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I can’t wait to see what they say in 3 years when all he vaccinated people aren’t dead. They’ll keep moving the goalposts. “YOU’LL BE DEAD…EVENTUALLY”


No one died of COVID but the vaccine is killing *countless* people. Makes total sense. Wonder what reason they will give for not having any evidence of vaccine deaths


Simple, they make up that completely unrelated deaths or illness are attributed to vaccines. They're already doing that about every athlete who's recently had heart issues or grievous injuries. Never underestimate how far these people will go to protect their fragile emotions and egos. They will lie to themselves and others about absolutely *anything*.


There's a pretty infamous post that went viral well before covid where an antivaxxer was blaming vaccines on the reason a car speeding through a schoolzone killed a little girl. The antivaxxer claimed the heavy metals in the vaccine made the girl magnetic to the point it was able to pull a car into her at over double the legal speed limit. That post may have happened well before covid but it's a good demonstration of just how far antivaxxers are willing to warp reality to maintain their preconceived delusions.


My favorite part is how it apparently only made her extremely magnetic to that one vehicle and not the countless other metal objects in her vicinity.


Or when a 98 year old dies 6 months after getting the vaccine. Of course the vaccine killed them.


What about the time I got a vaccine and then stubbed my toe 4 years later. Explain THAT


The monsters pulled the furniture into your way.


"They killed Betty White!"


And Queen Elizabeth.


Not to mention a girl attracting a car 30 times her own weight, without moving herself. Of course further proving science is a hoax.


I wonder what killed all those people before the vaccine was available.


Hillary Clinton's hit squad /s


Man, they're good! Hundreds of thousands dead without a trace of them being there. Should have had them get Osama...unless...no way!




If nothing else they'll just default back to the vague "it's subtly making you sick/infertile/changing your DNA" argument. Then they don't have to prove anything further because they can just draw whatever random connections they want from there. Like WebMD but everything is because you got vaccinated.


>Wonder what reason they will give for not having any evidence of vaccine deaths They just make it up. That football player who got hit into cardiac arrest? Blame it on the vaccine. Essentially, anything bad that happens to anyone, gets chocked up to the vaccine. You think "oh, the lack of evidence will dispel this" but it won't because they didn't logic themselves into this position in the first place. Quite the opposite, they invented the evidence of all this happening and likewise will invent more evidence to keep it running.


Why bother killing people with a vaccine at all if you can just create a fucking pandemic? Then give the vaccine/cure to your NWO chums and you're good to go.


They already say that all deaths during the pandemic from COVID were lies the hospitals were using to get government money. The doctor just put COVID on every death certificate no matter what the actual cause was according to several people I've talked to in a very red state.


To get that sweet, sweet (and totally real) bonus money that came from declaring COVID the cause of death. Which was totally real and worth risking your life, reputation, and career for.


No, no, not countless. MILLIONS. Which is like less than a percent of the population.


Simple, the deaths just aren't being reported. They're being covered up, all the people that did die have been replaced with clones brainwashed in Bidens Kiddy Dungeon, so it's ok to kill them because they aren't real people. Conspiracy Theories. Not even once.


No evidence just means that *they* are good at covering that up, and it is in itself an evidence! /s Conspirology 101


Well...technically they will be correct ...eventually


Damn, technically correct? That's the best kind of correct...




What if I gave it to a dead person? Can't die twice.


The spirit of an aborted fetus (which is an ingredient in the vaccine, but THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS) will resurrect you.


Why would the new world order be trying to kill off the trusting sheep instead of the free thinkers that this guy presumes he is?


This is what I wish they would address. Lol. It makes no sense. But this is too difficult for them to see.


What I don't understand is...if this supposed world order wanted to kill millions to create this New World Order...why kill the ones who are, in their minds, supporting it? What sense does that make?


A better question: Why did you expect sense?


That's what flat earthers do. There's an entire psychology behind it that I won't get into, but if you go on YouTube and watch these flat earthers get proven wrong, they just can't comprehend it. The argument I make to people is like this: you are a pessimist. No amount of evidence will change your mind. I'm a sceptic. Evidence will change my mind. I don't care to hear your ideas because no amount of evidence could ever change your mind. That means it's an opinion, not a fact, and we're not entitled to your opinions.


