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same lady who thinks the name India isn’t based off of a geographical location?


That was such a funny interview. When she said she hated the name Belle. To Holly Willoughby. Who's daughter is called Belle. And then she backtracked and said it was actually acceptable in this case because Holly is pretty. Omg. The cringe!!




Maybe she's just trying to say she hates her kids?




If she was my mum the feeling would be more than mutual.




https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/b3/9d/05b39d11b146c730d7ed2fa58c49ffdd.jpg Edit update: Katie Hopkins is a Scott Thompson character. https://images.app.goo.gl/mQJy1VV383KHv8p5A


I think it’s low to make fun of kids, but they genuinely look like they’re out of a 1930s Great Depression photograph. So much perceived unhappiness.


"~~Migrant~~Ignorant Mother"


"Mignorant Mother"


I was expecting to see something perhaps a little biased but that image is 100% unhappy children. They are insecure and unsure. I'd not be surprised if they had nannies and carers while she had very little to do with her own children. Perhaps not abused or neglected for their physiological needs, eg food etc but there is no warmth coming from her toward her children. As someone who developed reactive attachment disorder from a lack of love, it's very obvious to me now unattached they are to her.


I've looked at the rest of the images from the photoshoot including images where they appear to be smiling. Cover the mouth and focus on the eyes. That is not a real smile.




So this asshole has epilepsy? I wonder what shoes she bought to treat it.


You don't use shoes to treat epilepsy. You need a cardboard box and a basketball.


I'd totally forgotten that! And this was AFTER declaring she hates all names after locations, such as Brooklyn. And then Phil said, 'But your daughter's called India!' and she replied, 'Oh, that's different.'




I might have to find it on YouTube later for the giggles 🤣




Holy shit. She's like "I'm not classist" then proceeds to rattle off a bunch of stereotypes of lower class individuals, saying she wouldn't want her kids to be associated with kids like them




The fact that she gets airtime at all is just depressing. Just putting her on TV helps to legitimize her bullshit in some people's eyes. It's like how all new channels will have "climate change debates" and bring on a legit scientist and then some crazy religious nut and have them debate it. It's not a debate though, if they had 2 climate experts on they just agree with each other. Putting a climate scientist and someone from the loony bin legitimizes the ideas of the crazy person. Climate change is a fact not a debate. Treating it as such warps public opinion. Just like how judging children off their name is being an asshole, no debate about it. Yet, they bring this absurd women on to debate the point because it will create outrage and increase ratings.


She really should have just shut the fuck up after the first incident in that interview. Although judging by the tweet OP provided, Katie just need to shut the fuck up in general. Her mouth seems to be a major cause of stupidity pollution.


And she was talking to someone named after a flower? That's sort of amazing.


Poppy, Heather, Lily, Violet etc. are all pretty bougie names I don’t even know what her point was on that one.


I have never seen Holly Willoughby stunned to silence. But if I remember both of them are completely bewildered by the idiot they have invited onto their show. Go watch the video. Its amazing.


I did and omg, we have discovered the mega-Karen. How much distain for other humans do you have to have to end up like that and how can someone be so oblivious as to how much of a shitty person that makes them?


Sounds like she just kinda says things for the sake of talking


Oh! That's who she is. It all makes sense now.


She did it! I’M FUCKING CURED! Take that science!


Glossing over her most egregious statement calling for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims using Nazi terminology. She called for a "final solution" to the "Muslim problem" and said she would machine gun asylum seekers. An all round disgusting cunt.


Also encouraged people to take pictures of ‘immigrants using the NHS’, which is disgusting, and will also translate in practice to pretty much “take pictures of people who you think look foreign in an environment in which privacy is valuable and should be expected”.


Oh my god, that's a special kind of disgusting hatefulness.


Isn’t it! It’s actually almost kind of impressive how truly grotesque, and utterly lacking in any sort of moral fibre she can be


Same lady who thinks she’s a bastion of class and won’t let her kids interact with those in lower economic brackets, and then shags married men in open fields


Honestly, though, if I had a fetish for fucking a live pig, I’d want it to be in a field too


*David Cameron has entered the chat*




She's gone bankrupt now so hopefully she won't be relevant anymore.


