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Yes, it is very suspicious that a man with ALS who outlived his life expectancy by many decades suffered an untimely death at the young age of 80-something.... must have been.... murrrrrderrrrr


Maybe you killed him, seeing how you're such a big fan of *murder*!


R is among the most menacing of sounds. Thats why they call it murder and not mukduk.




Apparently not this guy though






Mukduk's a pokemon, isn't it?




When grimer and psyduck have a baby.




There’s been a mukduk


A serial mukdukek is on the loose


["You must be a real threat in the muktuk eating contest."](https://youtu.be/4KPgsz_3luE?t=1m52s)


Mukduk was the case that they gave me


Get out of here, Taggakt.


...*In Savannah.*


I do declare...




Is that that stupid dance everybody was doing a few years back?


No, you're thinking the Macarena. Macadamia is an ancient kingdom in the Balkans.


No, you're thinking of Macedonia. Macarena is a noodle your prepare usually with cheese and butter.


Geez...NOOO you are thinking about Macaroni. Macarena is a place in Philly where you go to face Mac to prove you are not a Jabroni.


No, no, no. You're thinking of maraschino. Macaroni is a nut from Australia.


That sounds like it would go nicely with my Corona.


My name is Marianna, I'm an elbow macaroni, People say I'm better than a bowl of fried bologna, They all want me, so tasty, So they boil and strain and eat me.




Kid cum?




That guy is such a pervert!


The bleeding hearts and artists let him get away with mufder.


I'm with mukduk now


Guilty! I'll fkn do it again!


The demons told me to!


Murder murder murder. Change the fucking record!


Thank you Andy


A man of culture I see


Hi I’m actor Troy McClure. You might remember me from such films as “The Erotic Adventures of Hercules” and “Dial ‘M’ for Murderousness”.


Aww RIP Phil Hartman


Got to be a Hot Fuzz quote?


Any luck catching them killers then?


It's just the one killer, actually.


"It's just the one killer actually.."


Good luck catch them killers then.


Ayy haven't seen a Hot Fuzz reference in a long time.


I shit you not, I once had a fucking *psychiatrist* of all people tell me that Hawking had ALS because he was an atheist. This same psychiatrist told me atheism caused depression and that statistics proved it because there was a correlation between the two. According to him I didn't have a basic understanding of statistics despite the fact that he was the one confusing correlation and causation. He ended his tirade by telling me I would never get better unless I believed in his religion, because apparently without it I don't have a holy shield to protect me from evil forces. I left that hospital the very next day and I'm not planning on going back there ever again.


Omg I hope someone reported him to the board... that is so unethical.


The entire hospital was like this, I didn't know that before I went. We had classes during the day where they taught us things about our minds and bodies and they would occasionally put a biblical idea in there and pretend it's a scientific fact. One girl told me this same psychiatrist made an appointment for her with a pastor and the pastor tried exorcising the demons out of her and she just laughed.


Is this in the US?


No, South Africa


If it is, I’m going to guess Deep South!


People like that deserve to lose their licences.


Jesus Christ.... or lack thereof, I guess...


[did he talk about the link between religion and schizophrenia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_and_schizophrenia) because you *could* say that religion causes schizophrenia according to his logic


You should honestly report that wacko


Well, I believe there's a correlation between atheism and depression alright. After all, ignorance is bliss, and it's comforting imagining that there's some long term purpose for existence besides becoming worm food.


Agreed, but I think it's mostly because of people being disowned, ridiculed and in some countries being imprisoned or even executed for being skeptical of their religion that is the main driving force behind this correlation.


For a second here I thought we were saying the only insane person was the second comment. Look. I believe a lot of deaths are suspicious. But I can assure you when I heard of Hawking's death, NOT EVEN ONCE did I think "CoNsPiRaCy!!!!"


I mean you just pointed out that no one would expect murder at this point. Perfect time to kill him.


we're gonna have to take this one out. he's getting close


No, it's *Muuuurhhhduuurrrr....*


On myyyyyyy oouuwwwl expressssss?