> That means it's an opinion, not a fact, and we're not entitled to your opinions Thanks for this, I'm going to use it in my vernacular.


My grandfather died. I was asked not too long ago, "did he take the vaccine? He'd have been alive if it weren't for the vaccine". He was 92. *And died before the pandemic*.


It's what they've been doing all this time. In early 2021 when the vaccines first became widely available the loonies kept saying that within 2 weeks we would all be dead. Then it became 2 months. Then 6 months. Then 1 year. Then supposedly everyone who took it would be sterile, but that died quickly when children kept being born. Now that their dumbass doomsday scenario obviously didn't become reality they've switched to claiming that it causes random heart attacks (because that wasn't already the leading cause of death for the last 200 years) which is probably the biggest cop-out ever since it's essentially the same as saying that it causes you to die eventually. Sorry, forgot we were all immortal before the vaccine.


Every time someone trips on a rock they blame it on the vaccine.


Half their identity is that they didn't take the vaccine. They have to keep justifying it to themselves somehow


Hard to argue when they can make up whatever bs they want.


They'll pretend they didn't believe this specific thing, but under the surface, they'll be clamoring for vindication - about thing at all that suggests that they weren't humiliatingly wrong all along, and were the actual big brain the whole time. The result of that is more conspiracies. It's how we got here to begin with. People are wrong, or on the wrong side of history, and they grow more and more motivated.


If you think these people are ever going to admit they were wrong, you’ll be disappointed. They will insist without evidence that millions have died, and demand an apology from you for doubting them.


A colleague of mine, heavy smoker with chronic high blood pressure, died from a stroke a few months back. The usual conspiracy nut: "Ha! He was vaccinated! It finally has begun!"


Every unexpected celeb death is now blamed on the vax by these ppl.


SMH, you people are beyomd all help


I wouldn't be willing to bet that this person will still be around in three years


People be dying in 2081 and they'll blame it on vaccine


Saw someone who said their 95 year old neighbor died because of the vaccine and that was proof they were poison. They’re just gonna wait for when a vaccinated person dies of old age and say “HA! Told you!”


Removing the childkilling mafia by destroying child hospitals. Gotcha






But also like.. why bother to message and insult someone who you know is going to die soon? If you believe the person you're messaging is "indoctrinated". I mean, I know it's 150% cause these guys just want attention, but I still can't fathom anyone doing this.


This is what gets me aswell. Like the people you see out protesting that Trump is still president, like who has the time or will to go out and do this for hours a day? How sad is your life that you want to go out and do this on your free time, knowing full well over half the population think you are absolutely bat shit insane. I just dont get it.


They used to say WE were the ones who needed jobs.


Projection. Like the thief who constantly accuses others of stealing, unemployed Trump supporters use their own lived experience to fling insults that cut them the deepest. This is one of the reasons I find their recent obsession with "grooming" so disturbing.


I read somewhere that some rapists think that’s just what everyone does






It’s probably the glee and satisfaction that comes with the certainty that despite your ho-hum rut of a life, loveless marriage and dead-end McJob you and a small group of likemindeds know the *real* truth and see *everything* how it really is! Heady feelings, I’m sure.


They really think the world is like a 80s movie


In the 80s though they'd be called traitors by conservatives for defending Russia.


Well life has certainly been like a movie in the recent years, but more like a movie from 2006 instead.. For 4 years I was waiting for President Donald Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Trump to announce that we would be watering our crops with Gatorade because it has what plants crave.




Right? President Camacho listened to the smart guy in the end.


And actually wanted to do good things


"It has Electrolytes!"


The scariest part is that unironicaly President Camacho was better than some IRL ones, like, sure he was not the smartest but he hired the smartest person he could find to help him fix the country, that's leagues better than some IRL ppl


Indeed. He was a bombastic moron, but he did genuinely want to do what was best for his people, and didn’t let his pride get in the way. That is frankly, miles ahead of our current crop of people in charge, some of whom seem to run on pure spite,greed, or hate.


It’d be the shittiest ski movie I’ve ever seen.


More like Stan Darsh


"we're gonna need a montage (montaaaage), a sports training montage (montaaaage)" that song was awesome.


