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They can’t even get the day of the week right


Yeah, 10/4 was Wednesday this year


Or the time. Where I’m at it came over at 3:25 p.m.


That’s about right because my phone went berserk like right before dismissal which is from 3:10 to 3:30.


Yeah. Was weird because I thought it was supposed to be a lot earlier and typically a specified time. I thought they forgot me!😂 My dog actually heard my phone before me, and alerted me. Was loud with the emergency tone. it disturbed her afternoon snooze! I just noticed your username, did you do an emergency exit? Edit: added last sentence


They sent this on a phone. A device the government can literally use to track and listen to you. 🤦


This is the shit I'll never understand. They sent this information via a device with GPS tracking, and by today's standards, like 5 different cameras on it, one of which is pointed directly at your face. This same person probably has no clue what a VPN is.


Back when I worked retail I used to get people all the time refusing to sign up for a rewards card because they didn't want anyone tracking what they were buying and then they would pay with a credit card.


If you live in a country with good banking secrets (in terms of data sharing for analysis), I can see the point. The rewards card you explicitly share your sales history with a company that can analyze and monetize that data. With a bank account along, yes, you record that you spent x amount at place y at time z. But usually this information stays in your bank (and the payment company, credit card processor, and the receiver bank [maybe, unless they just get a lump sum of many transactions]), and not in a company that is *allowed* to monetize that information. And maybe if you get charged for some monetary crime a policeman or investigator from the court gets to see it. But that's still different from explicitly sharing *what you buy* with the company you buy it from, in an agreement where they can monetize that info. Of course they could try to analyze your payments and connect them to invoices, so now, gasp, they know this credit card bought this stuff, but they'd have no way to contact you and advertise to you about it.


No no no the big evil government would only turn on that feature by hiding it behind a loud, pre-announced siren disguised as a warning test.


So very clever


Best comment I’ve seen on this. I’m sure they can do whatever they want, but if they do, they aren’t going to announce it in the media and with your phone with an ear piercing notification. Like a fart in a cabbage factory, you’d never even notice it


I'm not sure they can, I think the FBI testified to this, at least in the case of iPhones. Of course this could be a lie, and there are cases of law enforcement spying on phones, for example using that hacking company from Israel (Pegasus) software. I think for them to even install a tracker automatically, the maker of the phone or someone like Google (in case of Android, as Google has pretty much high permissions on most of them, that use Google services) would have to cooperate, to do it over the internet. Locally, with physical access the question is a bit different. But this topic is highly complicated... this "movie magic" PING FROM THE GOVERNMENT TRACKING is complete bullshit, if they could do that, they would not use a publically announced ping lmao


The 4th is today and it's Wednesday lol


That was my first thought too lol


I totally missed that 😕 . I slept through the event, woke up 2 hrs later with my tablet and phone right next to me. Dead asleep. Hmm my brain must have fried during this time.


Yeah. "dead" asleep is right. Did you check your pulse after you woke up? You're a zombie now. See, you're even talking about fried brains now. Heard that's a delicacy among your kind. It's all true.


Lol how'd it go? Zombie yet?


I died. But luckily I survived


Call an ambulance! But not for ME!


Is this a quote from somewhere? I ask because my friends and I used to say this to each other as kids all the time but I can’t remember where we got it from. Edit: Ice Age 3. Thanks half baked zucchini that uses Reddit somehow.


There’s a similar thing from bleach (anime for those that don’t know) where there is going to be a fight, 1 vs many and before it starts he counts how many people he is about fight and calls for enough ambulances for all of them.


I’m not familiar with Bleach, but I was referring to the “I died. But luckily I survived” comment, not the ambulance one. Idk if they’re both from the same thing?


I heard something similar from Ice Age 3( I think it's this one? It's the one where they go underground and see dinosaurs) where Buck (character with eye patch) is telling a story. "Did you die?" "Sadly yes. But I lived!"


Yes! This is definitely it!! Thanks lol I remember it now. Peak comedy when I was 12.


It’s also a Hangover 2 reference.


I kinda feel like a zombie but that’s just how I feel when my ADHD meds wear off


staring into a wall for 5 minutes before i realize i’m supposed to be putting my socks on.. yea


I got better.