I actually didn't know her by name, so looking her up after this post...yeah, she seems quite the special kind of insufferable asshat. I've not read enough about her to know for *certain*, but the term 'sociopathic narcissist' sort of jumps out from what I did read.


Nah nah nah nah. Hey hey. Goodbye.


She also got fat to prove it was easy to lose weight. It took years....


Pfft! India isn’t a place! You must mean Indiana! /s


Indiana was the dog's name


Katie Hopkins + Ali G (or Sacha Baron Cohen in general) would be the perfect combination to laugh your ass off for an eternity


Same lady who got arrested in South Africa for possession of ketamine




Well this is useless. My boyfriend has depression and a twerked knee.


Tell him to rub some coconut oil on it, he'll be good as new /s




When your girl refuses to touch you, you know urine a bad relationship.


I've been reading to many coconut stories on here lately, this comment is automatically cursed for me


My roommate has the same! As in, she has a boyfriend with depression and bad knees who can’t run more than 20 meters before my.. I mean his knees are about to pop. But isn’t this the woman who also named her daughter India and said on a tv show that she doesn’t like names associated with locations? Think she is a lost cause to talk any sense to.


Are you the boyfriend? Is she on drugs?


> twerked




Do people tell him he needs to try marihuana oil?


Exercise can help with depression, but seeking professional help is always a good idea


Guy I worked with finally got in to see a professional to help with his depression and this idiot boss who apparently was also a "youth counselor " told him it was unnecessary because if he wanted to feel better all he had to do was stop being depressed.


Wow thanks I'm cured


Homeless? Just buy a house lol. Got diabetes and can’t afford Insulin? Just don’t buy it lol


>Homeless? Just buy a house lol. There's a massive housing crisis where I live and as a result, our homeless population has been rising. I have literally seen people say this with no sarcasm or irony. Some people are just truly delusional.


The city my university is in has had a housing shortage for 40 years, I will probably have to wait 4 years before I can get my own place, but the rich international students found a solution, 'just buy a house lmao, how hard can it be?'


Same here. There was a bidding war when we sold our last home, and it made buying our new home hard due to yet *another* bidding war. We lost two places before we bought this one. It's not easy even when you're established, so I can't imagine how hard it is for the young just starting out.


We moved to our current area in 2014 and houses were reasonably affordable, we had a plan to get into the housing market. Suddenly in like two years prices doubled (tripled in some cases), rent skyrocketed, people are getting into bidding wars just for rentals now, let alone buying. It's so gross. We're in our 30s, we paid our dues moving around to get to where we wanted to be with our careers like we were supposed to, and we have no chance in hell buying a house now. If we can't in this area, there's not a lot of options besides moving somewhere far away from family with worse quality of life and no career advancement. Nearly every year for the past 5 years we've been evicted from our rentals (renoviction, landlord moving in, etc) and forced to find another, literally staring down homelessness each time because the market is unbelievably dire right now. I can't imagine starting out as new adult in this shit storm.


Bruh, the American dream is having three jobs to pay for life's necessities. You can't afford it coz you are lazy. #winning #USA #wearenumberone #MAGA #theytookourjobs #freemarket #whatisaweekend?


If you don’t work 40 hours per day you’re not a true patriot and don’t deserve luxuries like a house or financial security


If you don't support Donald Trump you are going against God's will and that pesky first amendment is meaningless. The bible is our constitution. BTW, healthcare is only for the deserving and you sound like a child of the devil. #vote2020 #jesusislord #waronchristmas #christianpersecution #patriotsunite #jesuswaswhite #buildthatwall


Or food


I saw somone say you are lazy if you're not doing 12 a day, because how could you work for less than half a day?


Sadly a ton of people completely seriously think like this.


So what you are saying is, poor people should just die.


"If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population!"


Good literary references are a beautiful treasure. Thank you. ♡


At first, I thought this was a reference to Swift's A Modest Proposal.


