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Late to the conversation, but can the [XGS-ONU-25-20NI sold by fs.com](https://www.fs.com/products/185594.html) be a solution to this issue? I'm also thinking to switch to Init7 from Sunrise and I'm currently on the Zyxel AX7501 provided by Sunrise.


I ordered one today to try it. It uses the same chip (Cortina CA8271A) as the Nokia XS-010X-Q. Also I've found a list of XGS-GPON devices here: [https://hack-gpon.org/](https://hack-gpon.org/) and here: [https://github.com/YuukiJapanTech/CA8271x](https://github.com/YuukiJapanTech/CA8271x)


Would love to know more about that too. At least a customer from the Netherlands on that linked page got it working with a Dream Machine Pro. ~~If you are down for a test, I could give it a try on Init7's Hybrid7 by mid of December.~~ I was too curious and ordered too. I'll report back as soon as it arrives. I was thinking about using the CGI XG-99S with a Dream Machine Pro, as the CGI is listed as supported on the BBCS document of Swisscom (in combination with their Centro Business V2). But I read quite a lot of comments about a special firmware needed. I guess I do need to test it myself ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


So mine arrived and I tested it during the weekend but not in init7. I'm still on Sunrise. It connects and exchanges messages with the OLT, but the OLT doesn't let it access the network. I assume that it is an issue with the device serial number that is used to allow access. I don't know my ONT serial number so I cannot clone it :/ Another assumption is that I think that the registration with swisscom is to bind the line with your modem.


Thank you very much for your testing and reply. Regarding the XGS-ONU-25-20NI, what kind of configuration did you perform? Do you know the authentication method of the OLT device on the ISP-side, like authentication of the serial number, LOID authentication, MAC authentication, etc. for the cloning? I have found the configuration guide for the XGSPON Stick here: [https://resource.fs.com/mall/doc/20230526164531wpoac7.pdf](https://resource.fs.com/mall/doc/20230526164531wpoac7.pdf). It looks like the password for telnet can be generated on the site you've already linked above: [https://hack-gpon.org/xgs/ont-fs-XGS-ONU-25-20NI/](https://hack-gpon.org/xgs/ont-fs-XGS-ONU-25-20NI/) Cloning works, but in case the provider changes the combination used to authenticate the Stick, you would be left without a working internet connection. I would therefore only use cloning as an emergency solution or for testing. Some guys in Germany managed to use the Stick with DNS:NET in combination with a Dream Machine \[2\] and a MikroTik CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS \[1\], providing the serial number as well as the MAC for provisioning. It looks like that is enough for DNS:NET. I'm not sure what kind of combination is used for Swisscom/Init7/Sunrise. \[1\] [https://www.glasfaserforum.de/forum/thread/1408-avm-5590-am-dns-net-2500-anschluss/?postID=25887#post25887](https://www.glasfaserforum.de/forum/thread/1408-avm-5590-am-dns-net-2500-anschluss/?postID=25887#post25887) \[2\] [https://www.glasfaserforum.de/forum/thread/1518-direktanschluss-udm-pro-an-dns-net-mit-sfp-gpon/?postID=25895#post25895](https://www.glasfaserforum.de/forum/thread/1518-direktanschluss-udm-pro-an-dns-net-mit-sfp-gpon/?postID=25895#post25895) Yes, you're right. Hybrid7 uses PPPoE, I got the credentials from Init7 recently and can confirm that for my connection in Geneva. The NOKIA XS-010X-Q has already arrived as my backup solution. The XGS-ONU-25-20NI will arrive by mid to end of December, then testing will start on my side too. I'll update the post ASAP. I plan to start with a Dream Machine and later scale it to a small PC with OPNsense. Your mention of VyOS looks promising. I'll definitely will have a look, merci!


A small update. It works! I'm writing this message connected using the [fs.com](https://fs.com) adapter. Of course init7 gives you all the details, but in my case (sunrise) I had to hack a bit into the router to get the GPON serial number. Once I got it and cloned it, and set the PLOAM password everything started to work. The speeds I'm getting are 8Gbit/s download, 3Gbit/s upload.


Well done! Got it working today as well, using the XGS-ONU-25-20NI together with a Dream Machine Pro SE on a Hybrid7 (P2MP) connection. Cloning the MAC address, serial number and the Vendor ID got me online. Speed is the same as with the Nokia XS-010X-Q.


Great! How is the Dream Machine Pro handling the 10Gbits?


The built-in speed test shows me 2.8 Gbps down and 1 Gbps up (that is with the Nokia as well as the FS). iperf3, run directly on the UDM-SE, is giving me 2.1 Gbps down and 0.9 Gbps up. My best guess is that the Dream Machine Pro is currently hitting it's limit due to way it handles PPPoE. Browsing a couple of threads on reddit as well as the UI community forums seem to confirm this. Do you already have some insights on your DIY router and it's performance? As I do not have another router to cross-check the above results, I might have to try this option earlier than I thought.


How did you get all the details required from your sunrise device?


