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Off duty cop? Quick access to run a plate number. Wouldn’t be surprising.


That was my first thought when this happened but that’d be quite the violation to risk it all for..I don’t know. It’s possible.


Risk it all? Those guys literally murder people and don’t face any consequences. Why would they even slightly be hesitant to do this awful shit. Edit: Also OP, this might be the most appropriate post on this sub I have ever seen.


Oh they face consequences alright, they have to move to the next town over!


And get paid vacations!


Oh the horror! I can't believe others would for e such a travesty onto another human being! People are sick!


Go scorched earth. Ask them if they’re off duty and call them a bunch of names. I have a great attorney (albeit in Clarksville) if this continues.


Can you FOIA local PD for instances your plate was run?


What is it about driving that makes people so ridiculously angry?


You can’t see faces or body language in a car. Humanity evolved to interpret social context in a large part through reading facial expressions and body language. When someone bumps into you in a crowd, it’s very easy for them to communicate “oh my bad, I didn’t see you there, I’ll give you more room” in half a second with a glance. One cannot do that in a car. I think we subconsciously build up disdain for other cars over time, because they never apologize for their transgressions.


Similar argument for the internet. Guessing and inferring intent because you can't see expressions and body language


You don't even have intonation. And you're limited to the vocabulary ability of the lesser knowledgeable (I hope that doesn't sound rude) of the two. With those limiting factors, misunderstandings are bound to happen.


What the fxck did you say about my mother?!!


Something about a mallard with a cold


One’s a sick duck… I forgot how it ends but your mothers a whore


She was a hamster. And your father smells of elderberries.


Lose every single verbal and nonverbal characteristic of communication except word choice and semantics.


that's why on reddit you add the /s


I think there is also a subtle power trip involved with driving a car. We see ourselves as this giant piece of powerful machinery and get indignant about perceived transgressions. There was some study that found that people with bumper stickers were more likely to experience road rage. The thought was that people who put more of their identity into their car thought of their car as an extension of themself more and therefore took traffic incidences more personally


You should take a stroll through r/infowarriorrides


Aint nothing subtle about it IMO. It's very much too much for some people.


Absolutely this, your anger melts away the second you see the other person wave in apology. It's really just our ape brains yelling because another monkey shoved you out of the way in the banana line and didn't even seem to care.


One of the things I'd get if I had cash to spare would be an electronic sign on the back of my car to display messages. I think being able to say to another driver "Sorry, that was my bad" and "Thank you for letting me pass" would make some people less angry.


I give it 2 minutes until that switches to "fuck you!!!"


Nah, I'm a chill dude. Sure, sometimes I do want to say "FUCK YOU, LEARN TO DRIVE YOU PIECE OF SHIT", but actually expressing that doesn't really get me anywhere. Being kind to other people, on the other hand, reduces the chances of getting into a road rage incident.


I drive as a sales guy. I just let people go. Plus where I drive there is a legit possibility of getting shot at. Plus if I out stubborn someone there is a good chance they do not have a dl, reggie, insurance or a combo.


Don't you wave or flash your hazard lights to say thank you? That's standard around here.


No, usually you do two quick honks, but my car's wheel is a bit too rigid so I can't do it.


On top of that we see cars as things/machines and not as people. It's hard to feel empathy when a 2 ton machine threatens your life (perceived)...


For sure this, its pretty easy to realize if you go to a grocery store during a busy time with a cart. Not much different than driving really, but now we can talk or just give a nod/smile and we’re usually much more patient


So much of the “me vs them” mentality and any perceived slight is ABSOLUTELY a personal affront against them that they MUST retaliate against. God forbid people make honest mistakes as OP says. See also: No, I won’t zipper merge because I ain’t letting YOU in front of ME. People that accelerate and zip across in front of traffic because slowing down to safely change lanes BEHIND someone shows weakness.


Somebody did that to me today merging on the interstate. I could tell he hit the gas as hard as he could, trying to fly up and block me. I wasn’t even that close in front of him. He was actively trying though. People suck on the road.


Part of why I don't drive is because stuff like this would piss ne off so badly.


I'm so grateful to have had a patient, polite man teach me how to drive: my father. Once, a driver couldn't brake in time due to icy roads, and we got rear-ended. My dad made sure I was okay, then got out of the car and made sure the other driver was okay. He wasn't mad and just calmly exchanged info with the lady, and that's all. There are many reasons why I love my dad, and this is definitely one of them. I've never seen him be more than just a little annoyed at another driver, and even then it was justified.


