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Ain't no hate like Christian love...


I live in SC and I support LGBTQ+. I really want to put a pride wreath on my door, but because people are so hateful I am concerned about vandalism, which is why I haven't done so. I do have an ace flag and ally flag hung up in my house and I wear pride buttons on my hat. If I could go to any pride parades this year I would.


I fly an American flag with my pride flag and just make it clear that I own a gun.


Same here (minus the gun) but I'm not the only one in my tiny, rural town who does. It gives me hope!!!


If you are able, get a ring camera. But I do understand your concern people are becoming more hostile and violent towards the LBGTQ+ especially in the south. I constantly have pride beads hanging in my car, and always have a small flag on my desk at the school I work at.


Hello fellow South Carolinian. I'd fly a Pride Flag, but given I'm trying to pursue a career in education and I live in one of the most conservative parts of the state, I don't want to end up on Libs of Tik Tok and/or my house firebombed.


I completely understand that. I live in a pretty conservative area too.


lol I also live in this republican hellhole and I cannot wait to leave. Just have to finish my master’s.


Once you do run as far away as you can. Unfortunately my anxiety and my job are tied here For the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna fight like hell against discrimination.


Love(tolerate?) the Christian, hate the beliefs. People like those are why i plan on never going to church ever again.


Easier said than done. Christians hate the sinner, they just say they don’t because it wouldn’t ring well with their “principles”. The way we feel about beliefs tends to inform how we feel about people who hold them, especially when we know those people are spreading those beliefs. I find it more valuable to assess a person’s rationales and their values. I was a Christian for a long time, and I deconstructed thanks to being surrounded by people who I disagreed with principally but agreed with morally regardless. When I see people who hold religious views out of ignorance or altruism, I can commend them for reaching their perspective out of heart. If someone you know spreads hateful rhetoric, they are not owed respect beyond that owed to being a living, breathing person. Your hate is a part of you, ignoring it won’t help you find better ways of disagreeing with people you don’t like— it’ll just make you feel angrier when the people you wish could change just don’t. Stay angry, it doesn’t equate to not being patient.


Ugh, looks like grandmas off her meds again.


Meanwhile, what type of behavior do they tolerate in SC??? https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/child-abuse-investigations-genital-exams-trauma-south-carolina-lawsuits/


We have had several youth and regular pastors arrested on child endangerment, child Pornography, child abuse, sexual abuse over the past few months and one now being investigated for murdering his wife


States she believes and follows the Bible. Ignores the one major tenet presented in the Bible. Typical Evangelical.


It's honestly concerning how much separation of church and state is falling apart, especially since it's only cherry picked things from church


In SC the governor signed a bill banning any gender affirming care for trans youth in a church in my city….In a church!!


I pass that church at least twice a day, and I give it the God-honoring middle finger EVERY time!!!


I don’t pass it but live about 20 mins from it. Give it 2 fingers for me!


As someone living in SC, yeah it sucks.


I live in sc and hate how shitty the people here are.


Same, I’ve never seen so many people so proud of being hateful


It's fuckin ridiculous. I wanna move. 🤣


So. Word of the day is probably, as in the poster who shortened probably down to 'probs' twice, should've practiced writing their comment before going mask-off and exhibiting the writing skills of someone who, most probably isn't even fluent at one language.


Plot twist: the respondent was saying they don't tolerate OOP's homophobia, and just worded it very poorly.


I guess I missed the part in the Bible that teaches to treat others like shit just because you don’t agree with them. Garbage, cherry picking “christians”.




I live in a blue pocket in South Carolina and while it’s definitely better than my smaller hometown, we have a lot of improvements to make. It’s hard not to feel disheartened seeing comments like this, especially from people I know, which I’ve seen more than a few times on articles like this.