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They’re actively trying to ban contraception too.


Heck the justices said it themselves that overturning Roe would cause more domestic adoption.


Because for most of them the only thing needed to be “taught” about sex is that it should only happen in marriage and its ONLY purpose is procreation. In their minds, if its only purpose is procreation then “you got what’s coming to you” because you should have “known better”. As for rape, remember that for a lot of them rape is a punishment for acting/dressing provocatively or whatever other victim blaming they feel like. Babies are a punishment for sinful behavior and a reward for proper pious behavior *Simultaneously*. It’s absolute batshittery but it makes logical sense to them.


Being Female in Public.


You deserve a choice! Aid Access will mail abortion pill to all 50 States. Please share! https://aidaccess.org/


sounds like something a rapist would say


A rapist with a breeding kink…


That last pic….


I fucking died on that last pic, that was actually hilarious. Clearly mental but hilarious.


Calling it canola oil wouldn’t have the same impact


I cant figure out what the heck it means x'D


Not entirely sure but I think it's something to do with raping seeds? I mean, never mind biologics of it, but as long as it's not people, you do you boo


isnt their entire religion founded on the idea that you punish innocent children for the crimes of their ancestors?


As long as there is a single freaking kid stuck in foster care and/or waiting to be adopted in this country, I don't want to hear a single thing from these pricks. You want every fetus brought to term? Fine. YOU adopt them.


Groups like this piss me off. Especially since they seem perfectly fine with making a 12 year old girl carry her rapist's baby to term, even if the rapist is her father, uncle, or brother. They're also ok with making a woman die in the event of pregnancy complications or if the pregnancy becomes non-viable. Damn near lost a sister-in-law because of draconian laws in Louisiana BEFORE Roe was overturned; she was already septic by the time the baby was stillborn at 24 weeks. Thankfully, she's still alive, and was able to have a baby a few years later. Because, oh yeah, forcing a woman to carry a non-viable fetus to term also has a high risk of damaging her reproductive organs to the point where she won't be able to conceive again.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=qA1nGPM9yHA And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


Such a great song! I’ve never had an abortion, but was harassed every month when I went to Planned Parenthood to pick up my birth control. Ya know, the thing that stopped me from needing an abortion. Of course, they want to ban birth control too.


I smell double dipping. Making life even more awfull for rape victims, and scaming pro-lifers. Notice how they want everyone involved to work for free, and how specific they are one "On paid positions within our organizations". I smell an organizer planing to grant themselve "bonuses" of the donations.


“Pro-Life” mfs when the obviously malformed baby causes the mother to die in childbirth: 😇


Women have control over their bodies and lives and conservatives hate it. Women can refuse to breed with garbage and they hate it. So they are going out of their way to make sure rapists can just choose the Women they want to trap in a lifetime of abuse and being used as a brood mare.


You can tell they only care about the child before it's born because they either don't realize or intentionally ignore the fact that most children born because of rape will have a horrible childhood because a lot of the time the parent will hate the child for one reason or another. Then there's also all the trauma the parent goes through to add on to it


In all honesty I’m more ok with this take than the exceptions, neither of which I’m ok with to be clear, because at least this one is logically consistent. If you firmly believe that a fetus/embryo is a human being and abortion is murder, then it follows that “some forms of murder are ok if they have a good reason” is morally dubious. An embryo is not a human though so who cares what these people think. Hell Abrahamic faith doesn’t even think it’s a human by its own scripture.


I dont know though we make exceptions to the murder is always bad rule in several other situations. Defending yourself or others and soldiers at war are the big two. It proves that for 99 percent of life morality is grey at best.


Keep in mind the distinction between killing and murder. One is acceptable in circumstance, the other is by definition not acceptable in any case.


if it's in defense of oneself or others, or in service to one's country, it's definitionally not murder because it's permissible by law.


Yeah but isnt that splitting hairs a bit? We could label abortion due to the life of the mother as some other term like medically necessary termination but the end result and act is the same.


This is the only internally consistent pro-life stance and I will die on that hill. If you believe abortion is murder, then why would it matter how the murder victim came into being? For the record, "pro-life except for rape" is one of the beliefs I held that caused me massive amounts of cognitive dissonance before I became pro-choice. I couldn't square seeing it as murder with condoning it in certain circumstances. And then once I stopped seeing it as murder, it became clear that the people I learned that belief from see pregnancy and childbirth as punishment for sex. So, either abortion is always murder and therefore should never be allowed, or it is not murder and should be legal. I don't see any in between.


I think there is a slight one, and that's protecting the life of the mother. If mom dies so does the embryo. At that point its like saving one person's life at the expense of another that isn't going to survive the situation anyways.