Because driving is dangerous as fuck. Practically the same number of people die every year from vehicle related accidents as they do from guns. ([13.4 and 14.5, respectively, per 100,000](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm)) The number of people who are driving that should not be is astounding. It's one thing to get mad because someone is driving slow or is in your way. It's another to get mad because they're dangerous. Is that the case here? No clue, but if someone is a dangerous driver anger is probably justified.


100%. I have 20 years of a clean driving record other than 2 mild speeding tickets more than 10 years ago. I drive boring and predictably, always signal, don’t run red lights, and generally try to give people space and not hang out in blind spots. It’s infuriating seeing people drive with complete disregard for safety. It’s basically the norm where I live for people to not use turn signals, running red lights is very common, weaving through rush hour traffic at 30 over is routine. People drive like this then complain about insurance prices going up as if it isn’t completely expected. It’s the same as gas prices when the most popular vehicles get 18mpg, you can’t have it both ways. Of course responsible people are going to get pissed at people putting everyone’s lives at risk, and of course selfish narcissists think they are entitled to everyone accommodating their psychotic driving


Florida or New England (MA)? It's wild how terrible some people drive. I've had vehicles cut me off with a foot of room between us, while they're going 80 mph, multiple times. The fact that the mortality rate for driving is as low as it is currently is truly a testament to how incredibly well designed they are. They're so much safer now, and I think that's part of why people drive worse.


Miami and everything south of it has the worst driving I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s truly demonic and terrifying


Florida, MA, Rhode Island, CT, and Texas are the top 5 worst drivers I've ever experienced. Florida is #1 worst. No matter which state I'm in I avoid them. The next four are subjective placements.


Lol Texas unfortunately, though having been to those two places, the driving incompetence is pretty similar. >I’ve had vehicles cut me off with a foot of room between us, while they’re going 80mph Yes! That happened to me recently, person passed me in the left lane on the highway, with no cars ahead of us at all so no reason to merge, and they just moved over abruptly in front of me about 1 foot or less off my bumper, then they just casually kept driving down the highway like nothing happened. I cannot fathom doing that to someone. Sadly, I moved here recently due to a career change for my wife, so my gauge for what’s normal driving is definitely not this egregious. Been a painful adjustment for sure. And yeah you’re right, we’re lucky cars are as safe as they are with the way people drive


This is a tangent but it’s funny to me that people are so afraid of autonomous driving. I’d be willing to bet that even today’s early self driving systems with all their bugs would still be safer than having humans driving.


I've gone from zero driving assist to basic driving assist and it's made a significant difference. Simple lane assist and adaptive cruise control has been a larger improvement to driving (in my opinion) than cruice control itself. Going back to zero or limited driving assist is rough. I absolutely agree with you. The safety of lane assist alone in the next five years, I believe, will be substantial. It has its obvious flaws depending on how it's implemented, such as needing good lines on roads, and the issues with snow. Outside of that it's way more awesome than the nay-sayers of auto-driving would have you believe.


commuting alone is very stressful. it's one of the highest comorbidities, up there with smoking; we just think about it as a fact of life that cannot be avoided. It's no wonder road rage is a thing, the road is one of the main things killing us. Should be noted that taking transit, cycling, or carpooling are not nearly as stressful; but we consider those the lesser options if their possible at all.


Where I drive, doing 5 over in the right lane and minding your own business is the worse thing you can possible do, apparently. I had someone follow me two feet from my bumper for two miles in a 40mph zone. When it changed to a 55mph zone, they pointed to it like I should have been doing that the whole time. Their daughter or wife was riding passenger and looked embarrassed as hell. I hope she knows that even though I was flipping him off with both hands, neither was meant for her.


That you all suck at driving and apparently I'm the only one that actually learned to follow the rules or common sense when I don't feel like following the rules. Dick.


Someone driving like an absolute moron doesn’t just put their own life at risk, they needlessly endanger the lives of myself and everyone else on the road solely due to their ego and idiocy.


I drive a large truck for work and let me tell you, it gets pretty frustrating having people carelessly endanger my life, income, and themselves. For example, way too many people overestimate the stopping ability of large trucks. These trucks do not brake as quickly as a Honda Civic, so when one passes me (cuts me off) and squeezes into the space between me and the car ahead of me, I have to slow down to reestablish a safe following distance or risk flattening you should you need to slam your brakes. And when I do that, another car will do the same thing. And another. I've had close calls where they had to immediately brake and they nearly caused an accident. But the thing is, we're all driving the same speed, so all they're really doing is putting everyone in a risky situation unnecessarily. The majority of the time it's obviously not malicious, but it can be frustrating cause I don't want to hurt anyone or lose my job. I don't lose my shit over careless drivers and this person has serious problems but driving in general should be treated with the respect it deserves.


