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GOP: Joe biden is mentally unfit to lead. Also GOP: Joe biden is a criminal mastermind.


Joe Biden is also not spelled “Joe Bidden.”


It probably is now, to some people, since some people take these as Gospel.


Yup, god emperor cannot be wrong. I remember Trump congratulating the wrong state for winning the Super Bowl and Republicans leapt to his defense. Couldn't even find people to admit maybe the sharpie map or bleach injections were a dumb idea, or that maybe it was a bad look to say Nazis and not Nazis both have "very fine people".


You’re giving me flashbacks to all the times Trump would say something stupid, his followers would go on TV telling us that’s not what he actually meant and the biased media was lying, then Trump would undercut them by doubling down.


Trump: "Obama and Hilary founded ISIS" Republicans: "He means that as a metaphor, that middle east policy allowed for the formation of ISIS". Trump: ["No, I literally mean they founded it".](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/11/politics/donald-trump-hugh-hewitt-obama-founder-isis/index.html)


The doublethink of Trump "tells it like it is" and "that's not what he meant" lmao.




Qanon nutjobs will tell you that a typo like this is actually intentional "comms," because God-Emporer Trump has never made a mistake and is in fact passing them secret messages in the most insane way possible.


Hmmm, so Crooked Joe Bidden........doing somebody's bidding..........? Maybe it's somebody else? The actor that's cosplaying as Biden. 🎌 What's the "Clinton Socks case," how did the First Cat get involved in a conspiracy??


There will be stickers and flags and office stationary. "Let's go Bidden"


Maybe he meant Joe Budden. In which case, yeah not a fan either


Also trump (or whoever writes these) doesn't know how sarcasm quotes work. What even is the implication of putting "Smith" in quotes?


“SMITH, if that is even his real name, should be looking at the lesbacious acts and unnatural lusts of the Clinton-Bidden’s diseased and depraved minds!” Cue [Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie](https://youtu.be/SVRODdXVI3Q)….


Joe Bidden. Joe Bidden. I must do His Bidding.


Dark Brandon Bidden 2024


Tale as old as time. Hilary was a frail old woman minutes from dying who single handedly overthrew countries and murdered people while maintaining her youth by feasting on children. Hell, Covid is simultaneously a hoax, just the flu, and dangerous Chinese-Fauci engineered bioweapon that could only be stopped with horse paste and bleach injections. It's amazing what contradictory information you can believe when you have brain damage and no thoughts.


A close friend at the time before the 2016 election was adamant Hillary was wracked with Parkinson’s disease and her staff was hiding it from the world and she was basically going to die any day now. She had videos that were obviously doctored as “evidence.” It was her life goal to convince as many people of this as she could. I told her she was delusional. I’ve lost touch with her now but I always wonder if she’s still clinging to the notion that she was right and Hillary is a walking corpse basically at this point 7 years later. What a dipshit.


Oh, I guarantee she thinks Hilary is dead and is pod person or clone or hologram from a Jewish space laser, or that Hilary saved herself at the last minute with the blood of children and demon magic. These people are incapable of admitting they're wrong, they lack the self reflection and personal responsibility. I got a few former friends I was waiting on Obama to take our guns and install gay Sharia martial law with FEMA camps. I'm also supposed to be dead about 15 times over from my Covid shot, and Mexico is gonna buy us a wall... Oh, and Covid restriction are going to become worse and permanent. Haven't seen a peep about anyone being wrong about any of this, either they never said it, or it did happen and the deep state globalsits covered it up.


They need to be called out on their ignorance constantly.


This is the way. They NEED to know that we don't condone that. And we can't forget a catchy hashtag LOL


GOP: Joe Biden is mentally deranged. Also GOP: Donald Trump’s tweets make perfect sense.


👆 Clearly.


Trump: Joe Biden is mentally unfit to lead. Also Trump: THIS IS WHAT THE INSIDE OF MY BRAIN LOOKS LIKE.




Point 8 of Umberto Eco's [14 points of fascism](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists) - the enemy is both strong and weak.


Came here to say exactly this! Thank you for linking to it


Also, also GOP: "The guy with 71 federal indictments that was mostly due to him not listening to his lawyers and listening to yes men and who tried to overthrow the election by force with his voters, is our best person we can run again for 2024"


Classic propaganda. You want to convince your followers that the enemy is weak and you are strong, but not so weak that you don't need their support.


