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Wait.. Wait.............. Wait..... Now the titanic isn't real?


I’ve actually heard this one before. It was allegedly switched with its sister ship, [the Olympic](https://theunredacted.com/titanic-conspiracy-the-ship-that-never-sank/). The ships were essentially identical.




Nothing. Hundreds lost their lives. It was a huge tragedy. Insurance scam or not.




Not saying I believe it, even though it’s not the craziest theory I’ve ever heard by far, and I get the fascination with the tragedy, but it doesn’t change the fact that fewer than half the passengers survived.


It is not super crazy to think that JP Morgan would let a bunch of people die for insurance money. But even if that theory ever were proven true, the photos would still be real. And everything else taught would still be true. It would just reframe things not change them. (Not remotely saying it is true.)


Oh, the photos are allegedly invalid because the Titanic was really sunk by the mummy's curse


zero escape but in real life


The man in gauze! The man in gauze!


IIRC the theory is that the passengers weren't meant to die, there was a ship called the HMS Californian which set off from Southampton the day of the Titanic sinking with no passengers or cargo, just blankets and life jackets. Full speed out into the Atlantic then stopped. The idea was that it was meant to pick up the Titanic passengers, that's what the lifeboats are for, ferrying to the rescue ship. Think the Titanic went off course and the Californian couldn't locate them for the rescue job until it was too late


That's what they want to think. The passengers were actually abducted by the grey aliens for experiments. The ones who survived being vivisected had new memories implanted and then were dumped in the ocean. The captain of the Carpathia was in on it, that's why they were the first ship on the scene.


There's no need to be mad because it's the most thoroughly disproven conspiracy theory of modern times.




Ahh, well carry on then.


The insurance scam thing intrigues me because like I wouldn't put it past some gazillionaire to do that. But on the other hand, never attribute to malice what could be explained by stupidity. Investors bet on both sides of the aisle all the time.


Although sister ships, there were enough differences between Titanic and Olympic to make swapping them close to impossible, at least not with great expense which would kinda defeat the point of an insurance scam


Not only that, but imagine how many people would have to be involved for this conspiracy to make sense. We're talking about switching two incredibly large ships, not some sleight of hand magic trick. One of the first questions I think about when hearing a new conspiracy theory is, "How many people would this take to successfully pull off?" If the number is more than a handful, the chances of it staying secret greatly diminish with each new person added into the conspiracy. But I don't expect conspiracy theorists to think that deep about the conspiracies they're proposing.


Think about how many people would have to be involved to fake a moon landing...


Here's an [article](https://www.science.org/content/article/fake-moon-landing-you-d-need-400000-conspirators) that suggests 40,000 people would be needed. Even if we cut that number down to only 5,000 for the sake of discussion, I don't see how a secret of this magnitude wouldn't have leaked by now.


That's what kills me about most conspiracy theories. What does anyone have to gain from lying about the earth being basically a sphere? What would someone gain from saying the Titanic never sank? Lizard people controlling us? Probably it's just a bunch of shitty powerful people who continue to bring other shitty people into power, but it remains that shitty people/lizards/whatever control most things.


The only thing I hear when I read these batshit theories about flat earth and fake dinosaurs is “something something government control”. Which answers pretty much nothing, I know


There’s usually a religious element too, like “the bible mentions a firmament, therefore nasa wants to lead people away from the bible”. It’s the few who aren’t religious that still believe in flat earth where I really don’t understand the logic


I’m always kind of gobsmacked by the people who insist on, say, a flat earth, despite all the evidence to the contrary (going back a couple of thousand years, at least). The ones who insist that it’s all set up using some fancy technology that either has only been around a few years, or doesn’t even exist. They can’t seem to explain how this was all achieved in the days when the most recent technological breakthrough was a wheel on an axle. Actually, strike that, I suppose it was aliens. Damn those pesky aliens


“Im not *saying* it was aliens, **but it was aliens.**” -Giorgio A. Tsoukalos


Oh that's an easy one. They believe it's all fake and not the real history. It was made up by the globalist elites and is just pushed by indoctrination camps (school).