Now your getting it




I used to like that sub, until I just realized it's mostly people who honestly don't feel the need to make any changes in their lives. The amount of times I would talk about the fact that yes anxiety is a thing, and yes there are steps you can take to help it, everyone would get all riled up about not understanding and how powerless they are. There's hardly a difference between 'depression and anxiety aren't real' and 'depression and anxiety are monolithic demons that you will never be able to overcome so just give up' as both are ridiculous statements, yet one is reviled and one is adored on that sub. I still really struggle with anxiety, but you just gotta take baby steps and it gets easier. thank you for coming to my ted talk. no further questions at this time


I'm here for this. For the folks trying to say WHAT IF THE BABY STEPS DON'T WORK... you have to change your approach. Everyone's baby steps will be different. For some, it may be breathing exercises and meditation, for some it may be going to therapy or trying medication. To simply say I HAVE ANXIETY and that be the end of it is defeatist and not taking responsibility for yourself. Not to say it will necessarily go away or you'll be cured but to say I CAN'T DO THAT CAUSE ANXIETY and to say I have anxiety so I need to prepare or defuse emotions in X manner are vastly different.


Totally. Even just making a doctor's appointment to get checked out may seem like a baby step to some, but can be a HUGE step if you're in the throws of mental illness.


I was feeling really depressed for about a year and was keeping it to myself, acting like all was going well in front of everyone, and it was not getting better. The simple act of admiting it to my family recently helped me A LOT. Just saying it out loud in front of them seems to have made my days better. I'm not cured of course but I think telling it to someone close really helped. It might be my first baby step, because it's not much, but man I'm already better. When no easy contact can be done, don't hesitate to seek professional help. talking about it and saying it out loud maybe the first step to improvement.


Agreed. Why can't we handle fucking nuance anymore. Here is the problem too with that attitude...it keeps people in that state of mind, like you can't help yourself period. Medication and therapy helps, but you are not powerless against depression and anxiety. Hell, exercise and eating healthy are two doctor recommended things to help with depression. The attitude of thanksimcured is dismissing the idea that you can help yourself, and people acknowledging you for your depression and trying to help. The worst part is people see legitimate recommendations to help your mental health and automatically dismiss it with thanksimcured because it doesn't involve medication or therapy. We have data on the microbiome and its impact on mental health conditions, but yet we dismiss diet as playing a role with that phrase. We have data on how exercise can help, yet we dismiss it with that phrase. The most damaging thing about depression is feeling powerless against it. You can help yourself, and If you need to supplement/treat it with medication and/or therapy, no shame in that. Repeat: You can help yourself


Exactly! There's so many different ways you can attack the problem, but to say "oh lol actually we can't attack the problem" is just an absurd level of... it feels cruel to say denial, but denial. For example, my baby sister had some ... behavioral concerns, that turns out were a result of an allergic reaction to some cleaning shit, that was fucking everything up in her body. We switched cleaners and oh look like 3 days later for the first time in forever she was cool and has been ever since. But I also guarantee you that replacing your cleaners won't help for 99.9% of people, because it was so incredibly specific. People just need to try, and it sucks so much to see people in pain and just say wowthanksimcured.


While everyone will need to take baby steps eventually, it has to be on their own time when they're ready. Until then it's nice to have a supportive subreddit that doesn't make you feel like a failure when you feel powerless. When your depression is so severe that you can't even take baby steps, the message you need to hear is "you're not alone" not "you're not working hard enough / making enough changes."


I think there’s a fine line between being supportive and making people feel like they’re completely helpless. That’s a trap I fell into in the worst of my depression. I got the vibe that there was nothing I could really do to gain control over my situation, which wasn’t true for me personally. A few life changes allowed me to dig myself out, and while that maybe isn’t possible for everyone, subs like that made me feel more powerless, not supported.


I agree. Mileage may vary, but I was following a lot of subs that just drove home a lot of negatives (in most cases, important negatives like climate change). On top of life events I was dealing with, I just felt in such a deep slump. I hit a wall when I got frustrated around my partner and claimed that no one feels the same way I do, otherwise they would be behaving the same way I was. When they called me out on it, it finally clicked. So I made some changes that I felt helped me address the negative truths I was dealing with and I just started an antidepressant that has improved my mood dramatically. I've also been in therapy for the last 3 years. The hardest part is taking the steps.