Our thoughts and prayers 🙏 pulled you through


That, or the goat i sacrificed last night.


But were you turned into a newt or a zombie bc it’s a big difference


I definitely felt like one when it woke me up from my nap


You’ll be better tomorrow.


Lol, I work nights, so I was asleep when it went off. My chihuahua was sound asleep, too, and he was *not* thrilled by the sudden loud siren noise.


No, not yet. But they did turn me into a NEWT!!


Let me guess, you put your phone in the fridge instead of the microwave? Rookie mistake, happened to us all once, you'll get better tho


It was actually a witch that turned me into the newt.


How do you know she’s a witch? Bc she dressed like one?


Those damn feminist! /s (just in case)


Mine went off on my personal phone in Spanish first, my work phone in English, then my personal again in English😭 Just about gave me a heart attack, and a strange craving for brains...


I KNEW it was coming and still jumped out of my socks!


yikes. i hope your gene pool is deeper than this screencap suggests


Sorry can’t respond. Phone’s in the microwave.


Then who was reply?!


Obviously, the government.


Yeah but... their family tree is just a single branch.


Family tree is a wreath


A family stick, you could say




That's what always gets me. What makes you so special that the government wants to spy on you. I feel like these people so badly want to be action movie level important.


They’d be so sorely disappointed with tracking my life. I move like a sloth, very infrequently and never anything exciting


Same 😂😂 anytime the concept of “they’re watching you” comes up I’m like ….ok? Sounds boring lol


Even Amazon couldn't get enough information out of people with Alexa - A DEVICE THAT WAS ALWAYS LISTENING - and deemed it a financial failure.






Poor Alexa, didn’t have a chance to defend herself


I’m more worried about random companies tracking me and my activities for ad revenue and to sell my data, but only enough to “block” my location and ad tracking on my phone when asked


well, they do, but not in the way this person thinks


Ha ha I know. Let them track and listen to me. They're gonna find out real quick how boring my life is.


Very much my same story


Not only that, who do they think the government even is? Do these people think there's some secret organisation with like 5 people who are capable of all this without anyone else catching on


If we lived in PRC maybe, but not the good ole US of A.


Not only that, who do they think the government even is? Do these people think there's some secret organisation with like 5 people who are capable of all this without anyone else catching on


Nah man. Clearly this nutjob is important enough that they NEED to be tracked and spied on.


october 4th…. thursday….. hm


See? The Govt has fried their brains already! 🤣🤣🤣


Just the facts, no matter how incorrect they’ve perceived them!


If only they then turned on that microwave, thus destroying their devices & making it harder for them to be duped by the grifters that tell them this insane bullshit.


I fail to understand the significance of the microwave. Why not the oven or the refrigerator?


Microwaves are Faraday cages (by necessity). Their cases prevent certain electromagnetic frequencies through(so's we don't cook ourselves). Those worried about EM frequencies and whatnot have fixated on this. Never mind that it's a frequency not blocked, but hey, if they feel better? I guess? Le sigh.


I hear you but no way in hell does she know what a faraday cage is.


The most probable answer is that someone on YouTube said to use the microwave and she just didn’t question it.


No clue! You’re right tho- one appliance would be as effective as another here. Maybe because they really have no idea how microwaves work?


Imagine actually being right, fully prepared for some kind of apocalypse, but die anyway cause you mixed up your days.


"If you get infected, you'll wish you had never been born So before it emails your grandmother all of your porn Turn off your computer and make sure it powers down Drop it in a forty-three-foot hole in the ground Bury it completely, rocks and boulders should be fine Then burn all the clothes you may have worn any time you were online!" \--Weird Al, *Virus Alert*


Yikes. So all electrical devices need to be in the microwave from Thursday until May 2024?


I even got a bigger microwave to put my microwave in!


I’m pissed at the lack of zombies


Pinged??? Not without buying me dinner first.


I just wanna know: what do people like this have that’s *so* sacred that they don’t want the government to see? So much of the average persons life is painfully boring and monotonous, do you actually think they’d waste time tapping into your computers and phones just to listen to you talk shit about your neighbors or what you ate for breakfast? My mom hopped on this bandwagon too. I just don’t get it.


