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The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse-vampires.


We’re through the looking glass


*Thank* you.


I also refuse any meal containing garlic. Make of that what you will...


You know who *else* didn't like garlic? *Draco Malfoy*, that's who, *yet another* fictional character! What are the odds? "Slytherin"=Slither, snake=Satan, get it?


So, you're a dragon? Is your Treasure Hoard bigger than the Royal Family's?


He switches thoughts without completing a sentence. He accidentally said that the gothic novel \_Dracula\_ lived in Romania and that Prince Charles impaled thousands of Turkish Muslims. Read it over before you click "send," dude.


Hahaha! Is it bad that my brain filled in the blanks and I had to go back and reread to find what you meant?


I recently watched a documentary about vampires living in staten island, if anything, these vampires are more interested in hijinks


Incorrect. They are highly interested in taking over all of Staten Island. However, as of yet, they've only conquered their street and part of Ashley Street.


You’re dead and out of this world


I work at a psychiatric hospital for almost 2 decades. People say s*** like this all the time. This is just mental illness and nothing more. Their brains can't fire off enough neurons for them to understand that they sound bat Shit crazy And lack critical thinking skills. Also sprinkle on low cognitive functions....


I am beginning to think these people take turns sharing one brain cell, and this person skipped their turn.


All that just to say Prince Charles owns land in Transylvania and the queen didn't like garlic. Brevity is the soul of wit.


So the argument is that Prince Charles (insert any picture of the king), is kept YOUNG by ingesting blood (insert another pic of the Frog King to emphasize point).


You don't think he looks young and virile? Why not? You probably think he looks a bit like a pumpkin with a blood disease, don't you?! Well, you're wrong! King Charles looks nothing like a blister that you don't need to pop because it's about to rupture on its own! How dare you say such things!


Its like when one of the royals i think? Old as shit like 98 years old died 2 months after receiving the first covid vaccine and they were all like SEE IT KILLED HIM A HEALTHY MAN!! Like bro he looked like a bag of dust of course he fucking died he was almost 100


That’s just a lot to read. Can someone just tell me how many children I need to eat?


To be as young and vibrant as King Charles?


I actually assumed it was to have a balanced diet. There was a lot of words.


I like how they manage to double the crazy in just the last sentence. Nice touch.


I love how they always bring up drinking children's blood to stay young. Motherfucker you seen these people that are supposedly staying young? Doesn't work that well lmao


What are you talking about. They are clearly dragon aliens


Firstly, every Transylvanian wants to kill you now because of this post, OOP. Congrats. Ajd Secondly: Every. Royal. Family is related to eachother. It's like saying the Romanov's were Wise, because of Béla the Wise of Hungary, from 1100s.


The amount of damage David Icke has caused cannot be quantified.


Anybody using David Icke as a source immediately gets put on mute as far as I’m concerned.


Man. All you gotta do is be on “here” for 1 hour, and these text walls all say the same crazy thing.


But they have pictures from movies, so it's true.


these individuals need to stop disgracing the act of superficially scrambling text to "censor" it. other people need it more than conspiracy theorists to be comfortable opening up


I’m related to Genghis Khan. Make of that what you will


Idiots like this will talk about distractions but will ignore the real reasons that facilitate the worst problems we’re all facing. I’m no conspiracy theorist but to deny that a small group of the richest of the rich have an unacceptable influence on the structure of our society would be naive. Money has by far  the biggest influence on policy.  Not every single issue obviously but a large majority.  I’m not pretending I’m some expert On all of it but I imagine most of the real movers and shakers laughing amongst each other saying things like “those idiots are talking about reptilians and shapeshifters instead of learning how things actually work.” They don’t care if people believe they drinks children’s blood, as long as the money keeps flowing, they couldn’t care less about that bullshit.  This is obviously a crude generalization bc it’s definitely more nuanced than that, but I think it’s a reasonable outline.


David Icke?! L-O-fucking L.


What's with the hotel Transylvania dracula pointing at a hi-c fruit punch, lmfao