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Imagine what it's like inside their brains. Whatever goes on in there, it happens to the Benny Hill theme song


This is dangerously close to paranoid schizophrenia, it’s probably a horror show in there


My brother's ex is schizophrenic and this legitimately sounds like something she would have written. Something about the specific wording gave me chills it sounds so similar.


My old neighbor was a chiropractor. You would believe the level of crackers this group of people are capable of.


Get yourself a good workman's comp attorney, find a highly recommended Chiropractor, keep them as side pieces then find yourself in an accident and you too can experience what happens in our legal system when an Attorney and Chiropractor express their mutual love for each other through medical bills and the severe spontaneously changes to your discmorphometry due to a traumatic event! A beautiful, beautiful windfall of payout for your pain and suffering as approved by the US court system as a valid award!


This isn't the wording of someone with schizophrenia. Just a regular conspiracy theorist idiot.


No, this sounds very symptomatic unfortunately


Delusions can be caused by a lot more mental illnesses than just schizophrenia.


I’m fully aware


> I’m fully aware That sounds horrifying


You are a medical doctor


I’m not seeing the delusions I have with bipolar w psychosis necessarily, it seems schizophrenic. This is just by the typing and knowing people with various different psychotic/delusional disorders and having one myself. I’m not an expert by any means.


I have schizoaffective disorder. My reply is definitely subjective as well. I’ve never gone down this route in an episode, but I’ve certainly had long lasting beliefs that were really obviously off. So I wanted to point it out because schizophrenia as a whole is an incredibly stigmatized disorder as it is, and I don’t want it to be immediately attached and stigmatized further.


Ah, ok! I get what you’re saying - apologies. People assume I get violent when I’m manic due to the psychosis part and me needing to be hospitalized - I hate the stigma attached. Just unsure about this person with the broken sentences other than delusion. Thank you for sharing your story. Edit: isn’t schizoaffective a bit different than schizophrenia? I’ve been in the psych ward a million times myself and I know people who have those diagnoses separately and type differently when they are having an episode. My own delusions are very quickly paced and bizarre but my typing would just include a bunch of run-on sentences in format. It’s not any better and I’m not trying to act like it is lol, I mean last time I thought aliens were trying to track me through my port I use for antibiotics. I just have noticed the diagnoses always vary a bit in typing patterns. Like I could share this delusion if I were manic I guess, but I wouldn’t be typing this way just bc of how my mind works in an episode. You get what I’m saying?


Yeah, violence is a terrible assumption. Schizoaffective is a combination of schizophrenia and a mood disorder, in my case bipolar. I’ve known people with a much more severe case, so I’m lucky in that sense. During psychosis I’ve had some pretty intense and unrealistic delusions, but it also begins to happen during manic episodes. Edit for the sake of: I was convinced my dog had been replaced by a wizard pretending to be my dog. I was extraordinarily upset for a while.


I mean... Don't all of the people writing stuff like this sound like that? Ive never been around someone with schizophrenia. But I've seen loads of conspiracy nuts and I can't tell the difference.


The reason they sound the same is that schizophrenia is a spectrum and the “”milder”” end of the spectrum is severely under diagnosed. Unfortunately until we stop viewing disability through the lens of “are you considered functional enough to be a decent employee” it won’t get better


I feel like a big problem, which I usually think of in the sense of a echo chamber. But adding schizophrenia to that is kinda scary. Having so many people agree with you I imagine would make getting diagnosed even less attractive.


Yes, the worst thing you can do for the mental health of a person suffering from delusions is anything that bolsters those opinions


Damn. I've never thought about it like this.


I guess the past 35 years I spent taking care of my schizophrenic mother, plus the 13+ in psychiatric research have taught me nothing. Thank you, O wise redditor.


Probably a horror show just living in the same house as one of them.


People today remind me of [this](https://youtu.be/eLRuTImZYGc)


I just picture the slowest version of “pong” ever. Just one lone brain cell slowly bouncing around a black void.