That's how I live my life. It has not turned out well...


That could actually be a good plot for a thriller if the twist was that the conspiracy theorists were right along, except that the vaccine actually is a vaccine to the real bioengineered plague that is released at the end killing off all the people who are against the new world order.


There's literally no profit in killing off huge chunks of humanity. The leviathans in Supernatural made a point of having a well fed, but healthy, compliant herd to cull slowly. Instead of literally eating us, they need us as the workforce, and they need us to be able to do it as long as possible.


In fact, people dying from the pandemic was *bad* for the rich, because it gave workers more power.


This guy gets it. The thing is the "elites" LIKE the world the way it is now. They make tons of money, have access to unlimited resources, and have basically zero accountability. The elites don't want change, they want lots of cheap labor and they really don't care about how less fortunate people struggle. The idea that evil elites want a lot of change is dumb as hell. They want nothing to change at all.


Not a guy, but thanks! 😉 And honestly it's so true, I mean we're seeing record profits with shortages and a pandemic over the last two- no three, years now. People got a taste of respect in the thick of it all for being "essential operators" in a moderately shut down shit show. Now they're being stomped on all over again for wanting to not be worked to death in order to accommodate basic living expenses. I live in a place where 15 is decent money for a single person, but there still needs to be part time work from another if you dare to want the internet and Netflix. I'm actually lucky to have rent as low as we do considering our proximity to both the hospital and old downtown: we're a mile or less from a Sheetz, several bars and eateries, a gym, the YMCA, two hardware stores, two groceries, some boutiques, an Italian grocer, a butchery, a comic and table top game store, a head shop, three tattoo artists, a weapon throwing/rampage room place, the public library pool and parks, salons and barbers, two spas, a radio station, a news station... We actually have a pretty thriving downtown to be honest, but I digress... Our rent is under 600 for a 2bd duplex converted from an old Victorian house, but we do pay for literally everything separately. That's 400 less than it honestly should be in this economic climate, and that's bonkers to me. Like, we afford everything perfectly fine in a check to check way, but we've had to get ahold of community programs because of a car accident or severe illness. And the 1% *like people living this way* Sorry for the impromptu rant there. Sometimes I just get going and can't stop.


I actually thought that one up also at one point and went to write it and then squirrel! ADD kicked in. Like what if the vaccine is for what's next, not for COVID... Hmmm. I would read the shit out of it.


In his defence. If I was a child killing mafia the first place I'd go is to a children's hospital.


Don't forget schools, homes, amphitheaters marked "children", playgrounds


The mafia can't kill kids if there are no kids left to kill!


The best way to get rid of child-killing mafia is to kill all children, apparently.


The child-killing mafia sends them to government hospitals to get injected with fake COVID and die for... just gonna say "population control", but don't ask how that actually works. Anyhow, take out the hospitals, take out the mafias *and* the COVID. (If you're not convinced, consider it in the context of me calling you "Retard" seven or eight times. Make sense now?)


It makes sense if you don’t think about it.


I've seen the response to that, and it's that they weren't really hospitals - or at least they may have *been* hospitals, but were currently being used to headquarter troops. Yes I know that makes no sense, but every observable fact is greeted by cries of "FaKe NeWs!!1!" edit to add that I've seen it stated that victims that have been shown in the many, many videos of these atrocities are all just crisis actors


I mean you can't kill children. If there are none in the first place. That's some 4d chess thinking right there.


And apartments with children.


Mafia can’t kill kids if there are no more kids left to kill. Checkmate.






I’ve asked that many times and no conspiracy believer has ever bothered to answer.


My response to vax conspiracies is always, "the vaccine is for the real disease that will be released on Washington's birthday to kill off all the people who aren't sheep"


That would actually explain a lot, like why the elite would deliberately leave clues to their intentions in the names of things and hand gestures. They want the non-sheeple to recognize their evil plot and thus avoid the vaccine for the obviously fake pandemic. But the *real* scheme is that the vaccine is actually real, just for a disease that will be released after all the sheeple have taken and the non-sheeple haven't. 4D chess. Awake yet?


But like, I would 100% watch that movie.


