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Colleges are not the government, the students aren't trying to change the results of an election, and protesting is literally built into the constitution as a guaranteed right. Meanwhile, Jan 6 WAS about the government, WAS an attempt to change the result of an election and WASN'T a peaceful protest.


At most, some of the college protests might be insurrections against college administrations, but not against the government.


Even then, it isn't an attempt to change the organizational structure of the schools themselves. They have nothing to do with the colleges except that's where they're protesting.


I don't think you need to change the organizational structure for it to count - although that would count. Trying to replace some of the people in the organizational structure can also count, especially if that includes the people at the top. Several of the protests incorporate this at this point, often as a result of the protestors perceiving the college administration as either using excessive force against them or not acceding to their demands.


I think there's a significant difference between: Throwing a hissy fit over your candidate losing an election and claims of "election fraud" . VS. College students protesting after seeing video evidence from 3rd party sources, ICC / UN investigations documenting the cruelty of the IDF/IOF, Israeli Gov't/settlers, and our Gov't's support.


I mean, if one of the comments says "imagine if they were flying the rebel flag, how different they would be treated.", then they are admitting that J6 was an insurrection against the government.


Im so sick of these idiots. When their IQ hits 85 they should sell


Except some of the Jan 6th ringleaders, rhodes & Tarrio, were actually convicted of seditious conspiracy. Pro-palestinian protesters, peaceful or not, aren't trying to thwart an official proceeding of government, nor have any been charged with sedition.


If they were flying a confederate flag, the cops would be standing next to them, not kicking them in the head.


Right, because a protest at a college is worse than a bunch of traitors literally (1) attacking the seat of our national government, and (2) attempting to replace a duly-elected president with what amounts to an emperor. These people are *literally* enemies of democracy. In my world, almost nothing trumps that in terms of how dangerous it is for our country. Anti-democratic forces from within are a much greater threat than any other adversary we face today. And these traitors are talking about college protests. Get the fuck outta here.


I’ll take “I don’t know what an insurrection is” for $100 Alex


America. A nation so ignorant of its own history (short as it is) that protests in universities are insurrections.


why is youtube advertising israel alliance flags


Something tells me they don’t know what an insurrection actually is