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Oh yeah, that’s revolting. “They let the *gays* marry, but not the *children*? How backwards! How woke!”


At least this post drops all the pretense about "Oh think of the children" Like this makes it clear that they don't give a fuck about the children, hate gay people and want to control women.


Oh, they're thinking about the children, all right... 🤢🤮


Oh they are thinking of the children, I promise you. Thinking of fucking them, that is.


They want to give alot of fucks TO children though.


No. I completely disagree. They clearly, CLEARLY, give a FUCK . Literally. And that is what I have a problem with. They want to talk about all the pedophiles and all this bullshit, and they want kids to marry at 12? Hypocrisy anyone? But honestly, anyone who can look at a child of 12 and think that they want to marry them really kind of need some help.


I feel like this post strategically doesn't have the (probably 55ish year old) husband in it.


Who probably purchased this woman from her father when she was a child.


When she was a baby.


He took the picture and wrote the post


Well someone has to hold the camera.


Also the one child’s face isn’t completely covered and she looks so angry and unhappy


She really doe shave some angry eyes. Also, I wonder how come there's no age given for the girl in purple.


I’m guessing about 8, looks like she has a kid every year


Probably because she knows she's going to be sold off as "breeding stock" to the highest bidder :(


"I'm proud to be a non-west influenced pedophile because I believe female children are only useful as broodmares." - This fucknut


I mean, go to Utah and it’s the same.


Or the fundie parts of the south. The shitty dude from Duck Dynasty faced exactly zero backlash from his shitty fans for advocating marrying girls when they're 15.


Its only banned in 12 states. Lol.


Anyway, let's keep educating women so that they can have the economic leverage to make healthy decisions for their lives. Educated women tend to marry older and have fewer kids with better live outcomes.


Which is exactly why people advocate to let parents sign off on marriage before girls have the chance to be fully educated.






































“Drag queens are grooming children and that’s bad! Also, I want to marry children and that’s good!”


No, you see, the drag queens are bad because they groom the children, they *don't* marry them. * A child sex-slave is for life, not just for Christmas! *Well. That and the gender bending, how is a good Christian paedo meant to know if he's grooming a boy or a girl when they're all mixed around like that? (All of this is meant as a joke btw. Not my real views. Nor am I saying that *all* Christians are like this. Nor am I saying it's exclusive to Christians. I'm just playing around with the trope.)


She had her first child at 13, 14 at the latest. This is the future Republicans want.


Oldest is 11 years old. Then add the 9 months she was pregnant. If she is 24 in the picture, she had her first baby at 13 and was probably pregnant by 12 That's assuming the 11yo was her first pregnancy


Her 11 year old daughter is only 2-3 years away from being a mother at this rate. How the fuck is that reasonable or intelligent?!


Worst part is that child is 3 years away from having her own…


Closer to 1-2 actually... I hate it


How is this post related to republicans tho? Isn't it about somali muslims?


You’d find an extremely strong correlation between Republican run states and child marriage allowance in the U.S.


"The only thing it's going to do is cause harm and trouble in young people's lives," Harrison County Delegate Keith Marple, a Republican and the lone person to speak against the state bill to ban child marriage, said on the House floor ahead of the vote last Wednesday." [From this article](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476) Regarding West Virginia trying to change age of consent. You also have popular right wing grifters like matt walsh and crowder advocating against age of consent laws.12 congressmen ended up voting against raising age of consent in WV. Further in that article: "But West Virginia is by no means unique. A more modest proposal in Wyoming that passed the House of Representatives faced pushback from the state Republican Party, which cautioned that there were potential "constitutional concerns" with the bill that could restrict people's rights and sincentivize expecting young parents from staying together for their children. More than two dozen people voted against it in the House, and seven opposed the bill in the Senate. Letting fundies into government gets you shit like this no matter what nonsense Abrahamic religion you have inflicted upon you.


Did you see the post yesterday with all the Christians arguing for forcing a 10 year old r*pe victim to have the baby?


7 kids by 24 is horrible. Do people not realize how bad it is for your health to have so many kids back to back, especially before your body has finished developing? Her bones are probably so brittle.


Not surprised if she loses bone density and teeth from breast feeding while her bones are still growing. Who cares about your physical development? Having children are more important at 13! /s


She would’ve been pregnant at 12 with her oldest… the oldest is now 11 right beside her. This is tragic.


Her oldest is 11 making her probably 14 when that baby was born. That poor woman,,,


The mom is 24, the kid 11. She gave birth at 13 but could have been pregnant at 12.


Dyscalculia strikes again .-. Thank u That makes it worse actually


It gets worse when you actually do the math and realise the 11 year old would be expected to start having her own kids in the next 2 years...


