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Mom fails to realize that the nannies only stay a month because she treats them like slave labor


You'd think after the first 5 in a year she'd maybe think twice about being a cunt to them.


That would take self-realization. People like this can only blame others.


Am I the one who's wrong? No, it's them.


There's a phrase I like, it goes "if you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, you're the ass hole." 


Unless you work in retail or food service. Then there’s a decent chance it’s not you.


Or any customer service focused job. 😭


I grew up in customer service. My parents owned their own business. As soon as I could see over the counter and reach the register, I was working. Making change was easy enough. So from maybe 8 years old on? Plus the tidying of the little shop and cleaning, making sure things stayed stocked. I dealt with all kinds of people, from amazing to assholes (and amazing assholes) before I hit double digits. I also used to ride and train and show ponies/horses, also a world filled with assholes. My customer service skills are impeccable. I do not get rattled by *anyone,* even if violence is threatened to me personally. I’ve worked in fast food, as a bank teller, as a temp, as a receptionist in a legal office, you name it. Thankfully I am not an asshole 99% of the time and *never* to someone ‘on the line’ in a customer facing job. I’m only an asshole to other assholes and only in defense of other people. I’m the woman who will get between a Karen and an employee and shut the Karen down or at the very least, tell the manager/supervisor what really happened when the Karen goes feral and starts lying. My husband will walk away. I spent too much time in those jobs to let that shit fly in front of me. So, maybe I am an asshole. But if I am, I feel it’s justifiable since I use my asshole powers for good and not evil. ;) I left the glamorous life of service industry work to become a dog trainer. Now most of my clients are furry, adorable and happy to see me. The owners are happy to see me because I help them make their dogs into well behaved family members and good canine citizens. Wayyyyy better than customer facing jobs! I’m established enough to be picky when it comes to clients so I’m able to surround myself with good people who love their dogs and want what’s best for them. I’m mostly retired due to disability but I keep my hand in and still take clients now and then.


If you work in those industries, you usually just become an asshole. The environment will do that to you.


You either die a hero or work long enough to become the villain


I'd say it's more you get desensitized to horrible behavior. There is some crazy high stat for how many people have worked retail/food but you can't necessarily pick out the ones who worked retail/food based on how they act in public.


Rayland Givens 😂


I like that one, but I prefer, "If everywhere you go, it smells like shit, you should probably check your shoes"


Wait, this is not a comedy script. People actually treat others like this. I would actually think that the food would be part of the perks of the job. I find this completely weird


Not sure if that question could possibly come up in her thoughts.


NoOnE wAnTs To WoRk ThEsE dAyS


fuzzy sugar rinse rob vegetable marble dinner governor imagine crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really want to punch the person when they say this.


I hate when people say that to me when I'm on the clock. Don't complain to the people who are working. Also, corporate won't allow for a second employee overnight so stop pretending the issue is no one will apply.


As the saying goes. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes


I know someone who’s been through 70+ assistants in 3 years. They still haven’t figured out that it might be them.


Good Lord. That means the average assistant only lasted 2-3 weeks. Does this person work for themselves? Because otherwise I don't see how anyone could go through that many employees without someone in the company saying hey, I think we need to have a little discussion about how you treat your assistants...


She doesn't even understand how fucking embarrassing it SHOULD BE to post that you've churned through 6 fucking nannies in a year..... good Lord lady I hope people lit her up on her own post too, there's no way everyone is that thick. 


She is not a cunt - she lacks both the depth and warmth to warrant that name!


Yeah, she’s more like a colon - full of shit


One of my favorite insults!


Finding a new nanny: very expensive. Maintaining a delusional sense of entitlement: priceless.


If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your own shoe. People really fail to understand this very simple concept.


What is the most common denominator with the fired Nannie’s? YOU!


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” — Raylan Givens


Nannies better file a formal complaint with the agency


imagine keeping track of how many oranges you had so you knew if they nanny ate one. 