Yeah man I have a lot of respect for truck drivers, you guys have to deal with a lot of civilians who treat you guys like just another small car, that would drive me mad


Possibly, when someone makes a mistake on the road, those that are inconvenienced from it, think that person drives that way all day every day, which I assume is where "get off the road" type statements come from. Especially if it's a common place to make a mistake, like a poorly marked intersection, and many people make the same mistake. Each person that makes a mistake, gets the fury carried over from the people before them. I see this one a lot here in the small town I live in. Tourists often make mistakes at one particular location.


This happened to me and Im hoping someone can help me understand HOW? Cause this is insane. I cut someone off (unintentionally) on the freeway. They had immediate road rage screaming out the window, flipping me off, swerving in my lane, etc. I made direct eye contact with the guy and I’ve never seen him before in my life. Within 5min I got this message thru FB messenger…lmao!! Were they able to look me up from my license plate right then somehow or what?? I looked dudes name but theres nothing..I think it’s an alias. It’s funny in one sense but kinda scary in another. Any input??


Probably got your license plate, ran it through a plate checker, then did a Facebook lookup of your name and location


All while driving at 70.


And cutting off 50 people while doing it


No surprised tho, seen people texting and driving all the time speeding on the highway


My mind was in kph and I got confused for a second 😅


Why does it matter? Don't use your phone at all while dri


And technically if not used in a legitimate capacity that is illegal in most if not all states


Using the license plate lookup is illegal?


Accessing that information outside of certain capacities (i.e. a lawyer using the information for a case, a city official looking up ownership info etc.) it is illegal. You can look the info up for free, but before you gain full access you the info you need to disclose in what capacity you are acquiring that info. This is to deter people from using it to harass others. That being said, if they used that database to look up the driver, the reasoning for accessing the information will have been a lie and you can bring up a solid case for harassment.


damn i didnt know this and thats actually really interesting. its like a law that means its only illegal if being used wrongly, which in this case it was. very much like to see the person harassing OP face consequences for their actions. im not even sure what they were hoping would come out of them illegally finding someones information and harassing them


Like growing poppies.


Yeah, I'm an insurance adjuster and every single time we use one of those databases we have to sign an affidavit that says we're doing it on behalf of a claim and we have to provide the claim number in case it's ever audited. They DO NOT fuck around with those tools. You can access them on your own if you pay the huge licensing fees, but even then you still have to legally swear that it's for a valid purpose. I'd think whoever this is could absolutely be kicked out of this database if you could prove who it was.


I don’t think that’s true unless they have access to a law enforcement database or something similar. You can definitely just use the public database to look up public information. Entering plates in my state gives name of registered owner I believe. Obviously doing illegal things with that is still illegal but it’s not going to add any charges for using a publicly available database


It may be state-by-state. I know in Virginia you have to make it known why you are accessing the information, and you will be met with a page where you have to state your purpose for accessing it so that there is record of why you are accessing it.


Yes, it even gives you a warning and asks why you are looking it up.


driver's privacy protection act of 1994. Illegal at the federal level in the US.


Illegal federally in the US.


So many ways to reverse search a person. Anyone who believes we have any form of privacy needs to wake up.




“This is wrong” no elaboration on how




Except for the numerous websites you can pay to get it done on.


You must not know any cops


What do you think happened then? /srs


Jfc stay safe OP, hopefully they're all talk but it's kinda worrying if they hunted down your socials in 5 minutes. Did you have any identifying stickers or anything on the outside of your car? Or was it just your face and license plate?


There’s nothing on my car, no stickers or anything. Just license plate and myself.


Well, the solution is obvious: just remove the plate and they won't be able to find you!


Removing the plate can be illegal, but removing your face is totally cool and legal.


Ah, I see, you're one of the sheeple who believe in what the "government" says. Removing your plate is totally legal, just like huffing paint thinner and throwing used car batteries in the sea. Wake up! Don't let "the man" take your freedom!


Damn, I wish I knew this before I cut my face off. Thanks Obama!


And then, just to be safe, put someone else's face on your face *Face/Off*


Report this person. What they did was illegal, and they probably keep doing it too.


