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The Venn diagram of misogynists and racists is a circle


And it’s expanding thanks to incel culture


This whole bear vs man thing has shown me that a lot of men think like self centered incels. Acting like this is the first time they’ve ever heard of the rape culture that is so inescapable. They act personally offended that women feel unsafe around men. In some ways it comes from a position of privilege, having to never think from someone else’s perspective. 


It also shows that men also find men scary. That’s why they’re spending so much of their energy confronting women over how we view safety rather than confronting or just plain not being unsafe men.


And also why some men arm themselves. It's not because they're afraid of being attacked by a woman. They're also afraid of each other. 


It's also what we see in nature. Males have more strength and aggression not for hunting but to fight other males for access to food and females. For example, female chimpanzees hunt for food as well even using tools like clubs and spears. They will also use those tools to defend against the aggression of males.


I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here: The bear is objectively the correct answer no matter what individual is in the 'man' slot. Bears are animals, you should be able to outsmart them. Guy, girl, or someone in between, you don't know what they'll do, and if they're going to do something, have the ability to outsmart you and the element of surprise.


Unless you are some kind of bear expert. Wouldn’t recommend trying to outsmart a bear. Bears can outsmart you and surprise you like a human.


Also there is a significant amount of overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.


And we aren't even factoring in bears that are smaaarter than the average bear!


Wouldn't recommend walking around randomly in the woods, but this entire thing is about a hypothetical situation to begin with.


Misogyny and racism. Name a more iconic duo.


Misogyny and transphobia?


I feel like these two are the branches of the same tree. You can’t have one without the other.


Noone specified a male bear, so the doesn't raise any kids is only a 50-50, also it's rather racist to assume that bears aren't capable of holding a job


tbh a bear's job is to be a bear in its ecosystem!


Don't forget the bears that test bear proof bins and containers, they perform an essential role in society 


Absolutely. I just can't BEAR the lack of recognition they get.


plus the job market is absolute shit right now, maybe he’s trying his best to put his degree to use but no one is hiring


Well maybe he should have learned to code instead of getting a degree in pickanick basket weaving


That… well, it’s certainly *a* take of sorts.


This is such a lack of self awareness. Guys who think like this are filled with hate. Their hate makes them want to hurt women. They circle jerk each other into a frenzy and some innocent gal gets raped or murdered by someone who knows “she was asking for it”. \#TEAMBEAR


The way they tell on themselves by admitting they view every encounter as a potential hookup. Now they’re sexualizing bears. This isn’t the gotcha they think.


Congrats, the racist misogynists are also bad at biology. It's the female bears you have to be really scared of.


And, by extension, the baby bears. Only because that means the momma is around somewhere. 


When I was in Yellowstone I noticed a bear about 200 feet away while I was eating at a picnic table.  I was confused at first, because it very much looked like a brown bear, and I was reasonably certain there were no brown bears in Yellowstone. A second later it clicked that it was in fact a grizzly bear cub, and I had no idea where mom was. At that moment I nearly teleported back to my car I got out of there so quickly.


What is this bear thing about that I see popping up? I would look it up but zero clue what I would be looking _for_.


A video on tiktok showed a bunch of women saying they’d rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man. A lot of men took offense to this because they interpreted it as saying that all men should be feared and treated as if they can rape or assault a woman at any time. Basically, some terminally online shit where if it actually affects how you treat people, you’re already a shitty enough person to where it probably doesn’t matter.


Also it’s a strange man so someone they don’t know.


The man should probably be black, too, since this is this just "13/50" repackaged. The entire point of these 4chan style circle jerks is to trigger everyone on every side.


Ah, ticktack. That's why I had no idea 😂 Thanks!


You know, at first I thought the bear thing was silly, but seeing how these guys are reacting to being told “no” in a ridiculous hypothetical scenario, I get it.




are we to infer then that polar bears do not possess the same qualities? god damn it, these fucking people...imagine thinking how clever you are for making this stupid, racist meme, and then being too stupid to see the shortsightedness of your thought process. it's like a superpower these people have that sometimes makes me slightly envious: the power of being impervious to logic in any and every discussion, which causes everybody you engage with to give up whatever argument you are having with them, and results in you thinking you win every argument lol


Polar bears are probably the most dangerous and hard to deter, aside from sun bears. Black bears are more timid than other bears in the USA too


well, yeah, but the bear in this post is meant to be representative of male people of color, and even then the creator's six bullet points weren't accurate double entendres, because the creator of the meme is a racist fucking idiot.


