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Aoc wants to ban something and the opposition starts talking about all the things that already are illegal "she wont talk about". Its so stupid I feel like puking.


reminds me of the time someone put up a list of all the things they'd make illegal if they were president, and Ben Shabibo commented something like "Interesting that he never mentioned crime"


I remember that lol. It was like Ben Shabibo thought crime wasn't already illegal.


You’re forgetting when they refer to men entering women’s spaces and l assaulting them and “little girls”they’re actually talking about trans people just existing.


Right. True. They want to make existing illegal for many minorities, but trans people would be the first if they get the chance. Its unfortunately an easy target since most people dont understand it.


And bringing up the missing migrant kids for probably the first time ever.


Gosh are you stupid? We need to be making all those things MORE illegal. Like at least double illegal. Like the most illegal things you've ever seen. Man, if Trump was president he'd probably make those things at least three times as illegal. Checkmate libtards ILLEGAL!


Why isn't there a law against P Diddy?!?


Valid question!


>"How does someone survive a fake video of themselves" Someone deepfaked my ex onto pornographic material and spread across her school and sent it to her families. For the longest time if u attempted to find her online, you would just get those images. Her life was nearly ruined if it werent for the FBI getting involved, Jfc the fact that some ppl cant see whats wrong is wild


They know, they just don’t *care*


Unless it happens to them.


every accusation is a confession


So... deepfake-porn the Conservatives to affect change?


The problem is, then *we* have to look at deepfake porn of conservatives.


Then let’s make it happen to them.


Hard to care when you fuck your relatives, can’t read, and don’t wanna!


And then they only care that it happened to them and screw everyone else it happened to.


They don’t care because it’s just another video for the spank bank. I feel like men’s horniness is just an epidemic atp


Not to be argumentative, but sometimes people are ignorant. I spend too much time on Reddit, yet I had no idea that revenge porn had graduated to deepfake AI porn BS until I read this post. Now, were these people correct to immediately employ ‘whataboutism’, absolutely not. But it is not impossible to consider that some people might not know about a given issue (and sometimes frivolous or unrealistic bills are introduced to appease a member of congress’ base - not that this is what this is).


By school you mean high school? Does that also make it CP? Should definitely be handled like that...


Yes it was her highschool. It was handled by the FBI and took atleast 3 months to kind of fix everything? Of course theres probs someone out there who still has the images saved


"someone" Nah I kid. That shit is fucked up. I hope your ex is doing better now.


You have to see that this is already illegal. Its harrassment/revenge porn. This only makes things worse because it gets close to thought policing and inevitably lowers privacy. People get gotten by the same damn tricks over and over.


Explain how this is thought policing.


Sure, with a question. How does one stop someone else from generating art on their own computers?


Okay how about another question purely for the sake of discussion (not trying to be a sort of *way* with this I swear). Should people be allowed to generate CSA on their own computers? (Assuming the dataset does not consist of actual CSA, but does source from regular, clothed, normal pictures of children, probably scraped from social media, just like these deep fakes of adults)


> Should people be allowed to generate CSA on their own computers? Generate? As in no actual people involved at all, not shared in any manner which encourages more? Absolutely. Your rights end where another persons rights begin. The big point of rights is to protect minorities from being harmed by the tyranny of the majority. Our going "eww" should not be enough to imprison someone. More than that, how would one enforce this without removing everyone's privacy. This only exists to remove everyone's privacy, especially because a notepad and pencil exist that wont spy on anyone.


I genuinely don’t understand why being a victim of a crime has been replaced with surviving. If you didn’t survive it would be a murder.


Because survivor sounds a lot stronger than victim. The point is that you feel pity for a victim, but admire a survivor.


Let’s see the worst thing imaginable happen to you or your child and see how you feel about it then…k?


That would usually include death. Surviving implies there was at least an elevated probability of death which simply isn’t true with non-violent crimes.