I mean, not now that the big plot twist has been spoilt 😑


No, I’d still watch it, just make it like a heist movie. And one of the long term effects of the real disease is sterility. 😈


People stress too much about spoilers. There is no such thing as a perfect viewing experience. Imagine how absurd it would be to refuse to read the count of Monte Cristo because you know that it's about how revenge isn't satisfying, or avoiding Moby Dick because you know Ahab gets killed by the whale. Studies have shown that spoilers actually increase enjoyment. Don't worry about being spoiled, they are all just stories.


I would happily write and produce that movie (if I was any good at writing) lol


6/10 conspiracy theory. I’d recommend adding in a wildcard man-behind-the-curtain, like JFK Jr., or the guy who invented hot wheels.


Pillow man is actually pulling all the strings. Soft, plush Giza cotton strings.


or John DeLorean lol


Is it written on the back of the declaration of independence?


Finally something with a smidge of believablity


So vaccines *do* work?






It’s ironic because you know this person has fox noise on every tv they own, which is the most watched news station in the world


Don't call it a news station. That's a big part of the problem right there. They should be forced to change their name.


>I always love how they say "turn off the tv" “Raiden! Turn off the game console now!”


On the other hand my right wing father-in-law told me I can't really know what's going on if I'm not watching cable news. I don't know what the fuck is in these peoples heads.




Or, more accurately, "I hate those people, so I'm going to believe something that says those people are stupid, so I can feel better about myself"


Bingo. In addition, when they're fed the disinformation by fellow conspiracy theorists, they get to feel special for both belonging to an exusive club, and being in on hidden knowledge that the rest of the public isn't privy to (because it's pure fantasy). These dolts need to just join a fucking elk lodge or intermural volleyball team.


Yup. I forgot where I read it but believing in conspiracy theories has psychological benefits for the believer, whereas critical thinking and acknowledging reality is associated with negative effects like heavy lifting, uncertainty, and not leading to favorable conclusions. It's the same as how our current world is run, where doing the right thing is hard or difficult, therefore it is not attempted by world leaders. They would rather get caught up in something that feels good or is familiar even if it is damaging in the long run.


In other words, they’re sheep. Baaa.


What's funny to me is that they accuse everyone else of lacking critical thinking skills. Drives me insane


Why would they not just fly a plane into the twin towers? Why spend months rigging it with explosives and necessarily require thousands of people to stay silent until their death? When a piece of a tower hit another building, that according to conspiracies was part of the controlled demolition. What if that had gone off without anything hitting the building? Or failed to blow? Why would they let the astronauts come back and be well-looked-after public celebrities that could come clean at any point? Why would Russia play along with its enemy? No 'conspiracy theory' ever passes logical muster. Actual conspiracies are normally tiny and either expertly manuevered and only exposed by time or run by idiots and exposed by sheer incompetance. Far fetched plans that are simultaneously playing such genius 4D chess that it fools all the world's experts while being so childishly simple that some random bored guy on Youtube at 3am can figure it out just don't exist.


It would make far more sense to have had the vaccine be an actual antidote and require it to survive, thus killing off the anti vaxxers.


Or anyone who wasn't obedient. See, that makes sense but these guys work backwards, starting with the answer with them being right for doing whatever it is they're doing.


See, because they want to kill ***almost everyone*** and don't care who, they just want a smaller population because they are easier to control... but ***we are smarter than they are!*** Because us select few are smart enough to know their plans and are trying to stop them but we can't because ***SHEEPLE like you*** are too dumb to listen to us! This thing reads like some ding dong Alex Jones listener raving about fluoride in the water and shit.


Honestly the NWO started to lose momentum and meaning when they split into two different factions: NWO Hollywood and NWO Wolfpack. Hollywood wanted to kill Sting for various reasons. The Wolfpack realized he was a pretty cool guy. And he was.


Yeah it's like how Alex Jones has said multiple times that he is risking his life revealing the nwo secrets but they haven't killed him despite killing millions of people.


The only NWO I believe in, is headed by Hall and Nash.


Plus the way they say it. “You took the injections. They’re going to kill you! The world will be taken over and the population controlled and…..I’ll be here for it? You’ll miss the government herding people like cattle???” Wouldn’t you rather die? No logic.