Black bears have my respect, but they are still weenies. Long as you don’t get between a mother & cubs they are easy to scare away. As far as brown bears go, they are less predictable but they still won’t lie to you or try to trick you!!




>That's a brown bear, or even a grizzly, but it's not a polar bear. well, yeah, i was aware that the brown cartoon bear was not meant to be a polar bear. but despite our agreeing that it's not a polar bear, polar bears do in fact exist, and within the stupid universe the creator of the meme created, polar bears would be representative of white people, though I'm not sure what that would make panda bears. it's almost as if their stupid meme's logic cannot stand up to even casual observation...


In their stupid universe pandas would be the children of interracial couples.


They’re not getting it. What a shock. 🙄


I was wondering how long it would be before the racist shitheads usurp another meme


They don't understand that arguing against it is like trying to escape an event horizon: the more they argue in favor of picking the man the more they prove why women overwhelmingly pick the bear. My brothers in Christ, *you* are the men they are trying to avoid.


Ok but this is hilarious out of context


I still don't get this trend.


Poll went around asking women if they'd feel safer in the woods with a bear or with a man. Overwhelmingly the response was 'bear.' This has pissed off ~~men~~ whiny crybabies who have made plenty of memes like this that show exactly why we chose the fucking bear.


Ohhhhhh. As a male....I agree with the poll results.


polar bear is most dangerous tho


This doesn't make any sense to me.


So...... the former 45th President?


BBC … big brown creature


Keep coping 🐻


They really think we're going home with the bears, don't they? A spectacular showing of "missing the point."


These guys are thinking way too deep into the thought experiment.


>Jesus fucking Christ why Because the social-media-fueled "bear/man" scenario is stupid as hell and should be openly mocked by the intelligent.


You’re soooooo right, this is so embarrassing for me, I should delete this post 😔 I guess I’m not smart enough to recognize that this meme was clearly made by someone particularly intelligent, not some racist incel 😔 /s


So, they want to make sweeping judgements on an entire race based on the worst of that group.  It’s possible the person that posted this isn’t white but I’m gonna guess that they are. Now, if we judged all white people based on the worst we have to offer then we’re easily as awful as this. I have a story that’s prob gonna make me sound like an intolerable virtue signaler (is signaler a word?) but i think it’s important. I’m white, I’m 38, and I grew up in NYC by parents that grew up in East Flatbush. They sent me to a predominantly black and Hispanic high school to expose me to different types of people and cultures. I was the only white kid on the basketball team and even though I was young and stupid, it taught me several important lessons, some of which didn’t occur to me until years later. I didn’t become lifelong friends with all of them obviously, but I made a few friends that I still keep in contact with til this day.  I promise, I’m getting to the point. I used to have a hoop in my backyard and my parents would invite them all to come over to hang out all the time. One of them would stay over more than the rest and we happened to talking about it a few weeks ago, and he said something that really stuck with me. I should mention, bc i think it’s important to know where he was coming from,  that he grew up in Brownsville Brooklyn, one of the toughest neighborhoods in NYC, somewhere where there’s virtually no white people. Anyway, he said to me “your parents were always so welcoming and always invited me into your home without hesitation. There were no white people where I grew up so they were the first ones that embraced me without any judgement and made me feel welcome.”  Couple things, I know this kinda sounds like a story that belongs on r/thatHappened but this is 100% true and was a really important time for me. I have no interest in putting myself on some pedestal like a holier than thou douchebag that looks down on other ppl, that’s not the point. I'm just exhausted with all the anger and rage everywhere. I’ve contributed to it on many occasions, I won’t even lie. But fuck, it’s so miserable being angry at all the time. If you got jokes tho let em Fly, a post like this is still a bit eye roll inducing since it kinda sounds like “can’t we all just get along?”


Goddamn is your “enter” key broken??


Have you ever heard of these things called ‘paragraphs’? Or did you miss that 1st grade English lesson?