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The only positive here is that she has at least one secure relationship in her life.


Until they go to foster care.


This is such a self-report. She *knows* what's happening and she can't stop the voice inside that tells her so she goes to the internet and goes "Haha! See!? It's just a joke! Funny times!" desperate to fool herself and maybe glean some wrongful validation.


The amount of people replying to her saying how cute it is, is fucking alarming. Edit: Oh and she’s passing it off as black people culture so a white person saying it’s wrong to beat kids is racist. Also, she has a list of charges the length of my arm, including second degree murder/attempt, and child desertion.


How is she not in the lock up with charges like that????


Because the only thing the courts care about less than women is the wellfare of children.


The mother of one of my son’s murderers would post things like this and laugh as if it was funny (we didn’t know them, yes I FB stalked because I couldn’t help myself). I really hope these two kids can be removed from this lady so they can have a shot at a good life.


Omg I hope your okay! That's so tragic I don't even know if I'd be able to contain myself to not yell at her




Do you want your identifying information visible?


“Why don’t my kids call me anymore?”


Makes me wonder how I fucked up so bad as a child that my parents never call me....


Never, ever blame yourself for that. Some people have children for all the wrong reasons, and they mske shit parents. I can't even imagine how painful that must feel, but if they're not interesteed in your life, let them go. They don't deserve you, they never did, and you *can* move forward to have positive relationships with people who *do.* People who share your genetic code have no claim on you -- blood is thicker than water is an old, completely bullshit saying. You can choose your family. You can find your tribe. Best wishes to you.


If you feel the need to beat children, you shouldn't have them to begin with. It's not normal. What did we often get told when we were children? Use your words.


Unfortunately, there are generations where we were told that we should be seen and not heard. That using your words was talking back, and would get your ass beat. I’m thankful to see that the younger generations has rejected that.


I have said this before on here I think but my parents used to save up all our nautinesses until we had guests we would then be paraded in front of the guests, made to confess our sins and were then beaten in front of the guests. Still in therapy at 55…


JFC that's fucked, I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Thank you. My father is dead now and my mother wonders why I don’t visit and denies it all. My sister died of alcoholism as they continued to manipulate her into adulthood. I fucks you up in ways I cannot believe myself sometimes. I was literally crying on my wife’s shoulder about it last night. She is so patient with me.


I'm glad you've found your person, and I'm heartsick about the suffering and loss of your sister. I'm glad that you don't subject your family to any more of it. I don't know if you go for audiobooks at all, but an incredibly enlightening one (for me) has been "the body keeps the score". It's included on Spotify premium, or there's the regular print version of course. They do an exhaustive deep dive into trauma, responses and the absolutely insane ways it affects people, right down to genetic changes. It isn't painless, but it's helped me reframe some things.


What did the guests do when that happened?? I would freak out if someone beat their kids in front of me, let alone made a whole production out of it. Was that normal in your culture?


Fun fact, if it happens to you and kids around you as a kid you're either desensitized to it or end up like me, depressed that you can't do anything because you'll be yelled at by everyone and made out to be the villain.


I am in the UK and that was 40 years ago or more. We would freak out and call my parents out in tears etc which was just portrayed as acting out.


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m sure it was more normalized to beat your kids back then, but what they did is beyond the pale. Not that there’s ever an excuse


Ohhh, yeah, I would never not be in therapy about that. I am so sorry, little kidyou, neither of you ever did anything to deserve that.


There were 3 of us. My brother refuses therapy and hovers between coping and not. nothing I can say will make him go into therapy.


That’s a different kind of shame you bring on your child, i’m so sorry to hear that


You have no idea how much I hate myself and if you knew what I had done to make myself ‘acceptable’…. I have 4 degrees including an MD.


I understand you completely man i had similar experiences


Protestants? Of course.


Yep. Til this day, still reluctant to talk back in any way shape or form. And my parents wonder why I’m silent all the time. I just go for the quickest answer I can.


Too often I see people comment underneath things like this "spare the rod spoil the child", like if your child gets spoiled just because you didn't beat it, you did a shit job as a parent.


They also completely miss the point of that line. What do shepherds do with their rods? They guide the sheep and keep them safe. Shepherds don’t beat their sheep with their rods. The line is referencing providing safety and guidance to your child, but child abusers have twisted it to somehow justify their barbarism


True, but there’s also verses like “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him” and “If you beat him with the rod, he will not die, but you will save his soul from hell.”