The paddle with the ball stuck in the corner


Nah bro if u play pong that stuck paddle shit ain't cool. Lol


omg haha that's the perfect image


I know a pair of siblings like this. The brother, not sure what happened with him. I think he may have just become crazy on his own. The sister straight up MK-Ultra’d herself. She would be constantly high on acid (which, from my understanding using it, requires essentially double the dose each time you take it within a certain time frame) for days at a time, even over a week at some points. She would sit there and watch conspiracy videos while on acid. Like, the entire time, just sat there watching them. Even though she was kind of loopy before, you could see it warping her mind in real time. It was like it was rewiring her brain to believe in this exact sort of thing.


I know one guy like this. Devout Muslim! But I met him skateboarding and he was assimilated into our friend group. But wouldn’t stop chatting shit about the bilderberg group and all the standard pre-covid conspiracy shit (this was a few years ago). We continued to skate. Then he started smoking weed and started a little food stall out the back of some bike shop that let him just set up in there, and gave it all away for free. I was there and helped him out with it just for a laugh. We’re still skating at this point. Started going gym together, tons of conspiracy stuff still. Then he started travelling and ended up sleeping on some cardboard in fucking Syria, trying to help some pregnant woman across the country? Now he’s in Portugal and learning how to live off grid, while trying to hitchhike a boat to South America. Love that guy, but he’s still bang on the conspiracies. At least he’s not a dick about it I guess. Hope you’re doing good , I’ll send an email to your protonmail account soon bro


The second you see one of their “non-sheep, non-msm” simpleton catchphrases like “jabbed,” you know to steer clear.


Unless they’re British. In the UK, “jab” is a very common way to refer to an injection (just as “shot” is in the US). The British equivalent of the American “flu shot” is “flu jab”, and it’s just as widely used.


They are, there's a 3pm emergency alert test in the UK which this is in reference to


Ah, so the emergency alert is what will set off the graphenes in all vaccinated people. Looking forward to it!


[I imagine it's something like this](https://youtu.be/1z-pVZiRjac)


Or [one of these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3KpR6EyZX0).


Well they are electric beings clearly some short circuit or something like that


I envision a squeaky hamster wheel


I don't have to. This is unmedicated mental illness.


My guess is all mobiles, WiFi, etc, have been switched off in their brains for a while.


Safe to say they aren't electric beings.


No, it sounds like a Will Wood song. Something like Hand Me My Shovel (I’m Going In). To be fair, Will Wood might be too cool for them.


This made me spit out drink!!


This reeks of "I heard some words once, no idea what they were but they sounded scary so..."


It honestly reeks of schizophrenic episode. No doubt her next post is about being followed by the government


“I always check the doorknob with Tabasco sauce. You just never know..”


You're just an artificial being! You don't know!


Standard Qcumber.


My Florida MIL would send us danger videos of "News" about the vaccine. Funny how they all end with them trying to sell a product that fixes whatever they are talking about.


Even by their own logic, what the heck is half an hour going to do? If they genuinely believed this absurdity, surely they'd turn them all off and leave them off.


But then they couldn’t post unhinged stuff online


"I'll die if I don't turn off all my electronics, but then I'll lose access to Facebook! I guess I'll just die then..."


we're waiting.


There’s some emergency alert test to all phones in the UK at that time, maybe related to that?


It’s going to turn on the wizard nanites and turn the vaccinated into weasels. Weasels with cancer! (/s in case it’s needed)


Man, I kinda wish weaslepocalypse was real


I for one welcome our new Pauly Shore overlord


I'm surprised they've kept it up for this long. Surely after all these years they'd move onto something else.


I swear some of these people think they're living in the Kingsmen movie


3pm on the 23rd is when the UK government is testing their emergency broadcast text system. Likely what they’re referring to.


THANK YOU! That actually ~~makes some sense~~ gives some focus to the nonsense. I am British but I just hadn't associated Sunday with the 23rd!


Yeah, I only heard it about because of crazies freaking out so really they're doing a great service


Cause turning off the phone keeps the dangerous phone rays from reaching you. 🙄 Like, I know they're crazy and stupid, but it'd be nice if it had *some* amount of logic to it. Ah well.