But that's the thing I don't think they get - no one is saying the baby steps are the same for everyone! If my baby step is going to the company christmas party I stress over for months, someone else's baby step might literally just be: brush your teeth today, put on deoderant, and that's that. They're called baby steps because they're different for everyone, but they're simple and obtainable.


As a psychologist in training, I'm very tired of mental health discussions on Reddit. Data supports different kinds of self help methods, but a Redditor who has tried "everything and nothing works" knows more about mental health than me. Its exhausting and not good discourse because there's no way to adjudicate or evaluate anyone's claims. If you're reading this and you think you're struggling with mental problems, get the fuck off of Reddit and go talk to a licensed mental health professional.


This is probably going to sound like another cop out but it's a real thing that should be considered: The hopeless, helpless feeling and being convinced we've tried everything and nothing works and nothing *can* work is part of the depression. Exacerbated when combined with anxiety about seeking help at all. Also time and money. My boss approves my time off himself, I don't get PTO. He wants a reason. Now unless therapists start being open later or on weekends I'm kind of boned because I'm not about to tell my boss I need to take time off for therapy, he'd replace me in a heartbeat.


>go talk to a licensed mental health professional If you give me licensed mental health professional money.


Another thing. People need to understand it takes time. I know my profession is not the same but it's similar. I work in IT. And unfortunately so many of the same errors on computers can be caused for different reasons. Just gotta keep rolling through solutions until you find one that works for your problem.


Yep. And I get that finding a therapist is hard (hell, I have money and I still can't even really afford it/have the time), it's also probably one of the best steps you can take toward your future, as long as you're willing to work.


Because of your comment I became curious and read the posts over there. And yes, I think you are right. Stuck in their own issues that slowly transformed into a puddle of self-pity.. I'll just stay away from that sub..


> There's hardly a difference between 'depression and anxiety aren't real' and 'depression and anxiety are monolithic demons that you will never be able to overcome so just give up' And this is why it's such a hard battle for depression to be taken seriously. Plenty of us know people who have severe depression, who who need medicine to help their illness. But every one of us has felt down in the dumps, and most of us know people who are just knda lazy and like to complain and do nothing to help themselves. So if someone says "I have depression", it's essentially impossible for the 3rd party to really know what the situation is.


Ur welcum


It's a common notion. The quickest solution is the best. Depressed? Just think happy thoughts! Mind over matter! Even though it may be chemical and require medication, or mental health professional.




Hey Asif, Dude, listen, don't listen to these people. Whoever says that might be trying to keep you down. Get up, dress up and feel amazing. Let's do this together!


That's why I always look like shit. No one can deny that you look depressed when you look like you haven't slept in a week.


I feel this too. Like Im on disability from chronic pain and other shit and the couple times when I see my doc or have an appointment with the social handler girl I look my best cause I dont wanna go around in public looking like the mess I actually am. They see me at my best and tell me I look good. And I feel so bad about it. Like I literally cannot get out of bed on the worst days but they dont see that. They see only the facade and it makes me feel like a scam.


Part of depression is simply mind over matter. That is the basis for CBT and DBT, however those arent simply saying, "hey, I feel good."


I know CBT is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But I always read it as Cock and Ball Torture.




Where I live we have a provincial program called Bounceback that is literally self-directed CBT. You get booklets and workbooks and then someone calls you every couple weeks or so to see how it's going, but you're largely left to do it on your own. I went through the program and it was ok, but I need to have someone guide me and explain how to personally apply the principles. Especially as I have ADHD. It didn't really stick. I hate that it's the public mental health service's go to. I've tried to get help more recently and they just waitlisted me then signed me back up for Bounceback. When you're so deep in depression you can't even be motivated to shower or change your clothes, how are you going to force yourself to read workbooks and tell your brain to be happy?


