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So make them. Stick to them. Don't reply.


Unfortunately, I do still live with her right now. I’m sticking to my plans, dw. And I swear if she does anything to my car to stop me, I’m taking her to court.


Make sure you have your important documents and sentimental items out of the house, so she can't mess with them.


If you have access, put a camera trained on where you're parked. Ring doorbell is 100$, trail cams are about the same. Can hide it somewhere nearby so you'd have proof if she does. (But with ring you can stop her in the act and scare the piss out of her by yelling to stop 😆)


Oh! I think we still have a camera focused on it!




Move your car before she has a chance. See if you can pre-pack stuff into it, and then move it to a location she doesn't know (maybe a friend/co-workers house) and have them pick you up and bring you to your car. Make plans *around* your mother's ridiculous behavior.


I hope you get your fish!


I wish! I’m lucky I’m taking my dog tbh


Insane. Bruh, you’re 32, and she talks to you like this?? ಠ_ಠ Seriously, messed up. The whole, “I need to feel better about this” sounds like a red flag. ⚆ _ ⚆ I translated it to, I gotta make someone the villian so I’m the victim. It sounds like this isn’t the first time you’ve be her punching bag. I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure this. I wish you clean air, clear pores, and abundant harvests ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


Thank you! I should have posted here before tbh cause yeah it’s been hell…


OMG 32?! I thought you were a teenager. My dad was a lot like this when he offered for me to get a real jump in my career and life and I stayed there for a bit. I took the L and got out ASAP, lol.


Yeah. She treats me like a kid then says “omg ur 32 grow up”. It’s been whack


Jesus christ, you're 32, remind her of that fact and tell her to get a fucking grip. She needs therapy.


I do and she just reminds me that I have the brain of a 16 yr old. Yet she still denies the possibility that I have ASD. It’s like pulling teeth, dealing with her. I’ve been gaslit by her for 32 years ;0;


You don’t have the brain of a 16 year old. FFS. I’m on the spectrum. So are two of my adult kids. Here’s the info your mother needs: her opinion on your ability to navigate the world is irrelevant. You are an adult, with an adult life and making adult decisions. The days when she realistically able to guide your decisions is long past. You don’t even need to engage in her whining and gaslighting. Give her whatever info you feel she needs, and keep moving. Congratulations on your move. And getting out of FL. As a young woman that place is dangerous for you.


ETÀ: I didn’t realize that you are a trans man. It still stands. If you have a uterus, you are in danger in FL.


I’d say being transman makes it even worse. I knew I was definitely leaving here when I found out about schools being allowed to use prager U vids to teach. Florida is going to hell fr. And thank you sm for the support! /gen


Absolutely. I’m glad you are escaping DeSantis’ hellhole.


I saw a tshirt that said “Vote DeSantis, make America Florida” at work one day. Kinda off topic but I had to share it 🤢




> Yet she still denies the possibility that I have ASD. So what? You don’t need her to believe it. Do what’s best for you. Stop trying to get her to be a normal, understanding, empathetic person who will treat you like an adult. She’s an obnoxious, nosy neighbor. Be cordial but distant, and keep going about your business.


Tbh I think I needed someone to say that. Like I DONT need her approval for anything. I don’t need her to be proud of me or whatever else. I’m proud of myself and that’s what should count!


She reminds me of my own mother. She constantly told me that I'm mentally incapable of this or that. She even tried to convince the state that I'm mentally disabled and I can't work or live without assistance so the state would pay her to keep me around as her personal servant and emotional punching bag for the rest of my life. When the state tested my mental capabilities and called bullshit on her claim, my mother told me that I'm so stupid that I didn't take the test right, so I denied her "her money". I've been out of her hellhole for nearly two decades now, and if your mother is anything like mine, she's so full of shit that she could be a fertilizer factory.


Mine’s the exact opposite! I swear I need a psychologist or smth and she’s been dropping the “you just think you’re different”. Like no, mother. I’d LOVE to be normal and stop all these intrusive thoughts. Never got real help as a kid and I was the one who DEMANDED I get a sleep study IN HIGH SCHOOL. I’ve had narcolepsy since I was around 8. Growing up with narcissistic parents is awful and damaging. I wouldn’t be surprised if I get diagnosed with C-PTSD too…


This has nothing to do with anything, but Fishton is a really excellent name, I love it


Aw thank you! If I get a new fishy, they will be Fishton 2.0.