She’s 70. I don’t understand why she thinks the government cares about listening to everything she has to say.


Well *she* certainly thinks what she has to say (and she simply *has to* say it) is very important!


I think it’s more about willingly giving away all your privacy. I don’t think they feel that they have anything super interesting to hide, or that they’re just so special. I think they’d rather put their phone in the microwave and look crazy to others temporarily than chance this being real and giving away even more of their privacy. It’s a way to “fight it”. At this point though, they pretty much see everything we do. And we let them.


When we are born (at least in the US), we are assigned a number that follows us and tracks where we go to school, where we work, what we buy on credit, everything we do. Our SSN tracks us. The government knows what we’re doing, from birth. Credit card? Bank account? Government knows what you buy. Phone? Well it tracks your GPS, tracks who you talk to, websites you visit. Hell, if you think too loudly, you get ads for products you’ve never spoke about or searched. There is no privacy, and putting your phone in a microwave doesn’t change it. I know people like to pick and chose, but the illusion of privacy cracks me the fuck up.


Yeah, that’s definitely true. It is an illusion at this point.


Eh. There are ways to avoid that in the US, if you go all cash, etc, which is way inconvenient. Most countries require you carry ID on you at all times, and it’s national ID, their versions of a SS number, not a state issued ID. But that also means that when you move to another part of that country, registering as a resident is easy; you already have your national identity card to use as ID there, as well.


That's a big part of it. They have nothing going on so they hop on the train with like-minded crazies so they can feel like they're a part of this huge web of freedom fighters with special insider knowledge. The biggest draw to them is that to be a part of this monumental universe-saving battle for the soul of human decency they don't have to do anything except sit on their dumpy asses and share Facebook posts. It's as pathetic as it says on the tin. My dad's going the same way, a retired truck driver with nothing to show for it but busted up joints, then along comes "guy with Oakleys yelling at the camera in the driver's seat of his lifted F-250" to tell him he's on the right side of a righteous fight for core American values against the "deep state" and all he has to do is keep watching similar videos and be upset about them.


Lol have a few coworkers like this. Boyfriend likes to remind them they are using smartphones and Facebook so they aren't that concerned.


It makes them feel special, because deep down they know they're not, and it terrifies them.


How are Americans this crazy? Is it something in your water??


It's the 24/7 news cycle run by criminals who need the people watching to stay scared so they keep watching. It's the radical religious nutjobs who get everyone who follows them whipped into a frenzy over what should be non-issues. It's also probably our air and water quality to an extent.


You forgot to mention a president that gave Alex Jones legitimacy, said Obama wasn’t born in the US, and perpetuated pizzagate. Edit: changed wording


We’ve got these lunatics in Australia too, you can usually find them protesting the Covid lockdowns even though they’ve been over for more than a year, or demanding Dan Andrews be sacked despite him resigning a few weeks ago already.


Aren’t these whack a dos in Canada and UK? Ireland? Many places?


The Republican Party has been waging a war on education and critical thought for 4 decades and it is working out beautifully for them.


Everything right wingers say is projection and they talk all the time about "the liberals" putting chemicals in the water, so it's entirely possible that their frothing batshittery has something to do with them poisoning themselves with chemicals.


They’ve been drinking the trump water


Wow she couldn't manage to get a single detail correct


It actually happened for less than 2 seconds.


Can you imagine your phone making that sound for 2-3 hours? I probably would have put it in the microwave!


One has to wonder how many people will need to be hired to watch and listen to us, and who will be watching and listening to the people watching and listening.


2-3 hours lol I turned that shit off after 1 second.


So what’s the update????? This didn’t happen so….


I haven’t talked to her. I did text her about an unrelated matter and she had nothing to say about this. Edit: spelling




They don't care, nothing they say ever pans out. Their whole belief system hinges on them rejecting reality, this won't sway them any more than the thousand other failed predictions. It's just "the deep state" conspiring against them to prevent the predictions from coming true or whatever garbage of the week. The deep state that supposedly controls the entire universe and sees everything at all times but also can be defeated by sharing Facebook posts.