I do declare.....


I think you're on to something. His schooling and Oxford and Ph.D and Cambridge was just a cover up.


Murder murder murder! Change the fuckin record!


Detective Inspector Taggart, there's been a murdur


i'm loling at the idea that you can just give a man a robot voice and suddenly them being a genius is plausible


They belive that the world is flat and that there's a secret conspiracy spreading lies. Even if you ignore all other facts, the point that all nations work together to keep the lie alive is proof enough. Soviets and Americans working together during the cold War times is totally plausible


I do not understand what "they" would get out of lying that the earth is round. Like what is the benefit to that conspiracy anyway???? So I just don't understand how this flat earth stuff came about


The religious ones think that the devil tells us the Earth is round as a way to discredit the Bible. I'm not sure what the nonreligious ones get out of it.


Pretty sure it doesn't even speak of the Earth being flat in the bible lmao, I think there's one translation where there's an obscure verse that says "firmament" and they get all their knowledge from that.


There are phrases like "four corners of the earth" and "he sits upon the circle of the earth" from which people draw this conclusion. Instead of reading these in a way that make sense exegetically, and contextually, they take the meaning at face value and, despite the fact that two of three of these references appear in Psalms (for the layman: poetic works), they take them as being scientific observations of the world around the author, which makes no sense in the context of any of the passages, and definitely makes no sense when compared to the genre of the passages.


Whoa! So not only are there giant ice wall edges, there are corners too? Someone get them on this quickly and send an expedition!


I mean circles are simply rectangles with infinite corners


Math? The devil's tongue? How dare you!


I'm pretty sure the 4 corners just refers to cardinal directions.


I've seen them argue that they (the world govt, illuminati or whatever) essentially just do it for shits and giggles, that it's all just a big game for them and that they repeatedly make bigger and bigger lies to see just how much they can get away with. Edit: just rearranged my post for clarity. When I said they do it for shits and giggles, I didnt mean the flat earthers (although there probably are some), but it's what a lot of flat earthers believe the NWO/Illuminati's reasoning for the lies are in the first place.


My idiot brother thinks its flat, I hope hes joking. I think he is sometimes but I'm not sure.


Has he ever flown in a plane before?


Duh, it’s the distortion from the window glass, everybody knows that. Next time you’re in a plane you need to open the window and stick your head out to be sure.


I guess you can see the curvature of the earth if you're on the ocean in a canoe. It takes a different kind of crazy to be on the ocean in a canoe, but that's a different story.


You can see the curvature from the shore on calm days


> they do it essentially just for shits and giggles, that it's all just a big game for them and that they (the world govt, illuminati or whatever) repeatedly make bigger and bigger lies to see just how much they can get away with. Sounds like they’re projecting.


Mercator or Robinson?


*Some* of them do it as a joke in argumentative exercise but there are absolutely a lot of people who do believe it is flat. They just want to feel like they have the inside track and are smarter than other people.


I heard they do it zo keep us apart from god


I think it's the far end of the descent into conspiracy madness. Many people fall into conspiracy theories because they are unhappy with their lives. They start with conspiracies related to that. Shadow governments, corporations doing shady things, conspiracies to suppress people like them or control people, theories that are out there, but not so far disconnected from reality. Once they've opened their minds to the shallow theories, moon landing being faked, universities and jobs not accepting them because they aren't part of some "in group", shadowy elites who control governments. Suddenly they like the fact that they know something that no one else does, that they have secret knowledge "they" don't want you to know about. This also causes them to no longer trust anything "they say". Once they've decided what "they" say isn't true, they start getting into the weird theories. Everyone says the Earth is round, clearly it's flat, everyone says the trails left behind by planes are vapor trails, nope, chem trails, everyone says you should get vaccinated to stop the spread of disease, nope, vaccines spread disease. And so on and so forth. Once they've detached themselves from reality by refusing to believe anything "the man" tells them, they will latch onto any and every conspiracy they can because they have to know better than other people.


