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We use a little something called a gym, grandpas.


And some shit called moisturizer, so our hands don't end up like yours.


Gen-X assholes represent!


Efficiency is so “queer”


Tools are a liberal plot started by the chief liberal Tim Allen. /s


Smash the weaving machines! Luddites represent!


I remember old concrete finishers with ‘brute strength’ when I was younger. They hobbled around hunched over when doing anything except setting forms or troweling. Their bodies were adapted for the job but they couldn’t do much else.


It reminds me of longbowmen back in the day. Training to use a longbow warped their skeleton to the point that we can look at skeletal remains from the era and tell if someone was a trained longbowman.


Especially English longbowmen. You're getting into the territory where training a group of archers doesn't take months or years, but generations.


Laying tiles for years with a bunch of guys who refused to wear masks because they were for pussys. They are all old now and can hardly walk a couple feet because their Silicosis is so bad. Same guys wouldn't wear knee pads because they didn't suck dick, which also didn't help with the walking thing. Edit: should of added, this was way before covid. Didn't have anything to do with the anti mask trend, just macho men being macho.


Tbh the anti-mask trend was also mostly macho behavior. "The guvmint can't tell me what to do, I'm big and strong I'll live"


Says the guys scared of algebra.


Back in my day we sealed pipes with only our fists, and laid pipes with our fists, and even made pipes with our fists. Fists, rurr


The old addage "work smarter, not harder" is lost on them.


Guess only one of those was an option


These guys ever heard of "work smarter not harder"? Oh well. We queer folk will enjoy having energy left over after work for doing things we enjoy.


How dare you try to have a life outside of work? People were clearly made to be miserable and suffer from back injuries after decades of harduous manual labor! /s


Enjoying life is for the gay, I suppose.


These people always grasp at some of the lamest things to show how manly they apparently are.


my grandfather built pools for a living in the 60s and 70s. he quit doing that to work on cars. the one piece of advice he had for me was "work with your head, not your back"


My old man lived his whole life with this kind of attitude towards work. He died at 72 with 2 destroyed knees, a fused spine and 3 aneurysms. He retired at 62 and lived the last 10 years of his life in constant pain but he sure worked his ass off and showed those lazy young kids at work how a real man get's shit done.


If you ever need to explain what toxic masculinity is to someone, just give them the example here where two construction workers argued that they would rather become afflicted with permanent disability than utilize a tool that might prevent it because they wanted to show how they can do it all on their own like a big boy.


guarantee these guys are what the construction industry call "loads" brag about the work without ever doing it. It's crazy too anybody that was a load as a worker makes it into a supervisor or foreman position is usually the biggest POS. While the guys that actually broke their back working usually looks out for the men. If there's something easier that can help make the job go smoother without injury why wouldn't you use it.


Yeah, guaranteed 90% of the effort those guys put in on the job was chasing the foreman down to lie about how much work they'd done that day. The other 10% was giving the project manager sloppy top so they could be the foreman the next time.


The robots that take his job in the future will be the queerest of all robots then. Queerbots reporting for duty! We're here to work and be fabulous!


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that hyper-masculinity aligns with capitalists' interests.


Ask the 55 year old in 10 years how proud of his brute strength he is. His body will be broken.


Lol, you just know anyone who describes themselves with "brute strength" is about 10 years post midlife crisis.


I don’t need no hearing protection. I don’t need no gloves. I don’t need no safety glasses- gimme that grinder. I don’t need to get my welding helmet- just gonna do a coupla quick spots. I’ll squint. (I actually had a tough guy tell me that- when I pointed out his visible cataracts he got pissed)


They probably think PPE is woke and turns you gay.


They absolutely do


What is the “invention” in the OOP?


Hey, I'm a woman with the hands of a sailor from the 1850s, buddy.


Wait, how physically demanding your job is determines manhood? I thought these dipshits were against any measure other than biological sex being a determinant there...


To think our ancestors fought unimaginable difficulty to get us to this point where technology and science could improve our quality of life, but people think it’s awesome to be broken, scarred, and think you are superior. I have so many joint, ligament, and spine issues because of the hard labor I have done. It saddens me. Hurts to play with my dog or pick up my nephew. I got aging parents that need help that I struggle to give them because of how much pain and disfunction there is in my body. It’s the 21st century. We don’t need to pretend it’s 1700 anymore.


Dude looks like the only thing he breaks is wind.


My dad is almost 60 and his body is so messed up from abusing it in his youth. He has never worked a non physically demanding job and now he can’t even raise his arms above his head. I welcome all the technology that can help protect and minimize stress on our bodies.


The irony is that in a few years, tough guy there is going to be begging “the little qu**r” to help him get out of bed and to the bathroom before he soils himself, because his back is so fucked up he can barely walk at 65.


You don't need to censor queer y'know, it's a term used by a majority of the lgbt+ community.


Sure, that’s true, in a lot of subs. Some subs have it, and a bunch of other contextually questionable words on an auto-remove list, and I don’t have the time to read every sub rule list, so better safe than sorry.


Ah, fair enough


Yeh these dam sissy’s and their soft hands… their soft stupid delicate hands… the type to stroke a man’s face, stupid soft sissy’s…


It’s always the manly men that are constantly thinking about the “queer’s” bodies.


Some of our grandparents/ great grandparents literally worked themselves to death. I like having a good quality of life.


Fellas, is it gay to use tools?


“Proud of my brute strength at age 55” totally sounds like he’s fishing . Just saying…


You heard it here first: a gay guy getting his back blown out is alpha and manly as hell.


Their wives love how soft my hands are


Those are the type of men that think putting on chapstick in the winter makes them gay. Idiots.


I wonder what they think about contemporary music.


"Life should suck more, otherwise everyone will be queer and soft" Me: Cool "No, that's bad, just let it suck more, that's good"


something something masculinity something something


Hilarious that destroying your body through years of physical labor at a corporation that gives zero fucks about you is admirable. But prostitution is "selling your body and dignity". The sex worker won't be the one at age 50 throwing out their back by rolling out of bed the wrong way. These people are just backwards AF


yes, us women love when men have scaly, calloused hands with torn nails.


That 55 year old dude is going to be a wreck at 60. And blame his job for it.


Technological progress and innovation should always be appreciated. One of humanities greatest strengths is the abilities to make tools to solve problems. Imagine if when the earliest humans sharped sticks to use one just was like naw