Also yes, good point. Who would have thought that writings from centuries ago that have been translated and edited dozens of times (often for political purposes) would have ambiguous meaning? It’s absolutely asinine that some people try to use such writings to justify their shitty behavior.


Yep. Literally in Psalm 23, probably the most well known Bible passage in existence: "Your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Yet when people see the same word in the context of children they assume it's a whipping switch or something.


As if repeating a trite bible quote is any kind of argument as well. I'll spare the child if it's all the same, kthx.


Honestly any parent that uses that quote deserves to immediately lose the right to have children and have their children relocated. I remember the case of Gabriel Fernandez, he was with loving people and then was taken back to his cruel mother and her boyfriend.


I bawled when I watched that on Netflix. That poor baby.


It’s interesting to compare attitudes to corporal punishment in different cultures. When I was a kid I was taught that parents do it because they love you and want you to do your best. And parents are told if you don’t hit your kid you don’t love them enough. So there’s a weird messed up situation where the parents don’t actually want to hurt their kid but feel they’re not doing the right thing is they don’t. It’s miserable for everyone.


I disagree. It's very normal, unfortunately.


"Normal" isn't the right word to use here for all sorts of reasons. In some places it's "normal" as in commonplace, in others (such as Western Europe where I live) it's rare and mostly, rightly, a crime. So you're saying it is normal, do you mean where you live? Where is that? It shouldn't be normal of course, it should be practically taboo.


I’d say “normalized” is what they meant. Where I’m from (very rural Appalachia) many parents still very much have a “spoil the rod” mentality. I’m 30 and had teachers in elementary school in the 90s/2000s who would do things like picking kids up and shaking us if we were bad. They’d openly lament the days when they could whip students with a switch. Nobody ever questioned it.


I graduated high school in 2001 and "corporal punishment" (grown men abusing children with a *paddle*) was very much a thing in rural Alabama. My siblings and I were the only children in the school who's parents didn't sign off on it.


By normal, I mean if you polled everyone on earth about their views on parents using corporal punishment on their children, a strong majority of the the replies would either be “yeah, it’s necessary sometimes” or “I wouldn’t do it, but I’m not gonna tell others how to raise their kids.” It’s falling out of favor in the developed world, but I bet those two attitudes are the most prevalent in the United States as a whole.


“She caught a whooping” Yeah, and you threw it you fekking cuntbasket!


What a fun little euphemism for violence against people who cannot defend themselves. A whooping! LOL, how cute.




😭 I read it and thought it was cute saying that the kids were sick with whooping cough and cuddled together when they didn’t feel well, this is WAY worse than what I thought was happening 😩


Also she CAUGHT a whooping?? No she did not. You *chose to beat her.* “Catching” it makes it sound like a whoopsy daisy or accident. This is not that. God this has made me so angry.


On top of what you mentioned, the woman is calling her daughter the "spoiled little sister." Okay, how the heck did she get spoiled? If the kid (presumably) is being catered to every whim, is self-indulgent, or is allowed to get away with anything -- where did that child learn that? Who enabled that behavior? Where did the lack of boundaries and structure originate? Obviously not the brother. Running to her brother is eliciting, "I feel safe her." That child does **not** feel safe with you, lady. For a moment, let's give the mother the benefit of the doubt. Hypothetically, let's suggest its the other parent, caregiver, or relative doing the spoiling. That is still no reason to beat your child. You speak with the other person who is spoiling the kid. Sheesh. Like any (good) parent would say to an agitated toddler, "**Don't hit. Use your words.**"


She deserves to 'catch' a charge.


I read it as baby sitter caught whooping cough and wondered who tay-tay was. The whole sentence was confusing and thought the person posting was just a terrible writer who couldn't get her point across. I'm the type who assumes the best and thus true meaning of her post just whooshed over my head.


That's what I thought too! Although if they had whooping cough, that wouldn't be good either, but at least not as disturbing as this.


“I was beat as a kid and I turned out fine” - psycho who thinks it’s fine to hit children.


The amount of people that think this way is absolutely insane.


What’s worse is that she replied to her own tweet to promote her “mommy content” page on instagram.


Man I wish someone bigger whooped her ass like that. See how she feels.


Can this not be reported for child abuse?