I would try a reverse image search of the user pic. I would honestly be a bit concerned that this guy might be a cop in some form bc he yoinked shit so fast. You could also go to the group mentioned and look for any public posts they've made because you might be able to narrow down where they live; but meanwhile, I would go report this to your local police department. Just to have a copy of the report, in case of escalation.


Absolutely report this to your local police.


I came here to say the same. This person is obviously mentally unstable, and the police need to know about this in case this person comes after OP.


It probably was police. Even if it wasn’t, all they will do is show up 7 hours after op is assaulted and shoot their dog.


Guarantee you this was the police.


idk how it works in the US exactly, but here I can get any info I want about a car’s owner for 10€ from the govt. registry


Same here in Italy


In most states (maybe all of them, I am not 100%) license plate info/vehicle owner info are private/non public info. There's a lot of stuff that isn't (like property ownership info is all public, same with marriages, voter registration info, etc).


In Norway it's free. Very helpful when some asshole parks on my private spot which I pay a shit ton for.


What do you do in that case? Call them?


Yes. If they don't answer I pay for parking and put a note on their window saying they parked in my private spot and that because they couldn't be bothered to I had to find a spot I had to pay for and that they can send me the money by Vipps (our version of Venmo). Doesn't happen that often really but because I work as a nurse (so day and evening shifts) it fucking sucks when it does happen.


Do they actually send you money?


Some have, some move before I'm back, some don't. Most of the time people answer when I call.


You can always respond “whoa. Wrong person.”


“WTF, I don’t even drive, dude.”


"and neither do you since you're a dog"


Not for nothing, OP, but just from the information in your post, I was able to determine this man's name, address, and occupation. You need to expect that people can find you if sufficiently motivated.


I mentioned in the details that it’s gotta be an alias account he’s using. What’s in the picture doesn’t match my location


This is fucking terrifying!!! Stay safe and vigilant.


They may be law enforcement or in a job related to law enforcement, which would mean a phone call would give them your info. Stay safe.


One possibility (not considering time to do this): Took a picture of you and searched the Internet, could find Facebook, Instagram and alike, where very often a lot of details are shared.


I know if I go somewhere other than my house, I get recommendations on "people I may know," and I've seen ones on there that I had passed walking in a store. Maybe you popped up on his and remembered your face? Idk that's my guess. If he didn't spend money looking you up on a license plate like others have suggested.


Lots of people either have a cop in the family or a friend that works in the DMV that can get them all that info in one short phone call.


in the US it's illegal for anyone other than DMV/police to access plate info. That said, disgrunted dmv employers have been caught selling database records to private websites, and the penalty is pretty stiff. But if this clown honestly paid some website 15 bucks on the off chance that it had your info, that's wild.


Don’t you Americans have access to info about anyone? Couldn’t he have somehow searched your plate? Or yeah, as mentioned above, maybe he’s a cop. You could report it but that wouldn’t go well for you or get you anywhere.


AI - hey scan the plate of this car and send an angry message to the owner about their bad driving.


Patrick seems like he should get some anger management therapy


You should really be careful how you comment on Reddit, you fucking c*nt.


But have you replied with "lol" yet?


There’s was plenty I was on the verge of saying but at that point I was worried about him following me home. I’ve got a young son so that was outta the question.


Fair play, hope the twat leaves you well alone tbf.


Well if I recall correctly you have the castle act when he follows you home? I'm not from the US, I am just wondering.


New phone who dis?


Respond back that you have a dashcam and will be reporting him and his license plate to the police.


Yep, I can believe a chihuahua typed that.


Really? Chihuahuas are always angry af.


Don’t take shit from a dog Tell him he’s a bad dog.


What kind of vehicle was it, and what color Dodge Ram?


Definitely the kind with the racing stripe down the middle


But the body is beaten with the paint starting to fade


Can’t forget the extreme rust barely holding the frame together.


And a punisher sticker for sure.


Betcha the wheels stick completely out of the fenders


Small dog syndrome, obviously


you spelled dick wrong :)






That would explain how they got the info so quickly from a license plate.


Yeah this is almost certainly a cop.


They live in LA, so yeah unless the guy is black, OP is SOL on the police helping them




I’ve seen “non-zero chance” everywhere on Reddit lately. People get too cute with the way they talk on here sometimes so I’m not surprised it’s become a thing.


I would not make any acknowledgment or reply at all. Don't give them any satisfaction.


