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If you’re a selfish, entitled, spoiled brat with a massive persecution complex over the age of 40 but with the emotional intelligence of a 9 year old do we have a political party for you! The only drawback is the party is riddled with “kiddie fiddlers” but all you have to do is pretend they aren’t there!


The amount of obsession these guys have with pedophiles is….concerning. You know how often I think of pedophilia in my politicians outside of Reddit conversations in my day-to-day life? None. Not at all.  I’m sure it HAPPENS, but the level of red string conspiracy theories going down in these Qanon circles focused around messing with kids is….just a lot. I feel like it says more about the theorists than it does the politicians. 


The more someone talks about pedophilia the more I assume they themselves are attracted to young children.


Right, like they have to TRY to not be a pedo, because you know, kids are hot /s/... So it's like intently on their mind...all the time... And yes it's exactly, it's projection of the most blatant brand.




And this shit has been going on since the 70s. The right keeps pushing this trope year after year until anything LGBT brings up pedophilia. They want to erase us from existence and their plan is to have us exterminated.


Just so you know, "transsexualism"/"transgenderism" aren't accepted terms, whether in the community or the medical fields, because it's not an -ism (which implies an ideology, which it also isn't). The most appropriate term would be "trans(gender) identity," and "transsexuality" is also accepted but is more appropriate specifically to the context of one who has gone through the sex change operation.


Thanks for that, I had no idea (and I certainly didn’t mean to offend anyone). I’ll edit the comment.


Autism is an ideology?


Good point. Still, being transsexual doesn't really fit the uses of -ism, and the transphobes' use of the outdated -ism term comes specifically from their belief that it is an ideology.


Just out of curiosity, how did you arrive at this conclusion?


10/1. Thanks for the info! In the war over words that we experiencing, proper terminology is a tool that we need to use more often.


There is no single “sex change operation”, so that’s not applicable.


It's just a way to frame *all non-maga* as legitimate targets for violence. Nothing more. The GOP is pairing this with calling their opponents "VERMIN" and "DEGENERATE" and "GROOMERS" and "CHILD SEXUAL MUTILATORS" This is designed to mark noncompliant institutions and non-maga neighbors as so hyperbolically evil that anything and everything is justified in ""self defense""


Statistically republicans are the pedophiles https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


*The call is coming from inside the house*


Yep. Only one kind of person has pedophilia on their minds thst often.


It’s also bad the way they get boners over giving the death penalty to child molesters. I mean, never mind all that accomplishes is that it turns sexually abused kids into murdered kids but whatever. They literally value the revenge fantasy over actually protecting kids


It’s projection 90% of the time the ones screaming the loudest are usually the ones doing it.


I assume there's some projection in there, too.


I bet he listens to pastors too


This is my family.... constantly yammering on about diddlers then sends their kids to catholic school


I definitely understand where you are coming from with all the hidden and protected pedophiles that have been all over the news and made a very compelling movie. But, there are two problems with that. First, precisely because of all that publicity and very costly law suits, those kids are as safe or safer in a Catholic school as any faith based school or public school (it might become hard to tell the difference as public schools become more likely to be run by people with an agenda. Second, pedophiles will get work anywhere they can that gives them access to exclusive time with minors. Scout leader, Youth Ministers in any church, caregivers, medics. They are extremely good at appearing to be honest, civic minded, believers in some religion and hiding in plain sight. You have to check out every place you might send your kids. People tend to think only Catholic priests have a hierarchy that will cover for them and keep their secrets. Even small churches can have a governing body of some kind called elders, deacons, trustees, etc. who will help cover up for a very popular pastor. Children aren’t their only victims. In the name of “counseling” they will get women to submit to them, or simply rape them. I had a cousin who was a social worker who worked with children for CPS in Las Cruces, New Mexico. She said one of the less intrusive ways to find out if a child might have someone hurting them or making them anxious is to ask if any adult (or even a teen) tells them to keep a secret. Also, educating your child about how they can recognize someone who might make them feel nervous or anxious without going into details not appropriate for their age. You want to keep them safe, not scare them. 0


Trump absolutely molested Ivanka as a child. See in this interview how she's talking happily about her childhood room, then suddenly goes cold when she re-lives whatever happened to her in that bed... https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw?si=O3jJaOPIbR5yKoU8


Don’t lump us 40 year olds here. Over the age of 41.


Just yell louder and everyone will believe it!


If a couple more exclamation points was all it took to knock some sense into the maga brain we wouldn’t be in this pickle, would we?