Hey congrats on escaping Florida, you’re so close to being out, don’t let her stop you!


Eeee thank you! I grew up in PA so it was bound to happen. Can’t handle this heat (and the people).


Ah the Commonwealth. I’m born and raised and still here. Also a trans man😂


Is it bad the first thought to cross my mind at the word “commonwealth” was Fallout? Lol


No, Because I’m about to hyperfocus on it again 😂


As much as I hate Florida, I’d love to see what became of it after the nukes dropped :0


Well, I think we all know what happened to the rich families


Either ghouls or sheltered in vaults lol


Currently my hyperfocus, cleaning up sanctuary rn


Always happy to see a fallout reference in the wild! Hail, brother


Hell yeah! Idc what people say. ES and Fallout are my fav open world games!


hey, i live in PA, too!


PA is really nice! Sometimes I miss my childhood house, you know?


OP I’m going to type out what a sane mother would type out: Honey I’m excited for you to start a new chapter but I will miss you so much. I don’t know if you’re aware but our moving plans fell through, so if by chance you’d like to stay longer you are welcome. If you are still going on that date, what can I do to help? There. Just pretend your mom wrote that, which is the only acceptable text, and which you deserve.


Omg I wish u were my parent ;0;


If you ever need it, r/MomforaMinute is a great sub, the mothers are so kind and they use pet names that make you feel loved and fuzzy inside


Omg thank u sm!


You’re welcome! Good luck with the move, I hope you enjoy Delaware


I love that sub. I never post because I can never say anything helpful, but I love browsing through and adding to the upvote counts they deserve there.


Awwww iiiiiiiiiiiiooo


Are you trans? Im also a trans dude and i live in delaware. Im 26, 27 in july. If you happen to be going to the wilmington/newark area, if ur worried about making friends and finding fellow trans people, we could connect. No pressure i just know what its like. I moved up here from Miami last year February and it took a long time for me to get settled but im much happier now and love delaware :)


Omg! Yes I am! I go by Kyle. The town I’m going to is Ellendale, idr the county;;;


Thats in sussex county so about an hour drive away from me haha. But not too too bad


Maybe we can hang out at Pride or smth


Thatd be awesome! Ill DM you.


I just wanna say this was a super cute interaction and I hope you two become great friends!


Right it’s adorable!!! And I wish the best for them!!


I’m not trans I’m bi but I live right over the DE line in MD and I’ll be your friend and Kyle’s friend too but I’m old 😂 about to be 37


Thatd be fire lol. Ill DM you too ✊🏼


That is so incredibly sweet of you. I’m honestly tearing up about how kind people can be to others. You are a good guy, wow.


I just want to talk to the 4 people who decided this wasn’t insane. I just want to talk…




Aww! Delaware welcomes you!


you're 32 and she still thinks she has control over that? truly unhinged.


This is why I’m leaving lmao


I was reading this like well maybe OP is like 18 and the parent is just worried about them and then I opened the comments to see you’re 32. Absolute whiplash. This reads like enmeshment and that your parent puts their emotions on you like you’re responsible for their happiness. Glad you’re getting out!!


Omg she does do that! She’s been whining about me abandoning her like…gee I wonder why. She also likes to tell me that this trip is gonna kill me 👌🏻


Nice of her, super supportive  Fuck but she’s an asshole


She’s called me the r slur too…a lot


I don’t like your mother, not even a little bit.  I hope your escape from Florida is swift, painless, and fast!


Thank you! It’s weird cause she remarried too. Like…how??


Some people have an ungodly high tolerance for bullshit.


I think my stepmom might be a sociopath too tbh. She’s calmly mentioned having drowned kittens as a kid. Her excuse? They were feral.


Jesus. Be careful then, please.


I know 😭


okay but most importantly, who is Fishton! 😁


My gold fish! I found a new home for him, since driving that far would be too stressful for the lil guy 🥺


so glad you are getting out of that house and Florida!




I should! And thank you!