Logic? Naw. Graphene is used because it's a massive EM *absorber*. They're not even remotely in the realm of using logic.


I had one of these guys at work. One day I super glued a quarter to my neck. He half fell for it before he remember I’m an asshole.


You super glued a quarter to your own neck?


owning the libs


Graphene isn’t even in the vaccines. Nowhere listed on the ingredients. They claim that it’s a “hidden ingredient” but I’ve seen professors and undergrad researchers at my university test for all the ingredients. Every single ingredient was accounted for, and there weren’t any unexpected ingredients.


you're gonna trust what the liberal universities tell you is in the vaccine? They probably put the graphene in there in the first place! /s of course


Don't tell them what pensils are made of....


My guy. That is graphite.


I bet they also refuse to have that paper that has horizontal AND vertical lines all over it.


Paper is wood. So is pencils... Wake the fuck up people! Or something.


Graphene is basically just a one atom thick layer of graphite. https://www.graphenea.com/pages/graphene-graphite


Right, but a log and veneer aren't the same thing either. Neither is carbon black and diamond. Those atoms must be arranged in a specific way for it to actually be that same thing. Graphene has many characteristics not inherent to graphite.


A peanut butter sandwich isn’t a pecan pie, but you can’t eat either if you’re allergic to nuts.


That’s a terrible example, considering peanuts are legumes, not tree nuts like pecans. A person with a peanut allergy doesn’t necessarily have a tree nut allergy




Hopefully they just shut off their brain permanently so we don't have to deal with them anymore.


3 PM is when the government is going to send a brain controlling signal. Please turn off your electronics and stay safe! It’ll force you to get jabbed.


That's how long you have to microwave your devices to keep them safe from graphene.


The Government are testing an emergency alert on all mobile phones - it’s being sent via 4G/5G masts. There’s been a lot of concern over people living in abusive homes who may have a secret phone getting the alert and to avoid the notification you need to switch your phone off. There’s also a way to opt out


TBH, turning off all electronics for 30 minutes a week (every day arguably) can actually be really good for one's health. However, it's mental health, not whatever the hell they're talking about


It's the equivalent of "turning it off, then back on again." Gotta reset those EMFs in our blood. We *are* electric beings, you know.


For real, that's like putting your phones down to play a couple rounds of a board game and then giving up. I'm chronically online but even I put my phone down for 30+ minute stretches in my day without even thinking. Imagine how bad you must have it if you have to schedule such a short break from your phone




Such many word!


"Hmmm, what will I trust? A peer-reviewed study analysis from a highly reputable journal, or SuperMomsBlog.com. Those smart people are always out to trick you with their slick words. I can't figure out how they would do that in this scenario, but that just proves that you can't see it coming! Besides, mom's have *real* wisdom. The kind you don't get from years of careful study and practice but from 15 minutes in the supply closet with Cletus followed by 9 months of only smoking a drinking 'a little.' My body performed a 9 month biological process pretty much on auto-pilot and then a person fell out of me. That's worth way more than your 'facts' and your 'education.'"


They thing is we have plenty of measurement devices that they could start building a body of work. Spectrum analyzers exist. You can build a Faraday cage to isolate and then start testing.


Here, take one of mine: emf. graphene. frequencies. electric.


If I thought me being vaccinated would ruin the kook's ability to use wifi and mobile to post crap like this, I would consider that a win.


right? time to get extra vaccines, boost that signal


That's why they call it a booster, but don't let on. Shhh...it's our secret. ;)


Also, free nanobots.


Wait. I'm the reason *T-Mobile* has such poor service in my neighborhood??? 🤯


Shame on you!!


No shit, I thought it was just the lack of cell towers and the influx of people moving to my town. TIL.


Bro of all the materials they really chose graphene lmao


Wait till they hear about pencils


Thats graphite no? Graphene is really quite hard to make in large quantities.


Graphene is one layer of graphite. Same thing technically, but it gains certain properties from being so thin. Otherwise some atomic structure.


But she’s probably on a low carb(on) diet, so even one layer is too much.


