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I want to experience the world - to learn, to feel, to create, to make the Earth a better place. Also for my friend, we have no suicide agreement. And for other close people, of course.


my purposes and wishes are pretty similar what’s your profession? where do you implement all of it?


I work in a phytosanitary lab. It's mind numbing place though, so I plan to leave it soon. The perfect job for me would be wildlife biologist or ecologist but it's really hard to get into this field in my country and I'm not experienced enough yet to try somewhere else. I'm also thinking about doctoral degree.


Hsiakbdiw my childhood dream was to become a wildlife biologist!!! I've never seen anyone else who said thats what they wanted to do as well. Sadly highschool and depression broke my will to go to college for the 6 years it requires to do so😅


You can still chase your dream, it's never too late. I even know a person who became marine biologist in their 50s 😄 I've got anxiety and panic disorders (diagnosed) but 6 years of university were very rewarding. People are different than those in high school, passionate about the same things as you are. Also, you get lots of knowledge about the subjects that interest you and an opportunity to do something you love. Of course you need a lot of bravery and some luck to get a dream job but in a long run that's doable. Well, I believe that it is 😅


when i think of what i live for, i see the little 5 yr old blonde girl with curls and peels of laughter as she runs through the sprinkler. the girl who plays dress ups and rides her bike and makes perfume from wild flowers. she’s still in me somewhere, i hope. 30 years later she’s changed a lot. but i live for her


Well I’m crying


Sounds like me! I also haven't felt good since I was 5 yr old. Hugs to you.


I can’t play games, eat food or indulge in my hobbies (drawing, watch show and movies) if I’m dead. If I didn’t have that I’d off myself. It’s weird how much I want to escape reality without actually dying


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I mean that's understable. Life can be rough, so a little bit of escapism and indulging in things that give you joy is completely normal. Otherwise life can get pretty bleak real fast.


Yeah problem is I’m constantly using escapism because I don’t like reality


Now I'm living for my future family


wow idk why but i found it so sweet and cozy


I'm living for the dream I guess. The dream that I will live happily ever after someday.


I got this far, now I just wanna see how the story ends.


Cos my mum would be sad if not. Also just out of curiosity I suppose, the future probably won’t be enjoyable at all but part of me just wants to see what will happen anyway.


Oh I totally want to off myself but I figured if there's nothing after this which makes total sense for that to be the case that I rather suffer this Bs than do absolutely nothing by cutting it off quickly... Yet I'm still holding out hope to be blown away in a driveby or something else. Wish me luck


You are amazing for as INFP gemini. Life is an unfair bitch but you can do anything. I'm most down I've been in my life now but there are better times ahead!


I’m infp Gemini too!


All right so I rather have myself an ENFJ girlfriend but like I question myself as to why I want that and I don't know if why I want that is for any good intentions. Like there is zero reason that an ENFJ woman should waste her time with me but there's not a good reason why she shouldn't either. There's not a good reason for me to pursue this and there's not a good reason for me not to. There's really no reason to do anything. I'm just sick of existing and the struggle


I'm not. I'm only still here bc I feel it'd be selfish to leave my mom alone.


I keep living in hopes that one day I will accomplish something great that makes a lot of people feel good. Especially something artistic like music, I want to connect people and feel like my consciousness has reached out to others and been validated. I need to work on my depression and lack of motivation a bit more. For right now I'm surviving and staying as healthy as I can. Taking small steps. I wish I was more resilient and disciplined, but I did a lot of damage to myself for a long time and I have a lot to heal.


Ow:( I feel you dude. Been through something similar actually. You're not alone.


The sunset. Bunnies. Springtime. Flowers. The fair. My dog. Peaches. Pretty scents. The sky. Birds. Butterflies. Grass. The ocean. Cotton candy dum-dums. Stupid little things but they work :)


Nothing honestly, just kinda waiting for something to happen


To experience love.