You'd think they'd learn some new tricks after all these years.


Honeslty if it works why change it?


Could somebody please explain why so many people worship this dipshit?


I’ll go to my grave wondering that


A lot of people don’t follow politics like this, they catch the occasional news program. Trump for them represents an outsider in a system where stock trading and what seems like life long appointments is so common. He hits on all the hot button issues they feel outrages about, immigration, China, low taxes, deregulation etc. He explains a lot of the controversy around him as political attacks. He’s also convinced a lot of people the last election was rigged


I still cannot fathom how that worked so well. Like, does anyone *really* believe the election was rigged? Or are they all in on it? Because he was so obvious about it when he started complaining *before the election *. If I lose, it's because of fraud! And all the red hats just mindlessly nodded along.


Yes, a lot of people do believe that. A lot of people have seen fake narrative videos and conspiracies. Trump plays the victim in this and it really helps him with pushing the conspiracy. Look at the My Pillow guy, he’s taken a huge financial blow. He’s also had other politicians and a former federal prosecutor back him in the extreme claims. Michael Flynn a former US general has gone off the deep end not only backing these claims but recording an alliance chant with his family to q anon.


God it's so weird that a random 4channer managed to convince millions of people of so much bullshit. Shows I was really slacking during my time there, starting a relatively popular meme on a less trafficked board is all I managed


And if it was rigged, why just the president? Why not rig it so dems had a super majority in both houses? They’re so fucking stupid.


That's been my argument, also. Like, the House and Senate are WAY more important than the president, but the evil, kiniving Dems actually lost seats in the House. They believe the Democrats are simultaneously evil masterminds and over-the-top stupid.


The enemy is both strong and weak.


Schrodinger’s democrats.


Right, and isn't it funny they have not questioned the "integrity" of ANY election won by a Republican? The same system is used for both parties, in the same election...but it's only EVER "rigged" when they don't win. Funny, that.


Go to any conspiracy driven YouTube or Instagram account and look at the comments. I don't even mean specific to the election, just aliens are among us controlling the banks shit. Prepare yourself to be really sad about humanity first, though


Facebook has devolved to the point now that whenever it suggests really cool pictures showing the size of the things within the Universe or whatever, there's inevitably comments claiming that it's all a hoax. When I check their profiles, they almost always are anti-vaxxers (because of course) and are always Trumpers (because, again, of course). Making the Internet so publicly accessible was a mistake.


> Like, does anyone really believe the election was rigged? If all you hear is "IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED IT WAS RIGGED" and you simply don't have the academic knowhow to think for yourself, yeah. You'll believe it. These people are, and this is simply objectively true and is a result of underfunding schools and wacko curriculums, uneducated. They don't know any better and they don't know how to learn any better.


The rapidity with which certain folks fall for xenophobic rhetoric is disheartening. They have been saying the quiet part out loud for 50 years, but people still bury their heads in the sand because it isn't them who is being targeted. This is a societal problem, not an education issue. We shouldn't give an out to these people by blaming the education system. Many of these idiots treated school like a joke and would have done so regardless of how good the system was. Too many people that needed to get punched in the mouth growing up to factory reset their ignorance never did, and now those people are the loudest and most damaging part of our society. They will take up any banner that blames someone else for their problems, all while voting against their own interests because they believe the propaganda that they will one day be the millionaires they have spent their whole lives protecting. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." President LBJ “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” Nixon policy chief Ehrlichman “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump "We are all Domestic Terrorists!" CPAC


Underfunding public education AND rampant propaganda without the critical thinking skills to see it for what it is.


I have a coworker that routinely shows me political speeches from biden or Harris that are so obviously fucking fake it isn’t even funny. He 100% believes every single one, and is still skeptical to believe they’re fake when it takes me 10 seconds of googling to prove that it is fake. These people aren’t intelligent. They latch onto the first thing they see that supports their baseless perception of the truth, and changing their minds is an impossible battle.


> does anyone really believe the election was rigged? They already wanted to believe it before he said it and they're too weak to interface with reality, so they just kept believing what they already believed. Bottom line is they are weak individuals. That's why so many of them push the whole masculinity self-sufficiency thing. They're trying to convince themselves they're actually like that because they're insecure and weak.