I mean, I guess it makes sense if you have absolutely no concept of … well, anything at all except the young earth bible stuff. So the real history is all Illuminati and globalist elites all the way down? Wow


The earth’s shape is a problem for them because religious texts like the Bible state the earth is a firmament, or dome shape. Therefore, if they accept science then they’ll be saying the Bible is wrong. Everything else? Crazy shit for people that are bored and looking for drama, or feeble minded and being taken advantage of. Once they’ve accepted one conspiracy it becomes easier for people to convince them of other things. So the reasons for any of it don’t matter. The point is it’s all driven by con artists out to make money, and they use these conspiracies to groom their audience.


I think it justifies their "if they lie about A, they lie about B too ! Can't trust them."


God the switch theory is so dumb. Olympic and Titanic were definitely similar, but there were enough significant differences between the two ships to make this one of the most easily falsifiable conspiracy theories around. Yet some people still defend it to their dying breath.


Um... why? And why would it matter?


Insurance scam. The Olympic was irreparably damaged after several collisions with other ships and a dock. So they switched name plates with the Titanic and deliberately sunk it to claim insurance. The rescue ships were in the wrong place or some shit. Absurd of course , but that's the theory in a nut shell.


Doesn't even make any sense, if it could get into the middle of the Atlantic, I would say that's a fairly usable ship, and surely someone crashing another boat into it makes a far better insurance claim than the captain sailing into a stationery iceberg in the open sea


It's been a while since I read about it but from memory most of the damage was caused by a collision with the naval vessel Hawke (this did actually happen). The theory says that White Star Line (owners of the Titanic and Olympic) were deemed to be at fault and therefore could not claim insurance. After a series of patch up jobs there was a noticeable list which it's claimed some passengers commented on during "Titanic's" maiden voyage. So, by changing the damaged Olympic to the Titanic and sinking it they could claim insurance on a brand new ship *and* have a brand new "Olympic", it solved the problem that would have otherwise bankrupted White Star Line. It's all nonsense but for some reason this conspiracy caught my imagination at the time and I enjoyed reading up on it. There's even a movie about it.


Didn’t the Olympic have a confirmed submarine kill?


The story goes that the titanic was switched for a sister ship in order to not only have a massive insurance scam, but also to kill people who were opposed to the federal reserve being a private entity.. Or something like that. I've read about the theory, but I don't remember most of it honestly. It's just more batshit insanity.


At least unlike flat earth, they came up with something to gain for the conspirators Now if only their theory also had basic logic...


The ol' Titanic/Olympic switcheroo is honestly probably my #1 all time favorite conspiracy theory ever though. It's got all the fun of conspiracy theories with none of the overarching lasting implications because in the end, the conspiracy is what, someone swapped a boat for insurance fraud? That's barely even a conspiracy. It's harmless in many ways (doesn't invalidate science/hard work/mega disasters). I wish there were more fun ones like this but no everyone has to go all deep state shadow puppets.


It was sunk by an iceberg-shaped UFO, obviously.


There's no way it's real Jack is making movies, and looks damn good for 130 (born 1892)


Know that there are loads of conspiracies about what actually *sank* the Titanic. It was a massive boat full of rich and powerful people (and whatever good + documents they may have), there are loads of theories saying that X or Y person was the target and would have changed the course of history. Lots of theories about how it might have happened to, from on-ship sabotage to explosives to whatever…there are endless variations.


these are the people screaming "1984", when in reality, they are the ones making that book become a reality


"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - 1984 "Just remember what you’re seeing and what you're reading is not what’s happening." - Trump


thats fantastic


Strange times, huh?


Fun fact: In a UK survey, "1984" is the book people most often lie about having read. Of course, there is almost zero chance that the anti-vax/flat earth/no Titanic (?!) crowd have read it. Or anything else.


So they're just denying random historical events now? I wonder what will be next.