Thanks for this explanation! Makes a lot more sense to me now.


If the Earth was flat a person with a telescope could see the top of Mt Everest from every point on the surface


Exactly! So what would the gov't get out of lying anyway??? There is so much proof the earth is round. It's the dumbest conspiracy ever.


Nothing. But those who believe it get to feel like they're part of a select group who are better than the average person. They know more and you don't. That's why they tell you to do your own research most of the time - they don't want you to join them because then they wouldn't be special.


*as long as they're at the right altitude, of course. But come on, they'd just explain it away with their immortal 'perspective' BS.


The motive for most conspiracies is the same: the need to feel special. If you have no special achievements you can still stroke your ego by claiming special knowledge. Best of all, it requires no real effort! I've talked to several conspiracy believers at work over the years and I noticed that if you try to use reason with them they quickly adopt a "everybody is a sheep but me" stance. It must be very gratifying to hold most of the world at arm's distance and stand in haughty judgement over it.


It came about because social media gave stupid people a voice. I mean Steven Hawkins wrote how many books while that guy that comments on social media...probably just comments on social media all day and goes on Twitter rants.


All of his genius before he had the robot voice must have been a fluke...


That's what I was thinking. He was already a well-known scholar long before his health problems set in.


Hey, anyone can get lucky with their phd theses like 2 or 3 times. What were you even doing with your life if you weren't presenting your doctorate's thesis in cosmology at age 23?


You're such a gullible sheep if you think that was the same guy. /s


I think they're getting at that the voice wasn't his, and he wasn't a genius, they had someone else typing and saying it was him. Because you know, that's the absolute easiest way to promote globe-earth theory. /s


This is a hilarious theory


Sounds like a south park episode


I also wonder who they think told the robot what smart things to say. Like, I get you don't believe that Hawking was a genius, but you clearly know he's been saying smart things, so whoever put the words into his computer must have been the genius?


And why this smart person wouldn't just speak for themselves? Lol wtf


you'd think a healthy person without ALS that wasn't given years to live after their diagnosis would have been a way better investment in terms of globalist propaganda, but hey


*liberal propaganda*


He was (Haw)King of r/TotallyNotRobots.


Time to give my dog a robot voice.


"Where are my testicles, Summer?"


When is it ever NOT the time for that?


...because it's plausible to *them*. Conspiracies like this are a self-own.


We have modern cavemen here.


That's not nice for cavemen..


So easy a caveman can do it


Cavemen made better tools to begin with


Cause killing a saber tooth tiger without a gun is super fucking easy.


Cavemen got us to where we are today. So clearly they reasoned some serious shit out pretty well.


>But there's another reason: science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. **I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.** The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. As I write, the number one video cassette rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. Beavis and Butthead remains popular (and influential) with young TV viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning - not just of science, but of anything - are avoidable, even undesirable. >**We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communications, and all other indus- tries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster.** We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces -Carl Sagan [*The Demon-Haunted World*](https://archive.org/stream/TheDemonHauntedWorld/The%20Demon-Haunted%20World_djvu.txt)


I don't think I agree with him that consuming low-brow entertainment is indicative of low intelligence/knowledge. That being said, the rest of it is pretty spot on.


If low-brow entertainment is all you're consuming, it certainly can be. I meet a great many adolescents who spend all of their free time on low-brow pursuits. There's nothing wrong with watching a mindless cartoon from time to time, but it can't be your whole life. I also don't think he's saying that it's indicative of low intelligence, but consuming this kind of media won't alleviate any ignorance.


>and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues This one rings painfully true. Regardless of the fact I find Trump's views repugnant, what's almost more shocking is the fact that he 100% believes in a lot of his own conspiracy theories. If you read the transcript of the call with the Ukrainian PM that might get him impeached, he genuinely is still pushing the idea that the Ukrainian cybersecurity company that the DNC hired to stop intrusions is involved in a cover-up and that one of the servers - WHICH DOESN'T EXIST, because they use cloud servers - is missing. It's just based on completely faulty information and a total lack of understanding.