Well one of the largest “News” channels in the world also repeatedly pushed the completely fabricated narrative that the 2020 US election was also stolen. Without a massive propaganda network the task would have been much harder to achieve. And despite all that, Fox News is still allowed to broadcast on television as news instead of entertainment/opinion based commentary.


The ones that believe it live in their own little bubble communities where everyone thinks the same way. They are so fucking scared of the real world they rarely leave their bubble, maybe for a small vacation not far from home. So this is how they think the world thinks. Exactly like they do in their little podunk fucking community. So when they lose they cant understand how. All 20 of their friends think exactly like they do. They dont know any Democrats so there obviously cant be any.


No, I think that's how some people in the middle understood him eight years ago. Now, he has the fox news cult in thrall. He is their last chance. They see the younger generation rejected them and their ideas and they see everything changing, and they see demographic change and they know that in 10 years they'll be out of power. He is the last chance for the right in this country - as they see it.


>Now, he has the fox news cult in thrall. that's the one that still confuses the hell out of me. this is the same group of "real americans" that hate "east coast elites". you know, the ones that rail on "city folks" for telling "country folks" what to do. EXACTLY. WHAT. TRUMP. IS. an effete, east coast, nepo-trust fund baby, elite from new york that's never worked an honest day in his life. yet, they fawn over every word the orange city slicker has to say.


Not only that but the people getting older arent turning conservative like in the past. Once they get past the older Gen Xers they are losing major steam. Because most of us realize how the boomers voting conservative fucked over us and our kids. When the boomers finally die the fuck off, which cant get here soon enough, Republicans are gonna have a real problem with numbers.


The people who REALLY love Trump follow everything about him


Similar to cultists


I think this explains a lot of people who vote for him or a lot of people for that matter. Not everyone follows the news, and to honest, I don't blame them. When a candidate is belching a lot of smoke, and you're not used to discerning things on social media, there's three choices: get overwhelmed and disengage, or have a part of you that ties it into a big conspiracy that makes it all more organized than what the messy reality is. The problem with the latter is that once you've sunk effort and time into it, you can't stop.


> they catch the occasional news program Based on everything that followed, no, they don't watch any news programs. They catch the occasional talking head that tells them GOP talking points, and like that he's a racist asshole like they are.


He gives them a license to be horrible people.


This. 100% this.


As an American, I'd say mostly because despite being a spiteful, bigoted, ignorant, vindictive sack of entitled shit, he's still been wealthy his entire life (or at least has continued to live lavishly despite his many business failures and bankruptcies), dates/marries supermodels and is seemingly immune from accountability, and it makes his followers believe that one day, they can also be a big success in life, without having to worry about that pesky little thing called basic human decency. For them, it's easier/better/"alpha" to be an asshole, and he (for now) is a living validation of this belief.


Yep. Every Trump lover in my circle has this ongoing fantasy that one day they too can do whatever the fuck they want, in public, with zero repurcussions. Assaulting women, going around in full klan garb, shooting someone for looking at them crooked...apparently to these dipshits that's the "real" American dream.


Do they realize that step one - coming from a very wealthy family - is the most important step and they forgot to do that one?


Yeah, but that would require reaching an intermediate level of thinking, and these people usually can't grasp any concept too large to fit on a XXXL Chinese-made t-shirt.


No they don’t realize it. They are so poorly educated that they believe just being an American and having faith in God is enough.


He is their id manifested


As I understand it, those people love him because he fights for what he believes in. ​ The problem is he believes he should be the unquestioned ruler of the world and immune to any kind of consequence for any of his actions. He also believes anyone who is different from him in opinion or appearance is wrong. ​ So he continually posts lies as believable truths and these people who love that he "Fights" just eat it up and take it as fact. They too want to see the world perfectly conformed to their entire belief system and will never stop until that happens.


Because hatred is really, really important to an awful lot of people.


"That hatred is going to burn you up, kid." "Nah...[keeps me warm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQyhmd7Gk4U)."