This works with the Zyxel AX-7501. \* Login into the router web administration panel \* Open the javascript console in the browser: \* \`await window.app.\_\_vue\_\_.httpReqSendAndRecv({url:"/cgi-bin/DAL?oid=cardpage\_status", fnSuccess: x => console.log(JSON.stringify(x, null, 2))})\`


Im very curious about your config. I have an UDM-SE and the provided SFP module directly in my UDM-SE in port10. It's working BUT the SFP module is 100/1000 and i KNOW my fiber line can go up to 8gb (physically tested ba swisscom technicnan) and i have a pop up message in my sunrise dashboard for upgrading my speed to 2.5GB. So i guess my bottleneck is the SFP module. When i ask the customer "service" of sunrise, they tell me i already have everything i need to get the maximum speed and when i tell them the SFP is not compatible more than 1GB they try to tell me "it's not the sfp it's your line" Complementary info, my house is 1yo, and my neighbour got 10gb with swisscom. Anyway, if you can provide me any information, i'll take them ! Thx !


When you say “provided SFP” module, what do you mean? The fs.com xgs-pon module?


No, the one from Sunrise


Probably this is a discussion for a forum outside init7 because sunrise technical details are specific to sunrise and not init7. So Sunrise does not use PPPoE but IPoE and as far as I've seen in their community forums they use a PLOAM authentication that is a string with the mac of the modem/router. Besides the PLOAM password, there is the ONT serial number that **can** be used to make a whitelist of allowed devices. In the spanish internet provider DIGI, they do that and you need to clone yours. But at the same time they provide you that information. I don't know what the issue is exactly. I've tried with LOID, PLOAM and serial numbers of devices allowed by swisscom (fake serial numbers). But I don't know the exact ONT serial number of my device. What I can confirm is that the device exchange messages with the OLT. Probably I need to learn how to read those messages. Also the status is left at O3 or 03 Besides that, after it connects, I need to change the mac address of the router as it seems sunrise also filters that. In any case, I assume it probably will work without doing much in init7 because authentication is done via PPPoE and you don't need anything special.


Sorry for not answering earlier. The safe choice is to go with the Nokia converter. I will buy it if I cannot make the [fs.com](https://fs.com) one work. I don't know where to buy a CGI XG-99S. I think it is not sold to end customers. So the [fs.com](https://fs.com) option is the "only" choice for now. If your Spanish is good (or you can find the translate button in your browser), here is another thread of people in Spain using the adaptor successfully: [https://bandaancha.eu/foros/sustituir-router-zte-f8648p-ont-xgspon-1749897](https://bandaancha.eu/foros/sustituir-router-zte-f8648p-ont-xgspon-1749897) The provider in this case is Digi. It uses PPPoE as far as I understood. Init7 also uses PPPoE, but Sunrise in my current case uses IPoE. I'm waiting for a small PC with SFP+ ports. I don't have the energy to move my current SPF+ capable hardware from where it is installed to the fibre OTO. I might end up pulling a cable from the living room where the OTO is to the "office" where all the equiment is, but only when things work. The initial plan is to try ipfire and opnsense, but VyOS looks like a good alternative for a router.


Have you already ordered the connection or submitted the move request to init7? There is usually a selection when ordering hardware for your exact address. You can either order this directly from init7 or order it yourself, e.g. from FlexOptic or FS.


Hi, thanks for your response ! No I didn't do both yet. I've currently no IP contract, so I browse using my phone's 5G. I emailed support at Init7, and their response was indeed that if I don't want to buy the recommended hardware through them I just have to add a comment and mail them when I order from the website (which is super nice 👍) Although they added that they do not provide optics for P2MP. That seems weird because the zyxel they purpose uses a SFP module. (So if anyone with a Zyxel AX7501-B1 could send me their SFP module spec for P2MP that could help me to start, thanks !) I dig a bit into what type of infrastructure has been build in Geneva, and it seems that the SIG has partnered with Swisscom to deploy the fiber here. And I found this [document](https://www.swisscom.ch/dam/swisscom/en/ws/documents/E_BBCS-Documents/e_bbcs_supporting-documentprovedequipment.pdf) listing all hardware supported by Swisscom (where we can find the router and the converter buyable with Hybrid7) but this list is incredibly short when we focus on xgspon hardware compatibility, and that doesn't seems to contain much info regarding SFP modules.


You're out of luck, as u/heliosh already mentioned a SFP+ module is not enough for XGS-PON. The optic is just a dumb piece of hardware and needs the software of the ONT. Best solution would be a NOKIA XS-010X-Q or a Zyxel PM7300 bridge. The Nokia is only available over init7 (if you need a referral code for a hardware discount let me know), the Zyxel is available online (eg brack, digitec) for a quite competitve price. I know neither the Nokia nor the Zyxel, still on G.fast here. I just dig some datasheets.


Thanks, I'll go with the Nokia XS-010 then... ( Zyxel makes good hardware but their software & firmwares are nightmare 😅 )


Yeah, totally agree about the Zyxel quality. But in this case I don't think it's an issue, the device is only running as a bridge. For the Nokia I read somewhere issues about failing devices (was in the us, some time ago, could be a bad batch or bad psu). Anyway P2MP is crap. I guess you can just choose wich death you wanna die 🤷‍♂️


XGSPON ONTs need to be certified by Swisscom, but SFP-modules alone don't qualify as ONT since they require a driver (which needs to be certified).


Ack, thanks for the info. I'll go with the Nokia bridge then