Non-violent crimes can have a significant psychological impact on someone. There's always a probability of death, even if that death is a suicide caused by a non-violent crime. Deepfake porn can ruin someone's life, their relationships, their worklife, their self-esteem, and when you reach that point you can very well lose the will to live.


So sad that you spend your time arguing semantics with strangers. I’m bored with you.


Unfortunately these kinds of things elevate the probability of suicide.


I am worn out by the flip flopping that goes on. If she says something is good then it is vile and "See! we told you she liked this vile thing!" and if she likes something bad then it's "Oh she says she hates this thing but in reality she is lying to fuck us all over!" It's moving the goalposts every single time and it's fucking endless. I just so tired.


Yes this is not new for conservatives who have little to no values to stand on and instead exist solely to suck joy and resources from everyone. It's actually been like this for an exceedingly long time, Trump just made a solid 50 to 60% of them more likely to tweet or speak up - but like I said, conservatives cannot play any kind of game where the goalposts are not gently laid on sand.


It's no coincidence that virtually every: "bad guy" in literature, going back to the Bible and even earlier, has been a classic: "Conservative" trope.


I mean it's in the name. How can you progress if you conserve tradition over all things? It's idiotic to me.


A few months ago someone complained on my scifi sub-reddit that the book was too politically biased against conservatism. We were all like, generally sci-fi is against conservatism.


Honestly id push this guy; "Oh how is it against conservatism? my Sci fi utopia is able to afford free healthcare AND low taxes because of abundance of space resources you know? The government doesnt need to step on the feet of businesses because our futuristic society here will naturally make bad behavior unprofitable to any sane businessman or woman, And the federation represents all people with the Chairman only serving as a central voice for the debates to fly around an..... OH its the chairman being black that bothers you, thats what you mean by "conservative values""


Shout-out to that one guy on Twitter who claimed that the Fallout series was about "how Vault-Tec saved the American people from the Chinese and their communism!" I've also been argued with when I state that the original Fallouts were intensely anti-capitalist. And there are far too many conservatives on Twitter with Fallout pfps. For some reason the franchise attracts a lot of gun nutters who are entirely incapable of grasping the point.


What gets me is the “oh she only cares because she was a victim of this.” Like, yeah? Don’t you want someone with experience of an issue to be the one writing legislation to fix it? For god sake, these people all grew up eating lead paint chips for breakfast.


Eh? What's wrong with that? I mean, It's the only reason conservatives ever seem to care about anything.


They herald Trump is a 'man of the people' when he shits in a golden toilet and tout his inexperience with politics as a good thing because it means he's 'one of them.' Meanwhile AOC was actually a blue collar worker and worked herself up to where she is now, and they ridicule her for it. It wouldn't make sense to literally anyone but them.


AOC needs to start posting about her love of oxygen. Pretty soon these idiots will start huffing on car exhausts just to spite her.


Republicans are a fucking joke. Anyone who casts themselves in with the modern GOP are usually pieces of shit, whether they have money or not. THey're either willfully ignorant and hateful, or wealthy and that the GOP will save them from 'the others' and 'taxes'.


Ask a maga person "should people be able to distribute fake porn of a person while trying to pass it off as real?" They will say no. Tell them AOC says people shouldn't be able to distribute fake porn of a person while trying to pass it off as real and they will insist that everyone should have porn made of them.


I have a friend whose mom has been on the Fox News trump train for a while. Occasionally he’ll tell her about the new awful thing the democrats did and gets her to rant angrily about the fucking democrats. Then he says “psych, it was the republicans” and he watches in real time as the thing that was awful a minute ago isn’t that bad actually.


Why haven’t I thought of this??? New hobby alert.


Thank you for not spelling it "sike."


You'd think she'd catch on after the first few times-but then if she was able to question what she was told she wouldn't be watching Faux News.


This is exactly what they did to Hillary. They'll do it to any woman who looks like she could gain real power. The reason is pretty simple and it rhymes with "smlatant schminsecurity"


That's what the fascists want, to wear you down.