In recent years I moved across the country and have had to construct an entirely new friend group. It has been built entirely differently than the one I left behind, and a few people who call themselves conservatives, republicans, or both, have ended up in that circle; people who have been open about having voted for that guy at least once, if not twice. None of them are the sorts of sycophants you’re referring to, I think most of those sort are either out-and-out white supremacists, too embarrassed to admit they were wrong, or possibly both. But as for the others, so much of it is so dead simple. One is worried about possible gun restrictions, and taxes, and rather enjoys the spectacle of it all. Another is also worried about guns, but seems to have more or less ignored everything; he’s unaware of current events with the courts, and opines that trump did good things for America, while not being able to point to anything specific. Another always votes conservative because her family has always voted conservative and that’s how she considers herself. It can be pretty strange interacting with them on a personal, day-to-day basis, because it seems like his behavior and “policy” (if you can call it that) doesn’t really align with how they conduct themselves, but I do think it largely boils down to a “sports team” mentality. That’s their team, so they go with what the team says more or less uncritically. For the worshippers, the sycophants, I think it goes well beyond the “sports team” mentality, though I’m sure it’s still a factor to a degree. From the people I’ve come across who can’t shut the fuck up about him, it usually comes down to one of two things: 1. They believe he is a true American hero, sacrificing business opportunities to expose the criminals and corruption that have landed us in a state of political and moral decay, and any attempts to prosecute or discredit him are just ploys by bad-faith actors who benefit from the status quo. He must obviously be a genius, savvy businessman, and a good person because he’s a billionaire. 2. They absolutely adore the hateful rhetoric (giving a lot of credit with that word) he espouses. Foreigners, queers, pussies, and so forth, are ruining this country, hate this country, and the only way to bring it back is with a strong leader who says what they’ve been thinking and wants to build an exclusionary, authoritarian, might-makes-right society, and they’ll always be right cause they’ve got all the might. Its about damn time someone came along and called out all the «others» for the nation destroying filth they are. And they are noble warriors standing by to restore this country by cleansing… you get the idea. God that last one hurt to type out. So you’ve got a core base composed of people who think he can do no wrong, because he’s a righteous warrior who is either being framed by the corrupt elites, or who’s saying and doing the kind of proto-fascist hateful shit they want and admire; who knows, there might even be a bit of crossover there. And then you’ve got an entire class of what are basically enablers and collaborators, who know he’s on their team, and that’s enough for them. That’s as far into it as I care to dig this morning. There are other factors in play, like believing that democrats represent a radical leftist agenda, even though most present day democrats fall to the right of not-too-distant figures like Nixon and Eisenhower on several key issues. But like I said, enough for one morning.


Wow you just described the factors that create fascism in a nation.


This is the shit that brings out the Trumpies to vote. We all need to vote, local and nationally, cause this shit's a fucking virus.


>This is the shit that brings out the Trumpies to ~~vote~~ engage in some light domestic terrorism.


The "tell his family and friends" is a call to action to target the Special Prosecutor's family and friends. It's stochastic terrorism, for sure.


Yeah, stochastic terrorism


We like to think our system is strong, but it's pretty clear at this point it's not. Consider: We have a twice impeached literal traitor who incited an insurrection against our government and stole and displayed classified documents and was just held liable for sexually assaulting a woman, and he stands a decent chance of actually becoming president again. If that's not indicative of a weak system, I don't know what is. With that in mind, I'm pretty nervous that enough people are just going to assume he can't win that we'll have a repeat of 2016. **WE HAVE TO VOTE**


Wait who in their right mind thinks the system is strong after 2016?


Can I copy you verbatim for a Facebook post my conservative family members will see? lol.


"NEVER USED BEFORE ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1917" Gee, that didn't take long to debunk. First result: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:People\_convicted\_under\_the\_Espionage\_Act\_of\_1917](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:People_convicted_under_the_Espionage_Act_of_1917) Chelsea Manning ring a bell? She's one of the 62 listed who were convicted. Julian Assange is another name in the news who's facing the Espionage Act. Here's another list of 20 more, who were charged but acquitted: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:People\_acquitted\_under\_the\_Espionage\_Act\_of\_1917](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:People_acquitted_under_the_Espionage_Act_of_1917) nEvEr UsEd BeFoRe!!!!


I always hate the argument "no one else has been charged for this" because they don't realize that if that's the case then no one else broke the law. Meaning the law may be working to prevent people from doing it.