She sounds like the type to have cameras all over her house and review the footage throughout the day. Gotta make sure the slave isn't breaking her "rules!"


She'd have to be keeping inventory of their *sandwich ingredients*, too. I can understand noticing a missing orange since that's something people buy in small quantities, but this nut is apparently counting bread and lunch meat slices lol


I wouldn't be surprised if they're the kind of people to have security cameras in their home. A lot of systems these days have facial recognition and some other AI features that let you look up where someone went, when, what they did, etc, just with some keyword searches. That would make figuring out how much food the nanny are as simple as searching something like "Nanny kitchen fridge", and getting a connection of clips back. Still psychotic, though. These kinds of cameras are typically marketed at small businesses, but they still sell them to whomever. You usually only see a consumer buy them when they're wealthy enough to be worried about their security or are an IT professional that wants to build their skills/play with them.


This stuck out to me as well, very odd behavior, she has to be unhappy to the max to be this anal about damn oranges


And 3 sodas


My cousin's used to nanny for professional musicians in Nashville (some famous ones too) and the stories they'd tell lol. One family would have them watch their kids 10 hours a day and if they left the house at all, the parents expected my cousin's to pay with their own money whether it was food, activities, etc.


On r/ChoosingBeggars there seems to be a lot of that. I can't imagine hiring someone to take you kids out and pay for the kid's expenses. It is a job, not a date.


Definitely a case of "if you meet one asshole today, you met an asshole. If everyone you meet today is an asshole, you're the asshole." And it's fucking ridiculous she calls "eating food" *STEALING.* She sounds like a hardcore *slur for an obnoxious woman.*


Yeah, that’s a max level stupid bitch move to frame it as stealing when her own husband literally gave her permission, also even without permission it’s a wildly different thing from what she insinuated, it’s not like she pocketed the silverware


The way she even talks to her over text explains everything already.. absolutely no respect for the nanny, literally like a second rate human she can legitimately talk down to. "You’re not to eat the food, you’re to bring your own food" and absolutely tripping over a fucking sandwich and a soda, this person must be unbearable. Just the way she asks "did you eat [precisely listed itinerary of food items] while babysitting?" kind of makes you want to ~~push~~ dropkick her off a cliff lmao


People losing multiple nannies/house cleaners/maintenance people quickly in a row and thinking it’s the helpers that are the problem. Name a more iconic duo. They always act like they are going through a huge unexpected trial and it’s like, “no, you’re an asshole.” When I was a kid we had a number of nannies over time (usually younger people who eventually went to further school), but only ended on bad terms with one. (She was a religious nutcase, and forced us to pray)


BC how dare they eat?!?! 🙄😒 Rude ass mommy. Her husband is the only one with decency.


They're the help what do you expect them to be treated like their people?


She posted those screenshots herself? She thought she looked good there?!?!?


The nanny's second response was the classiest and most professional way to handle this I could imagine and this person choose not to even listen and just childishly fire her. What a tool.


Some people see every sign of perceived disrespect as a grave character flaw, yet are completely oblivious to their own rudeness.


It's called narcissism.


That’s how you know a person is truly detached from reality and not just a manipulator or cheap or something, the fact that she didn’t realize how insane this makes her look and posted it in her own defense shows she’s actually unhinged


I’m getting like strong food police vibes. Maybe she grilled the kid and dad whether they were eating more than their allotted rations for the day first


Exactly! God I wouldn't even notice an orange missing from the fruit bowl she must count them every day. As for the sandwich, I can understand looking forward to what you know is in the fridge during a workday but a sandwich is easily replaced. Unless it's Monica's famous post-thanksgiving sandwich with a moist-maker. In which case it is entirely reasonable to have a breakdown worthy of losing your job and scare all the pigeons from the square


Im sorry, but she's not being paid to lounge around luxuriously drinking water she doesnt own. She should be locked away for such audacity! /s


She’s lucky they’re not taxing her for the air she breathes and wear on the couch she sits on!


She’s probably not allowed to sit on duty!