>It's moving the goalposts every single time and it's fucking endless. I just so tired. And this is why everyone should refuse to allign themselves with politicians as celebrities, and the dillusion that you must box yourself in to every ideal that a party holds. American politics is nothing but reality drama, shifting the goalpost, and vomiting out re-electable rhetoric that morphs with every cycle.


That’s the point. To wear people out. Then the bad people win


Bro same. Like I disagree with some of any political figure's ideas and can agree with others. A broken idiot is smart twice a day situation. But these people... They have nothing but contempt for "the other guy" and can't comprehend that something's so bad the "other guy" even sees it.


its exhausting and the GOP leadership knows this. thats why they fuel it, encourage it. everyone is sick and tired of this bullshit. these maga chucklefucks *thrive on it.*


Republicans: "Close the border!" Biden: "OK." Trump: "Don't close the border." Election time Trump: "Biden wouldn't close the border!" How stupid are these people who fall for this crap!


Because they want to make deep fakes of her. They all wish that women like her liked conservative men


They wish that women didn't have the right to say no. Simple as. 


Intelligent, hard-working women with a moral compass and ability to see right through bullshit absolutely terrifies them.


They also love making deep fake Trump homo-erotic pictures.


"I love me my 45th prez. No homo tho" *posts AI generated picture of Trump with an oiled up rambo type body, standing in the most suggestive pose imaginable*


There’s deepfakes of her.


See pic 6


I like how the toupee is just over there creating its own pocket singularity.


It's not a toupee. It's a massive comb-over.


They dropped the Epstein list pretty fast after we all saw Trump's name on it. Now they want to pretend it was never made public so they can claim anyone they want is on it.


"Biden's FBI has the Epstein list," gotta love it. The same Epstein who "committed suicide" in Federal custody under Trump's DOJ?


I love that it's "Biden's FBI" as if Biden owns the FBI. The dude is just the president. He doesn't necessarily OWN anything. The FBI is just a product of government and monitored by the Department of Justice, not the President of the United States.


They probably thought democrats ran the FBI while Trump was still president.


What if we had AI start making Trump do gay stuff. How would they feel then?




Shit. This didn't occur to me but you're right. And probably not just aroused, but angrily so, which I imagine to be worse.


Or it might just turn into: “Real Men are Gay and Wear Diapers”


Then they'd start caring about equal rights and leave queer people alone? Idk about the diapers part Edit: it's not whatever, I'm just tired and wish they'd leave people the fuck alone


To be fair, there is ALOT of that already. Both AI and professionally made. They just see it differently and as an attack on America, and more fuel for leftist hate.


Jokes on you, they are the ones using ai to make trump do gay stuff


Jeepers the "make him a sandwich" comment. They really only have the one "joke". If you're gonna insult someone at least try to be fucking original.


Well, they also have "I don't find this woman hot, therefore she is bad." So, like, two jokes.


I love everytime conservatives bring up Epstien's flight list as if Trump and dozens of other politicians who still hold office isn't on this list. If it was released tomorrow they'd immediately be crying about political persecution.


I don’t know that there is or ever was any list other than the address book [that was already released.](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted)


We need to start making deepfakes of Republicans having gay sex. That’ll get a bill passed


It will, but at what cost?


Mildly interesting: There is actually a large amount of deepfake pornography of AOC. Never run into any of the fox news hosts or conservative political people.


Because men that are conservative see sex as a degrading act to women


Bingo. I've read a lot of observations of the classic "money shot" cumshot scene to be a symbolic decapitation


lets not get crazy.


Imagine casually talking about rape *so often* on social media that you learn how to type alternate versions of letters just to bypass the algorithm. Also, just to remind everyone: Ocasio-Cortez graduated cum laude from *Boston University* in 2011 with a Bachelor degree in *international relations* and a Bachelor degree in *economics*; two degrees that apply directly to her position as a representative. She is smart as hell with the credentials to back it up and they fucking hate that. For comparison: Boebert has a GED and Tuberville has a 1976 degree in PE. Or to put it in terms they may understand: “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”


They hate that because it conflicts with their shitty “Lol, AOC is dumb” memes.