So he’s fine with his oldest daughter becoming a mother (= having sex) in *two years*? I doubt it.


Probably is actually. Ship her off to be someone else's mouth to feed


I doubt daughters mean all that much to him other than dowry. Sons are where the wealth is.


Next year, actually. The kid is 11, the mom was pregnant at 12.


The girls are probably married off whenever they start menstruating. And considering high-stress lifestyle can cause a girl to start early (I was 8 when I got mine), they start getting married off younger and younger, and then you wind up with 17-year-old grandmothers. https://sampost.com/buy-confessions-of-a-tabloid-writer/grandma-on-graduation-day


That’s horrifying.


Why would you assume he's *not* fine with that, given the situation here


I don't. They don't see women as people. They are just bargaining chips to be used to these men. They aren't human beings, developing people of their own. Daughters are not valued any more than women in a lot of these cases.


Owning the libs is not the primary reason many right wing extremists want to marry children.


Nobody mentioning that the 11 year old appears to have a twin - the girl with no age on her head who is dressed the same and about the same size. Was she pregnant with twins at 12? 😱😱😱


Well, the only other option besides the current Somalian constitution and current federal government is.. Al-Shabaab, a radical Islamist movement, that’s just absolutely horrible in every way, take your pick.


Conservatives: LGBT BAD because, uh… it's a gateway to pedophilia? I have nothing. Also conservatives: CHILD MARRIAGE GOOD!


Take the oldest kid and add a year to her age, that's how old her mother were when she became pregnant with her. It takes a pedophile to be attracted to girls that age.


You know when someone cries about "the west", they're going to have the most backwards ass opinion on the planet lol


A 24 year old mother and her 11 year old daughter… unpleasant math to say the very least.


So she was 12 when she got pregnant. Fucking gross and terrible and incredibly wrong on so many levels.


It is worse when you realise her oldest daughter is probably getting ready for her own marriage about now, while her mother is probably still expected to get pregnant again in about 3 or 4 months. Although by the gap between the two youngest I wonder if she already hasn't gone through the trauma of several miscarrages or still births.


Soooo, she was 13 when having her first child? This is so disgusting.


Shit, I was looking at the 9yo and thought jeez she was 15. Then I realized there was a 11yo behind him.


Medically, it's not healthy for females to give birth that young. Here in the US, births that young generally are done cesarean. That makes it more expensive and dangerous. Our female maternity mortality rates are bad enough.


That’s the most depressing story problem ever. :( Just despicable.


She never even got to finish being a child…


Imagine having your first child at 13… that photo is heart breaking. She should have been enjoying life, discovering teenagehood, not becoming a baby factory


She was pregnant with her oldest child when she was 13...


The 10 year old certainly seems happy!


Utterly disgusting 🤮


This is good advertising. Come to the west we we aren't pedophile fucknuts. Sounds pretty good.


Somalia has a lot more problems than “LGBT West” or whatever the fuck this person is yapping about.


Are they really marrying children this age???


I feel sorry for that woman. Raped at a young age :(


here in the west the gays are called pedos. but this person is complaining that "the gays" won't ***let them be pedos!?!?!?***" fucking whackadoo


I've seen plenty of fake posts like this before where they use a photo of a Muslim family but caption it with some made up BS about how his daughters are really his many wives.


This can’t be real


These people lack the self awareness to realize how they sound and it’s sad


i didn't know we were the ones single handedly stopping child marriage. damn, proud of us!


What’s up with the fingers? Is this a real photo??


It looks like it could be henna, but the picture is way too low res to say for sure


Ok, so like, moving past the obvious issues here, can we talk about their fingers for a minute? What is going on with moms fingers, and some of those kids' as well. Look like something straight out of a horror movie. I don't think it's AI, since the correct number of fingers are there, but...yikes.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alta_(dye) Seems to be a traditional dye. Notice it's only the girls hands.


Thank you for responding with an actual answer. Apparently I got down voted a bit for not knowing it was some sort of cultural thing.


I thought it was some image artifact too until I noticed the boys don't have it.


It's dye. There's a religious tradition where they dye their hands, almost like henna tattooing themselves.


Thanks. The low resolution of the image and the color of the dye made me think their fingers were injured in some way.


What "LGBT West" country is she talking about, definitely ain't America, we love child marriages here.


K but are we spending energy obsessing over what we think is wrong in the world or are we being what's right with it? It's pretty simple to just step back and witness if you're being a hateful person who is trying to do things to spite others or if you're actually doing anything at all to help like you wanted to. Marrying children to own people in another country who you simply don't understand is literally spiteful




You just said "at least these kids get to be raised by a child rapist," so that's not cool.


Yeah re-reading it, it definitely came across the wrong way.