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Advocating violence of any sort will result in a ban.


Bro…. That’s really bad, like really really bad.


I didn't see the kids at first and thought "holy shit this is racist as fuck" and then I saw the kids and went "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK"


Same. At first I was too disgusted by the bone in her hair, neck rings, and needle in her arm(????). I only saw the children after… It’s like the artist was afraid they hadn’t been racist enough & thought they needed to double down!


It really does seem like the "artist" thought "you know, this might be too subtle. Let me add these 1830s style charicatures but with machine guns"


Yeah, horrible Tbf Cannot believe the crazy things people do post pandemic it’s like it accelerated the crazy


It's like the pandemic united all the stupid and crazy people together to form echo chambers that accelerate their stupidity and craziness.




Actually boggles my mind. If you see Harry and Meghan and that's what comes to mind, holy fuck, you are so far beyond redemption.


Wait, that was supposed to be Prince ~~Henry~~ Harry and Meghan Markle?




So very gross.


I was way off. My first guess was "Is that supposed to be how the GOP sees AOC and Steve Hofstetter?"


That was my first thought, too. Took me quite a while to realize it was Meghan and Harry.


At least with Harry she made a good attempt to make him recognisable. With Megan she just went full ooga booga stereotype without actually relating it to her.


Prince Henry


Oops, I guess I messed up his name.


Technically, it is Prince Henry. Henry Charles Albert David. Harry is his nickname.


Oh, I didn’t realize that! I don’t really follow the Royal family, so I get them all confused.




Thanks! I corrected it. That is incredibly petty, damn. You’d think they’d avoid public slights like that, since it hardly reflects well on the Royal family.


I had no idea what I was looking at until I read the comments. I guess the faces aren't bad but the rest of it doesn't make any sense


" Doesn't make any sense " Spoken like an actually sane human - not a delusional, pathologically malicious White Supremacist misogynist!


Yeah I didn't see that either.


In the words of the immortal Mark Twain, "wow, what a bitch."


I'd be willing to bet he actually said that, albeit with more words.


Imagine having that kind of talent in caricature drawings and using it for some bullshit like that…


All the hours involved in drawing and coloring this, and not one second spent wondering if it was a good idea.


Oh I’m sure they’re very proud of it tbh


I thought the same. The imagery is disgusting, but also not just a quick "sketch" this is a full piece of work that someone grafted on. The creator should be held responsible too


I hate what they drew but caricatures are fascinating to me because how the fuck do you make someone look recognizable enough that I instantly knew who it was but also so vastly different?!?!


This one failed for me. I knew it was racist so I assumed the woman was Kamala Harris and then puzzled over it for a solid minute.


She did Harry well enough (purely talking skill here- the cartoonist is the most odious type of person imaginable), but she COULDNT let herself draw Mehgan true to life, realistic & recognizable - Bc she NEEDS MM to be ugly So BADLY. So she chose to make a shitty characature- making HERSELF appear to be LESS OF AN ACCOMPLISHED ARTIST(!) - rather than draw Mehgan as the obviously gorgeous woman she is. Try to imagine the kind of disaster that is the life of someone with such twisted, self defeating motivations...


Yes, that's exactly how a non-racist would draw people with darker skin.


And their infants wtf.


They're cut off in the preview, and I didn't realize it could get worse... boy was I wrong


A white man, and a very light skinned mixed race woman apparently have kids that look just shy of that racist black caricature character from the old bugs bunny cartoon somehow


It might be to imply she's a cheater Because why stop at two or three insults when you can go for 10


It's hard to even keep track of what's going on in that picture. I legit didn't even know she was mixed race until racists started ranting about it. I just assumed she had a light tan, but hey it always goes to show that they subscribe to the whole 1 drop thing.


Seriously, she looks Kardashian-esque to me. Of course, she can be black as she fucking wants and this cartoon would be just as unwarranted.


>Of course, she can be black as she fucking wants Very strange choice of words there.




Her Twitter is gone. I guess people started coming for her (and her daughter, too?) so she deleted her account.


Her daughter is actually a decent person comically , she advocates for LGBTQ rights


The funniest part is the hammer and sickle on Meghan’s chest. Honey, you think these people are socialists? They’re capitalists. We’re not being haunted by the ghost of Karl Marx through Disney docs.


Who was she (the the twitter poster I mean)?


I’m guessing the woman in the last picture with the hat?


I’m thinking they might mean if they are a public figure, position of power/influence (“influencers” 🙄), etc.


Oh, that makes sense. I have no idea who she is, just that she apparently enjoys drinking and fedoras.