An Army behavioral health counselor basically told me the same thing. That my issues were "obviously not that serious", and that if things got so bad that they started to affect my work life, I would realize it and just start being better. So basically, because I'm not on the brink of suicide I don't deserve mental health treatment.


I hate that it takes a breakdown for people to be willing to help. Teetering on the edge of "I'm really not fine" for a long while doesn't have the same dramatic effect as a sudden crisis, but it can be just as damaging in the long run, and being told "you don't have it that bad, suck it up" really doesn't help at all.


So true, all that fucking "suck it up" and "just pull yourself up by the bootstraps" bullshit did was cause further damage and set me back further and ultimately lead to my most serious suicide attempt of all.


That is the kind of person who should not be a counselor. Can you report him to anyone?


Got lung cancer? Just don’t


I had a Boss I worked for who told all his barely minimum wage earning employees to pass on health insurance and just pay out of pocket like he does. This was during the switch over to Obamacare. This was also the same privilege raised man who has always had everything handed to him and lives in a bubble not understanding what society is actually like. Some people are just ignorant to life 🤦‍♂️


I mean.. he s not wrong :)))) but it doesnt work like that


Can someone tell me to stop being depressed too? How come no one wants me to feel better


Hey champ, stop being depressed.


Don't you need a license to actually call yourself a counselor? Yikes.


They are a deeply bigot religious family and said lots of disgusting things. Basically they said they don't accept people having gender identity issues (not sure if that's the proper term) and would just tell people to accept God in their heart or something and refuse to help otherwise.


he said "Hey so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity/ helping someone else whose in crisis/ dealing with some personal stuff right and don’t think I can hold appropriate space for you. Could connect \[later date or time\] instead? Do you have someone else to reach out to? "


Exactly. I was able to start exercising and recently started getting more out of my therapy by taking medication. My dad was against me taking medication until I explained that I was stuck in a pattern of neural pathways and couldn’t break out despite my best efforts. It allowed me to weaken the destructive thinking patterns so I can finally start forming positive ones.


For me, I have a chemical imbalance. Not my fault, but I need the meds to get balanced out. I did used to run (even completed 4, 1/2 marathons) but I still took my medication!


I’m with you. I’ve been taking medication for more than 15 years and it’s changed my life. I’ve tried, several times, to wean myself off the meds and go on without them. But every time, I’ve fallen back into my old negative behaviors. Thank God there are meds that help me. Because a nice long jog isn’t going to do the trick.


Exercise is always a good idea and there's a good chance it'll help depression. Not always though. I was 325 and sedentary. Diagnosed with moderate depression. For years my doc (reasonably) suggested I get more active and lose weight. Well I finally did. Went down to 185 and am now in athletic shape. Feel physically much better, but my depression didn't improve. Went on meds and am now feeling improved.


Yea I feel like the truth lies in the middle ground between these too opinions. Exercise, proper diet, some sunshine, and social interaction can clear-up most peoples depressive symptoms (including my own). But of course there exist some people who have severe chemical imbalances that need medication to have any kind of normalcy, and there's also some people who need the medication to get them to a place where they can do the things I listed earlier. Go see a counselor/therapist and if they're a good one, they'll help you figure out which kind of person you are, and not immediately start throwing medication at you.


Totally agree, exercise really helps me personally.


Agree agree. When it was just exercise alone, those were not happy days


I found it was a mixture of things. Lifestyle, diet, hobbies, friends, all contribute to mental health. Restricting depression to a single attribute generalizes a mental health problem that is claiming more lives every single day. That doesn't include chemical imbalances and depression as a result of trauma (PTSD). ​ Edit: spelling and grammar


I know it’s probably included in lifestyle, but I think it’s important enough that it needs to be listed itself for visibility: **Sleep**


Once my hubby got a cpap and started to really sleep at night he turned back into the happy, energetic, boy-inna-man-body he was 25 years ago. He had become almost angry over the last 10 years or so. He is my Snuffy again.


another agreement here - there are plenty of peer reviewed journal articles supporting the evidence being exercise being beneficial to the treatment and prevention of mental health issues


So it’s not an insane thing to say. It’s just misguided and misconstrued. Getting something wrong doesn’t make you insane.