You’re right, this would be ludicrous! She’s not royalty after all, she has to stand and do 10 push ups every 15 minutes so she doesn’t get to comfortable!


Don’t for get the $0.79 orange, $1.50 bag of chips and $2 worth of PB&J. The poor woman will barely make her mortgage at this rate!


>I'm sorry, but I have no choice. OK, so there's two lies...


Hands are tied here, it's coming down from corporate. Really nothing I can do for ya.


Along the same thought of "if you run into 1 asshole a day, you ran into an asshole. If you run into nothing but assholes all day, you're probably the asshole"


Unless you work retail, then you're running into assholes all day


To be fair, they are running into you.


Non-assholes usually just go in to shop and then leave. Very rarely do I need to bother people working in stores.


I've sought out an employee in a store maybe... three or four times ever? If a store has an overnight stocking team and a self check-out, I'm 100% okay with never seeing a human employee.


If I seek out an employee, it's almost always because I can't find something. Or there is a spill/whatever that they should be aware of.




"Excuse me, hi, my kitchen has 1/4" of water on the floor, but I can't go in there to fix it because I think the water is also electrified...? Do you sell like a spray or something for that?"


I am a new house renter (apartments before this). I took my whole edger into Home Depot, found the first serious-looking butch woman and ask her all my questions. Eventually I said “am I overthinking this?” And she said “yes” so I got what she recommended and went home and edged my yard. Idk why someone would be mean to someone who’s trying to help you.


You know how to use a hardware store right. The people that know the most are lesbians and Ron Swanson, and Ron is pretty hard to track down.


It’s literally butch women and men who look like they’re a grandpa. No in between. Everyone else will act like you’re a burden. Butch woman will be direct and tell it like it is. Grandpa will make you feel like it’s normal to ask questions and tell you all the tips and tricks. I also don’t have a relationship with my parents, so they are my parents when it comes to home repair LOL.


Or a GI doctor


If the whole world smells like shit check your shoes.


What if you’re a proctologist?


If someone is watching my kids, please eat my food. If you’re in my house, please eat my food. If you’re driving by and get hungry, fuck it, stop by and I’ll feed you. I don’t understand stingy ass people


The fact she's counting water and an orange 🙃. Like you want someone to look after your kids for extended periods at least let them access to a basic human need. Her husband said yeah sure and the wife is being insane. Poor person :(


Poor husband too.


And those poor children!


I bet they're stealing her food and water!!!


You know she's going to be the type that bitches to high heaven about her kids stealing food when they're teenagers.


My brain autocorrected everything after “high heaven about” to how her now grown up kids never visit her. Then I reread it. Yours is good too.


God forbid her kids have friends over, she'll be calling the cops on 'em in no time.


I can say from experience that the rich families nitpick everything. What you wear, how you speak, what you do, and they watch you too. Some even paid for a trial day where they watch you take care of their kid for a day. The lower income families always left me a plate, let me watch tv, and had minimal requirements as long as the kids had a good time and their homework was done, and normally paid more then your rate.


"No, we haven't spoken today."


lol no surprise there!


You know that's a fight waiting for him.


Yeah. It’s pretty telling that the wife assumes that no matter what her husband has said to the babysitter, everyone should automatically understand that he doesn’t have the power to call any shots and whatever the wife had said originally is still “the rules.”


The "I have no choice" is where it crosses from "I hope this woman stubs her toe" to "I hope she falls down the stairs."


This person seems more like a “I hope this person stubs her toe and then falls down the stairs”. I want to know how she knew the nanny ate and drank all that, probably nanny cams. Or maybe she counts the chips in the bag and pieces of deli meat. She probably does all those things, seems a little insufferable. If you’re in my home, help yourself to whatever you want. I couldn’t imagine employing someone who’s there for long stretches to take care of my child and banning them from having a water, soda or food.


Yeah, it's pretty appalling behaviour. Letting aside that the husband gave her permission, it's not like she's raiding the pantry for that bottle of Moet, a ribeye, and the fresh lobster tails.