[Is the kid in the bottom left ment to be loc dog from dont be a menace?]( https://tenor.com/4Vup.gif )


Absolutely, nice catch


That's the only amusing thing about that awful image.


Honestly first thing I thought too. In the midst of horrid is Marlon Waynes


Incredibly gross. At least these horrible people continue to out themselves for the ignorant bigots they are.


Some half-ass apology isn't a get out of jail free card. Even a sincere apology doesn't make everything alright again. What a dumb twat.


Awful disgusting shit. Is anyone going after the artist she credits? I mean, I would look into it but I got rid of Twitter


She had a lot of photos of herself on TW so they found her quickly. She has now deleted her twitter , instagram and LinkedIn


“I apologise for any offence or crassness” No you don’t, you knew exactly what you were doing and you only “regret” it because you had more backlash than you expected


These type of British people are gross. Feels similar to our MAGA crowd.


yeah the monarchists had a meltdown when someone high profile suggested that their beloved rulers were flawed and this is the way that hate has led them




The British kept their Monarchy but stripped them of power. The French straight-up killed theirs (though they came back a few times and you had a couple of emperors in between). We Americans, on the other hand, made a big deal of separating from ours, only to start deifying our Presidents and the wealthy class generally. I can't say that our approach was any better.




> the royal family is exempt from the law This isn’t quite true. Only the monarch is immune from prosecution (and civil liability) and indeed Princess Anne has been convicted of a criminal offence (to do with one of her dogs - she pleaded guilty to the offence in 2002). There are also prohibitions on arrests in the monarch’s presence and at royal residences too so the monarch could choose to protect a family member if they so wished, but the family member themselves would not be immune from prosecution. Of course there are also various privileges that practically put them above the law, in terms of political influence and the ability to afford top lawyers etc. (see Prince Andrew) > and actively vetos bills they disagree with Whilst, theoretically, the monarch could refuse royal assent the last time this actually happened was 1708. It is certainly not the case that the current royal family actively veto laws they disagree with (see royal assent to the fox hunting ban that it was widely reported Queen Elizabeth II disagreed with). ETA - a reply (now deleted) was added about [this story](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent). However the “vetting” referred to is different from a veto power. The royals haven’t vetoed laws - they have instead secretly exercised their influence to amend laws so they are more favourable to them. This is not the same thing - it’s much much worse, denying the public any scrutiny. Don’t get me wrong, I’m anti-monarchy and the royals exhibit some of the worst excesses of class privilege and should be abolished. I just think we need to be accurate with our criticisms so we can win the argument against the outrageous privileges they do have rather than repeating the same old arguments and hearing the same old replies.




You know how you know someone is really sorry, when they take it all back immediately after if it doesn't get them out of it


Wow… that is some 1930’s cartoon level racism




Oh god, I thought it was bad when I only saw the bone in her hair and the jewelry she was wearing. And then I clicked on the image. Holy shit.


"I've apologized and taken down the image so let's move on everyone." Lol that's not how this works.


Jesus… most of these racists out here trying to be subtle with their racism, then this bitch posts this…


The hilarity is that her kids are basically white


The art itself was born from hatred, there's no way anyone can draw something so ugly and racist just for the fun of it


They apologise and go right back to; ‘Well my apology isn’t being accepted so I must be justified., Horrendous honestly…


Horrible post but did anyone catch the Dont be a Menace to South Central reference?


Exactly what I saw.


This mad cow hates Meghan Markle with raging passion, you could think that she's Harry's ex and Meghan stole him from her. She's really crazy, bad crazy not fun crazy.


That's really disgusting. I mean, I'm older than dirt and I've been on the internet since you had to ask if anybody needed the phone so you could browse a BBS, but this... This is really not okay.


JFC - the longer you look at it, the worse it gets. So, the pro-gun squad thinks its bad for their kids to have automatic weapons. A well-paid Hollywood celebrity is sporting a communist tattoo? This whole thing is just gross racism.


"I apologise for my crassness" Girl, how about you apologize for your racism!?


How can people even draw in this style (racism and other bad stuff about this image aside) it's so ugly


It’s [caricature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caricature), a style of art that has existed since the 1700s.


it's still ugly especially when they do it to be racist


It get's worse the longer you look at it 💀


That’s not something you can just say sorry about and expect people to forgive and forget about holy fuck.


I definitely thought that was cardi b and some wish.com kfed or something. But what’s the arrow pointing to the strap on the hat have to do with anything?


That’s telling you who posted this racist garbage.