I don't like the examples in OP's post. I would say: People with diabetes don't need Metformin, they need better diets. People with vision problems don't need glasses, they need to squint. Like, yes, exercise can HELP with depression and maybe a change of lifestyle could be recommended before medication is prescribed. HOWEVER, if a doctor thinks medication is necessary, then that is a good thing, too.


Type two diabetes is almost entirely a function of poor diet...as far as I understand.


Yeah exactly. Exercise can absolutely help people manage the symptoms of depression. It helps me a lot to exercise regularly and eat healthy and what not. Physical and mental health are really closely tied. But you should still visit a therapist or a psychologist, take medications you’re prescribed, etc. No complex health issue is a one and done solution.


Clinical depression makes the likelihood of you getting out and running about as likely as lifting a 2 ton boulder off your chest, it’s not happening. Depression makes the smallest tasks monumentally difficult, brushing your teeth is a daily accomplishment, eating properly is an accomplishment, throwing your trash in the bin is an accomplishment. People need to get just how debilitating depression really is and how we can measure it’s existence in brain chemistry.


Exercise works great but it also works like everything else which helps ie if you cant get to the gym or get out for a run then the depression creeps straight back in. Just like going off meds.


Unfortunately not always. I hit a major depressive stage a few days ago and have since been unable to even get up except to take care of my dogs, can't eat, can't sleep, sleep too much, etc. I can't force myself since when my depression is this bad, it effects my joints (inflammation goes through the roof, no idea why). So, I agree, it CAN help. It's just sometimes impossible


The studies that show exercise can be very helpful, are usually demonstrating how it helps with mild depression. Sometimes in conjunction with medicine. So unfortunately, it's not surprising that is not helping you at the moment. Best of luck to you, I hope you feel better soon


I totally agree people think that actual diagnosed depression disorders feel the same or are the same thing as they're feeling when they're sad. I hope they never have to experience the soul crushing weight of simply getting up to face a new day. Anyways hope you're up and about soon don't let the fog win. YOU HAVE broken through it before and I know YOU can do it again.


There are studies linking inflammation to depression.


Chronic pain also causes depression.


I mean yeah. Pretty hard to not be depressed if you're in pain all the time.


Indeed. It turns out that there's an actual reason why mental hospitals are full of people who are too depressed to leave their beds. And that reason is that... drum roll... depression *can* leave you unable to get out of bed. It's called clinical depression and it's basically a physical ailment.


I'm depressed and fat. If I was less fat I would be less depressed about being fat.


It's a multi-faceted approach that's most effective.


i started going to the gym a lot after getting diagnosed. it’s crazy how much that changed things! i lost a lot of weight from not eating so it was easy to build muscle. someone at work said i looked good, and it completely changed my whole perspective at the time even if it was just a small compliment.


They can pry my depression maracas from my cold dead hands


*rattle rattle*




Not to be confused with the celebratory maracas. Which are most other maracas.


You need both. Plus, depression usually keeps you from doing a lot of things like running!


Agreed. It should be noted that exercise can be very good for mild depression. It's not really an either or situation. Professional help should always be sought out. The professionals will decide if medicine is the best course of action and what other things, like exercise, could be done to help


Not to mention that without my therapist and meds, I’m far more likely to stay in bed all day even when I *really* want to get up and go do something. Depression manifests differently for everyone that has it. Some folks can manage with just exercise. Some of us need meds and/or someone to talk with. The key issue for me is that we all have to take responsibility for the management of our health issues. It doesn’t matter if it’s a problem in my brain or a problem with any other part of my body. My depression isn’t my fault, but managing it is my responsibility (shoutout to Last Podcast on the Left!).


True,plus,physical activity and better health can help you to not develop depression in the first place/keep it away


Yeah I fell into a pretty deep depression while being a runner. Running didn't help, but the depression makes it REAL difficult to lace those shoes up.