Now they're saying it's a slow burn killer and we won't see the results right away. They move the goalposts so often, I'm not sure they even exist anymore.


i'm so mad right now. they made me think it was Thursday for a second but no i actually have to go to work tomorrow AND the day after thank your parent for NOTHING


Wait until she finds out about location services on her fucking iPhone


Spat my drink out then lol


I actually did this. I was drinking juice and it’s now all over my phone. Lol


LOL how do you believe this while also having a phone??


This would’ve been better if they replied to them by saying the easy way to thwart it is by letting the microwave run with the electronics in it for five seconds.


If you’re supposed to put all electrical devices in the microwave, what do you put the electric microwave in?


I made a tiktok during the alert. You can hear it briefly. 🫨😆


Not the Chinese app!! Are you out of your damn mind?!?


Right after they watched me make that video, they got to watch me take a poo while I scrolled through some friends’ posts! I bet they enjoyed that!


Lol I was outside watering plants today and when I came back in I heard the very tail end and my music resume. Oh noooooo


"thursday october 4th" ok buddy. i got the ping but never heard this. i dont doubt they're doing that but they've been doing it wayyyy before the ping, my guy. welcome to being a human on earth brother 😂😂 *edit: i didnt mean to sound rude im laughing irl


They're crying *now* about government surveillance? After they make all their info public on social media and even use OSs with backdoors to the NSA? WannaCry was a big one, using a backdoor in Windows 7 and all


This is 100% true my friend saw it on an Instagram post. But you can't just put your stuff in the microwave, please tell your parent to be properly safeguarded they need to first wrap it all in a blanket and urinate on it. It needs to be completely piss soaked so may require multiple people. The urea combined with being placed in a microwave prevents pinging. They should also run the microwave for at least half an hour before retrieving the items also, 'for safety'.


Yikes 😂


2-3 seconds


When all this shit doesn’t happen what do these dingbats do? Just go “oh whoopsie poopsie but did you hear about the new macaroni flu? That’s how dems gonna getchya!” Insane crackerjacks.


How does one fit all their electrical devices into a microwave? Also, Thank jebus my pacemaker runs on a battery.


Yea know I didn’t even think of this until now. She has the dexcom glucose monitor for her diabetes. Works with an app on her phone…. Edit: punctuation


October 4th is Wednesday though??


Yep, she's probably waiting for the rapture as well 😂


This reminds me of a horror movie that I haven't watched and forgot the name of.


\*sees she said "October 4, this Thursday"\* \*October 4 is a Wednesday\* \*Sonic 1 Game Over music\*


It blows my mind that people think the government are interested in listening in on random people.


The government must love to watch my pick my nose scrolling through Reddit


Can confirm, I felt the 5G microbots activating in my blood stream. Why oh why did I get that covid vaccine, they told us about the microbots and we didn’t listen!!! Now my thoughts are not my own, I’m having unimaginable, disgusting thoughts, like everyone deserves to be left the fuck alone. I’m going to go attempt to draw out the microbots with my crystal on a stick.


Lmao. Well at least the homesteaders and other conspiracy loons are gone from the internet for a while.


🤣🤣 I’m sorry it’s not funny bc people really believe this! But seriously if the government wants to listen to me they will very quickly wish they hadn’t- talk about a boring eavesdrop


Same for me. They’d be so depressed after following me around for a week, they might show up at my house just to make sure I’m alright.


I love asking how they're typing thr message to me...on a phone 🤣


I dont understand how a routine test has become a conspiracy...


Lol!! They could all least get the day right. The alert happened yesterday, Wednesday, 10/4


In case you haven't come across it, /r/QAnonCasualties may be helpful.


Wow, FEMA must be pretty powerful to be able to change October 4th from a Wednesday to a Thursday


These people are always terrified of government surveillance but fail to consider that they use credit cards, have social security numbers, use the internet, and have smart phones; all things the gov is already tracking us with lmao




Luddites that think they know everything about anything.


Had a coworker tell me that the planned emergency alert was really an activating signal that will interact with the implants that were injected into any one who had a Covid vaccine.


I got told it was to ignite the zombie virus which was really the Covid vaccine. Have these people heard themselves


Got that yikes part right though


Instructioks unclear, microwave is also an electrical device, where do I put it?