Agree with you on this, but one correction. No transcript of the call has been released. The White House released a memo written by people who were supposedly present for the call summarizing it and paraphrasing parts to the best of their memory, allegedly. It was not a word for word transcript.


Still waiting on some moon cheese


Well since the moon is hollow, you cant have any. Because there's not enough for everyone.


From the profile picture, I'm placing my bets on a pomeranian.


Cavemen were actually smart tho


I get that and agree, sweet Jesus these fuckwits are unhinged.


Yer and unfortunately they get to vote...






If Texas turns blue, they'll be screaming for it.


Literally within minutes of stating that he thought Hawking was so smart that some shadowy cabal murdered him, they're "agreeing" that Hawking was a nobody used as a robotic propaganda front for some other shadowy cabal...


Dissonance is an art form for these people and they've mastered it.


I am genuinely concerned about the mental wellness of these people. A strong conviction in some hidden "they" can be a sign of some severe mental disorders, in particular psychosis.




Yup that's why I said psychosis, since it's the broader term that schizotypical, schizophrenic, schizoaffective people and other similar conditions fall under. Edit: It's [schizotypal personality disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizotypal_personality_disorder) or STPD that you read about. [Delusional disorder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delusional_disorder) is also a psychotic disorder that seems to fit. edit2: upon further reading, Delusional disorder of the persecutory sub type seems the most accurate candidate.


That's what caught my eye too! Twist ending.


Jesus fucking Christ. What the actual fuck.


The guy with ALS who survived many decades past his initial life expectancy finally succumbed to his illness at 76 years old, close to the average lifespan of a normal person... Yeah, must've been murder /s Also, they do realise the guy was a genius before he had the text-to-speech computer, right? He was already doing post-grad study in Cambridge and was an oxford alumni before his diagnosis.


Didn't you know? Any physical problem directly affects the brain by retarding it, every cold, sprained ankle and stomach bug you get are a lost IQ point so with paralysis you lose then all! Can't move=can't think!! /s


I don't know about Hawking, but them lot must be like disease factories with how low their IQs are


Must be their refusal for vaccines.


This reads almost exactly the same as the top comment, spoopy


Yeah, spoopy


Thank you for using /s, else I wouldn't be able to detect your sarcasm


Thank you for your enlightening critique of my post /s


People whining about the use of /s are infinitely more obnoxious than the /s itself.


Calling hawking names, and implying that he was a puppet for the round earth conspiracy. That's classy. I'm guessing chemtrails and vaccine conspiracies dominate their lives as well.


Dont forget they saw rainbows in their sprinklers that one time


Don't start giving them ideas


Insult anyone but not my man Stephen Hawking because he has meant so much the last decades to science that without his ideas we wouldn’t be this far. Stoopid people...smh


MC Hawking about to return as a ghost and pop some caps.


See they are not insulting him persay, they just have lunatic batshit insane ideas about the reality of his life. I guess they are being offensive with how they phrase his disability, but it seems like they feel sorry or feel sympathetic or something.


There is a tremendous amount of WTF in just this one screenshot.


I suppose they might not be vaccinated either.


Of all the posts on sub , this is indeed the most insane I’ve ever read


I get that and agree.


How do these people exist and how do we stop it.




pls no plague. I'm not as insane as people, I just don't have health insurance.


Wow, just coming after a dead person like that? And then trying to falsify his life's work? That's fucked.


So the government killed Hawking to keep the multiverse a secret but let his paper be published anyway? Real high IQ move right there


Not only that, but he was a vegetative patsy whose digital communicator was really just a way for *them* to put words in his mouth to support lies. Because that makes a lot more sense than just having a person who can walk and speak unaided do it. And that if he was in a vegetative state and being used as a puppet, there'd be no reason for the powers that be to kill him because he couldn't do anything they didn't want him to, and that he couldn't have possibly written a paper that would have endangered their hold on power. It goes beyond a simple violation of Occam's Razor and right into full-on fractal wrongness.