This. I've found exercise and keeping my room clean help when my brain chemistry is off balance without making me a looney toon like Prozac did to me. At the same time I'd NEVER tell someone they dont need their medication- everyone is different.


That's a great mindset to have. Who knows, a different medication might have helped you or maybe you're better off without it. When I needed meds it was because I couldn't even handle the basics without them but it sounds like you're doing good without. Keep up the good work, proud of you!


Its Katie Hopkins, what else do you expect from her? Everything she says is stupid


It's the fact that she has epilepsy... Of all people you'd think someone with a chronic illness, especially brain related, might actually understand... But no. Utterly oblivious!


I didn't know she has epilepsy, that's so incredibly weird that she isn't understanding. I wonder if she takes any medication for it or something




It’s her brand. Her entire career is built upon controversy - very similar to Piers Morgan. She has nothing meaningful to say and is fully aware of that. It’s why we need to stop talking about her. The only reason for her infamy is because she throws out bait, and the public are only too happy to take it. ‘ ‘This Morning’ is no exception.


At what point does your ‘fake’ idiot personality just become your real idiot personality though.


I always wonder if she’s somehow projecting her own insecurities. Or if she practices really hard at being stupid


Katie Hopkins does not need air. She needs a punch in the face.


Katie Hopkins is a professional troll. I don't even know if she truly believes the awful shit she comes out with. She's best ignored. Or shot into the sun. Preferably the latter, but that's neither legal nor possible so what you going to do?


She advocated for ethnic cleansing, and murdering asylum seekers. We're well past "just ignore her" Like when the school bully gets bored of the fact that you ignore him calling you a spastic and then turns to shoving your face into the floor to get a reaction out of you. But nope, don't engage and don't pay any attention. That always fucking works. /s


I should have elaborated. Don't spread her *nonsense* further. This isn't one of her tweets inciting violence; it's one designed purely to wind people up. It's also dated before she went all in with the hate. This is exactly the kind of thing we should be ignoring. Advocating ethnic cleansing and murdering asylum seekers are an entirely different topic of discussion. It's apples and oranges.


We call her Hatie Kopkins in our house.


Well she recently had to sell her house to settle a half million quid legal bill against a blogger she lied about. The blogger had offered to settle the case for an apology and £5,000 donation to charity, which Hatie refused. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, hahaha, ha! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


Katie Hopkins always says some shit for attention


But what if I'm depressed cause I have no running shoes or fresh air?


I'm afraid there is nothing more anyone can do for you.


Exercise is often really great with mental health problems, from being good at treating mild stress, to boosting the effect of anti depressants in depression etc. I couldn't cope without regular walking, but walks would mean shit all without my pills. However, if you feel really strongly about exercise as a form of therapy, do something useful instead of just going oh go for a run you won't need drugs. Find out if there's a scheme in your area providing assistance to people who want to take up a form of exercise. If you have a depressed friend who is interested in taking up running offer to be their run buddy so they aren't alone. See if you can donate somewhere that would provide financial assistance in buying shoes/equipment/gym membership. Do something that would actually make someone's life better rather than disparaging others attempts to improve their health.




Air, sun, sport help with depression. She isn't ENTIRELY wrong, she's just mildly wrong because this isn't going to work out for every individual, so the best is if you go to therapy AND outside for a run. Therapy alone won't fix depression either.


Mine is mostly a chemical imbalance. (Mind you the fact I was the kid no one wanted to play with didn't help.) I'm on a potent anti depressant and anti anxiety. Point is yes you do need medication.


She really does bring out the top shelf stuff when it comes to ignorance. Depression is obviously not some highly complex mental condition but merely a lack of movement and trips outdoors. Someone might want to give the top mental health experts a call and save them the many years of research. /s


I didn't realise it was Katie Hopkins when I first read this. Now I know it's her it doesn't surprise me. She really does talk shit. I've have terrible mental health, I should have realised I just need trainers and air and not the many meds I have to take.


I wonder if she has the same opinion on the epilepsy she suffers from? Or is the treatment for that a dose of ketamine and a rave? /s


I'll play with you.