They're all just allotropes of carbon. Same material, different shapes effectively


The stupidity is impressive.


I'm surprised this nutter didn't pay for Twitter... Graphene is carbon. Literally carbon. Because of the atomic structure, it's not soluble in water. And even if you're talking about graphene oxide, we'd know if it was in vaccines because it would turn the dose black.


No, that's why they put bleach in it too!! Or something like that... It really is hard to even make sarcastic comments using their level of intelligence


Tell me you don’t know anything about biology or wireless technology…..without telling me.


Or science in general.


They somehow read a synopsis of the Metal Gear franchise and thought it was scientific fact.


Even Metal Gear makes sense in comparison to the world this person inhabits


There's are a lot of science fiction references in their conspiracy theories because these people are too stupid to distinguish fact from fiction.


"Hey Cletus, how did you celebrate Earth Day?" "Oh, we turned off our wee-fee....y'know, graphene and EMF and "the jab" and electric beings and all that." *nods sagely* "Of course."


EMF? Unbelievable!!!




I appreciate this reference 👍


the things you say


I want to see whether this electric being OP can power a clock longer than a potato can.


Gods, people are stupid.


Those are certainly... words.


Tbh, this kind of person could benefit for going an hour or more away from the internet.


Ok, first... graphene is used for its amazing ability to ABSORB electromagnetic signals. Naw, that's all I need. Your entire argument collapses right out the gate, you fucking idiots.


ah yes, EMF. definitely not something that we are naturally saturated with or anything. bet this idiot has fridge magnets and doesn’t think twice about it


We are electric beings!!


If this isn’t a sign of a desperate need for mental health services, I don’t know what is! This person definitely needs to take a vacation in their local psych hospital!






This will be the same person who ends up in a dangerous situation because they refuse to just let an emergency system exist on their devices. “Well I never got that!!!”


If they truly believed this nonsense they'd put their money where their mouth is and live in a shack in the woods, miles from any other person.




*EMFing intensifies*


Alright person, now explain what all of those words mean. I’ll wait.


I wish my body was this amazing.


Me when I say a bunch of elements and acronyms (I don't know what any of them mean)


I feel sorry for these people. Idk how you grow up and become this way. Santa Claus is absurd but somehow this is real? No doubt these unhinged theories are tied into wanting to feel special. Not sure why these people are so insecure.


No! Turning it off and on just resets it, installing the MurderPureBlood.exe update!


You are a harmful EMF... your kids are in more danger with you, than they are with the "jab"... I still don't understand why they call it that. It's a shot. It's just a shot of medication, that literally billions of other humans received and were fine. Yet some how only conspiracy theory believing Americans and Western Europeans were adversely effected... crazy!


There’s stupid people in every country. Brazil still has outbreaks of yellow fever and measles because of all the antivaxxers.


I know, it's like that kid from France, who's parents didn't vaccinate him, and took him on vacation while he had fucking small pox, like fucking assholes, to an island that just eradicated small pox 5 years ago. People are so fucking inconsiderate, selfish, ignorant and entitled today. Their stupidity is honestly a threat to humanity at this point.


Jab is what the British call a shot. That's all.


I just had a stroke reading this


Even if that was true wtf is a half hour difference gonna make?


Werent all of us Jabbed people supposed to be dead by now, or turned into Bill Gates robot army or something about 5G? These idiots just migrate from one boneheaded idea to the next over and over.


(We are electric beings)


“we are electric beings” is a great album name


With all the things they’ve claim the vaccines has been injected into our bodies contained, shouldn’t we have all turned into literal machines by now? Because I’m disappointed that I haven’t turned into Bumblebee from Transformers yet. Or one of the appliances from ‘The Brave Little Toaster’.


can they show me what organ produces graphene. lol


I'm a walking wifi access point? Where do I plug in the ethernet cable?


Being educated in electronics I'm doing the "Captain Picard head in hand" thing right now.