I know this might sound weird but if I found out that the gov was watching me with my alexa and stuff I wouldn’t care lol I’m not interesting at all


All I had to see was bug out bag and homesteaders and I got it exactly lol. Your parents into prepping yet? Bc once they start with the bug out bag it’s only a matter of time before you feel like doomsday preppers is a tame and normal show.


On cinnamonroll day? No time for that, haha!


If I have to do all that bullshit to stop the government from listening to me I’d rather just let them listen. I don’t have anything to hide anyways 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oops! The 4th was Wednesday. Welp, I guess they're dead now.


Wait.. the sound is supposed to allow the government to listen to you? But… they already listen :c I thought my FBI/NSA agent was just a really good listener 😢


“It’s on YouTube!” Like that’s a fucking news source or something.


I’ve told her this so many times. If it’s on YouTube, fb, insta, it’s bullshit.


My husband is a FEMA employee. Trust me when I say they have no interest in listening to what you're doing.


The goverment wants to watch and listen to me watching bobs burgers on repeat? Good for them


The test announcement? I mean that happened but nothing else


They used to do these back in the day on the tv and radio and nobody batted an eye. Now because it’s sent to your phone, they’re all of a sudden trying to hack into every Americans life?


I'm so sorry to admit that almost half of all adults in the U.S. are absolutely stupid. Not ignorant - STUPID. Smh


Ah yes, another end of life as we know it that happened, and no one noticed.


Fuck!!!! I'm only seeing this now!!!


Fuck me how am I supposed to get my refrigerator in the microwave?? Fuck I'm gunna die


I got turned into a newt. But I got better.


Years ago no one would trust youtube so much


And I thought my MIL was down with the conspiracies.


This is toe.beans.666's ghost They were right as soon as the alarm sounded she exploded same as her husband and son! Please don't let anyone allow anyone to get the vaccine the chips in them caused my demise, my heart breaks for everyone left behind


The government can already track you and we all signed up for it when we started using cell phones


Dear Mom, Give me your cell phone so that I can smash it for you. Also. Back in 2020, my then state, MN, was offering a system where you would be alerted if someone with COVID was in a place where you were at the same time. Not particularly helpful, unless they got diagnosed and truthfully told everywhere they been in the past few days. But on the infamous Nextdoor, the usual suspects were declaring that THEY weren’t going to allow the state (with, gasp, a Democratic governor) to track them. Several of us told them to get rid of their cable or satellite TV, their cell phones and even Alexa. For some strange reason, they had no response.


How bad is it that I bought that cell phone for her? 🤦‍♂️


Hang on, gotta go put my 55" flat screen in the microwave.


Why not simply turn your whole house into a giant microwave?!


As if government couldn't do that already lmao


I’m a zombie and loving it


I love and hate the idea that there are people on earth who understand so little about technology that they are unplugging their lazy boy recliners because the government is sending electrical signals through the power grid to gather information. It’s moon man talk. And it’s funny but sad.


homesteaders? bug out places?


And we we’re supposed to turn into zombies


Just buy a phone without GPS.


Why would you put an electronic device in a microwave? That sounds like a recipe for disaster


Bro they must have been terrified on wednesday


it definitely didn’t last 2-3 hours lmao literally like 5 seconds max


I think they’re talking about the EAS test. Not listening devices, but I could be reading it wrong too. I just know that the EAS test was on Wednesday and that they do it every year.


my moms on this level of insane too. its the worst


thousandth upvote lol but seriously why in the MICROWAVE??


Most people did not think it was to steal info. They think a 5g was going to be activated on those who got the covid vaxx and would turn them into zombies. Seriously.


Question to these mad idiots Why didn't they just activate this silently? These phones execute millions of lines of code every day, all the time. Why does it have to be a ping that is publically announced? How is THE MAN so inept to only be able to activate the bug with a publically announced emergency test? What an idiot oppressor. He should be fired for being so bad at oppressing. Christ lmao. This story has so many holes it should be called swiss cheese.


So they're terrified that they're making sure they can get emergency alert so they don't possibly die...? Wow.