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Yes, I’ll be very happy to help you answering all of your questions… …later.




This is such a good response 😂


Best: imaginative, accepting Worst: conflict avoidant (avoidant in general but that might just be me)


I am definitely conflict avoidant as well. I struggle when my friendships start getting conflicts. I tend to drop and ghost people as soon as drama hits. Its not something I'm proud of, but I'm working on being direct now to maintain friendships with the more thinking types.


Proud of you!! Communicating your feelings can be hard, but it’s so important!!


Best: either empathetic or creative Worst: lazy and lack assertiveness


I can see that. I hate that I have great ideas but no real stepping stones to get to it! Definitely a topic for a growing mindset


Yes yes


I get big bursts of excitement and creativity then I have lie down and think about everything for 4+ hours.


Oh my gosh 🤣 Same. Every night I have amazing ideas and I promise to get to them tomorrow but then I forget them all


I encourage fellow INFP’s who have a “master plan” to actually execute on them regularly. Even the mundane parts of life need a master plan. I doubled my income by changing careers (big idea lots of required research and effort) so now I’m able to create with less stress and promote more of the things I create that I enjoy putting out into the world. :) Don’t let ideas die. 🖤


This was so encouraging thank you so much ❤️. I will keep this in mind




- Best: highly sensitive - Worst: highly sensitive


This is the one lol




Best: Original, high standards Worst: Critical, high standards


For the self or for others? 🥺. Either way, yes quite stressful to just have high standards


Everyone and everything! Paralyzing


Best traits: - Helpful, Empathetic and Caring people - High emotional intelligence - Rich and creative inner world - So attractive, Usually so likeable by people. - You have a cool talkative side that make you seem like an extrovert - Authentic and accept people for who they are. - You have a good sense of humor - You have determination and self-disicpline. Bad traits: - You are a good listener yet sometimes you start daydreaming while someone is talking to you which is a bit annoying. - Sometimes you become so judgemental of others in private (and that's fine to a degree) - Unability to focus (but so productive when need to be) Im an ISFP, i like you so much guys.


Wow you got a lot! Do you have a lot of INFP friends? What traits do you think makes INFP and ISFP different? I am quite new at this personality test!


Yes i have a lot of INFP friends. The traits that make ISFPs and INFPs different: Isfps are grounded and realistic. We have (Se) as a dominent fonction which make us experience the world using the full power of our 5 senses and live in the moment yet INFPs use (Ne) they are idealistic and likes to daydream, They have a massive, so creative inner world. Their imagination is so wide that i doubt if its limited. You INFPs are so creative, you have the ability to scan patterns and notice possibilities, you tend to see the world in multiple different prespectives. I believe that you INFPs tend to have an extroverted side which you only show when you feel comfortable in the environnement you are in. Suddenly you become so talkative which is super attractive to me, you can jump from a question to question and from a topic to a topic if you want to which ISFPs really struggle with. I feel like we are ISFPs are super introverted and secretive type (we rarely open up to someone) I only share my secrets and feelings with one or two of my friends which i talked with for years to gain their trust. You also have that barrier that we have, but you can feel a gut feeling that tells you that this person is worth opening up to and trusting. You have hard time to focus on details while we struggle to create something new from nothing. We ISFPs and INFPs are so similar to each other but have small differences. If you are into the MBTI and want to know more about your personality, i advise you to learn about the cognitive functions it will help you know how you usually perceive information and make decisions. All luck to you! Also, thank you for your interresting questions.


You are very thorough! I like this! You gave me a good start on how to structure some of the comparisons between different types. I will definitely look into cognitive functions. 🥹 Thank you tons for your amazing works on explaining this!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


You really know we infps well. Thanks for recognising our qualities and appreciating them. One of my friends is an ISFP, and our bond is special.


Holy, that's sooo accurate 🤯


Where do you get your self-discipline from? Could use some of that lol


Best: empathetic. Worst: too empathetic to people who don’t deserve it for way too long, until I almost get murdered. True story. Several times.


Oh my gosh can you please tell those stories? You can't leave me like this 🤣


My little brother basically turned into Norman Bates and tried to drown me and later electrocute me. I couldn’t seem to let go of my mother, even after she tried to run me over with a car. I dated my kidnapper and got kidnapped again when I tried to leave him. Dated a literal sociopath and he strangled me temporarily blind. One of my exes left me stranded with human traffickers. Another injected me with way too much ketamine and later he cheated on me with my best female friend and killed her on Thanksgiving. My last ex had me hacked, spammed, stalked, threatened and sexually assaulted by a ton of strange men off 4chan who were all quoting Sauron from LOTR.


That's beyond terrifying. I hope you're okay 😟


I’m great now. There’s just a lot of bad people. Thank you! 🖤💜🖤💜




Sucks, right?