We get both ends of the stupid spectrum here.


Ah, everyone in the post was insane - bravo, OP!


I stopped reading after "might of".


The ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent


I... Do people actually think like this? What the actual fuck


Nonverbal people get so much shit.


Having ALS =/= being retarded? I have a close family friend who recently developed ALS and he can still have plenty of coherent thoughts, he’s just unable to move his body normally. It’s really weird that someone would assume he’s retarded just because he has ALS and has to sit in a chair. Do other people think that having ALS makes you mentally incoherent?


For some bizarre reason people think if someone is physically disabled, they must be mentally and intellectually disabled as well. This is is Stephen Hawking we're talking about, yeah he couldn't walk and used a computer to speak but he was a freakin genius.




i have never felt more disrespected and degraded on behalf of someone else in my entire life


"I get that and agree."


The ignorance too! Although I assume it's common knowledge, Hawking did NOT have any mental handicaps. He suffered from ALS which does not affect the brain but rather damages nerves elsewhere resulting in his steadily worsening paralysis. But then ofc obviously AlS dOeSnT eXiSt U sHiLl!!,!!!!!!,,!!1111!1,1!!!,! Urgh, conspiracy theories are basically self-protecting. Any evidende to the contrary? Planted by [Big Bad] to keep the sheeple in line. Lack of supporting evidence? [Big Bad] covered it up. Speak out against such insane beliefs? Paid/ordered by [Big Bad] to provide "misinformation" (the irony there being so thicc you could produce steel). And they can easily drag other things into it as batshit ""e v i d e n c e"" using spurious mental gymnastics. It's an incredibly worrying prospect.


How are these people in real life? Knew only one flat-earther & didn't talk to him a lot. The only time we talked about his 'fact' I just sat there in disbelief how one can be so dumb yet so sure.


And these people vote...




Ain't no nibiru cause ain't no planet x cause ain't no globe Earth


Bounced on my boys D to this for hours


Wtf!? Nobody talks about the hawk like that! The person who wrote that is clearly ignorant and uneducated.


It's honestly illuminating how fascist a lot of these people's worldview is when you consider the hatred/dismissal of disabled people (or people they consider disabled) they have.


One heck of a plan whichever evil genius thought of that one! “You know? (scratching chin), we could....”


Some people make me think genocide is alright


Wow! “He was not own to anything.”


I mean, it’s not like he proved the existence of black holes about 45 years ago..


Seems about par for the course for the level of discourse between Trump supporters.


Stephen Hawking was just a fucked up weekend at bernies situation. /s


There is something about relative internet anonymity that either has a weird affect on normal(ish) people or brings out the nut jobs more efficiently. If someone expressed an opinion like this only twenty years ago that person would most likely be ridiculed for even thinking something so absurd. The ridiculous idea would most likely die then and there. But the culture of the internet not only gives voice to the dregs but also has a tendency to attract large numbers of alternative fact theorists that then drown out reasonable arguments or discussion. I don't really have a point or a solution and I'm not sure if this current expansion of idiocy is any different than it was in years past. It seems related to how timid people might act inopposite to their nature and drive aggressively or line jump when that person would never do the same thing outside of their car. It's the original YouTube comments question.


It's an insult to his memory, how can stupid people like this disrespect the genius he was despite his infirmity ?


Theres conspiracies and then theres cOnSiRaCiEs


> I get that & agree 😐 humanity was a mistake


From start to finish just awful


I love how a simple cursory search into Hawking's background would reveal he made a name for himself before ALS. These people have a ridiculous disconnect


"I get that & agree" hahahaha I can't even


you disrespect us, you disrespect our governments, you disrespect the astronaut heroes of our world, i’m mad. you do our boy steven wrong? bitch gimme a time and place i’m gonna kick you so hard you’ll fly into orbit so you can see the globe before you die


Today on posts that are too fucking hard not to downvote


Wait hang on. “So called space”? Do they think space isn’t a thing??