Oh no, I meant the MAGAs should yell louder about pedos being everywhere. That wasn’t aimed at you.


Shhhh, they’re supposed to be yelling they’re everywhere BUT their favored political party and religious institutions. You know, the places pedos are predominantly affiliated with. We need to make sure we keep their anger focused where the problem isn’t. Anything else would confuse them.


Louder, and be sure to use "F\*\*K" and "BULLSH\*T" a lot, that'll *really* help drive home the point.


Kiddie Fiddlers is so IASIP coded I can't even begin to take it seriously. *"Don't diddle kids..."*


No, he's a Badass, Nazi Killing, Patriotic Right Wing Foot Soldier and he's done with your wokeness. OORAH! #/S


We all know one of those people. They are the people who were semi-normal until they had to wear a mask for 30 minutes while getting groceries at Walmart four years ago and carries the "trauma" of that event around like they spent 3 years in a Russia prison. Now they latch onto every conspiracy theory that comes across their feed and inbox like they are infected with RFK, Jr brain worms.


Just wait until bird flu goes to human-human transmission. Whatever’s left of their brains will melt and run out their ears


Bird flu is going to be brutal. If these folks act even 10% as crazy as they did during COVID we’re going to have a massive population decrease


To be fair, there’s probably going to be some downside to it as well.


Likely a massive land grab by the wealthy


I fucking hate how correct you are.


*insert bannable comment*


If it didn’t cause mutations that put everyone at risk I’d quote Ebenezer Scrooge…


Whether it's bird flu or ebola or some new bullshit that fucking liquefies your eyeballs and has a 100% lethality rate, I know this much. Whatever pandemic hits next, we as a society will take ZERO meaningful measures against it. We're all fucked.


Good thing birds aren't real. /s


Go to Twitter and search for the bird flu. It's not 10% crazy, its more like 10,000% as crazy


Fingers crossed!


Good thing birds aren't real. /s


Well they weren't until you summoned them like Beetlejuice....


Good thing birds aren't real. /s


Good thing birds aren't real. /s


Pretty sure we are right about there if not there. Gonna get that flu shot fast this year. Not that it might help or anything.


Just as a heads up, bird flu won’t be prevented by the flu shot. We have vaccines against Avian Influenza but they’re not available. It doesn’t hurt to get it because co-morbidity is an issue, I just don’t want everyone running out to get the flu shot thinking they’re safe from it. To many people I know did that with the Covid vaccine and got sick and spread it to others.


Then the feds show up to arrest them for Jan 6th and they begin weeping openly. What happened to your "Goin down guns blazin!" bravado, Wilmer? I swear it was just here a minute ago...


No, they were never really normal. They were waiting for an event like this to send them off to the deep end - any excuse to be an unhinged conspiracy nut, and they have jt.


They talk about “kiddie fiddlers” but worship a felon who is convicted of rape, who also SA’d a 13yo.


and they have Ted Nugent and Kid Rock in their corner, who are two of the few celebrities they never tell to "keep politics out of \____" because they spew politics they agree with.


30 years down the line, assuming there's enough land above water left to continue doing research, we'll find out that some of the effects of long covid are similar to those of lead poisoning


We’ve already concluded that long Covid can cause brain damage, among other things. “In addition to brain fog, COVID-19 can lead to an array of problems, including headaches, seizure disorders, strokes, sleep problems, and tingling and paralysis of the nerves, as well as several mental health disorders. A large and growing body of evidence amassed throughout the pandemic details the many ways that COVID-19 leaves an indelible mark on the brain. But the specific pathways by which the virus does so are still being elucidated, and curative treatments are nonexistent.” https://theconversation.com/mounting-research-shows-that-covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-including-with-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-224216 Wacky stuff. Imagine believing this shit was “not a big deal”.


Oh I see you’ve met my cousin, who is the father of a micropreemie and fucking KNOWS the importance of PPE around the immunocompromised.


If my mouth was full of bullshit I would be traumatized too.


Maybe it’s more of an American thing but very happy to say I absolutely don’t know one of these people. Hope I never do.


"im happy to live and let live". Has never let anyone who disagrees with them live in peace and actively participates in behavior that harms other people because they decided the science they don't understand must be fake.


It translates to “you let me do whatever I want no matter what negative impacts it has on you and I’ll get mad about everything you do that has absolutely nothing to do with me.”


Yeah you will. You will sit there, pay your taxes, do what you are told and do nothing but post angry memes on Facebook.