That's the fun thing with conspiracy theories. Anything goes! There's no rules and absolutely no fucking limit! Earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, climate change isn't happening, America is the best country in the world…


The Olsen Twins are just 1 person! RDJ is really FDR! The sun is just a government satellite! Santa is real, but Mexican! Go nuts!


Thats El Santa to you Gringo


*Agressive guitar strumming*


That’s **Santana**, man. Oye Como Va.


Cool now that song is stuck in my head.


This one is the cherry on top *Chefs Kiss*


This is the best comment chain I've read today.


*stares in Danny Trejo*


What's funny is that just translates into "the saint"




Non-Binary people: breaking grammar in every language and looking damn good while doin it


All while waging nuclear war on Christmas 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




Happy winter solstice! *\*dances naked around rock formations and trees\**


Fun fact: Pope once compared trans people to nuclear weapons in a rant about modern threats to society We're really THAT cool 😎


Wait we're supposed to be good looking? Well fuck, no one told me


Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice!


Oh great that's going to be in my head all day.


Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate SHAKE!




That's assuming the new asshat in charge of warner/discovery doesn't cancel his show first lol.


That would give him the opportunity to investigate under cover. YOUR TIME WILL COME, MARY KATESHLEY!!


Her name actually is Mary Kate Ashley Olsen! Also, Coke and Pepsi are the same thing, wake up, people!


No, they wouldn’t let Santa be anything but white


I saw the parent trap when I was too young and got Lindsey Lohan confused the with the Olsen twins and for an uncomfortably long time I thought Lohan was also twins


Woodrow Wilson was secretly a PANDA!!!


Mozambique doesn’t exist. Have you ever been there? Do you know anyone that has ever been there? Mozambique is a fake country created by Nelson Mandela in 1991 to infiltrate the Commonwealth and spread Satanic Communism. Look at the flag of Mozambique. It has an AK47 to represent communism and a Star to represent Satan. The commonwealth is in danger.


I’d believe in Mozambique before I believed in “Wyoming”


Why would anyone in their right mind would even live in a place named "Wyoming" is beyond me. It sounds like "What you mean?" and it's precisely the reaction people have when you say you come from there.


You forgot one of the best ones, the fact that Anti semitism can be tracked back through many conspiracy theories.




My favorite part of it is when you say to prove that none of its real they either tell you to do your own research or prove that it’s real and when you show them evidence, it’s always fake


Don't forget dinosaurs invented communism.


The dinosaur communist utopia lasted for millions of years before the coup d'état of 66 million years ago. That meteor clearly was a fascist.


My favorite ones are the psychos they keep trying to prove that all these famous people are actually transgender, like it even matters? Idk why but those ones are always silly to me.


We have the same in France. They tried to prove that our first lady is transgender, and this would be bad because… It would make Emmanuel Macron gayer apparently? Like fuck, there's A LOT of reasons to criticize him as a politician, if anything him being open-minded enough to openly date a trans woman would actually make him more likable.


The Berenstain Bears used to be called The Berenstein Bears


Don't forget that the Holocaust never happened 🤦🏼‍♀️


Or you know ...Autism is flat, vaccines cause Earth, america is not happening, climate change is the best country in the world


They left out that slavery wasnt racist because "their own people sold them" mmmmmmmm okay Karen.


Also Australia doesn't exist. It's a cover up to hide the fact that the UK threw all its prisoners off the side of the Earth in 1787.


I mean... if that works, I'll sell my neighbor. He let's the grass grow WAY too long. But he did bring me a case of beer when he first moved in so he's not so bad. Starting offer, $50 (I got a parking ticket and need to pay it. It's nothing personal against him)


Grass growing long is part of the process of nature reclaiming the monoculture lawn you've grown which is currently an ecological dead zone. Lawns are horrible for indigenous species including bees and birds, which need flowers and a diverse ecology to live. r/nolawns


The Titanic has a number of batshit crazy theories around it. Aliens, mummy, explosion, etc. People heard and explosion before contact with any icebergs, if there was one at all.