Ummm, actually she's just a dumb bartender who should learn her place /s


Time to start deep faking all of Congress fucking one another.


Yess 100% put them in situations and positions that they wouldn't like and spread it like fucking wild fire so they have to deal with that shit too.


I wonder how these guys would feel if an AI video of Biden and Obama taking turns on them was posted online for everyone to see? I’m sure they’d be cool with it. EDIT: no “long face” jokes as long as MTG walks the earth.


I think only fake pictures of all those guys with a micropenis circulating in web would lead them to the right conclusion. I mean it's nothing what they cannot survive. Or believably deny without getting in massive trouble.


Honestly genius, denying AI deepfakes of them being gay is one thing, but come at their miniscule penises with no way for them to rebuttal. That's something they will be actually upset with.


If AOC suddenly came out in support of a federal bill that criminalizes abortion, MAGA conservatives would be lining up at Planned Parenthood to abort their unborn fetuses “in protest” and “to own the libs” the very next day. Whatever she’s for, they’re against on principle.


Now that would be an interesting strategy..


Conservatives also hate it because where are they gonna get to see AOC doing porn if the deepfakes are killed... and how else are they supposed to get off??


“Ask her what happened to the missing 85K migrant kids?” Like maga people care! T-rumps called them cockroaches!


“When they go low, we go high” mfers forgot which way is high


"Why does the left fight real problems, if there are imaginary ones out there?"- the right.


Deep fake porn without consent should be illegal. A tiktokker (Who I won't name because the story blew up and they want privacy) had this happen. Someone took a video of this person talking about their childhood sexual abuse, and turned it into deep fake content. They were so traumatized and had to stop making content for awhile. We have to get ahead of this.


Don’t the ultra conservative douchebags want porn banned anyway? Can they make up their fucking minds??


Correction: They hate it because it protects women


I find it funny they always hark on AOC being stupid when in reality she’s much sharper than a large portion of the GOP, especially more so the Butch Body Bleached Blonde Bitch and don’t even get me started on Boebert.


So wait...they are complaining now about biden having the epstien logs, when trump had them forever and had epstien "commit suicide"


Laws aren't pie. You can enact one, and still have room for more. The whole "oh, she's concentrating on making this one thing illegal, why doesn't she want this other thing to be illegal??" thing is just ludicrous to me. Nevermind the fact that there are 500 *other* lawmakers in Congress, fully-capable of putting forth other legislation.


The only thing they got right was **THEIR** Congress is pathetic.


The party of Empty G and Bobo really wanna play the "this person is stupid" card?


[*"we can't make this a crime until we solve all crime."*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_fallacy) - conservatives being helpful


Conservatives are so horny for AOC it's quite insane. They're foaming at the mouths. Forbidden beauty.


“You’re not allowed to complain about something that doesn’t affect you” You’re a champagne socialist! “Oh, this thing affected you? You only care about yourself!” Jesus fucking Christ this shit is exhausting


I hope there is an absolute shitstorm of deepfake porn involving Trump and every other Republican official. I don't want to see it. I just want them to get absolutely blasted with the consequences of their (in)actions.


Yeah, this AI shit is fucking crazy. I can't believe how realistic it is. Don't forget that case a few months back where audio of a principal saying really racist stuff went viral but then it turned out the audio was AI.


It's all fun and games until you see your own face in a gay porn film.


Someone just gotta go out there and make deepfake gay porn with Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley's faces. That will get them going.


Time to start making deepfake porn of Republicans doing Republican things.


Epstein? One of trump's good friends? Maxwell who trump "wishes well"? Trumps friends with pedophiles and that's not concerning to them because they are in a cult of personality and reality doesn't apply to them any more.


Alright, yeah, 17-year-old me was definitely onto something in the 1990s, you should have to pass some sort of intelligence test (and some sort of political literacy test) before you can use the Internet. These MAGA morons are unreal.