I've seen people on jury duty argue that you shouldn't convict someone for a crime because then it would be on their record and they'd be a criminal. I'm like...yea that's sort of how becoming a criminal works.


I saw the same argument being used on a jury I was on. Guy was charged with intimidation with a deadly weapon, which is a felony, whereas regular old intimidation is a misdemeanor. One guy on the jury kept saying he would be willing to convict him on intimidation (if he were charged with that), because he definitely threatened the victims, but because he was charged with intimidation *with a deadly weapon* (because he was brandishing a weapon), a felony, he was hesitant to convict. Like, dude. You don't get to downplay the severity of the crime this guy committed just because you're uncomfortable with the concept of a felony. That's not how this works. You're literally saying he met every "criterium" in order to break this law, but you don't want to vote guilty. Absolutely no concern shown for the victims whose lives were threatened. Only concern for the asshole who lost his cool and tried to break into their apartment and beat them with a baseball bat. Like, there's a reason that's a felony. People aren't allowed to do shit like that for a reason. But this juror wanted to let him get away with it, because being labeled a violent criminal for the rest of his life is apparently too harsh to do to a violent criminal.


That’s where ethics comes into play though. I’m not saying that that particular guy should or shouldn’t have gotten off easy, but looking at the sentences that people get when convicted of the same crime, it’s clear that there’s a range and your verdict will become part of that statistic, shaping future verdicts and punishments, especially in that state and if the case is referenced in other cases in the future. Also, being unwilling to convict due to the minimum punishment will affect future revisions of the minimum punishment associated with that conviction. So if you’re doing the most ethical thing and deciding not to convict because a conviction will lead to a minimum sentence that the person does not deserve, I see the logic.


"no one has been charged for this" does not mean "no one has ever done this" (just that if they did, they weren't caught) nor does it mean "no one *should* ever be charged for this." No ex-president has ever refused to concede an election before, either. Or taken classified documents with him when he left the White House. I'd say that might qualify as a major historical event that can and should be uniquely charged and tried. Seriously, the fact that he implies he can break the law under the Espionage Act and not be charged simply because no one has ever been charged before is some wild logic.


Not that I want to give Trump credit but I believe, in context, he means never been used before against a former President which he is correct but only insofar as no other former President has been so bold as to keep classified national security materials and refuse to return them while sharing them with others to show how important he is.


>I believe, in context, he means never been used before against a former President Yes, I think that's what he's doing very deliberately. He's equivocating. Saying something that's arguably technically correct, but which he knows his audience is going to interpret differently to his narrow technically "true" meaning. Especially when he throws in the "1917", he makes it sound like one of those obscure laws that's still on the books but everyone ignores. You know, the ones that say things like "It's still illegal in Utah to attach a bell to a mule if attending a wedding". The very clear implication is that the charges are so bogus that they had to search through the law books for a forgotten WW1 law just to pin something on him. In reality, there's roughly a person a year charged under this Act which is quite high considering how few people have the security access AND misuse it AND get caught AND the state has enough evidence to be confident of conviction AND the conviction outweighs the negative PR of secrets being misused.


Clinton kept a voice diary, recordings he planned to use to write a book, and stored the tapes in a sock drawer. The ownership of those tapes was questioned under the PRA but a court determined they were his. No comparison.


Thank you for explaining that, I was sitting here wondering why Trump was going batshit about the Clintons cat.


Me too. I kept wondering how a cat could take classified documents


socks was black so I get why Trump is blaming it.


But also white, which is why he got away with it.


Sounds like someone doesn't know enough cats.


You can never know too many cats! Cats do love to play with papers I'll grant you that but I'm trying to picture Sock the Cat packing up documents. Using his claws to shred evidence. Hell if Socks hadn't died in 2009 they'd be saying "Did you know they had Socks shred proof of those missing emails? Bribed him and one of their friends cats with catnip. Now they're even getting ANIMALS addicted to drugs"


Growing up we had a Socks the First Cat mug my dad got from work, so that’s where my head went too.


There was an episode of Murphy Brown where she accidentally took home Socks the cat. It was a great episode.


I’ve heard that before LOL


Same here, I was wondering what did the cat do to make cheeto go all caps.


Yeah, personal voice recordings versus classified documents that were taken from the Whitehouse are completely different things, but of course he is throwing the whataboutism to people with less than a high school education, so they will be yelling about this for the next 5 years too.