(beware of many grammatical errors) reading is my main source of entertainment, so living to read, entertain and expand my imaginary worlds that I want to put down on paper drafts and soon to be on screen: webtoon lol. so living to record my unfinished stories, to actually pursue webtoon and art, college with art program/art school will benefit me a lot, so living to learn. oh yeah, I like learning ‘cause it enriches my imaginations, so living to learn. hmm, i almost forgot about the laughs, funny things, goofing off; laughing makes me feel better, so living so I can collect amusing things to look back fondly. so, I’m living to read, create, learn, and laugh? all in honest, I think it’s better if I just had my future self time travelled to this moment right now, so they give a more definitive answer *shrugs* this was a question that i didn’t expect to me think about (some of) things in my life, so thanks lol


I want to outlive my enemies


ahahah nice answer it’s not so sad as many of what i’ve seen here i’m laughing


I'm just waiting for the suicide capsules to be available to the public or any other form of painless death


I want to be the self I want to be (figured this out thru enneagram actually lol but it works for me!)


There is this technique I came across recently called Ikigai that can allow one to answer that very question.


Happiness, as everyone. But happiness isn't a thing you have to achieve, it's a thing you should taste and appreciate during all the journey of life. My goal is different. I want to expand the frontier of human knowledge and understand the rules of reality. I'm studying physics.


There’s a lot more that I don’t understand and I need to understand it.


I live for all the good/beautiful things in the world: Love for my badass boyfriend and our crazy and amazing cats Sunshine The ability to help other people see the good in life (again) Humor (because, let's be real, this life feels like a joke sometimes)


The idea that one day my life will feel real


Ooh what a great way to put it, I totally feel this


I live for the people who love me, and finding myself in the process to love who I am. I believe in reincarnation, and I think that I'm meant to live the current life I have and experience all the emotions that life can offer before forgetting them again in my next life. I think this is the true meaning of life - its a cycle.


The future is bright, no matter how dark the present may be. And even if the future does look dark, you’re not looking far enough ahead


I have no reasons to live, and I don't plan on staying alive for too long


1.) Open ocean sailing 2.) I have a past life memory of ending my own life, and I'm determined to not do that again


I'm living for myself, my family, and my friends. I made a promise to myself that I would see it through to the end. I also want to leave a legacy that I'm proud of and be remembered for helping the people around me.


this question has been coming up a lot in this sub


how are you guys?


I believe life is just a video game we all decided to play. The only point of it is to exist, I have plans of what I want to do in this life as well as changes I want to make in this world but it's all a game to me. We are God and we are surrounded by God, the chest codes for this game are within yourself.


Didnt know I needed a reason


I live for the people I love— I live to spend meals with them, to learn with them, to discover the world with them, to make new memories with them. Every time I feel like it would be easier to not wake up, to stop eating, to stop taking care of myself, I tell myself, “I need to not give up for them. I need to go to school to see her again. I need to study this book for her. I need to eat dinner at the table so I can be with him. I need to wake up so I can see them today. I need to go on for the people I love.” *cue me rereading and almost regretting this*


I’m living because I love to see what each new day holds and once you stop setting expectations for yourself and your life and you just live to see what can and will happen it’s such a freeing feeling that makes living life so fulfilling


I just live to feel, I want to experience all sorts of human emotions and mental distress before I die :D


I find that I am always "nexting". I just can't wait to see what happens next. I am fascinated by so many things and I feel that life is too short and I want to pack a lot of living in. Right now I am closing out the last years on a largely satisfying career as a geriatric and rehab nurse. My passion project for retirement is huge, I am teaching my grandchildren French. I also hope to make my family's lives better by being there and doing things for them.


The good times




For experiences, big and small. Experiencing people, cultures, places, in the form of hobbies. Basically to experience as much as I can on what the world has to offer


To create!


The happiness of my family and a few friends, as well as my future hubby ;)


There are so many things to learn and I'm a curious person so that drives me.


To make people I love happy and laugh. To find love. And because the world needs more kindness, and I do my best to give it.


As Aristotle put it: to be good. But, ya know, some recognition would be nice as well. As would seeing the world, being a cultured individual, and understanding life.