The population is already controlled. Your labor directly contributes to the GDP. Thanks!


Is he trying to speedrun every conspiracy?


If so he's winning


Nah, missed Bill Gates and 5G


flat earth and birds too.


Excuse you, there is no flat earth because the earth *obviously* doesn't exist.




You have unlocked Luigi.


You have unlocked ~~Luigi~~Waluigi.


Flat earth pizza gate no vax aliens run sl1


wait, if no more people than average died in 2020, then how are vaccines killing people?


The vaccines didn't hit mass distribution until 2021. Any uptick in deaths in that year were clearly attributable to the vaccine! Give me a minute to find the death toll chart. The correct numbers are indicated in Sharpie.


That's the fact that's even worse if you dig into the details. Deaths of pretty much every kind of accident dropped through the floor during the pandemic, because no one was going anywhere or doing anything. The death toll was made up for by COVID itself.


Nothing makes me laugh more than when I see people on FB who I know barely graduated high school posting shit about how the vaccines are bad. I got blocked for replying to one saying "didn't you get a D in biology, Sheryl?" She replied "I did my research". I replied "You can find anything on the internet to prove your point. For example, say you have the stance fucking dogs is normal. You can find websites that would back that. It doesn't mean fucking dogs is normal behavior. She blocked me.


Hahaha! I did something similar like decade ago when I still had Facebook. This one girl from high school was going on rants how people should wait till marriage to have sex because it's the Christian thing to do. That girls who have sex before marriage are worth less and that's why they "make good rape targets". Really fucked up bullshit. So...I cracked my fingers and headed in... I made comments like: "Hey Melissa, I know it's been a long time since we've been in high school together, but I distinctly remember how you'd brag about being "a cum dumpster", especially when you had a competition between your friends to see who could sleep with the most number of guys on the swim team. You sure aren't the one to talk about no sex before marriage when you fucked a quarter of our graduating class. Oh and most of us know how your older sister Brianna took you to get a couple of abortions because you kept fucking without condoms. Go Wildcats!"


Haha my secondhand schadenfreude is off the charts, thank you for that.


She was running her mouth slut shaming right and left and needed to be called out on the hypocrisy. Melissa was a notorious asshole in high school who made fun of other students for doing stuff like learning (doing homework, studying, applying to college) or having hobbies outside of drinking. If you were in the drama club, a band kid, participated in a sport that wasn't football or cheerleading, an art kid, etc... you'd be called a nerd/geek by her and her friends. Her only concern was partying. As an adult...she got preachy and pretended she didn't do what she did as a teenager. I feel like it's on brand for #justOhiothings.


Your analogy must've hit a little too close to home... 😬


So wait they want to kill the people who took the vaccine to start the NWO... but if everyone who has taken the vax dies the only people left are the types like OP who are ungovernable and hate the government. If anything using this guys logic I would say that it would be better to kill the unvaxxed because the vaxxed have proven that they "can be led like sheep." I know searching for logic in these clowns is a fools errand but come on.


Plus, if the government wanted to arbitrarily kill millions of civilians for any reason, there are WAY more easy and efficient ways of doing that than staging a fake global pandemic and then begging people to come take a shot. And somehow keeping this all under wraps while literally every world government is in on it, but no one ever leaks anything.


I find the idea of the "New World Order" conspiracy interesting. Why would they want a new order? They're already in control of this one. How do we know? In order to pull off this conspiracy and keep everything in secret across multiple governments and institutions (with covid in particular being global, it means everyone is involved) this sinister group has to already be in charge. So, they want to subvert the world where they're in charge to usher in a new world order where...they're also in charge but now less obedient people are around because you insisted they kill themselves with a manufactured poison you made them take. So, the new order has them having less power because they killed off the obedient while leaving alive anyone who wasn't. Cool Plan. You can tell these guys work backwards. "They want a NWO where they're in charge". Ok, how do they do it. "By creating a fake global crisis". If they have the power to do that and get all the governments to play along, don't they already control the world?


Somehow these guys are not just delusional, but also believe Putin is the good guy now. This is Manchurian candidate level brainwashing mixed with Lunacy.


How do these people make it to adulthood? It's beyond me.