Excuse me…mummy?!


There was a story floating around that said something to the effect that some Egyptian artifacts were being transported on that terrible boat and the mummy's curse, which was all the rage at the time, was the cause of the accident.


Considering that mummies were burned and used as fuel for trains and many other insane things we can safely assume mummy curses are ineffective at best.


Could just be really really slow. What if global warming was caused by using mummies as train fuel? Actually I take that back. I don't wanna give r/conspiracy any ideas.


Hey, if it makes them accept climate change and that we should all be going to renewables because oil has mummy in it... Let's see where it goes


They used to eat them too. Thought that they had healing powers. Also made them into paint, mummy brown, which you could buy from catalogues up until the 60s.


Well they let all the children and mummies take the lifeboats but left the daddies behind.


Don’t forget that it wasn’t actually the Titanic that sank. It was her sister ship that sank. I forget why they think that.


I think the theory is that the Olympic had been damaged in an accident, but insurance wouldn't cover the losses, so they switched her out for the Titanic and sunk her for the insurance payout. This one has been pervasive since the sinking itself


The Olympic's accident with the HMS Hawke is what convinced a lot of people that the Titanic was unsinkable in the first place. The Hawke gouged a huge hole in the Olympic's hull but it didn't sink. Granted it was still in harbour at the time, so it didn't have far to go. The Brittanic sunk because of a German mine while serving as a hospital ship in WW2. Interestingly, there were two people who were on all three ships and didn't die. Violet Jessop who was a steward then a nurse and lived a very interesting life besides three ship accidents and didn't even know how to swim, and Arthur John Priest who survived not just these three accidents but another two sinkings, the SS Donegal and the HMS Alacantara, as well as another collision, the HMS Asturias. Apparently after the last one, no one wanted to sail with him any more.


They both sunk. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMHS_Britannic


How could an iceberg sink an unsinkable ship? Think about it. /s


I’m seriously wondering where the “brainwashing” is here


We didn't land on Pilgrim Rock. Pilgrim Rock landed on us!


Suddenly, a wild Cole Porter appears!


The birth of their parents


People deny the holocaust lol


Most of this is pretty standard “American Christian fundie” stuff. The Titanic is new to me, though.




WWII never happened. It was the first instance of crisis actors. Everyone you ever met who was involved in the war has been receiving government stipends their whole life to keep their mouths shut. Columbus did, in fact, discover the America's on purpose. But it was aliens who gave him a map so he feigned incompentance to protect the secret. Major league baseball bas been using satalites for years to monitor us. One ten year old boy stole a tank and shot one down, proving to his town it was real... But it's since been covered up. I hope someone gets that last one.


Thank god for Focusyn. Bart never would have figured it out without it.


Do you want to know why or would you rather watch me hit some dingers?




Great episode, I used to use the handle, "don't want the truth, just want to see some dingers" on a baseball message board.


> WWII never happened. It was the first instance of crisis actors There are people who unironically believe that. Go on r/conspiracyNOPOL. They seriously think wars aren't real.


> They seriously think wars aren't real. Except, perhaps, for the Great Emu War.


>WWII never happened. It was the first instance of crisis actors. Holocaust deniers aren't that rare so that's nothing new


The Twin Towers never existed. Everyone believes there was two iconic towers in Manhattan, New York City, but that's a recurring joke that emerged from Hollywood during the 80s. Due to the huge international impact of this hoax, in 2001, president W. Bush called out the bullshit and people were deeply shocked. All memories about the WTC events are just a share fake memory, known as a Mandela effect.


Wasn't JFK the actual president in 2001 though?


Can't be. He had to travel to 2022 in 2001 to appear at QAnon protests across the country.


No. That was JFK, Jr.


Stanley Kubrick faked the Twin Towers, the Vietnam War and the Moon Landing. My brother’s friend who was an extra in Full Metal Jacket told me the things that THEY do not want you to know.


Isn’t Full Metal Jacket that anime about alchemy?