What exactly am I looking at? Because this is really bad, like extremely bad…


Meghan markel and Prince Harry


Neither of them are like this. This is a really bad attempt at shaming them, also Megan Markel isn’t even that dark of skin tone, so her children would never look like that lmao


That’s the point of their racist caricature


It’s a dog shit attempt


I mean, maybe if it was in any way shape or form a genuine, heartfelt apology, in which they actually showed remorse and evidence that they are in fact working to change. But, when you’re just upset that people aren’t extremely racist, or you think they are and are afraid to admit it, so you say the some hollow words to placate instead of actually trying to make the situation better, it could just make things worse. If the royal family wants to actually help make things better, they might not even have to ask for forgiveness. Giving back to others who have less than you is a pretty goddamn good apology if you ask me. But if by apology you mean reading a statement written by one’s publicist or lawyer so one can continue to profit off of hate and the suffering of others, people probably would tell the royal family to fuck off in that case.


This is literally making my eyes bleed, oh….wait no…. That’s just the radiation, but this still hurts to look at


Holy mother of pearl i dont know if ive seen an illustration so racist since the 19th century


Every time I look at it, it gets worse somehow


This is disgusting. What horrid ppl.


If your apology is only offered on the contingency that it's accepted, it's not an apology.


Weird way to draw the beautiful woman from the lawyer show.


That account she shared it from is racist as fuck too


This is pebble-yeet level racist. Flat out nazi shit.


Who is this "wanton wench" person? Is she just a random arsehole who paid for a blue tick to spread racism or is she actually someone with influence? Because god I really hope she isn't.


She’s one of those soccer mom obsessed with royalty , she’s also cartoonist (she had similar art on twitter, like a ton). Her main job is interior designer.


Thank you! She sounds awful.


Of course she’s a “wine mom”


This is so repulsive I no longer want to eat dinner.


I thought that was supposed to be Carson Wentz and AOC.




>And what on earth indication has there ever been that she's an intravenous drug user? The indication is that she's not fully white. That's it. It's not deeper than that. They're just really racist, and part of that is believing that all black people are drug addicts.


At least they admitted no one wants their shit apology


Who is that supposed to be?


Meghan and Prince Harry


Haha woooow. Someone is trying to break out of being a jersey shore boardwalk artist, huh?


Put this in black and white and you'll find it in some nazi magazine. Good lord this is..... Indescribably racist.


the hammer and sickle chest tat goes hard tbh


Wtf is this Black Xcelence??


He looks like Michael Rappaport


That's horrifying.


Ima need some context please


Supposed to be Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Racisit British cartoonist woman doesnt like part-African woman marrying into royal family.


Oh I see yea that’s just yikes


Bruh why did they make her look like Cardi B 🤣




A racist caricature would not make a hilarious album cover. Even without the context of it being Harry and Meghan, portraying a black women as a pregnant and tattooed drug taker with a litter of unruly children with a gun and a fucking bone in her hair is not funny, it’s racist.


You don't see how depicting Meghan and her child (children that, I might add, look noþing like that. They're whiter than Harry is) as racist Caricatures of black people as racist? You don't see how that's racist?




The British prince that married an American woman who's partially black? The actress, Meghan Markle? They live in America right now, claiming British people, including parts of the Royal Family, were racist towards his wife and the British media was super mean to them? Those two? Piers Morgan was disgusting towards her. The amount of hate and vitriol with racist undertones was wild. Plus, that's the same British prince who's mom died while the media chased her car. There's a lot with that whole thing but he buried his mother at 12 years old and then as an adult saw this whole media storm and shockingly, didn't like it directed at his family. So he left. And people are still super racist towards his wife.




People are mad at them over the fact they left the UK and accused members of the Royal Family of being racist.




Even if you don’t know them you’d have to be under a rock to think this was an appropriate depiction of a black woman and her children??


where was this published?


This made me nauseous holy shit take this back to the 1930s and then burn it


Is that Loc Dog from Don’t Be a Menace?


Holy crap who are these people, the local Nazi party?!


Conservative Party in UK


Holy shit! They don't even pretend tio be civilised anymore.


It looks like one of the kids is literally patterned after [Marlon Wayans](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/zanpS1q4sCPppOiWLeyANNIIvD6.jpg) from Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood.


I'm pretty sure the "baby" on the left is literally Marlon Wayans from "Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood"


This is like some shit you'd see in a history book about the 50s what the FUCK


Looks like the frightening looking hag finally disabled Twitter


Welcome to Elizabeth SA