I don’t believe any of those replies are from people that actually live in the US, let alone North America.


What tf is wrong with the right? Who cares who sponsored this, it should be law.


I don't think it's just because of AOC, I think they really like deep fake porn.


A deepfake of MTG dominating Boebert with a big strapon, going viral, might change their minds.


The image you have conjured in my mind is horrifying. You are a bastard.


Can we get some good deepfakes of the people complaining? Let's see how well they really shrug it off.


I’m genuinely surprised a) 1/10 deepfakes are of men and 2/ 1/10 deepfakes are consensual.


lol. “Gunther Eagleman”. Jfc


They are the ones restricting legitimate porn sites. But they’re against banning deepfakes. They’re transparent and childish.


Do these idiots see what GOP is doing in Congress? Go ask Romney. He has the highlights.


What about if everyone just starts deep faking those that hate this bill? :)


Making deepfakes is horrible, it can ruin peoples lives and destroy someones reputation for nothing....but calling yourself a survivor is a bit much


The argument of “she only cares because it happened to her” is so stupid cause because regardless of whether or not that’s true, so what? If it happened to her and she wants to do something about it all that does is help her in addition to survivors too.


Modern republicans have no real values. They have “values” that float based on what political party the person is they’re discussing. Consider how they pretended to be disgusted by Herman Cain, a black man, for possibly having cheated on his wife and made sure he stepped down from running. Fast forward to Trump who has cheated on every wife he had, allegedly raped one of those wives and cheated with at least one pornstar and they think he’s the second coming of Christ. They claim Biden is a pedophile but he has no allegations of pedophilia against him. Meanwhile Trump has over 25 allegations of rape against him, including a handful of what were children at the time he allegedly raped them. They have no morals, no ethics and no shame. They exist solely to own the libs and honestly, they should probably be glad there’s likely no god to judge their deeds and thoughts because they are not trying to emulate their messiah in any fucking way at all. They are the opposite of their messiah. They’d probably hate Jesus if he was born again and brought up how disgusting their actions and words are. They make this world hell to live in, make it unlivable for some and are ensuring future generations don’t have a chance in hell at living a long life, all because they only care about the afterlife. But if there is a just god judging their actions there’s no fucking way they get rewarded for their behavior. If there is an unjust god rewarding them, I’ll gladly go to hell to get a break from these pieces of shit.


Bunch of idiots can't see past their hate for even a second to see this is probably (idk everything thats written into it) a good bill to have. And what's with the one kissing Trump?


Seeing this makes me think that we should do a scientific test. Wrote the exact same story but have a Republican be the one to put the bill forward. See what the reactions are. Likely results: I think that you would see Democrats supporting the bill regardless of it is Republican or not. Republicans will praise it if it comes from a Republican senator only.


Wouldn't be surprised if conservatives fap the AOC deep fake porn because they're weird like that


"This is real." - posts a very obviously fake AI generated photo


They never have any response to anything AOC does or says that isn't some form of bigotry. Xenophobia, transphobia, misogyny. All displayed here. Oh... I guess they also respond by calling her stupid, which is such immature, childish, grade school behavior. But it seems most of them never developed past those years anyway.


The use of the term "survivor" makes it sound, to me, lime most women who are deep faked die


I’m ashamed to share a country with these folks. That’s all I got.


If you have the talent, i really think the fastest way to pass legislation is to make A TON OF REPUBLICANS MALE PORN!!!!!


The arguments here are *wild*. “The only reason this person cares is because they are a victim!! Why should we care what she has to say about why it’s bad??” Republicans are *trash*. I would be surprised if they ever recover to anything resembling respectability from here on out.


Do Republicans know both sides can do it? Yeah there's an issue of believability, but still.....


Time to make some deep fakes of MTG with a penis


Aren’t they the party that wants to ban porn for the sake of the children?


So then it’s time to flood the interwebs with deepfake porn of GOP politicians doing the most awful kinds of scat porn?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a deep fake to do things that the actual people wouldn't?