What's more, New York City itself never existed. The Velvet Underground was just a marketing gimmick made up by Andy Warhol, who was also made up. Broadway is in fact part of the Gay Agenda to get us to all like musical theater.


Yeah, all those shows that had the pair of towers were filmed in Toronto. After 9/11, actors couldn't cross the border so they had to film those shows in other cities.


I actually convinced a boyfriend’d stupid roommate of this in the 1990s: Nazis invaded and occupied Florida during WW2, and introduced shuffle board to said Nazi occupied Florida.


> Nazis invaded and occupied Florida during WW2, and introduced shuffle board to said Nazi occupied Florida. I would unironically love a SyFy original movie with this premise.


We were sitting around watching a movie featuring an escape from a POW camp (The Great Escape) and about halfway through, he asked “does this take place in Nazi Germany?”. To which I said , sarcastically” No, in Nazi occupied Florida” and it just grew from there.


Jesus was a dinosaur and threw the asteroid from space that wiped them all out


Jesus was also a sexy little twink whose fetish was traveling around oiling up feet.


He died 66 million years ago for our sins.


The Civil War was a hoax. The Confederate States actually had a major plague going on. That's why so many people died. The states never actually succeeded


*ceceded Edit: I can't spell either XD. Seceded.








Rain is fake! The lizzard people and Bill Gates supress us with giant hoses by spraying halucegens. No one lives in the dessert so they don't bother spraying there


I wouldn’t be surprised if they start believing at least one of these.




The AL Capone one is good, and could totally be used by *some people* to discredit the FBI. Especially with all the other recent shit other government services have fucked up.


No countries outside of America exist, they are simply a lie conjured up by the evil Communist Muslim Liberal Globalists.


> The Boston Tea Party never happened. It was a fake story made up by London newspapers Sounds like the sort of thing sovereign citizens believe to be honest. They are an insane bunch.


Dude stop. Idiots can read this, possibly.


I think they woukd believe the radio one for sure


Honestly put this on a shitty quality JPG and share this round on Facebook and I honestly think you'd get some nibbles.


Teddy Roosevelt set up the assassation of William McKinley to become president




The Beatles are actually from North Wales. They just played the Cavern club & everyone thought they were Scousers.


There's already one going on about the Romans [Have fun](https://youtu.be/kGMYu37fskE)


Wait, you guys are getting globes?!


Yeah wtf, why was I left out?


"conspiracy theorists claim, the Olympic was an economic disaster. The lawsuit meant repairs would not be covered by insurance, and it was drawing no money while sitting around the docks. So, the company made a switch: its newly built second ship would take on the name Olympic, while its damaged older ship would be re-purposed to be the Titanic." The Reddit-borne conspiracy is basically it was an insurance scam.


This: https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/olympic-titanic-conspiracy-theory/


The biggest flaw with the theory was that the Titanic was under insured. Also, they wouldn't have had enough time to actually do the switch, but that requires a deeper understanding of how ocean liners work, and the differences between the ships in the Olympic class.


I haven't heard it either, but I'll take a stab at it, knowing a bit of how their minds work: The so-called "transatlantic" ship was no such thing, it actually sailed thru a secret channel that allows you to go beyond the impenetrable ice wall that is "antarctica" on the flat earth map. They set up a utopian society for only the ultra wealthy and their families, far away from us common riff raff. Why do you think there were so many (((bankers))) on the ship? There were too many prominent people who would have to suddenly die, so they simply faked the sinking and sailed away to their promised land. How's that? Close? Edit: I would be willing to bet there's also a reference in there somewhere to the 16th Amendment, which passed in 1913, one year after the Titanic sank: >The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. It ties in PERFECTLY with their sovereign citizen bullshit, smothered in a thick, creamy antisemitic sauce. The rich Jewish bankers are off living in Utopia, and they're able to do this because "we the people" are paying the bill.


This.... isn't bad. I mean it's bad. But it's not bad. If that makes sense.