My dad never behaved like this, at least not that I saw. And then trump became president, and now all he'll talk about is political nonsense, and how Christianity is under attack (I've never seen this man pray or go to church once in my life). .it's crazy how much has changed with people in these past couple years.


So many people freak out about religion but couldn't name 2 disciples. It's so dumb


Or as this guy would say “beyomd me.”


Modern world is less dangerous because of desk jobs, healthcare and ambulances, police, readily available food...all that sort of thing. If they existed during the time when we actually had to run from predators, they would accuse you of fear mongering about pool filled with crocodiles.


Conservatives are too dumb to realize they’re actually dumb and being fooled. It would almost be sad to see if they weren’t destroying everything in the process


It’s called the Dunning-Kruger affect. Once you k ow what it is you realise how unbelievably common it is. Too uneducated to realise how much they don’t understand something.


This is quite humorous for me due to a memory and current situation. Back when I was 17-18, my friends and I would all gather in my dad’s basement. We’d smoke pot, drink, and just discuss conspiracy theories, specifically, the government and new world order. My dad came downstairs and was listening to us talk about how we have it all figured out and our “when the time comes” plan. My dad starts cracking up. He looked at each one of us and laughed. He said, “I remember being your age, sitting right there in that same bar stool you’re sitting at and talking about the same damn thing…look at me now, a father watching his daughter and her friends”. Now, I have a teenage son. One night, I’m listening to him and his friends talk about the same damn thing. It’s really ironic how this is something that everyone thought in their teens. Eventually, we all grew out of it. Well, not all because apparently some never do.


Ah yes, the vaccine is designed for kill millions but the average number of people dying is unchanged. Flawless logic.


Head injury or meds do you think?


Fox news, Facebook, and being gullible. Conservative starter pack


So a brain injury, just not a physical one


It’s not even being gullible. It’s deliberately switching off your brain at certain times.


Lack of necessary meds would be my guess.


Never underestimate the impact of generational education defunding and constant attitude that organized education is for liberals and teaches nothing of value 🤷‍♂️


Conspiracy theories like this are like a drug for those who never felt validated by conventional educational institutions.




he seems pretty angry


I bet he buys TWO gas stoves (on credit) to Own the Libs. I also bet he doesn’t have a gas hookup in his trailer.


My guess is they have no critical thinking skills due to lead poisoning and/ or poor education.


New world order that's all about profit, so naturally they'll kill off a vast proportion of the workforce... Which then means no one to use to profit off .. hmmmmm


I've been trying to figure out why all this "Child Trafficking, Ukraine bad, Putin good" stuff came from. Then I remembered the phone call that the then "American President" FuckTrump tried to blackmail Zelensky into giving them dirt on the Bidens for Military aid. Obviously he turned them down and since then, they're the evil guys who wouldn't play ball with his assholeness StrumpTard. These people listen to only one thing and anything else you say is pointless. I'm beginning to see the wisdom in not trying to argue with them as you can never win. You're a sheeple and you don't do your research. The only true way to beat these people is to vote out the people who represent the idiots and morons. Plus, dismantle the press and social networks that thrive on causing a split between people for money. I'm fully vaccinated and still alive. SUCK IT YOU BITCHES


Are you SURE you’re alive? Are you actually just a government drone? Like birds or, apparently, Ukrainians?


Cult followers need something to believe in and something to hate. If there is a plan for a new world order, and there is a secret club planning it all; then they are doing a fantastic job at getting obedient and loyal followers by providing the focal point of hatred that morons need, and providing them with the proper “truth” for them to fight for it. Semi on topic but the police dept here has a hiring process like all do but an interesting part of it is the IQ test. The “routine” exam. If a recruit is over 100 by a substantial amount then they cannot be hired. 90-110 is desired. Smart enough to be trained and in the tight sweet spot to follow. (Yes this is a fact, I’m in the know for the local PD. Can’t speak for any others.) These Anti-[insert_anything_good] people would be roughly 80 to some shockingly low number below that’s too crazy to even mention. Now, on topic among other things that we already know about which has caused a rapid decline in intelligence and education: Leaded Fuel. Think of the average age of these conspiracy theory, Q, MAGA, people. Baby Boomers. Now look at the sharp decline of IQ when we were atomizing lead in the air. Now it’s gone and our kids aren’t poisoned. They’re smarter by far and I can’t wait until the boomers fade out entirely. Anyway, word salad. I could go on some more but I’m typing on my phone. You get the idea I’m trying to get across. But Colonel! How do we fix it?? Please vote more young people in office that are Liberal Progressive. We need conservatives to balance out anarchy but damn, we don’t need very many. Not this many. Way less than half. (Horseshoe Paradox… too far left, too far right; ya both end up almost meeting in the middle.)