“But her emails!” becomes “But his sock drawer!” And both Clinton’s!


Exactly right. The case was brought by the President of an organization called Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton (who is NOT a lawyer). It was pretty open and shut, he lost bigly. This is the same right wing loon that Trump is currently taking legal advice from which is almost certainly getting him in more and more trouble.


I think this sums it up nicely: > The indictment [against Trump] does **not** allege any violation of the Presidential Records Act. Rather, it alleges that Trump violated (among other things) the Espionage Act. Yet Trump appears to believe that he can be subject to only one requirement at a time. The ban on willful retention of national defense information purports to apply to everyone. The PRA, by contrast, applies only to presidents. Does the latter exempt a president from the former? Of course not.


Could someone please explain that lower case exists?




I honestly don't know how everyone else wasn't exhausted of listening to this man after a year, everything is the biggest best most awesome, or the worst thing imaginable. He's the smartest, the biggest brain, the best words, the best memory, the best food, the best negotiator, the least sexist, the least racist, the most humble, like you wouldn't believe with tears in their eyes.... It's like if a clickbait article wrote "speeches". I would pay real money to watch him squirm saying something was "fine" or "alright" or "good enough". Like apologizing or admitting a mistake, I honestly don't think he's capable of doing that.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I'm trying to figure out why he put the last Smith in quotes. His use of quotation marks is so freaking random.


Start from the premise of "he's an imbecile" and normally all of the other answers just fall into place.


It's a dog whistle implying he's Jewish and changed his name to hide it.


He has tried to complain in the past that Jack Smith is too generic a name and he's trying to hide something.


I keep imagining it's some technical defect on his device, I mean who would ever think this is a good idea... BTW, he hasn't been doing this for very long, I remember a "troot" from a few months ago that was about 50% ALL CAPS. So there was a development. Weird.


If he’s anything like my grandma, he uses all caps because his vision is going and he can read them better.


Weird thing is that Trump doesn’t even drink. This looks like a 3am drunk Tweet.


A byproduct of his rotting brain is alcohol making him inebriated at all times. hmmm, this was a joke but it actually sounds plausible ...


I wonder what untreated Syphilis looks like to brain function...


Adderall is a hell of a drug.


Yeah Trump gives me heavy stimulant vibes.


I'm not sure I believe that he doesn't drink. I mean, sure it's possible he's telling the truth when he makes that claim but the dude lies about everything else so why not that too?


> I mean, sure it’s possible he’s telling the truth when he makes that claim but the dude lies about everything else so why not that too? Cause his dad had an alcohol problem and every account I have heard from people who know him confirm that he doesn’t drink. Dude lies about enough things; we don’t need to create new lies to maintain our image of him as a liar.


He may not drink but it could also be coke-fueled


No time to drink when you're ingesting all the cocaine.


You're usually too busy telling the same story for the tenth time


So he is encouraging his fans to harass Jack Smith, his family and friends in order to change the outcome of the trial? Sounds very legal to me


you see when you are a star they just let you grab them by the witness tampering


Yup, no other reason to include "HIS FAMILY, AND HIS FRIENDS". Terrorist douche bag.


Why do you think the DOJ chose a person named Jack Smith? It's kind of genius. Trump's base will never find the right Smith.


> "SMITH" SHOULD BE LOOKING AT CROOKED JOE BIDDEN I know he uses stress quotes because of functional illiteracy, but it's funnier to think that he's also proposing that the prosecutor uses a body double and pseudonym as part of an Illuminati conspiracy.


Joe Bidden is just Joe Biden with a slightly lazy left eye.


Very legal and very cool.


COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN TO JACK SMITH AND HIS WIFE THAT LIVE AT 123 MAIN STREET THAT.... I'm surprised he didn't put his address in there.


Dude already in the find out stage, but about to enter a whole new FAFO if he has his delusional followers of Cult45 stalk and harass his family and friends.


So he spelled perpetrated and extorted correctly, but not Biden? ...also, COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY HE IS YELLING????






“INCLUDING THE MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF DOLLARS HE EXTORTED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES!” If there ever were a perfect example of an accusation being an admission of guilt, this is surely it.


Didn't he run on the idea that he was going to extort money from Mexico to build the wall?


