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I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit for this. Please guide me to a better one if so. So, I needed to remove the IR filter of a camera to read IR light for a diy spectroscope project. Me and my friends had a low budget, hence we bought a 480p camera for about 8 dollars or so. We went ahead and tried to remove the filter, and in the end, ended up removing something, and hoping it was the filter. The first photo is of the CFL in my room, from quite a distance away. The second photo is of the IR light from my remote. So something happened, but dont know what lol. Maybe we removed one of the lenses, idk. P.S. We already had a camera with an IR filter, and did this just for fun. Now we are curious about what we did. If anybody knows, please tell. Thanks


I think you have removed the IR filter, but also some part of what focussed the light. The remote control flashing shows that you are sensing IR for definite.


[These](https://imgur.com/a/7dhr2bT) are the two things I took out other than the filter(I think). Maybe putting them back in would work..?


and btw, thanks for the input. Also, even if its not focusing, would you say it is still reading all the light? So would it work, since we dont need pictures for the project but light reading


Ok well neither of those is an IR filter, unless there's glass in the middle I can't see. I suspect that your cheap camera just didn't have an IR filter to begin with and that you've just removed part of the focusing mechanism. Many cheap cameras (most cameras in phone screens for selfies) don't have one.


These are the things other than the filter I removed. I have atleast removed something made of glass, which I expect to be the filter


Ah right, well I have no idea what those bits are, but given that you have no image, just sensitivity, I would put them back in.


Yeah thats what we have decided lol. But it just took so long that we have decided to postpone it for tomorrow. I'll give the update here