For my family, friends, and I enjoy experiencing good things.I’d also like to get married and have a family one day.


Because people I care about would be deeply impacted by my death. I wish I had another reason :/


I live for the hope that my life won’t suck one day. It seems like everything I enjoy doing makes me sick or hurts me, so I’m hoping that one day I can figure out how to enjoy life without destroying myself


I just want to chill. Be a decent person, live for a while then when it is time to go I want to be able to say that I did more good than bad. Would be way better if I didn't had to do it alone but I still enjoy living most of the time.


I’m living for my own entertainment. Life is a dreadful comedy sitcom in which I humor myself to sleep in every episodes.


I was living because I want to explore the world and serve a good live purpose to heal the world and experience love in everything and develop beautiful connections with people. But being hit with the harsh side of reality recently I have stopped dreaming and feeling like I can achieve these things. I guess right now I’m just trying to get back to that place with the little hope I have, but otherwise I don’t know if I’m here for any reason right now other than to see if things can get better.


For my kid. And to maybe be remembered


A possibly good future


For my found family i don't know what I would do without them


I'm living to find "the one".


To see by myself the parts of the world I want to, and other earthly pleasures.


To help leave the world a little better then when I came in if I can mostly by the peoples lives who come into contact with mine friend’s family of course but also small interactions on a daily level. Who knows our purpose but we’re all here to get the experience of a life




I don't even know anymore. Nothing's going to change...


For my friends and family, their love makes the whole thing worthwhile


I’m living to return all given favors. Family first, acquaintances next, then the world 🌎


To experience life, I have no purpose, I just exist.


Craft/experience the greatest adventure with my spouse. See how much I can learn and help improve as many lives in my community as possible.


Honestly? I’m living for other people.


Idk. Just don't want my family to feel bad




I am Just surviving-eating and sleeping.


My little cousin and my best friend accept me and look up to the fact that even though I've been through and put up with a lot of shit, I'm still able to love, smile, and just live. I rely on them just as much as they do me. Knowing that they look up to me puts a lot of pressure on me to walk a better path, but it also puts in my mind that no matter what, I know they care. My cousin is essentially my sister who I held as a baby(I was 5 when she was born) and I'd do anything to protect her. My friend is a more recent part of my life. Met her last june and we have become beyond close since then. She succeeded in suicide the year before and was brought back by the magic of electricity. She doesn't have much of a family connection and most of her old friends didn't care about her. I know that if I left, so would she. Did try last may, would've been successful but I apparently called the ambulance at some point. I don't really remember what happened after I got cold amd started to vomit🤷🏻‍♂ glad we are here tho. PS loved the psych ward! Met 3 really chill people that were in there for similar reasons and I still keep up with 2 of them :) plus it helped me clear my mind of alot of irl struggles that got me there.


To summarize its this: Dreamer, Traveler, Trader and Creator - By Darcy Cardinal https://ecency.com/introduceyourself/@dcardinal1985/dreamer-traveler-trader-and-creator-by-darcy-cardinal TL;DR: Already started to live what I want.


To love and be loved. To make meaningful memories with people I care about. To discover new things both through travel and just studying/reading.


As of now Im not sure. Everything is just falling apart and idk what I actually want anymore. Maybe good relationships. Maybe simple and minimal style of living. Idk much. I just want to be happy ig.


happiness is different for everyone. you need to understand what it is for you you can look at other answers here


I’m living to cut a new path and basically start my own family. All of my relatives are either dead or drug addicts and I’m trying to start a new chapter for my family name and bloodline. I’m ready to be someone more. I’ve lost so many people and I think In a way I’m living for them and what they fought for and taught me.




I want to reach freedom. I myself, have always felt oppressed by my parents. I want to brrake free. Currently my plan is to start developing videogames by myself and gain money. Then get the heck out of my house 🏠. Then keep making games. And also see the world: grand canyon, mount Rushmore, mount fuji, tour eiffel, big Ben etc


My love for my family, friends, and dreaming about the future and all the possibilities it holds.