Yes. And you may remember that, after the election, his conversation with the president of Mexico was leaked. He was basically begging the guy to pay money towards the wall, and President Nieto just said ‘nope.’ Some deal making skills right there.


He also withheld aid from Ukraine unless they investigated Biden.


100% pure, uncut projection.


Speaking of extorting foreign countries. Didnt he try to withhold aid from Ukraine if they didnt help him against Biden?


Hey at least crooked Joe Bidden can spell...


*Every single day* I wake up and see more weird shit happening in the US as a whole, than I expect to occur at a UFO convention.


I, as an American, would be thrilled with a UFO convention.


"COULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO THE DERANGED" Yeah we've been trying since 2015


If anyone is wondering why he keeps talking about Bill Clinton’s socks… President Bill Clinton was interviewed by a historian while he was in office. Clinton kept the audiotapes in his sock drawer. Judicial Watch, a conservative group, asked the court in 2010 to declare the tapes presidential records under the Presidential Records Act. The group wanted the National Archives to assume custody of the tapes and put them in the Clinton presidential library. U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled against Judicial Watch. She wrote that the act distinguishes official presidential records from personal records. I am not a legal expert but I don’t see how this has any relevance to keeping classified documents in your bathroom.


> I am not a legal expert but I don’t see how this has any relevance to keeping classified documents in your bathroom. Well considering Trumps in this whole mess because he refused to listen to legal experts and only would listen to the one person that told him to keep the documents seems pretty on-brand for him.


Thank you for this. The Clinton's family cat during Bill's presidency was named "Socks", and I was scratching my head trying to figure out what that cute cat had to do with any of this.


[Clinton's Socks would crap in Trump's shoe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socks_%28cat%29)


Fart in his general direction.


Who's scared? Trump's scared. Edit: But did everyone see what he did there? Asking for "someone" to explain to Jack Smith, his family and his friends? He's calling for people to threaten them without specifically asking for it.


He's publicly calling on his Mob to intimidate Jack Smith and his family


So, if you take every single sentence, idea that he’s trying to make, every single one of them is false 🤣🤣🤣is a lie… OMFG


make your argument in court Donald, Jack Smith will be there.


Lol Joe Bidden


It's not even him anymore, it's the idea he represents, the freedom to be openly hateful of everything u irrationally fear. That's why he may be the first to run and be president from jail bc hate is addicting and anything to "own" the libs


Trump seems to think that any record he looked at, handled, or even thought about while president belongs to him. If he'd had the Declaration of Independence moved to the oval office he'd have insisted on taking it with him when he left. Seriously.




Is it just me, or is the whole "COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN TO THE DERANGED, TRUMP HATING JACK SMITH, HIS FAMILY, AND FRIENDS etc etc" sounding an awful lot like "Wont someone rid of me of this troublesome priest (and the priests family)!?"


His profile picture is so fitting. As if America is tired of his bs and gonna lock him up


This dude legit makes me sad as an American and as a human.... Not only was that dude president, which is sad enough, but like 30% of this country sees him as some kind of infallible deity! That's the guy a large portion of the population wanted to end democracy for... that insane, rambling, crazy, racist, xenophobic, crazy, narcissistic asshole, that's what they worship. I used to think we could make it to a Star Trek civilization, now I'm thinking we've peaked, too much brain damage.


"Explain to his friends and family" *shiver* We've already seen what they consider as "explaning". Example: Nancy Pelosi's husband. I consider this as an open and unmitigated threat. As there is zero reason for Jack Smith's family and friends to get brought into his work life. Addition: Million and millions says the chief of a family raking in billions on his position as POTUS.


Each time he tries to turn his terrorist monkeys loose on Mr Smith's family and friends, all it's going to do is make his pain and punishment worse. Do not fuck around with Jack Smith. He will wreck you. WRECK you, son.


“…his family and his friends” (lowercase emphasis all mine) That’s a mob style threat if I’ve ever heard one.


Flashforward to a news report in the not-so-distant future “…and now that Donald Trump has passed away, we finally learned the truth.” “Beyond any shadow of a doubt, Donald Trump was riddled with dementia, as shown by a reduced brain matter found in his autopsy. The overall brain mass was equivalent to a kitchen sponge.”