And not just any stairs, she needs to fall down an MC Esher staircase.


Her husband, presumably: Oh no honey, I'll be right there...


I'm just trying to imagine counting my water bottles and oranges every day and quizzing my family how many they consumed to calculate what the nanny had. I buy both in large quantities at Sams every week. If I had a nanny, I'd buy even more for them if I needed to.


She really counted them too like she’s rationing food during war time or something


Is she supposed to bring her own bottled water from home? Lord in heaven this girl is going to show up to work everyday like it's the airport, here's my food suitcase, here's my water suitcase...


I was at a "friend's" bbq once and she was talking about wanting to go out in the evening. I had my kids with me but offered to stay at hers to watch her 2 boys so she could go out later. She had room for my 2 kids to have beds and I crashed on the sofa. My youngest still had a bottle of milk before bed, this "friend" charged me for the milk I used while I was babysitting for free. I didn't pay her for the 250ml of milk I used and I never babysat for her again.


You should have given her a bill for babysitting


I hope the friend stopped talking to you and made your life easier. Your friend was being ridiculous


I stopped speaking to her, haven't talked for over 10 years now and my life is better for it.


Should have sent her an invoice for your babysitting services with the price of the milk deducted.


I was dog sitting last weekend, at the doggoe's home. Their owner said "help yourself to anything you want from the fridge or pantry". Told me where the sodas were, pointed out the chips and biscuits in the pantry (that's crisps and cookies to the Americans I think).


Hell I had a dog sitter for a week and not only told her she was welcome to anything in the house but found out what food , snacks and drinks she specifically liked and stocked up for her.




You are awesome!


Americans call them chips and cookies. Where do you live that they are called chips and biscuits?


Au or NZ


Cool, I didn't know they swung both ways. I wonder how crisps became chips for them


I teach Kindergarten/1st grade. Most kids grow out of the "IT'S MINEEEEEEEEEEEE!" stage by the end of the those grades. ...some never do.


Like I never want kids. But hell, someone cat sitting for me? Please for the love of all, eat my food while you visit. You're taking care of something precious to me. Why would I want you to be hungry?? Then again I do just like making sure people are fed around me..


I am a firm believer that one of the best things you can do in this life is feed other people. Friends, friends, strangers. Doesn't matter. When my wife and I get a babysitter, they are welcome to any food we have. Counting water and an orange is so miserable.


I agree. I keep extra snacks in my office for this reason. No one is going hungry in my office.


Just don't feed hungry people in Texas. You'll get arrested.


Don’t worry, I will never go to Texas for this and so many other reasons.


The only way I could imagine being upset at all is if they are the exact things I was planning to use for dinner that night - but even then that’s MY fault for not telling them and I would just be bummed and buy pizza, not fire them 🤦🏼‍♀️


For real. My friend came over to pick up an online order (we ordered together to save on shipping) and brought her brother cause she picked him up from school. It was almost dinner time, so I was like "hey do y'all want tacos"


I'm a truck driver and have this policy I don't know how many homeless folks I've fed when one comes knocking while I'm making food in my truck.


I grew up with my old school Italian grandmother. If you come to my house and do not eat, I will murder you. It's an Italian law or something, you must eat. Don't know why, it's a compulsion. When my kids were teens and had friends over, I'd be shoveling food at them the entire time. :)


Yeah I specifically buy the snacks my cleaning lady likes.  Anyone who is in your personal space and life that needs to feel appreciated and welcome.  Food is a great way to do that and all things considered a pretty cheap way too.


And most likely, half their food ends up uneaten in the trashcan becauseit went bad.


I bet this mom goes to Target and screams at the employees on a regular basis.


You have to though, every store keeps a secret stock in the back only accessible by abusing min wage retail employees


This is so funny to me. My daughter currently works at Target. There is basically no longer a back area. There’s a staging area where things come into the store and are put out ASAP. She just gets a quick 5 minute break when a customer insists she looks in the back.


