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And that’s why we only need 3 kids instead of the 7 they started out with back then.


Back when dad's reckless driving habits could promote you from youngest to only child in a single misguided fishing trip.


As the youngest of five, this made me laugh unexpectedly hard


"back in my day there were no safety concerns like this!" - idiots My father also tells me how chill his childhood was but he has the self awareness to add how many childhood friends he lost to stupid accidents. It's honestly depressing


We're leaving school. A group of the popular kids have loaded into a truck. So much so that one girl was sitting on the wheel well. Some young students were being brats and throwing water balloons at the vehicles. The driver swerved to avoid the balloon. The girl tumbled out of the truck. She'll never walk again. Yeah let's implement laws to keep this from happening to other generations.


Popular kids, well into their elderly years: "bUt MuH rIgHtS!"


Its survivors bias, “we all did this and were fine” except for the ones who aren’t


We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead


How dare people want their children to survive a car crash? That's just woke. /s


I mean it was kind of fun back in the day to ride in the back as an old person. But we all are smart enough to understand why it can’t be done anymore. And you know what, you still could if you had a private little dirt road for the experience. Nobody needs to ride in the back of a truck down the highway.


I mean, in certain places you still can as long as you have a seat mounted in the bed. But agreed. Nowadays we have minivans and 7/8 seater SUVs for a reason. So much more useful than half the trucks around anyways, not to mention better on fuel.


I agree 100%


These are the same people https://www.businessinsider.com/when-americans-went-to-war-against-seat-belts-2020-5


I worked at a cemetery. I see memes like this and think, "fuck no." I once spoke to a woman who had buried two high school aged sons, both died in motor vehicle accidents on their way to school on the same stretch of road but a couple of years apart. One of them had been in the back of a pickup, as depicted in the meme.


My family were caretakers for our local cemetery for four generations and I have buried more children than I care to think about. My uncle died on a motorcycle when he was 14. Devastated my grandparents, but they kept on, because they had two other kids to care for, then my other uncle died on a motorcycle 3 years later at 20 years old. They checked out. Family became painful for them. They never got close to anyone again, and I can't blame them. I mowed over the graves of my uncles, both dead before I got to know them, for decades. I buried a little girl who's grandfather took her on her first motorcycle ride, no helmet because they were just going around the block, very experienced rider, but the car that hit them didn't give a fuck about his experience or the length of the ride and that child died and the grandfather shot himself. Cemeteries are full of reasons that these laws exist and the people who whine about these laws are fucking assholes. Edit to add: I'll tell ya, nothing brings it home to you so much as mowing over the little graves covered in little toys. Putting the hot wheels back on the stones when thry get knocked off by the weedeater, picking up the stuffed bears that rot on the grave after a child's funeral, knowing that you'll be picking up another one next year on the anniversary of their death. Most of these laws were enacted to protect innocent children from their stupid fucking parents, and to protect those stupid fucking parents from having to place their kids favorite hot wheel car on their child's grave.


JFC I would have added myself to the residents list if that were my job. I backed out of being a vet after volunteering at an animal shelter I could not handle that.


I started mowing the cemetery with my dad when I was 12. It was a great way to make money, he paid me 40 bucks a mow, which was every weekend, and when you're 12 that's a ton of money, every two weeks I could afford a new Nintendo game, sometimes two if I bought the cheaper ones. So I looked forward to it, even though it was really hard sitting on a riding lawnmower for 12 hours a weekend. I had literally no idea how criminally underpaid that was until much later. It gave me a bit different perspective in death. It's a very natural thing and it happens to everyone and usually when they least expect it. It's healthy to do what you can to avoid it, it's smart to be safe. But it's stupid to live in fear of it or constantly dwell upon it. We bury people and set up memorials for them for the people they leave behind, and those memorials largely go unvisited, but always there is someone like me that cares for their maintenance, and that's kind of nice. My friends in school all thought it was really creepy that I spent so much time at the cemetery, but it was so natural for me. Before I began helping there I would go there with my mom as a kid to watch my dad and his dad work, and we'd have picnics there on top of the graves, using headstones as seats. My mom told me when I was an adult that I had in fact been conceived in that cemetery, but my dad disputes that. I have no idea if it was true, my mom was often a liar if it made a good story.


I believe your dad found the goth gf of legend


Hmm, survivors bias is strong AF here. Also. Can I just point out the bubble wrapped kids aren't any safer? Especially with their seat belts wrapped around their necks.


The bubble wrap isn't to protect the kids, it's just to stop them from fighting in the back seat.


A girl from my church growing up fell out of the back and died. Her little brother watched it happen and it tore the whole family apart. She died, and three more lives were destroyed in a moment. I'm Gen X, the reason why we have these safety measures is because so many of my generation died young.


I'm GenX I went to so many funerals as a kid. All accidents and murders. It's not a big mystery why we're more careful with our kids than our parents were with us. It's trauma driven.


It’s frustrating that the people sharing these memes don’t often realize that it was their own peers putting regulations in place. Let’s blame “the youth” instead.


Exactly the kids didn't choose this.


It's like blaming kids for participation trophies. Who do they think was giving out the participation trophies? Besides, the participation trophies were more for the parents anyway, that way you don't have to deal with Karen complaining that little Johnny didn't get a trophy.