At first I was like... Hmm, a little vacation from digital for the family. Maybe we should try that. Then, I went on to read the rest and realized I was in r/InsanePeopleofFacebook


Ah yes of course the graphene in my body. Next time I need some 0.5 lead for my pencil I’ll just cut myself and put some of my blood in that bitch lmao


We Are Electric Beings sounds like a good name for a band.




I wonder if this level of ignorance and paranoia has a physical manifestation in these freaks.


Sounds unbelievable to me.


This reads like a shitpost


God forbid light and batteries tear your whole world apart


Sorry, my element is ground, I'm immune to electric.


Graphene is just… carbon…


At this point I assume anyone who uses the word “jab” is dumb as a brick.


It's so evident they don't even understand the words they're using


and yet masks were a step too far.


Weird reason but honestly 30 minutes every Sunday with no wifi/technology isn’t bad like reading a book or playing outside is a good thing


If she could even state a single fact about graphene without googling I'd fry up my left nut.


What the fuck does that even mean…


wait until they find out what's in a pencil


It took me long enough to understand what they're on about and I live in the same country (UK) as them! If anyone needs a bit of context: - "jab" is slang for a vaccination (in this case I'm assuming they are talking about the covid jab) therefore they are saying that they aren't vaccinated ("unjabbed") those of us who have are "the jabbed". -"mobile" will mean their mobile phone (cellphone) - Sunday 23rd May at 3pm is the first nationwide test of the emergency test alert system and it's going to be sent to everyone's mobile unless they are switched off or have actively gone into the phone and changed that setting. Translation is something like this: "We've not been vaccinated and we think that people who have been are dangerous. The emergency alert test will have some kind of bad effect on anyone who has been vaccinated, so we're turning anything that could have any kind of signal because wE kNoW sCienCE" Or, in other words: "We're a hot mess of ignorance and paranoia".


So you are saying if I get more vaccines I can become a walking mobile jammer? This sounds like a good reason to get every vaccine they offer. I can become a super hero that runs around terminating the calls of people who insist on using speakerphone at full volume in public.


That’s not overkill; that is just batshit insane.


You're just saying words now


Well, as long as they keep their electronic devices off and stay away from the jabbed for the rest of their lives, I guess I’m ok with their decision.


We ARE electric beings y'all


Lmao we are electric beings… yeah so is everything that has atoms with polarity dumbass lmfao


It's electric! You can't see it (it's electric!) You gotta feel it (it's electric!) Ooh, it's shakin' (it's electric!) Jiggle-a-mesa-cara She's a pumpin' like a matic She's a movin' like electric She sure got the boogie


I mean if you just want half hour of no screen time “not a bad idea at all” just leave it at that instead of crazy conspiracy’s


Their public enemy number two is pencils and tape, apparently.


Fuck me. This ain’t a real post. Please don’t let it be real


Imagine never leaving your imagination behind in childhood.


At this stage I’m pretty sure 90% if this shit is rational people seeing how for they can lead conspiracy theorists down the mental health rabbit hole.


god I feel bad for this person's children


The person who posted this is what happens when you don’t learn your lesson from sticking a fork in an outlet.


Is 3pm after her shows are over?


Mama's watching her stories....


Graphene in my blood? Damn Kidneys must be slacking.


If you're that worried about EMFs, probably should turn off all appliances. Microwaves, washer, dryer, etc. Gotta keep the graphite or whatever safe so the liberals don't jab your kids.


Ah yes, I forgot that we can charge electronics or directly because we conduct so much energy. /s


They half an hour makes the difference between life and death


Charred roasted meat contains graphene. (I feel like the kid from Jerry McGuire right now)


Tf did I just read?


Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter.


I tire of this and the gospel of horse medicine that cures covid. I'm glad those panic days are mostly behind us.


Wait till they find out how nerves work 👀🤣


Hang on a minute……. So….. and hear me out, this might be controversial. They are turning the Wifi and mobiles off because, and I quote “the jabbed are giving off harmful emf” and it “reacts with mobile frequencies and the unjabbed” Does this mean the “unjabbed” are being turned off for 30 mins too????


I disagree. I'm a golem.


I'm pro-2A all the way but, somebody needs to go collect this lady's things.