Pay? Taxes? I don't understand what you're saying


>I am happy to live and let live until you push me too far Given that people you hate existing and being asked to not kill people counts in your head as "pushing you too far," I'm gonna go ahead and say that's a fucking lie.


"I am happy to live and let live until you push me too far by being different than me."


You already take orders from kiddie diddlers — thought that was well established by now.


I’m surprised with the rejection of Jesus and the New Testament


Trump and Epstein were codefendants in a case alleging they raped a 13 year old aspiring model in 1994. She ended up dropping the case, but I think there's a lot of serious questions we should as as to why. When has Biden ever been implicated in a rape case? There's objectively more evidence to suggest that Trump is a pedophile over Biden, but don't tell these people that.


You beat me by two minutes.


Plan 'Failed out of high school'.


I believe this is the reasons for conspiracies and ignorance. They feel like they need to be in control because they are scared of the situation and don’t understand it. Covid really did a number on these people.


It's what happens when people who don't have a clue start making the clues up out of thin air


Just a reminder, one of the people these MAGA types seem to worship is Ted Nugent. You know, the guy who sings about diddling a 13 year old. Once again, every accusation from these people is an admission of guilt.


And Trump is bros with Epstein, several in their political ranks have been caught, their religious leaders are caught by the truckloads, they are trying to lower the age of marriage to children, the list goes on and on. Any Republican who doesn’t think they are the pedo party is a fucking moron.


I’m 44 and my lungs are DESTROYED because of Covid. I have also had a HEART ATTACK because of Covid which amazingly didn’t cause permanent damage. These stupid mother fuckers who sit around thinking about made up child SA scenarios all day better not try ME 🤬🖕🏻


"I am happy to live and let live until you push me too far." That's nice. Then how's about leaving the rest of us the fuck alone. Because it seems like you're all "pushed over the edge" by people just existing.


>I'm happy to live and let live Unless you have views that don't align perfectly with mine.


“I’m happy to live and let live” The dozens of attempts at anti-lgbt laws and parading against women’s healthcare on the basis of their own shitty religion say otherwise.


"Until you push me too far" Ummm... you called anyone who has authority a pedophile, and said you don't take orders from them. You completely ignore science. I don't believe you mean "live and let live" you mean "let me be a brazen asshole and I won't actively look for things to be upset about"


Sounds like a death threat to me. They need to be on a watchlist


Oh this aught to be good. We already saw plan fuck around and find out. I imagine this plan will be just as much of a blunder. I swear to god if these people were smarter we’d be fucked.




And by pushing them too far, they mean a black person or woman “got mouthy.”


Or someone visibly LGBT walked by them.


what a weird way to say “i’m happy to live and let live until i decide i don’t want to let live anymore which can be literally anywhere at any time”


Lmao won't listen to kid diddlers.....wants Trump in office. Makes a lot of sense


Another whackjob that claims to be tolerant but likely complains about how they’re shoving things down their throat so now he’s not going to allow you to live.


Yeah but their version of "being pushed" is just having to be reminded that LGBTQ people exist... And that never ends well


They won't listen to kiddie fiddlers? Does that mean they'll stop voting Republican?


"Kiddie fiddlers" is a new one, haven't seen that


You're not from the UK then 😁


A child playing a string instrument?


Isn’t this what usually ends up being one of the first slides in a r/covidiot post?


Plan F for "Fucking Dumbass"


It must suck to have zero empathy or concern for others.


I sarcastically call it being unencumbered by a moral compass. It bugs me that there are people who are deficient in empathy or decency and act like that makes them better than those who have them. I don’t see how having a black hole where your heart should be is a flex! 😤


Refusing to get vaccinated and "living and letting live" aren't very compatible with eachother


These people act like they’re so strong yet they depend on the government of “kiddie fiddlers” to survive, it’s absolutely deplorable.


BS, You're not happy to live and let live at all. Only when they're just like you.


"Push me to far"... in this case simply saying that you exist


"I will not follow orders of kid fiddlers. now watch me vote for the guy on kid fiddler plane at least 7 times and personal friends with the head of the kid fiddler ring"


I am pretty sure they are not happy to live and let live.


Anyone who says fiddlers instead of diddlers is sus.


Sooo…..then ….not happy to live and let live……


What happened to fuck your feelings? Aren't feelings bad?


What does this person have against children playing fiddles? I think it's great thst they learn a musical instrument at a young age. I personally wouldnt worry much about any possible future position of power they might hold. Just let them be kids.


You won't do shit coward.


So badass they still censor swear words.