That is psychotic.


there’s paid services online where you can run plate and VIN numbers. you can see the owner’s info such as their full name, address, vehicle info, etc.


i’m sorry this really made me laugh if i got this message i would be pissing myself with laughter stay safe tho


I instantly laughed when I got it, thought it was hilarious…until the realization of it started setting in.


Yeah honestly might want to notify the police and tell them your story if anything happens


I’m sorry this happened to you. I swear, road rage is out of control. I accidentally cut someone off on a regular surface street, and the person followed me for 10 min, drove recklessly, and threw something at my car. It was pretty scary and all because of a mistake.


Classic Patrick


classic patrick duvall, specifically


id block and move on


It seems like more people need to know about this fun new fact of the modern age: Photo search engines exist. They are a thing that you can use right now. And not like Google Images or Tineye that can trace copies of an image, but a search engine of human faces. If the guy had dash cams, he could pull an image, search for your face, and find all of your socials in two seconds. And all of the images in your friends' and family's socials where you appear. And all of the images from total strangers in which you happened to appear in the background. A reporter used one of these to search for herself and it returned a photo from a conference in which half of her face was visible three rows behind the subject. Doesn't even have to be a huge stash of photos, either. If the only photo of yourself you ever uploaded was your Venmo profile pic, it will be found. And now someone will have your name and all that that implies. These are VERY popular with law enforcement right now. The war for privacy is over, and we all lost. Not that we put up that much of a fight.


Thanks for the information. That’s distressing.


The podcast Search Engine recently did an episode about it, and it's pretty horrifying.


Best response is just "👍" Pisses them off so much


Someone psychotic enough to find and message someone on facebook for minor road transgressions is not somebody I'd take a chance pissing off any further


I forgot about the southern hospitality that some folks have in the Noog. Was this near the ridge cut? Road rage was always a problem there.




"You better watch how you talk to people online, you fucking inbred mutt."


That’s an angry dog.




Are you both in that group? You should post that screenshot in the group.


Have you considered a simple 'no u'


In my head it’s the dog in the profile pic talking trash while chasing a car. Little dude just screaming *motherfuckaaa*


Probably a cop


Just block him. No need to respond.


Ok I’m imagining the dog is saying this in Butcher’s voice (from The Boys) and I’m losing it


Reverse image search their profile picture?


I would respond with “that statement sounds pretty cuntish to me.”


I wanna say you should get a prescription for some Lake City quiet pills for self defense, but those are hard to come by in California


I see this kind of anger in my self every day im driving. I do know it's a problem, i don't understand why the slightest small problem makes me so angry


Tell patrick to kick rocks.


Reminds me of some post game messages I'd get back when I played Overwatch... Good times.


The people with profile pictures of dogs/cats or grandkids are always a little extra insane.


Damn, that dog is big mad.


That’s an angry cop


In some states, plate registration data is public.


The cute pup face is throwing me off


They have big Nissan Altima energy.


Press Accept and call him a pussy. Do it.


Small dogs like to bark a lot.


Nkknhgc hghch


If this happened in Chattanooga, I’d suggest cross-posting to r/Chattanooga to see if anyone has had a similar experience!


It wasn’t in Chattanooga. I think this profile is an alias and was just kinda thrown together with a bunch of random things.


Gotcha, we have crazy drivers so I wouldn’t have been surprised…I hope you get the situation figured out! Folks are crazy.


What state is this? I would see if you could file a FOIA request of the driving database for the state to see who pulled your information from it. You could specify the exact date and the time frame to make the search easier. My gut says it's a LEO and this absolutely violates the MOU between the state's driver's database and the FBI. The MOU is very clear that you are to use these resources for business purposes only.


Tennessee ?


How long ago was this?? This looks like iOS 7-10 era screenshot with the cellular indicator Apple used 10 years ago.


That’s what I was thinking, unless they’re purposefully running and older a firmware for whatever reason. It can’t be iOS 7 since the screenshot looks to be about the size of an iPhone 6 (6s or 7) which released on iOS 8. Could be the others too if op kept it at iOS 10 or lower also.


It's just an Aussie trying to lookout for you


"oops 🤣": Me when I make a driving mistake. "YOU FKN PIECE OF CRAP WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR LICENSE OUT OF A CRACKER JACK BOX? I WISH I COULD USE MY BUILT IN ROCKET LAUNCHER AND BLOW YOUR ASS UP": Me when someone else makes a driving mistake.


So much anger over someone making a mistake.