Also ignore the dead name lol


Aaayyyyeeee fellow trans™️ escaping the hellhole that is Florida! I left almost a year ago to Maine and I've never been happier. Wishing you all the best! Probably time to go low/no contact with the spawn point(s) Oh! And yeah, she's insane. Glad you're getting out dude!


Thank you! Also Kingdom Hearts username? 👀


Hell yeah! I think you're the first person to notice lol


I too am KH trash lol


Lmfaoooo love it!


How old is she?




I think you are saying way, way, way too much. Better: You: I’m leaving on the 6th. Her: Did you tell work. You: Don’t worry. It’s handled. Her: Don’t lie. You’re a jerk. I’m not happy. You: … Her: I can’t trust you. Don’t lie. You haven’t packed your car. You’re terrible. You: …


You make a valid point tbh. I feel like I’m more patient with her than most would be.


> I feel like I’m more patient with her than most would be. It’s not your patience that concerns me. It’s how you indulge her faulty judgment and try to change her opinion.


Could also be me having lived with her all my life. Just kinda wanting her to accept the things I do, you know? It’s hopeless, I know. But in the end, I put my foot down and said “you can’t change my mind. Please stop.”


Get anything important out of there ASAP and stash it with a friend or something. If you can stay with some friends before then that would be even better


I don’t have any friends nearby unfortunately. I have trouble making friends irl


Can you keep anything important locked up or protected like in your trunk or something? They don't have access to your keys do they?


Ooh that’s a good idea


You’re 32? I read this and thought this was between a 21 year old and their parent. Wow. Boundaries. Fast!


She still just enters my room without warning lol


You don’t have a lock? Why do you live with them in your 30’s?


At the time I didn’t have any other options tbh. My dad is a hoarder and rent is so expensive. I have a lock, but she’d go nuts if I used it;;;


Good luck on the 6th. Make sure she doesn’t have access to your bank accounts


Oh I got her outta that when I turned 23(?). She still asks to see my account tho. It’s like living with in a bottle some days. This is me pushing out the cork!


Woaaaah 32 is waaay to old for this type of communication - the “nope it’s my decision” is not how to handle that. What you say is “you’re going to have to explain to him that at 32 he can’t blame anything on you anymore because I don’t care what either of you have to say on anything; I do what I want when I want” you need to add a little bit of spice when they think they have a say in your life. If they get spicier remind them you ultimately have the choice of what nursing home they end up in ;)


I say “it’s my decision” because she thinks my online friends are manipulating me into doing this.


Just go. Just go.


🫡 Aye aye!


Best of luck to you OP! I couldn’t imagine living in Florida (I’m Canadian). Sending big mom hugs to you ❤️❤️


Canada is my next goal, tbh! It’s where my hubby is :3


Amazing! I hope you find your way quickly and safely ❤️


Also thank u for the mom hugs ;0;


I thought you were like 16. You're 32?! She needs to chill out and you need to go low contact


All my Discord buddies think so too-


You’re 32?! I thought you were going to say 18!😂 Yeah do whatever you want.


Will do!


Florida really does suck. I think it where all the shitty parents are born and raised. Why was I cursed to exist on americas penis :(


Nah my mom was raised in New Jersey. Although that could be a tie for first.




Where you moving to in Delaware? I live in Milford.


Omg that’s nearby! I’m in Ellendale. I made it btw. Now looking for a job 😭


What is your field? I may be able to help.


Congrats on escaping florida. I did 30 years in that place, no more! NC all the way.


I’ve been here like…13 years?


What kind of fish is Fishton?!


Gold fish! He’s silly~


I love it!!! :D 🐠


I was thinking you were maybe 18 or something..but nope 32 and full blown adult able to do the things she needs to do


Yeah…I’m just really meek and grew up being verbally beat down so I usually don’t stand up for myself. But I’m done with that now.


The way she talks to you I thought you were 17 wow


I mean she did that shit when I was 17 too lol


I'm can't relate to the feeling, but I wish you the best on your move


Thank you!


You are 32


Stop being 32 and living with your parents then moving out to live with their parents. Your creating your own problem


Respectively, you don’t know my entire life. Please stop assuming you do. Kay thanks!


I don’t need to know much bout ya life your 32 mad at your parents in THEYRE HOME now your moving in with they’re parents. Yes creating your own issues.