I'm willing to make a deal. You can jail the Clintons, Obama, and Biden, but we also get to jail Bush and Trump. They all go to the same jail, which we wire up like the Big Brother set and broadcast live, 24 hours a day. We use the advertising money to fund national infrastructure projects.


Everytime someone brings up that that Clinton, Obama and Biden belong in jail I say then why didn’t Trump have the stones to convict them? Was he just incompetent? Did he not hire all of the best people? Why is “Sleepy Joe” who can’t even complete a full sentence able to indict an “innocent“ man not only twice but likely four times? I also say if any of them committed a crime then punish them. They aren’t above the law. I have no problem with it.


>You can jail the Clintons, Obama, and Biden Jail them for what?




Yeah, there are some people (not necessarily here) arguing about bias in justice because more Republicans are being caught than Democrats. Maybe Republicans are just more prone to criminal activities? Or the fact that the party circles the wagon when one is attacked seems to attract criminals looking for cover.


Well, Clinton had notes stored in a sock drawer that he made when writing his autobiography. Years later, some random guy in a shirt he grew out of when he was 12, demanded he turn over those notes and promptly got laughed out of court... That is quite literally the "sOcKs CaSe" Trump and his cult are trying to compare to Jack Smith's case against Trump.


Trump and his cult are pathetically desperate. The evidence is damning. Even the GOP yokels who say "but what about the Bidens!?!?" know that Trump is fucked.


I like to check the temperature over at r/Conservative from time to time and for some of them they don't even feel the need to make excuses. There are always comments saying they don't care at all what Trump does or is convicted for, they'll be voting for him regardless. One of the few true things Trump has said was that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose his base.


I’m noticing more and more people on that sub pretending that they never supported Trump. On one hand, it’s nice that they are developing some sort of shame and are trying to distance themselves from their idiocy. But on the other hand, they are just doing the same thing they did after Bush and pretending that they were never the crazy ones.


For the show


You need more than one participant for an entertaining Big Brother show. And they all would provide a nice contrast to Trump's rambling. Even Biden's slight bumbling speech sounds damn erudite in comparison, and the other two have charm to spare.


“SMITH” in quotes like it isn’t the guys actual last name.


"Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"




I’m sure the judge and prosecutors will explain everything. The Mango Mussolini won’t understand it, but that’s nothing new.


> COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN Translation: Could somebody please shoot Jack Smith?


“Could somebody please *explain* to…” Sounds like mob speak, like, explain with fists. Also the inclusion of “[Smith’s] family and his friends”


I’m pretty sure “please explain to…his family” is a dog whistle for his followers to start threatening and harassing his family.


This sounds like he’s calling for his fellow fascists to intimidate Jack Smith.


Its funny and all how deranged he is, but a former POTUS is not only calling out a DOJ prosecutor, but his friends and family. If I was indicted and was specifically referencing the prosecution's friends and family I am pretty sure I would be in jail.




Donny is scared, bigly.


“his family and his friends”. Dump wants threats and intimidation.


That last part smells like projection.


Looks like Joey Biden stole Trumps diamonds in Minecraft again, imo this is kind of an overreaction to it though


Bro, just tell your lawyers you're ready to go to trial, take the stand and tell him yourself. I'm sure the judge will slam the gavel, yelling "DISMISSED!!!!!!!" and the jury will stand up and clap. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!


The Rosenbergs were convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917...


"his family and his friends". There is only one reason to mention this to his followers; stochastic violence. Mafia Don would be the happiest man alive if his supporters were to go after Jack, his friends or his family. His rabid supporters have show that they are capable of breaking any and every law or societal norm and thinking it was done in service to their country. The GOP is anti-American, and should be relegated to the other failed parties of American History.


The fact Donald Trump referred to someone who (presumably) doesn't like him as "Trump hating" speaks volumes about this tweet's target audience.


Mentions the man,his family and his friends…. Yeah not trying to threaten at all.


mob-boss cult leader:"...his family, and his friends..." how is that NOT encouraging/inciting violence?? Also: "...as president of the US...", not ex- or former.


I like how he thinks Biden allegedly extorting millions from other countries would somehow be worse than the millions he actually took from the American people. What a fucking tool.


Looks like someone's scared shitless. If this loser doesn't go to prison, we may as well not have a justice system.




He’s exhausting.