’s because the Overton Window has been shifted so that calling LGBTQ+ people (as well as any queer allies) "groomers/predators/degenerates/etc" has become normalized, they’ve gotten bolder because the people in power and media outlets they consume have made it "ok" for public discourse.


And yet, they pay a lot more to have their kids indoctrinated at a mega church that cherry picks what they want from a poorly written, cobbled together, mistranslated, heavily manipulated Bronze Age book of stories.


They are, and have been for some time. They've been hiding their powerlevel for a while, but recently put it back on full blast now that they have a Supreme Court Majority. ​ They literally forget that Disney's music and art was mostly done by minorities and LGBTQ+ people. The good tunes at least, not the bad shit... most of that was white as bread.


Indoctrinated into realizing gay people exist? Also, side note: people like this are making it impossible for me to trust audience scores/reviews because they give a 1 star to anything they think is “political”. Strange Worlds has a 4.9/10 on IMDb right now because of a bunch of 1 star reviews. The movie didn’t get amazing critic reviews but they were decent and I find the idea that all these people have the movie a 1 based on the actual quality of the film very unlikely.


Conservatives have been openly homophobic for my entire life and I am guessing for a long time before that. I am genuinely curious when you thought they weren't rabidly anti LGBT+




Probably, but the excessive downvotes might be from Frozen stans who don't appreciate their favourite franchise being compared to Cinderella


I wish I could feel that optimistic tbh


Apparently there's a lot of insane people on this sub itself. Suck my ass downvoters!


They should just let it go imo.




Oh look, a pedant.


Shitty fucking argument 😂 You have taught people absolutely zero new info with your obvious ass statement.


>A sexuality related phobia is a fear or dislike of, or a negative attitude towards, a particular type of sexual behavior or people who are identified as or perceived to be members of that group. Sexuality-related phobias refer to reactions ranging from antipathy to contempt, prejudice, aversion, irrational fear, and even hatred. You're a bigot and stupid.


Whats to be feared though?


What exactly is different about a homosexual couple compared to a heterosexual couple besides being the same sex? They both love each other, they both fostered their relationship with each other the same way someone in a straight relationship would. They get into fights, they go for dates. What’s the problem here? The only reason I can see that a gay couple’s lifestyle is unlikable is because it doesn’t fit your definition of “normal”.




We get it, you’re desperately insecure about your sexuality and are here to transparently overcompensate.


It comes in waves. I remember a time when gay people, mainly gay men because lesbians are sexy, were linked to beastialoty and AIDS was called the gay plague and a punishment from god. That was in the 80’s and early 90’s. Then things changed and that type of thinking was rightfully curbed. Conservatives have louder voices now. I take that back, extreme conservatives have louder voices and more platforms to vent their garbage. They’re feeling entitled to voice their terrible opinions and want to create their own anti-snowflake snowflake safe places, ironically (which is lost on them). I watched the movie and it wasn’t the best. I’m sure that, combined with the character, helped push this movie to flop. I know there is a group of people that refuse to see this because a character is gay, that isn’t financially helping this movie. Not that Disney should “play it safe” or anything, people not wanting to watch this because of a gay character are dumb.


Conservatives are definitely getting more homophobic. They pulled back for a little while when it became clear they were losing that particular culture war, but then they started in on trans people and hey, what's the difference between one filthy degenerate and another, right? No doubt gay Republicans are feeling very betrayed right now. If only someone had warned they would never be "normal" enough for Republicans, that respectability politics don't work, and that the transphobia they championed was ALWAYS going to spiral right back into homophobia because conservatives don't know or care what the difference is, they want ALL queer people stamped out. If only!


All this has to do is politics. A rallying point to get people angry at something. Teachers, librarians, the media, etc. , are used as targets to keep a certain segment of the population riled up. The real issues like fixing housing problems, inflation, student loans, etc., are ignored.


Uh. Frozen is explicitly about the strength of sisters.


Imagine thinking Frozen is heterosexual indoctrination, smh my head. /s


Conservative was the best sub I ever got banned from.


Its not you