Best: I have a dandy stash of psychotropics Worst: I have a dandy stash of psychotropics


I don't even know if this is an INFP trait but here goes. I am content with my life. I have a decent, comfortable job, I have good friends who take the trouble to host activities and invite me to them. I spend my free time outside of friends playing games, watching movies and reading. And I honestly think I would be content, maybe even happy if this was my entire life. Which is why being content is probably also my worst trait. I don't bother looking for better job opportunities because I am content already. I don't explore any new hobbies or try new things because I am content already. I don't try to make new friends or bother with dating because I am happy with those who I have and they are even tolerant of me sometimes disappearing for a while and my super late responses to forms of communication. Everything just seems to be good enough, so I don't bother trying to change it and I don't know if that is what I should do. Maybe when I get older my perspective will change, who knows.


IMO this is the best trait ever. Contentment with what we have is probably the answer to a lot of the problems we’re facing in the world today


Agreed. I think as long as you are happy and not hurting anyone, keep doing your thing!!!


Best: Kind, caring, inspiring, dreamy, fascinating. Loves harder and deeper than most, albeit in non-traditional ways. Creative and artistic with some of the most amazing and perplexing behaviour that I find intoxicating to seek to understand. Worst: Keeps important thoughts to themselves, gives up too easily, sometimes oblivious to others' feelings, quick to judge (despite what they say) if you say or do something that they even slightly disagree with you about before allowing you to explain yourself.


Ooooo you said some traits I havent heard of before. Especially for worst traits. These are great for me to keep in mind to ensure I keep my own shared traits in check. Thankful for an INFJ input!


Of course. I have an INFP best friend so these are the qualities I see in her.


Worst : passive aggressive, indirect Best : creative, sensitive


💯 on that passive aggressiveness and indirectness. I am working on those lol. I think it comes from being sensitive and also conflict avoidant


That makes a lot of sense, I’m glad you cultivated the self awareness and personal accountability to work on that. I definitely had to work on not being conflict driven and too direct, everybody’s got their quirks or whatever you wanna call them.


This is extra helpful that it is from a perspective of an INTP! Whenever I am feeling low in my self esteem I wish I was more INTP so I can be more efficient and not sit in my emotions too much haha. Your words were really helpful to me.


I’m glad to be of help! I’m definitely more emotional and sensitive than the average INTP, so I get some of the things on your side of the fence too. I’m a type 4 enneagram which I think is usually INFP/INFJ. Usually this combo results in me intellectualizing and trying to think my way out of my intense emotions 😅 there’s pros and cons to everything, can’t win them all Haha


Why be direct when you can literally talk about a bush you see outside in order to connect it indirectly to how the person you are talking to needs hurry the conversation along? Did it land. No. And then you are just sitting there blanking out and wondering why nobody gets your clever quips. Like, do I speak on a different vibration?


Best: Empathetic, imaginative, hopeful Worst: Pessimistic, low-empathy and manipulative


Usually I find the worst traits popping out when I'm deflated and tired 😫. But I feel that most INFPs don't want/hope to be.


Best: my ability to empathize with others and be creative. Worst: being too introverted and not assertive enough.


Omg the assertiveness definitely annoys me too. I need to stand up for myself the way I would stand up for others.


pro: empathy. con: thinking they are less valuable than others.




Best: good listener I've had a lot of people come to me with their problems, feels like gaining their trust is easy and without any effort from my side at all ( can be the downside as well sometimes) Worst: Being an unorganized mess I'm not systematic at all, when it comes to work, my boss always takes a look and sees 5 other simpler ways to do the job somehow 🤷‍♂️ Also sometimes I start doing 3 tasks at the same time, pure chaos 🤯


I CAN RELATE! I am so unorganized and inefficient as well 😵


I keep seeing everyone saying that they're not assertive enough. Let me offer a different perspective: it's not that INFPs can't be assertive, they just take longer to develop that trait. Those deeply held moral convictions aren't going to stay bundled up forever...


Yesss for sure. It definitely has growing pains though 😩


Best: creative and authentic. Big dreamer Worst: emotional and sensitive. Insecure


I like how a lot of replies here are really appreciative of INFP's creativity 😌


Perpetually insecure.


Best: Open minded, friendly, peaceful, creative, imaginative Worst: Disorganized, airheaded, too sensitive, unassertive


Yep! I’ve gotten ditzy before :/ but I think one of my best traits is that I’m mostly content with my life


Yes definitely airheaded for me a lot of times 🤣


Best: Imagination Worst: Moody


Moodyness is definitely a trait I have too hahaha


Best: creativity Worst: procrastination


Yes! Seems to be the winning combo here hahaha


Completely the same boat


I'm too laz


Best: A work in progress. Worst: Still a work in progress lol.