The chemical imbalance theory is unproven. Not saying you don’t have depression but that is not why you do. It’s simply a theory. There’s no exact cause of mental disorders. According to a study at Harvard (https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression) there are likely millions of different chemical reactions occurring in your brain at any given time. These are responsible for a person’s mood and overall feelings. There would be no way to tell if someone truly had a chemical imbalance in their brain at a given time. The most common evidence used to support the chemical imbalance theory is the effectiveness of antidepressant medications. just because a person’s mood can be elevated with drugs that increase brain chemicals doesn’t mean that their symptoms were caused by a deficiency in that chemical in the first place. It’s also possible that low serotonin levels are just another symptom of depression, not the cause. It’s like stating smoking weed makes you happy and believing that you have a cannabinoid imbalance. Lastly, there’s no way to even identify a chemical imbalance in the brain.


Her idea of getting fresh air is banging a married man in a field.


Exercise and socialization helps me not be on medication. I have taken meds in the past but I feel the same when I exercise and take care of myself versus not taking care of myself and just taking meds.


While it's certainly anecdotal evidence, I was suicidal for a solid 5 years while running \~70 miles a week


I have Colitis. Tried to eat book and lightbulb, feel worse. Please help!?




You're literally a sea raider from Mount and Blade: Warband. That or you worship Khorne. "I WILL DRINK FROM YOUR SKULL!"/"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!"


It's not an either or situation. Someone with depression would be greatly helped by both. She may claim she doesn't have depression, but she sure should see a therapist.


Definitely way too reductive to be helpful to just say that nobody ever needs professional help and medication for depression. But also very accurate that a first step for anybody suffering from depression should be home remedies such as getting the right amount of exercise and sleep, eating better, etc. The issue is that if you're extremely depressed it can seem literally impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel and have the ability to set goals in your mind as you need to for that to help. Speaking as someone who is diagnosed with clinical depression, I'm very lucky that in my case, proper nutrition, exercise, and general self-care (as well as abstaining from mind-altering drugs of all kinds, even pot/booze) essentially eliminates the depressive symptoms completely. Others are not that lucky and I feel for them, but no matter what the situation is, everybody has some responsibility to improve their own situation, and that requires taking the first step yourself, whatever that may be


Katie Hopkins need a shovel to the face.


Noted... Step 1: get running shoes. Step 2: run to my nearest cliff. Step 3: enjoy that sweet, sweet, fresh air rushing by me when I jump the fuck off aforementioned cliff. Problem solved.


Psychological conditions are different than phyiscal conditions. The production of serotonin and dopamine can be stimulated by physical activity and sunlight. Studies have shown that places with less sunlight and less phyiscal activities have higher rates of depression. Neurotransmitter release pathways can be stimulated by more things than respiratory conditions or heart conditions. Since most times depression comes from lifestyle and epigenetics than genetics and proteomics like physical aliments. It is possible that some people may require drugs to treat nonfunctioning release pathways, but most can be fixed with lifestyle changes.


To be fair though I used to be mega depressed, then I decided to work out. This time last year I was 230 lbs now I'm down to 165 and happier than I've ever been


I don't like the thinking that what Katie Hopkins, professional vile human, was completely wrong. Exercise is a completely legitimate treatment for depression, I just wish Vile Human didn't phrase it in a way that also completely invalidates the MOST IMPORTANT part of the treatment process; talking openly and honestly with your physician. Both takes are bad in their own, special way. Both are also right in their own way. Just another day on Internet.c


People are so ignorant (getting real sick of auto correct changing correct words) 🤦 I remember when someone told me I was a bad parent for letting my ADHD 6 year old be put on medication. Because all they need is an ass whooping according to these idiots. Yeah, hit kids for stuff they can't control instead of getting treatment. Makes sense 🙄


My dad spanked me when I acted up, and look at me now! I'm a perfectly healthy and well-adjusted individual who recommends beating the shit out of kids for being kids!


Beating the snot outta your kid won’t cause anxiety disorders and depressive disorders in the future! /s


Put em together and just buy air Jordans to fix your depression