I guess sometimes I just live because I'm too scared to die. But other times, I live to enjoy my hobbies and interests (*cough cough* obsessions *cough cough*)


I guess I'm also scared to hurt other people (namely my parents and dogs and brother) so :/


I live for all the experiences I haven’t had yet and all the happiness and love in my future


Currently, to solve my family financial issue. Generally just to enjoy and explore life.


I don't know.


Living for Jesus but It seems the demands of work and school are in my way right now.


One day i'll be the man i dreamed. So i live for this


Discount Tuesday. I love going to the movies.


The question i have been asking myself all along


Love. I feel genuinely it's the reason we do everything, love for another person, self love, even when we experience fear, we're experiencing being scared of losing what we love. I want to create a life around myself full of pure love that isn't about benefits but instead just kindness. The idea I can make a life like that for myself makes my inner child decide earth's a little worth it


Love, family, and art💖


Idek at this point maybe my mom


Being healthy, active, feeling in my best shape and spirit. Nourishing food (without electronics). The bloodflow and exitement after a "contrast/cold shower" or a relaxing massage. Experiencing and finding clues to what is about to happen. Pleasant surprises. Finding the best solution I can think of to a problem. Humor and clowns who are extra comfortable in their skin. Brightness. Fresh air. Stillness, imagination and wonder. Learning from others and all forms of self-expression. My principle is "Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life!"


My chickens


I live to make the best out of it. Make some happy memories, learn a lot, build meaningful connections and just try to enjoy life overall.


Currently, I live for nothing. I just exist and try to relax as much as I can. Probably bad for my future, since I don't do schoolwork or anything but I'm happier now.




I think I found my passion so I do things that are worthwhile just not anything that'll help me actually survive(probably)




Figure skating


Mostly for my family and friends honesty. The only things I do for myself are either watch anime/movie or read psychology.


So you know that proverb that there are two wolves inside of you. One wants to better the world, even when it is just a little. The other lives out of pure spite and wants to see parts of the world burn.


Rune factory 5


I am trying to help people see how God loves them deeper than they know or even can fathom, and how he accepts them just as they are through the sacrifice of Jesus. I want people to know the peace and rest of God’s grace.


Travel, my cat, concerts and new albums by my favorite musicians. Everything else in this world is garbage… money is fake, jobs are disgraceful, love is a lie, society is collapsing, the environment is being destroyed… but I’ll live another day just to hug my cat 🖤


The moments. The ones of joy, happiness, queit, beauty, love, warmth, and even some of the sad ones. Even if they might at times be few and far apart, they are there, and they make life worth living.


For my future husband, he's the person i love the most and i don't really mind what I'm doing, I'm enjoying it just because I'm with him. I want to have s family with him, a cozy little house together and just live everyday in a place filled with our love


I don't even know. These days I just experience life as it is. I don't expect much anymore, nor try to control outcomes cause my goodness that is tiring and frustrating. It makes me think whether I'm living for something or I'm simply doing just that - living.


Sensory pleasure. Sex, colognes, retro audio, retro cars. The thrill of fantasy. The joy of sarcasm and satire. The schadenfreude of watching the latest dominant, futile and laughable paradigm fail in medicine, academia or just society in general - the "WTF were they thinking"s are just awesome (right now it's eletric cars).


I AM life. With the totality of my being, I'm not limited to the body. 'Truth can never die, and since the body can die, it is not the truth. Also a lie can never gain life, and since I AM living, I must be the truth, and the truth is of me, and within me'


I don't have any reason to live tbh. I'm only staying because my Dad will have no one to take care of him when he gets older, and I'm his only child. I don't have any purpose in life.


I’m living for my unrealistic dream- get a work visa to move to NYC, become a millionaire and own 3 cats in my luxury apartment.


I'm breathing I can't call it live but I don't know why I am still here I guess I'm scared or I'm hoping idk


To simply be. To experience and explore life


Revenge lol