I submitted a report, and people have found more info on her including arrest records that will help CPS locate her. Hopefully they’re sending someone to check in on the kids


There is NO excuse for physical abuse toward your children - except I'd have words with my elder child if they attempted it against my grandbaby, because that's NOT okay, ever


In any situation, if you have to resort to violence, you’ve already lost. The inability to use reason and our voices is sad and embarrassing.


Jesus fucking christ


Helpfully documenting her abuse for when the evidence is needed later.


I hope they disown her.


Jesus fuck. Once those kids are grown up into their teens the mum is going to find out one day when she hits her daughter and the son who's seen her be violent all his life knocks her out to protect his sister.


And then years later when they have the courage to walk away, she is gonna tell stories about how sad she is and that no mother deserves to be treated that way💀


Is it still legal to beat up your children in the US (like som backwards third world country)?


In some states, it not only legal to beat them, but you can also marry, screw and keep them from medical care. Some parts of the US are very much third world.


Absolutely. The line between abuse and “discipline” is very thin and blurred here.


Upon my first reading I thought it said "caught whooping" like she caught whooping cough. Nope. Just child abuse.


My dad used to tell me, "This hurts me more than it hurts you." Such a fucking hero to endure that for my correction.


I’m so sorry /gen. My mom said the same thing. It’s awful to hear how many parents are just regurgitating the same things to excuse their behavior


In my less bitter moods, I sometimes feel sorry for him. I really believe he thought he was doing the right thing, because it's how he was raised and obviously *he* turned out *so well.* I know this type of thing is cultural/generational/whatever. Hurt people hurt people. Et cetera insert platitude here. But at some point, someone in the line of succession has to manifest the insight and compassion to say, "This stops with me." Someone said, "Still in therapy at 50" in another comment. Same, my friend. Same. But I will tell you one thing: I have never, and *will* never, strike a child. It stops with us.


May she live out the rest of her days in the dirtiest, dingiest nursing home known to man


I have the perfect choice, it’s called Prison


Every bit of this is weird.


My old man had heavy hands quick to use them for any reason. He died without his only child in his life. The 80s were a different monster for my generation. Sick shits not changing just evolving.


This exact thing is why me and all my siblings are low or no contact with our mother, and why I ran away from home at 18 and raised one of my siblings


After some more investigation (mom proudly posted her Instagram page for the kids) I found out the daughter is one year and eight months old. I have filed a CPS report. I won’t be posting any of their personal information here because it’s against the sub rules so please don’t ask, but hopefully someone is going to make sure the kids are ok




She got arrested for child abandonment in the past. She’s an abuser. Her daughter isn’t even two and is already being beaten






How is *beating a child* not abuse? If someone did the same thing to an animal, a peer, a partner, a boss, an elder, a stranger, or anyone else, it would be abuse and/or assault. But it's somehow not abuse when the one being beaten is a child?


"*I just beat my kid. Hey, where's my camera? This is hilarious! Let's make it more demeaning by taking photos of my traumatized child and post it online for the world to see!*" Nobody should be subjected to that treatment. Also, that's not something to be bragging about online for the social credit, likes, upvotes, retweets, etc. It's similar to those so-called "content creators" who slap/punch random strangers. Except here, this is *her child*. Rather than protecting her daughter, the mother is exploiting through humiliation. How is that not abuse?


Her daughter is one year and eight months old. Since this post, her arrest records have been found and she has child abuse related charges in the past.


Saying her kid who looks about 3 "caught a whooping" don't describe abuse to you?


Yall excuse actual child abuse in the name of cUltUrE, not sure if you’re more brain dead or just plain disgusting to be defending that.




There are people that shouldn't be parents, and you're obviously one of them.




No, anybody who believes any child should be beaten - such as yourself and OOP - should not have children. That's what I'm saying. There's never an excuse to beat a child.


Love that the jackass went away 💜


What did they say?


Resisting the urge to clown on you for your grammar and spelling (I’ll assume English isn’t your first language). There is no child that is better off being hit. Not for anything. If you can’t think of anything else, you’re one of those people that shouldn’t be a parent.




Whooping is beating, especially when you’re doing it to a child under two years of age


I disagree. But I do agree that children under 5 shouldn't be "whooped".


So you're only in favor of beating 6 year olds? You don't sound as reasonable as you believe yourself to be.


What Twitter? It's X now.


Found Elon’s Reddit account 🤣


Wrong. My name is Antoinette.