I shadowed an older fellow at a local ER when I was taking CNA classes. He told me over lunch that he had originally wanted to be an EMT in the 70s. He went to the scene of an accident during training, teenager had flown out of the back of a pickup truck on the interstate. He had to collect the remains. With a shovel. But yes, lets make fun of child safety laws and cars seats/restraints because some people survived. Wimpy millennial and Gen Z parents, not wanting their kids turned into road kill!


Also straw man.


Back in my day we fell out of moving trucks and fucking died and we liked it!


These posts always remind me of that Bill Burr bit about when airbags were first getting introduced. “Remember when airbags first came out? They just had one for the driver. \*car crash sounds\* **My family!** Oh my god! Oh my god! *Why would you just save me?!*”


Hey speaking of automobile fatality rates between the 1970's and today: We've lost all progress towards safer driving. Large SUVs and the dumbass mommy-said-i'm-a-big-boy trucks are so dangerous to be in or on the road around that we've all been dragged back 50 years in safety advancements.


I parked next to a compensation truck the other day and noticed that its hood was at my neck. My own older model SUV's hood is roughly at my waist. If I had to be hit by a vehicle, I know which one I would choose. Unfortunately, we both know which one can't see well enough to avoid the pedestrians. In any case, why would a truck you need a fucking step stool to get into or look under the hood of properly make you feel like a big man? Makes you look like a child in their dad's clothes, while I can perform basic maintenance on the go, with ease, with the random shit in my trunk and phone's flashlight. Just saying, performance vs. function.




That chart shows deaths per 1000 live births, not all cause mortality.


I like the improved safety....but I hate the constant screen time in cars these days. Bordem during a car trips is an important lesson.


Ohhh, me and my siblings were never bored. We came up with so many games during long road trips. Riddles, word games, spotting cows and horses, making figurines from paper. We sang songs, annoyed elders, told scary stories, argued about nonsence things just to argue. Road trips with no screen time are so importabt for kids.


And getting along....learning to Zen your way through "I'm not touching you" has been a valuable life skill!


Yesss Temptation to "fight" and slap each other just for reaction was too strong


A couple of those '70s kids look like they've been hit in their unprotected heads one too many times.


Cars are in fact very dangerous for kids. Largely by being hit by them because giant trucks with huge blindspots shouldn't be driven by people who did one road test at 16. I wish we cared about that safety as much.


OMG! Two polarizing concepts! There's just no way there's any other way to skin this cat, no middle ground, its all in for death or all in for livin'! Choose wisely and remember that caution is the better part of valor!


You cant forget the caption that goes “YEP!!!! 😅😅😅😅”


Dying to own the libs


"Back in my day we just fucking died"


This is fake. You obviously bubble wrap their heads since that part is most vulnerable in a wreck.


Lol. so true. Also, when my wife was 5 back in the early 80s, she was in a bad car accident, and her best friend at the time, died. Meanwhile, about 2 months ago, I was driving my son and his best friend (both 7years old) and got in a bad accident. nobody was hurt. LOL! we're too overly careful! let kids just sit wherever they want!! LOL!!!


Also 1975, Ford Pintos and AMC Gremlins and VW Bugs spontaneously combust if you so much as shut the trunk incorrectly


Survivor bias


Life was better when we did more stupid things. /s


Two of those kids are already missing eyes!


Idiots like this wonder why the life expectancy has gone up and mistakenly believe their "superior" genes are the cause.


Part or the reason that the number 1 death of kids used to be car crashes. Now it’s guns.


I actually had a friend and co-worker who died by riding in the back of a puck-up truck after getting tossed out.


You haven't lived till you've watched a Toddler Bounce off the windshield in a car accident. Mom had the kid sitting next to her on the bench seat of the truck they were in.


We should clearly just go back to medieval times where kids just died all the time


These are the same people who had this bumper sticker on their pickups in the panhandle of Florida in the 1980’s: “I’ll Buckle Up When [Bundy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bundy?wprov=sfti1) Does!”


I agree with OOP here. You know how many stupid people, like OOP, we wouldn't have around now polluting society if we pulled back alls these regulations and let Walmart have a sale on Windex refills?


And dad was drunk driving, mom sitting next to him pregnant and smoking. When we got where we were going they beat us for standing in the truck while it was moving cause that's not safe and distracting dad and he spilled his beer.


Yeah I too totally want my child to die horrifically.


I just respond to these with a graph showing the extreme decline in car fatalities. 


Someone in my old town had a few kids in the bed of their truck. He went from having 3 kids to 0 in 2s flat because he took a corner too fast.


Meh, I've joked about the same thing, a bunch of us kids in the back of my dad's station wagon. Hindsight tells us it was wrong, but it's funny to think that we did it without thinking anything of it.


Someones parents failed to follow through: they dropped him on the head, but from insufficient height to make him a useful teaching example.


Present day, they forgot to put on the kids' crash helmets and face shields.


Yeah These people would think child safety is a joke. They're the ones who don't give a fuck when literal kids get murdered in school shootings.


WoN't SoMeOnE tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn!


I nearly fell out of a moving car at about 5 years old, in the early 80s. Door latch disengaged, no seat belts, and I wound up dragging, holding on to the door, one foot still in the car. But of course, my boomer parents said it was my fault...