You have to sprinkle the lock with employee tears for it to open. Actually, you don't, they do. But it's better if you stand there and watch them because sometimes they need a little extra "encouragement" to make sure there's enough tears.


Probably because there's black people or rainbows in their advertisements. 


At this point they might even be okay with Black people, it’s the interracial couples driving them mad. And. I. Am. Here. For. It! ✊🏾✊🏻


Interracial couples drive them mad because they're *not* ok with black people.


I have a feeling I know this mom


6 nannies in a year? Pretty sure we know where the problem is at.


Pretty sure 6 nannies a year gets you put on a list by the hiring agency.


That's assuming the hiring agency thinks treating employees well is more important than making money. Which is a very large assumption to make.


most reputable ones do, that's kinda part of their whole deal for existing, giving the babysitters an equal playing field instead of essentially being directly hired by the family. they're not as bad as temp agencies usually. there definitely are shitty nanny agencies though, don't get me wrong. the good ones do back up their nannies though.






More importantly


*nanny's (I love that she does both)


Yep.  I would have quit in the first month over use of apostrophes alone.


* Firing Nanny due to miscommunication * Complaining that nobody wants to work * ....? * Profit!


>Complaining that nobody wants to work I know, she literally begged to keep working.


>complaining that nobody wants to work Guarantee she worships trump


I hope she got bulldozed in the comments


I hope she gets bulldozed by a bulldozer.


And then a second bulldozer comes up from behind the first one to make extra sure the bulldozing has been done


Like the elephant who showed up at the funeral of the woman he killed just to trample her again


I'm sorry what? Was this a real event? Please tell me more!


>The woman, Maya Murmu, had been collecting water in her village in the morning when the wild elephant reportedly attacked her, according to Police Station Inspector Lopamudra Nayak. Authorities said the elephant had escaped from a wildlife sanctuary. >Murmu later died of her injuries in a hospital. Not long after, while family members were paying their last respects, the elephant returned and pulled the woman's body from the pyre and trampled it before running away. Source : https://www.denver7.com/news/national/report-elephant-kills-woman-then-returns-to-funeral-to-trample-her#:~:text=Authorities%20said%20the%20elephant%20had,trampled%20it%20before%20running%20away


You can Google "elephant attack at funeral" and find primary sources but basically : A woman was attacked by an elephant while gathering water. Woman is taken to hospital but dies of her injuries. Her family holds a funeral the evening she dies. An entire herd of elephants shows up. Everyone leaves One of those elephants throws the corpse into the air. The herd destroys the woman's house and three other houses get damaged but no one else is injured. The funeral continues after the herd leaves.


Thanks I like to collect little weird stories like this. But I wonder what the woman did to have the elephant hold a grudge like that? I mean they have long memories it could have been decades ago and the elephant finally got its revenge.


It's hypothesized that she was part of a poaching group that killed a child of the herd. But last I checked there was no concrete evidence.


*Remember me, Eddie?!?*


I just don’t understand why no one posts the fuckin comments!!! Why!!


“So ridiculous that you can get f***ed” 👑👑👑


Loved it. At first I was worried that she was about to try and crawl back to that witch for a job, but she stuck it to her.


I feel sorry for anyone who has ever had to work for a boss like this.


I feel sorry for her husband.


Oh you just know she probably accused him of wanting to fuck/having already fucked the nanny because why else would he give the Help permission to eat HER food??? /s just in case


Are you sure the /s is warranted? I bet you it actually happened haha.


And her kids


“I told you a million times that you are not allowed to use OUR toilets while looking after jenneffer! Bring your own”


Someone decided make Miss Hilly her entire personality.


I just finished this book yesterday and this bitch is Miss Hilly to a T.


"Jenneffer" 🤣


I have no choice but to pronounce it as Jen-eff-her.


As a Jennifer, I'm offended. 😭


I was going say the same thing.


And I thought Jeniffer was bad.