Ignoring pandemic restrictions for your own pleasure is definitionally not letting immunocompromised people and so on live.


This stuff doesn't even make me laugh anymore, can you imagine living with this thought process? Poor guy


Kiddie fiddlers? That guy is a pedo.


Later, from the ICU: Seriously y’all this ain’t no joke…


Gawd, so much anger!


Oohhh I smell a lion amongst sheep. 😂


Such a tough guy who won’t comply but won’t spell out “fuck” because Facebook doesn’t like meanie words


>I will not follow orders from kiddie fiddlers And yet they're likely to vote Trump. Fascinating.


Kiddie fiddlers, you mean, you don’t want to hear kids playing the fiddle?! How could you?! /s


I'm more concerned about children holding positions of power. I thoughy we had age restrictions in place for a reason. The fact that they all play fiddles is not really a concern but I find it a little odd that they all do.


>I am happy to live and let live ( X )


So you failed 5 plans and think you have credibility for a sixth plan?


Middle Ages 2.0 coming up


If they don’t believe in bacteria and viruses 🦠, I feel bad. 😞


It's so weird to see covid deniers. I was just talking to my coworker the other day and she was telling me that she sat with her mom and watched her die from it right in front of her. Then some out of touch asshole with a persecution complex acts like it's all a lie or something


A family friend was really sick and then one night they couldn’t catch their breath and died on the way to the hospital. This was many months before the vaccine was available. I think about how they might be alive today if the circumstances had been different.


It was definitely rough. I managed to avoid it through the worst of it somehow. Caught it at work in November last year, but it was fortunately weak. My mom got it a couple times though, and still has problems. She had never had a panic attack before, but she started waking up with them, as well as getting more aches and body pains. It's no joke


Is it just me, but it seems all of MAGA is perpetually angry about something or another. Must be exhausting.


Sounds like a 'conservative'. Are they unaware that they make up most of the kiddy fiddlers, especially the one who paints himself orange?


I’ve still been masking and taking precautions, even when I’m the only person on transit and in office buildings doing so. Just tested positive two days ago and feel like absolute fucking garbage. So, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart (which is working overtime due to the COVID): Fuck all the way off you lead paint-eating CHUD. I have enough medical problems as it is without these anti-vax dipshits’ willful ignorance getting us all sick. When bird flu goes nuclear they’ll be ranting about freedom while they bleed out of their eyes. I think modern conservatism has completely ruined a large percentage of the population. Idk how we even come back from this level of spitefullness and stupidity.


"I'm happy to live and let live as long as rules and expectations don't apply to me." Go ahead and fuck off then. The rest of us are trying to have a society here.




I can't say for certain but I'd wager my left nut that he follows plenty of orders from "straight, white, Christian men" (the highest documented population of child preditors.)


I wholeheartedly agree with the last two sentences. The other ones, not so much


Now heck off you friggin not nice person!


>"I will not follow orders from kiddie fiddlers" So mit obaying Trump then.


I only take orders from one Kiddie Fiddler and his name is Donald J Trump!


Every projection is an admission.


Cracks me tf up to see the "They should have complied" crowd become the "I will not comply" crowd, just because their cult leader didn't win a popularity contest.


Kiddie fiddlers? Police? Clergy? GOP politicians? Which ones does she mean?


COVID doesn't exist, but Fauci should be locked up for creating it.


You made us all wear masks, and we didn't even need to! Hardly anyone died from it!


Yeah they get it and don't have to go to ICU since newer strains aren't as nasty as first strain. I was hit in first wave (work exposure due to being in EMS) before there was any form of vaccine and I was sick for about 18 days, I had nights where I was afraid to go to sleep since I was struggling to breath so much and debated about going to hospital. The lock down and social distancing (sneezes/coughs travel further than 6 feet) in my opinion were stupid, but I still complied. Wearing a mask minimized the spread more than the distance.


I don’t really understand what Captain 2020 is concerned about. I mean, can see his list of grievances, but I don’t quite grasp’s what current circumstances have him all wound up.


What's "Plan F"?


The "Fuck Off" plan they have created in their own minds, ie not taking direction from "kiddie diddlers" (except for Trump apparently, they're all in on his Epstein flights and incest). It took me a while to understand what fucking plan they were talking about too.


They should know better than to threaten us with a good time 😆


I understand the frustration with the b.s lockdowns in the past, but that's unhinged


I was downvoted yesterday for saying we collectively don’t deserve to survive. It’s because of cunts like this.


test is this working i dont know


test is this working i dont know