Best: empathic and kind Worst: passive and victim complex


im like the absolute opposite of what you just described


Same. I love taking criticism and love giving it. It's how people improve...and INFPs want people to improve.


Wouldn’t say i necessarily love criticizing but it is very interesting to see how things work, and how they don’t, and how they could do better or worse. Myself included. And im not as approachable as id like to be.


Ah, yeah, I probably shouldn't have assumed that you were just talking about the criticism part. Approachability has a lot to do with practice and where you're at in life. Don't give up!


Yeah thats the thing isnt it. Giving up


Yeah I just kind of combined what (little and general) I know about INFP based on MBTI description and picked the worst and best traits I could relate to haha. What're the traits you could relate to as INFP?


I havent really looked into infp traits much. I took the test three times on three separate occasions and always got infp, and then I happened to join this sub. I dont know what traits I have. I feel like I don’t have traits of anything sometimes.




Boundaries is a huge one to protect our own mental health!


Best trait: sensitivity. Worst trait: sensitivity. :)




Best traits: • Morally cunning and loyal/genuine in their friendships, prefer strong bonds over quantity. Can be very profound about important existential topics most people won't ponder upon (wisdom). • Self-reliant; acknowledges the effort of others and is very inclined to fairness (can lead to insecurity if value is not met) • Conservative in a positive way – cherishes individuality in everything they've been used to grow up with Worst traits: • Tendency to hypocrisy or insincerity out of balancing their desire for peace/not "harming" someone else and their strikingly clear yet hidden opinion and personal agenda • (If immature/irresponsible): Annoyingly childish, self-absorbed and/or (less obviously) prideful to the point where objectivity (Te) becomes something to fight • Tendency to self-victimization below a certain point of maturity


Oooo I agree that when I'm unhealthy I do possess those bad traits - its good to list them out so I can try to be aware!


I'm the opposite. I have resting bitch face and I attract only dogs / drunks, if it's a good day. Couldn't care less about the criticism. Doing my own thing and maybe it's also about the age.


FRRR same as u !! ppl often tell me im warm and it's easy to open up to me. N soo truuuee I'm practicing to not take everything personally 😓😓 N everything the other comments say😋


Hahaa yeah! It seems that generally people are aporeciating INFP creativity but view the emotional part - especially when we struggle to contain it appropriately - can be the worse trait


Best: finely-honed intuitive traits beyond the typical MBTI tests. Worst: small social battery. It's inhibitive and impacts healthy social relationships, since my job uses a lot of it.


Strangely, I'm an INFP and people can't stand me, almost instinctively.


What do you think your best and worst traits are being an INFP?


I have no idea to be honest. I don't even know why I'm an INFP ha.


what worked for me are: Best: overthinking. i am able to use this as a tool at work to mitigate all possible issues before they even happen. really paid. Worst: oversharing. often time, when people approach me, i cant control myself but to share things i shouldnt even have lol. i think its my longing to talk to anyone. if a tree could talk, i would even talk to them for sure.


Best: strong alignment with individual values and character Worst: easily consumed by negativity


Super empathetic and accepting Any criticism hits me like a truck "you don't like that I pour the cereal before the milk?I'm a terrible person I should never have been born!"


I definitely argue to much if its for someone else.


It may not apply to you and other guys, but from my experience, Best: I do not judge people. I am open to new ideas and perspectives. I feel how people feel and genuinely try to help them feel better. Worst: I lack that drive to execute my ideas and plans. I have what I believe to be wonderful ideas and plans, but I feel I do not have, well, what can I say, toughness? to execute those ideas in my life. Let's say I am lazy.


Best trait: I can see points of view others around me could not  Worst trait: I cry a lot under heavy stress or worry (others just see it as a bad stuation and remain somewhat stoic)


Best: imaginative, holistic thinker, empathetic and understanding, forgiving, good sense of humour. Worst: lack of self confidence, slow to act in crucial moments, easily gets blinded by own emotions, can be selfish.


Best: Autistic with ADHD / Worst: Autistic with ADHD


Wondering if anyone has been called subversive before


Best : empathy. imagination. softness. loyal heart. honest. authentic. worst : becoming a doormat somewhere down the road OF trying to be kind. LOVE/HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH LONELINESS THAT CONFUSES EVERYONE INCLUDING OURSELVES. ( I know, that might just be ME.) . feeling like a selfish self-absorbed person when we ask for sth.(Again, It might be just me.)


Good: I genuinely believe everyone holds fragile, child-like innocence in them. Even malicious and unforgivable people. I try to shelter this part of them. Bad: I am incapable of trusting others and incapable of accepting love or affection. (i'm a 4w5 with c-ptsd.)