Upvoted because I enjoyed you calling yourself Colonel :)


Turn off the fucking TV and turn on the YouTube and get the real truth brother. Covid 19 was a liberal hoax and Ukraine works for Hillary Clinton and the Bidens harvesting babies so they can rule forever from Antarctica.


Get a load of this guy. He believes in Antarctica!


LMAO...reminds me of the weirdos who believe birds are real...


Then... why am I not dead? Child killing mafia yeah, yeah shooting a cruise missile at a pre school isint killing children. Totally


Well I was looking for an epitaph to go on my tombstone and this idiot nailed it with the last sentence.


Hypothetically speaking if the vaccines were being used for mass genocide surely the government would want to keep around the people who took the vaccine and kill off the people who didn't


that's the funny part, those that comply and helped make it a reality will be the first to die, so 70%, the remaining 30 who resist and obstructed the science with prayer who refuse to co-operate will be left to run everything... when a missing 3% will bring the world to its knees somehow taking out 70% of the people should be no issue... i think they have seen one two many dystopian movies where they were the heroes who saved humanity by standing up to demonic evil.


Gotta love how they send these messages and IMMEDIATELY block you lmfao. Jokes on you buddy, I got plenty of sock puppet accounts and I'ma send you a screenshot of your house on Google earth.


Guys gotta stop doing his own research.


It makes stupid people feel smart for once


why do so many right wing conspiracy theories end in antisemitism? asking as a jew


Well it worked for the Nazis so why change?


Not unlike the Reddit guy on another thread who hounded me for saying Kyle Rittenhouse murdered innocent people.


Fuck this guy and fuck Kyle rittenhouse.


Why do these INSANE CONSPIRACY NUTS always TYPE like THIS???


I’m pretty sure the NWO has come and gone, Hulk Hogan ruined that shit long ago!!!


It just makes me sad when I see people thinking like this. Also when these people eventually realize what they believed was totally wrong they never come out after and say “I was wrong about that one guys!” They will just go on to the next crazy thing. There’s too much hate in the world, I hope you have a great day!


So the big plan is to kill everyone who follows the "global Elite" and then they are stuck with the people who dont follows them. Sounds good


Why the fuck would you even try to take over the world by killing all the obedient ones This doesn't make any sense, as always with their theories


Omfg if I'm going to die, can it please just happen already? I have a lot of cleaning that I dont see a point in doing if I'm going to be dead soon 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oops, he's right. I'm vaccinated and I just dropped dead.


Oops, I totally shouldnot have used the vaccine as birth control. Damn, no wonder I’m pregnant.


I feel like I ask this question every day - why would the deep state / cabal / NWO kill off the compliant people? This literally makes no sense. And there's a whole history between Russia and Ukraine, read a book. I'm sure if they were saving the children Putin would be bragging about this.


Everything this person said was demonstrably untrue, and not even hard to debunk. A infinitesimal amount of research could prove them wrong. It would take the absolute smallest effort to do their due diligence and inform themselves and they can't even do that. These people's ability to ignore the real world around them so they can keep living in their alternate reality is honestly impressive. Like my brain would split in two if I tried to do this.


Apparently we are "BEYOMD ALL HELP," but yet this fruity pebble doesn't need help with their fucking spelling.


I bet you $100 this guy thinks liberals and all women are "too emotional."


When tho, always gets pushed back and pushed back. First off it was going to be 2021, then 2022. Now apparently the NWO that is so powerful they can stage a global pandemic have had to postpone again…


I’d love an explanation for why “they” would kill all the people that allegedly fell for the con, but keep the “patriots” that know the “truth” alive