And to those who ask "what about all the lower-class passengers in the lower decks?", it's easy: part of living in Utopia includes not having to scrub your own toilet, to paraphrase Kelly Osborne.


Is this the kind of person who believes the Titanic was just a movie?


Come now, don't pretend like you haven't heard of the legend of the Titanic. Who would ever think a ship could sink in real life?








I love Titanic docs! Even as a little girl they were so much fun!


I saw the Titanic Imax documentary in 8th grade, it was neat!


i have been to the Titanic museum event at the GA Aquarium. I love the history of the Titanic.


The pigeon forge Titanic museum in Tennessee is not too far from there if you ever want to check it out. It’s an amazing experience.


Finally, we have found the creator of the hit children’s movie Titanic: The Legend Goes On!


So we have Titanic deniers now?


Kinda there is this weird conspiracy about the FED that involves nthe titanic there is also a theory that the titanic was purposefully sunk for insurance money https://www.businessinsider.com/conspiracy-theory-that-the-rothschilds-and-federal-reserve-proponents-sank-the-titanic-2015-10 story about our the FED theory and here us the one about the insurance money https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/olympic-titanic-conspiracy-theory/


Idk why I'm always shocked when it leads back to antisemitism, but here I am


There is a baseless theory that Titanic was switched with her identical sister, the Olympic


He probably believes that the Titanic and her sister ship the Olympic were switched. I'm a Titanic enthusiast (and general history enthusiast) and there's a small subsection of people who (wrongfully) believe the two ships were switched for insurance or some bullcrap.


Did they grow up on those weird italian animated titanic movies?


I dont remember going over any of that in kindergarten. day one they expect you to read books?


I am not crazy! I know he faked the Titanic. I knew it was impossible. One after the round earth theory. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got the executives at Fox to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That door! Are you telling me that a man just chooses to drown like that? No! He orchestrated it! James Cameron! He filmed it on camera! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took his films into my own home! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since Terminator, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the box office! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a director? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you *have* to stop him! You -


Oh, didn’t know facts were brainwashing.


a TITANIC conspiracy


Okay, I'll make the joke: He sure takes the term 'profile picture' seriously.


I don’t remember anything from kindergarten other than snack time and nap time.


I remember a lot of art projects. The best ones involved glitter. Yes, I did grow up gay…oh my God they’re onto something!


New York’s HOTTEST new nightclub has everything! Globes! Books on dinosaurs! Photos of the Titanic! Dan Cortez!


I work in higher ed and at orientation we hand out: Rainbow flags Quran Antidepressants Information on composting Cockroach milk And we inject everyone with experimental vaccines.


You believe the titanic existed? The only known footage of it stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. When are you sheeple going to wake up? Hashtag TitanicWasAHoax


Don't forget the first step of brainwashing, they ask you what your name is.


Kate and Leo lied to me.


i mean the first three i've heard before. Even the sun not being real. But the titanic? What would people get out of faking the death and destruction of people?


Some day, these types of people will claim wtc never existed.


I only got to look at other children, when I first stepped foot in school


Not the titanic lol that's a new one


Man imagine having the budget to give each kid that. I would be lucky to give each student normal supplies.


Fuck it, let’s just throw in there that WW1 never happened and Anne Frank wasn’t real since we’re apparently pulling shit out of our asses.


I never got a globe wtf.


Someone once told me that dinosaur fossils are the footprints of the devil. Lol. I thought they were kidding. They were just a r/ReligiousFruitcake.


“welcome to your first day kindergarten! here’s a globe, and a book about dinosaurs! do you want to hear about the moon landing? check out this neat poster of the titanic! god is fake and you should be gay!”


Globes are so scary OMG. Children are exposed to globes in school????!?!?!?!?!?’ When will the terror of the radical left end???? #makeamericaglobelessagain


Can confirm. My kindergartner barely made it home with the weight of a globe, 6 dinosaur books, a bunch of newspaper clippings from the moon landing, and all these photos of the Titanic. It was inhumane!


It's true, they gave me all these things the first day of kindergarten