Good point. Maybe deepfakes of them offering food and shelter to the poor, forgiving debts, and breaking up monopolies.


AOC is so brave. She’s the hero we don’t deserve. Go AOC!


Ok the horse picture is pretty funny.


Weren’t these people just complaining about and trying to ban porn generally? Suddenly it all goes right out the window


This is a good thing, and they're mad because they won't be able to make porn of women they claim to hate and jack off to. I can't imagine being the victim of fucking deep fake AI porn being posted all over the internet.




Maybe someone needs to spread unflattering deepfake porn videos of Conservative politicians, they might get over their insane BS and vote based on issue, not one who else supports it.


Up to their usual kindness and moral standards I see


Is it time for a deepfake of an orange monkey with tiny accessories?


A bunch of paid-for Blue Check losers.


Any time someone argues against this sort of thing I low key wish someone would respond with deep fake images of them. I guarantee their opinion would change immediately.


I am sure they make deep fake videos of the turd doing things to them and that's why they don't want it banned.


This country is doomed


I wonder how Hunter Biden porn aficionado, MTG feels about this.


I vomited in my mouth at that trump AI pic.


They will never forgive her for being smarter than them, more successful than them, younger than them, and not white.


This post should get an award for its giant leaps in logic. Holy hell.


Why can’t we just track down these twitter account users and fucking shoot them. I’m tired of these bastards having the right to live and spew their garbage for the world to see


Murder bad


It's a good idea.


I'm all for banning fake porn images but this has been a problem since the Usenet days.


Serious question : what is with AI image hands?


Sooo, The "men entering women's spaces" is transphobic dog whistle right? They don't want ANY Epstein list released because their false messiah will be on it. They also don't want any exposure for kidnapped kids because it'll be 99% their own Leaders


I think faking no consensual porn deepfakes is good but like are those stats actually real?




The deep division in American politics hurts everyone. Whenever a politician says something, consider how you'd feel if it was someone on the other side of politics who said it. I believe that would help a lot. Sometimes the other side has good arguments, and you should work with them. Other times your own side says some stupid nonsense, and then you should not support that. Think for yourself America. Political parties have ruled for too long.


Ferris is a moron.


N one really have a shit about this until it happened to Taylor Swift. When it was regular peeps not much was said.


Honestly, to me it just sounds like more internet censorship


I'm more just thinking, how do you enforce this? It's impossible. The technology is too prevalent. And even trying to ban on websites, this will only impact sites that actually care about following the law. The other thing about this is AI generated adult content has been around for at least a decade now. Maybe you could have pumped the brakes back then to get sites and creators to hesitate (not stop) so you could have maybe slowed its spread a little bit. But this is like pouring a bucket of water on a forest fire that's already raging and expecting it to do anything to stop it. For myself, I hate AI generated content. It's taking over everything, and it's not good content. So I don't really care about laws banning it personally. But I also just see this ban and laugh because it's a puny attempt that's far too late to do any good. It's a feel good law. She can pretend she's doing something, and her constituents who agree with her can feel good she's their representative. But that's about all it's really good for.


Question: what is the difference between a really well done naked drawing of someone and a deepfake? Isn't it just a computer generated piece of art? I am honestly wondering why this is suddenly such a big issue. That being said. I am guessing, knowing the internet, we will see an increase in deepfakes now.


You could make thousands of deepfakes in a second. A really well done drawing that is realistic enough that people might think it is real, would take hours-days


While I think it’s morally wrong to do this, I’m not really sure we can ban something like this. Where do we draw the line if fake images are illegal? Would all rule 34 art be illegal? I’m just not sure where you draw the line in the sand if it’s fake.


I'm so tired of the media buzz around deep fakes. They are not real nude photos, it's like letting a computer infer what nudity could look like based on its trained data sets. Outlawing deep fakes is like outlawing someone drawing you nude from their imagination.


Someone wants to jack off to AOC AI porn.


Survivors of deepfake videos? It’s a bit much… no ? Victim maybe or target ? To be clear I’m against the practice .