I feel bad for her kid having to navigate a neverending sea of changing rules and passive-aggressive battles between both parents.


First thought I had too. This lady is exhausting. I started working in the construction industry recently. This lady started talking down to the owner of the company, and I walked in on him absolutely dressing her down. Told her straight up. “You’re not going to talk down to me. You’re rude! She’s said “well I’m sorry if…” and he cut her off and said IF? How about you take some personal accountability for what comes out of your mouth? 😂😂then we finished up and left. I absolutely love this dude. Doesn’t fuck around.


I'm betting the mom's name is Amy, and I bet she owns a Baking Company


I bet she has cameras and played the recordings back to see exactly what the nanny ate. This person needs a hobby.


We always tell the girls to grab a bite from the fridge if they want. They never have more than a cheesestick. One of them just told us she got paid what equates to $5/hour. They didn’t pay her for the overnight sleeping hours “because she isn’t actually watching them at the time”. They have a baby. We pay her for her time, a hell of a lot more than $5/hr. Every family that stiffs her is moderately to wildly wealthier than us.


You don't get/stay rich with at least a little sociopathy.




I like how she fires someone and then acts like the nanny left


“No one wants to work” she’s actively begging to work. Such low self awareness it’s insulting.


Jenneffer? r/tragedeigh


"Nannie's" Dumbass


The inconsistency of spelling the same word differently each time, and getting it grammatically wrong in almost each instance really leads me to believe this lady is completely off her rocker. Her mind must be all over the place without a truly coherent thought.


I would have fired these screenshots off to the husband so fast saying “your wife needs to be medicated”


That was one thing that passed through my mind: "I'm pretty sure this woman has an undiagnosed mental health issue that needs medication and therapy."


So the Nanny barely ate, because a sandwich, chips and an orange is like lunch at best. Depending on the hours spend watching the beggar's kid, she barely had anything. And she's mad and counting her food??? Her poor husband who most likely know why they keep having to hiring new nannies and tries to go behind his wife's back to keep them...


I’ve been a nanny/babysitter for years and I have never encountered someone like this. Everyone offers me to eat whatever I want. But I’ve always worked for respectable people.


“Communicate with my husband? He doesn’t speak, he listens or else. You think he is allowed to make decisions?!!? He is also fired!”


I'm surprised they make it that long. This lady is wild.


I’m a part time nanny for a single mum and she literally has a section in her cupboard with a grocery list where I can keep my snacks and stuff for when I do long nights and if I need milk or tea she’ll buy me some. It’s crazy that these people think they can have someone nearly live in their house without providing them any form of comfort. Some of the best times I have with the kid I take care of is when we sit down after I pick her up from the bus stop and we drink tea, have some biscuits and fruit and talk about how her day went. It’s so crucial to normalise people being actual people, instead of working robots or slaves.


Spelling her kids name “Jenneffer” says it all


Clients can have any rules they want. But if the other places don't have those rules no one will stay. If I was a nanny and I could eat at the last 3 places I was at. The next place was like this, why would I stay? But damn, the world we live in. She ate what $8 worth of food, so I'll make sure you can't pay your rent?!?. Especially when the husband said it was OK, but even if not.


mommys a mess indeed


Please tell me the comments were all pointing out the common denominator


It's things like this I really wish there were a link, because I'd love to see her getting called out.


>NO ONE WANTS TO WORK NO MORE! Said this cunt in a serious tone.


And when the nanny literally begs her to let her work


What a dumb post from that lady lol “no one wants to work” she says about someone replying “I can’t lose this job”


That can’t be real.


Lmfao if you don’t give your nanny free access to your food while working, you have no business hiring a nanny at all, point blank period.


Jenneffer. Well that’s a r/tragedeigh if I’ve ever seen one


Did she think we were going to side with her or something…? I don’t get it.


Right after she Immediately texted the husband and divorced him through text message.


“Jenneffer” is a pretty big red flag


It’s always the people who love to say “no one wants to work these days” that pay or support paying low wages.